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NOTE: The revision of this Import Alert dated 2/23/2009 updates the FDA
contact information. Changes are bracketed by asterisks (***).

TYPE OF ALERT: Detention Without Physical Examination (Countrywide)

     (Note: This import alert represents the Agency's current guidance to
     FDA field personnel regarding the manufacturer(s) and/or products(s) at
     issue.  It does not create or confer any rights for or on any person,
     and does not operate to bind FDA or the public).

PRODUCTS: All milk products
          All milk derived ingredients
          Finished food products containing milk

CODES:    03A[][][] Bread/Rolls
          03B[][][] Prep Dry Mix(Bread Etc) W/Milk Or Egg
          03D[][][] Bread Heat/Serve
          03E[][][] Bread Doughs
          03F[][][] Crackers
          03G[][][] Filled Crackers
          03H[][][] Plain Cookies, Biscuits and Wafers
          03J[][][] Filled/Iced Cookies, Biscuits and Wafers
          03K[][][] Prep Dry Cookie, Biscuit, Wafer Mix W/Milk Or Eggs
          03M[][][] Cookie, Biscuit and Wafer Doughs
          03N[][][] Sweet Goods Custard/Cream Filled
          03P[][][] Prep Dry Sweet Goods Mix W/Cust-Crm Filled
          03Q[][][] Sweet Goods, Dough & Batter, Cust-Crm Filled
          03R[][][] Sweet Goods not Custard/Cream Filled
          03S[][][] Prep Dry Sweet Goods Mix Wo/Cust-Crm Filled
          03T[][][] Sweet Goods, Dough & Batter, Wo/Cust-Crm Filled
          03U[][][] Icing and Icing Mixes
          03Y[][][] Other Bakery Products, N.E.C.

          05Y[][][] Cereal Preparations
          05A[][][] Breakfast Food Ready to Eat
          05B[][][] Breakfast Food Quick Cook

          07[][][][] Snack Foods

          09[][][][] Milk/Butter/Dried Milk Products

          12[][][][] Cheese/Cheese Products

          13[][][][] Ice Cream Products

          14A[][][] Filled Milk Products
          14Y[][][] Filled/Imitation Milk Prod N.E.C.

          29A[][]70 Soft Drink, Milk Based (Chocolate Flavored),
          29A[][]99 Noncarbonated Soft Drink, N.E.C.
          29Y[][]99 Soft Drink/Waters N.E.C.
          29B[][]70 Soft Drink, Milk Based (Chocolate Flavored,
                      Etc.) Carbonated
          29B[][]99 Carbonated Soft Drink, N.E.C.

          30F[][][] Beverage Base N/Fruit (Cola Rootbeer Etc)
          30G[][][] Beverage Base Non-Fruit Liquid

          33G[][][] Soft Candy w/ Nut, seeds, w/out Coconut
          33H[][][] Soft Candy w/ Coconut
          33J[][][] Soft Candy w/ Fruit
          33K[][][] Soft Candy w/ Nuts & Fruits
          33L[][][] Soft Candy, w/out Nut/Fruit
          33S[][][] Candy Specialties
          33Y[][][] Candy w/out Chocolate, N.E.C.

          34[][][][] Chocolate/Cocoa Products

          35C[][][] Custard Pudding mix
          35D[][][] Pudding Mix (Not Custard)

          40[][][][] Baby Food Products

          67A[][]28 Iodinated Casein (Cat. I, Type A med. Article)
          67C[][]28 Iodinated Casein (Combo Cat. I& II, type A, med)

          69A[][]28 Iodinated Casein (Cat. I med. feed)
          69C[][]28 Iodinated Casein (Combo Cat. I & II, med. feed)

          71C[][][] Dairy Byproducts for Animals
          71E[][][] Animal Waste Feed Products
          71Y[][][] Byproducts for Animals, N.E.C.

          72A[][][] Pet Cat Foods
          72B[][][] Pet Dog Foods
          72D[][][] Pet Fish Foods
          72E[][][] Other Pet Foods, N.E.C.
          72L[][][] Laboratory Animal Feeds
          72Y[][][] Pet and Laboratory Animal Foods, N.E.C.

PROBLEM:  Unsafe Food Additive
          Poisonous or Deleterious Substance
          Unfit For Food

PAF:      PES

COUNTRY:  China (CN)


CHARGES:  "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
          Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain a food
          additive, namely melamine and/or a melamine analog, that is
          unsafe within the meaning of section 409 [Adulteration, section
          OASIS charge code: MELAMINE


          "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
          section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain a
          poisonous or deleterious substance which may render it injurious
          to health [Adulteration, section 402(a)(1)]"
          OASIS charge code: POISONOUS


          "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
          section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to be unfit for food
          [Adulteration, 402(a)(3)]"
          OASIS charge code: UNFIT4FOOD

OFFICE:   Division of Import Operations and Policy, HFC-170
          Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, HFS-600

ALERT:    In September, 2008, FDA became aware of thousands of infant
          illnesses in China due to the consumption of infant formula
          reported to contain melamine. Reports indicated over 53,000
          illnesses, including almost 13,000 hospitalizations, and at least
          four deaths of infants.  The illnesses involved the formation of
          kidney stones and crystals and related complications.

          The milk used in the infant formula has been implicated as the
          source of the melamine contamination.  According to sources, at a
          bulk fluid milk collection point, water is added to the bulk
          fluid milk to increase the apparent volume of product.  Melamine
          is added to the water/milk mixture to increase the nitrogen
          content in order to inflate the apparent protein content found in
          the product.  Milk is transported from the collection centers to
          milk processing facilities.

          The problem of melamine contamination is not limited to infant
          formula products.  Chinese government sources indicate
          contamination of milk components, especially dried milk powder,
          which are used in the manufacture of a variety of finished foods.
          These contaminated milk components appear to have been dispersed
          throughout the Chinese food supply chain.

          FDA analyses have detected melamine and cyanuric acid in a number
          of products that contain milk or milk-derived ingredients,
          including candy and beverages.  In addition, information received
          from government sources in a number of countries indicates a wide
          range and variety of products from a variety of manufacturers
          have been manufactured using melamine-contaminated milk or milk-
          derived ingredients, including: fluid and powdered milk, yogurt,
          frozen desserts, biscuits, cakes and cookies, taffy-like soft
          candy products, chocolates, and beverages. These products appear
          to contain at least one milk-derived ingredient and they are of
          Chinese origin.  Reports of contamination have come from more
          than thirteen countries in Asia, Europe, and Australia, in
          addition to the United States.  Additional products from various
          manufacturers continue to be found to be contaminated with

          The problem of melamine contamination in Chinese food products is
          a recurring one. In 2007, bulk vegetable protein products
          imported from China were contaminated with melamine and melamine
          analogs, apparently from deliberate contamination.

GUIDANCE: Districts may detain without physical examination all milk
          products, all milk derived ingredients, and finished food
          products containing milk from China.

          Appropriate screening criteria have been set.

          *** For questions or issues concerning science, science policy,
          analysis, preparation, or analytical methodology, contact the
          Division of Field Science at (301) 827-7605. ***

          In order to secure release of an individual shipment detained
          pursuant to this Import Alert, the importer should provide

     1.   Results of a third-party laboratory analysis, of a representative
          sample of the lot, which verifies the product does not contain
          melamine or cyanuric acid. Third-party laboratories may use any
          method that is found acceptable to FDA and which meets the method
          performance of the LC-MS/MS methods available at


     2.   Documentation supplied in English which shows there are no milk
          or milk-derived ingredients in the product, to include product
          formulation and product labeling (for example; process or batch
          records fromthe manufacturer, and the actual product labeling or
          a facsimile of the product labeling).

          If a firm, shipper or importer wishes to request removal from
          detention without physical examination, they should forward
          information supporting their request to FDA at the following
               Food and Drug Administration
               Division of Import Operations and Policy (HFC-170)
               5600 Fishers Lane, Room 12-36
               Rockville, MD 20857

     The request should include information for FDA to adequately assess
     whether a manufacturer has appropriate controls and processes,

     1.   Documentation showing a minimum of five (5)consecutive non-
          violative shipments have been released by FDA based upon results
          of third party laboratory analyses, using methods found
          acceptable to FDA of a representative sample of the lot, that
          verify the products do not contain melamine or cyanuric acid.


     2.   Documentation from a third-party, in whom FDA has sufficient
          confidence, which demonstrates controls are in place such that
          products will not be contaminated with melamine and melamine
          analogs.  To gain sufficient confidence in a third party, FDA may
          determine it needs to conduct a paper or on-site review of the
          work of the third party.


     3.   Documentation that the firm is in compliance with all Chinese
          government requirements for exporting the products to the U.S.
          Documentation should include copies of any registration that may
          be required by the Chinese government.

All requests for removal from detention without physical examination will be
referred by DIOP to CFSAN (HFS-606) or CVM (HFV-232) for evaluation.


FOI:           No purging required

KEYWORDS:      Human food, pet food, animal feed, melamine, milk, milk-
               derived ingredients

BY:            John E. Verbeten, DIOP, HFC-170, 301-594-3853
               Sal Evola, CFSAN, HFS-606, 301-436-2164
               Linda Wisniowski, CVM, HFV-232, 240-276-9233

DATE:               11/12/2008

REVISED BY:         John E. Verbeten, DIOP, 1/15/2009
               *** John E. Verbeten, DIOP, 2/23/2009 ***

INTO FIARS:         February 23, 2009