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IA #95-03,      9/28/93

TYPE OF ALERT: Surveillance

PRODUCT      : Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) Devices


CODE         : 9013

PROBLEM      : Fails to meet the Performance Standard (DVPS)

COLLECTION   : 82001

COUNTRIES    : All - including but not limited to Denmark,
               France, Italy, and other European nations, Japan,
               China, and Canada

SHIPPER      : All


I.D. #       : N/A

CHARGES      : For a device that is noncompliant with applicable
               standard and/or lacks certification, charge:

               "The article is subject to refusal of admission
               pursuant to Section 536(a) of the Federal Food,
               Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFD&C Act) in that it
               appears to be an electronic product which fails to
               comply with an applicable standard prescribed
               under this subchapter or to which is not affixed a
               certification in the form of a label or tag in
               conformity with Section 534(h)."

               For devices found not to be under Institutional
               Review Board oversight, charge:

               "The article is subject to refusal of admission
               pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears
               to be a device for investigational use for which
               no exemption has been granted as prescribed by
               Section 520(g) [Adulteration, Section 501(i)]."

               For devices labeled for veterinary use contact the
               Case Guidance Branch, HFV-236, (301-594-1785), the
               Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM), who will
               determine violations of the Act and appropriate
               charges on a case-by-case basis.

OFFICE       : CDRH, Office of Compliance and Surveillance,
               Division of Enforcement III, Non-Medical
               Radiological Devices Branch (NMRDB), HFZ-312 and
               CVM, Case Guidance Branch, HFV-236
ALERT        : There is reason to believe that various LLLT
               devices (also known as laser biostimulation
               devices, "cold" lasers, or "soft" lasers) intended
               for foreign markets, are being imported into this

               These products may be noncompliant with the
               performance standard for laser products (21 CFR
               1040.10 and 1040.11), not certified (21 CFR
               1010.2), and not reported to this agency.

               In addition, since low level laser therapy is
               unproven medical treatment, these devices are also
               investigational medical devices which may only be
               distributed to investigators for the purpose of
               conducting studies of this modality of treatment.
               These investigators must have valid Institutional
               Review Board (IRB) oversight of their studies.
               Distribution of these devices to any other
               individuals, would constitute commercialization of
               the devices.  It is believed the LLLT devices are
               often illegally distributed to such individuals,
               and that they are often not labeled in accordance
               with 21 CFR 812.5.  The situation is complicated
               by the fact that there are some investigators
               doing serious studies of this type of treatment.
               Also, some units are intended for veterinary use,
               in which case no Investigational Device Exemption
               or IRB approval is required.

               If promotional literature accompanies the devices,
               this may indicate the intended uses of the
               devices, and may aid in determining whether the
               products are for human use, and whether they are
               being commercialized.

INSTRUCTIONS : All shipments of Low Level Laser Therapy devices
               should be inspected.

               The presence of certification labels (both human
               and veterinary use) will indicate that the units
               comply with the standard and have been reported as

               The presence of Investigational Device labeling
               may indicate that the units are being properly
               distributed, but the consignee should still be
               questioned to determine that he/she has valid IRB

               Detain all units lacking certification
               investigational device, or veterinary use
               labeling.  Detain the device if the consignee
               fails to have a valid IRB.

               The name and address of the manufacturer, the
               importer, the IRB and the sponsor should be
               determined, if possible, and submitted to the
               Acting Director, Division of Enforcement III,
               Attn. NMRDB, 2098 Gaither Road, Rockville, MD
               20850 (301) 594-4646.

               In events where there is the presence of
               veterinary labeling, CVM will have authority to
               determine whether the device is adulterated,
               misbranded or otherwise hazardous and unsafe. This
               will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
               Contact the Case Guidance Branch, HFV-236 (301-
               594-1785), the Center for Veterinary Medicine


FOI          : No purging is required

KEYWORDS     : Low Level Laser Therapy Devices, LLLT Devices,
               Laser Biostimulation Devices, Cold Lasers, Soft

PREPARED BY  : Linda A. Wisniowski, DIOP, 301-443-6553.