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IA #85-02, REVISED - 3/17/98, IMPORT ALERT 85-02, "SURVEILLANCE (100%

     (Note: This import alert represents the Agency's current guidance to
     FDAfield personnel regarding the manufacturer(s) and/or product(s) at
     issue.  It does not create or confer any rights for or on any person,
     and does notoperate to bind FDA or the public.)

REISSUANCE:         A new procedure has been developed for detention without
               physical examination of condoms manufactured by firms that
               repeatedly ship non-compliant products to the U.S.

TYPE OF ALERT: Surveillance (100% Sampling) and Detention Without Physical

PRODUCT:       Condoms made from latex or synthetic material (this import
               alert does not apply to natural membrane condoms nor to
               female condoms.)


PROBLEM:       Defects/Holes

 FLAG:         PER, LBL

COLLECTION:         82Z002

COUNTRY:       See Attachment

SHIPPER:       See Attachment



CHARGE:        For lots that exceed an Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) of

               "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
               section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to contain
               defects/holes [Adulteration, section 501(c)]." (OASIS CHARGE
               CODE = HOLES)

               If the condoms are labeled for the prevention of disease,
               also charge:

               "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
               section 801(a)(3) in that the labeling for disease
               prevention is false or misleading because the device
               contains defects/holes [Misbranding, section 502(a)]."
               (OASIS CHARGE CODE = FALSE)

               When FDA has documented repeated violations, and the
               manufacturer/ shipper has been issued a Warning Letter and
               listed in Attachment B of the import alert per the
               Recidivist Policy described below, future shipments may be
               detained charging the following:

               "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
               section 801(a)(1) in that it appears that the methods used
               in, or the facilities and controls used for, the
               manufacture, packaging, storage, or installation of the
               device do not conform with Good Manufacturing Practices
               [Adulteration, section 501(h), Good Manufacturing Practices,
               section 520(f)]." (OASIS CHARGE CODE = DEVICE GMP)

OFFICE:        Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH)

ALERT:         Consumers rely on condoms for protection from HIV (AIDS) and
               other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).  Defective
               condoms present a potential hazard to health.  Therefore,
               continuous monitoring of these devices is needed.

GUIDANCE:      Districts may detain without physical examination, all
               shipments of condoms from the manufacturers/shippers listed
               on the attachments to this alert.

               Districts should collect representative samples from all
               other shipments of imported latex or synthetic material
               condoms that are not on detention without physical

               Representative sampling of these entries is to be performed
               on a 100% basis regardless of the manufacturer's history of
               test results.

               NOTE: Because the presence of defects in condoms represents
               a potential hazard to health, only one (1) violative sample
               is needed to submit a recommendation for detention without
               physical examination to the Division of Import Operations &
               Policy (DIOP).  DIOP has direct reference authority for
               detention without physical examination of condoms. Violative
               condoms are subject to RPM Chapter 9, Detention Without
               Physical Examination, subchapter "Recommendations Based on
               One Sample."

               The following procedure has been developed to address those
               manufacturers/shippers who are found to repeatedly ship
               violative condoms to the U.S. (recidivist firms.)

               Level 1  Detention (INDICATED BY (*) IN ATTACHMENT A)

               When a district encounters a shipment of condoms which is
               found violative for defects by FDA analysis, the shipment
               should be detained and a recommendation for detention
               without physical examination should be forwarded to DIOP,

               If the recommendation meets current guidance, the
               manufacturer/shipper will be placed on attachment "A" with a
               single asterisk (*), and subsequent condom shipments from
               that manufacturer/shipper may be detained without physical
               examination.  This is referred to as "Level 1 detention."
               The importer may obtain admission of subsequently detained
               shipments of condoms by presenting evidence that the
               individual shipments are not adulterated, such as sample
               analyses performed by an independent testing laboratory,
               following the sampling plan and test method contained in FDA

               In order for the responsible manufacturer's/shipper's name
               to be removed from attachment "A," documentation should be
               provided with sufficient evidence that their condoms are not
               adulterated (for example, five consecutive non-violative
               shipments analyzed as described in the preceding paragraph
               may be considered adequate evidence for manufacturers/
               shippers to be removed from Level 1 detention).

               Level  2  Detention -- (Recidivist firms which are
               currently on Level 1 detention, or which have been removed
               from Level 1 detention) (INDICATED BY (**) IN ATTACHMENT A)

               If a manufacturer/shipper, while on Level 1 detention, has a
               sample analyzed by an independent testing laboratory found
               violative for defects, the district should notify DIOP and
               submit supporting documentation. DIOP will place the firm on
               Level 2 detention and identify the manufacturer/shipper on
               attachment "A" with two asterisks (**).

               Similarly, if a manufacturer/shipper that has been removed
               from Level 1 detention has a sample analyzed by FDA and
               found violative for defects within 24 months from the date
               they were removed from Level 1 detention, the district
               should notify DIOP and submit supporting documentation.
               DIOP will verify the manufacturer/shipper was listed under
               Level 1 detention during the past 24 months and if confirmed
               will place the manufacturer/shipper on Level 2 detention and
               identify the manufacturer/ shipper on attachment "A" with
               two asterisks (**).

               DIOP will notify CDRH of this action.  CDRH will notify the
               foreign firm in writing of FDA's concerns about potential
               deficiencies in the manufacturing practices and process
               controls which may be affecting the quality of the condoms
               shipped to the U.S. A copy of the Quality Systems Regulation
               will be provided with the letter for their information.

               Once a manufacturer/shipper is placed on Level 2 detention,
               FDA may need greater assurance that the condoms are not
               adulterated before removing the manufacturer/shipper from
               detention without physical examination status.  For example,
               10 consecutive non-violative shipments, analyzed by an
               independent testing laboratory for defects, may be
               considered adequate evidence that the manufacturer/shipper
               is shipping condoms to the U.S. which are not adulterated.
               Other types of evidence to remove the appearance of a
               violation will be evaluated by CDRH on a case-by-case basis.

               Level 3 Detention  -- (Recidivist firms which are currently
               on Level 2 detention, or which have been removed from Level
               2 detention) (***) IN ATTACHMENT A DENOTES A WARNING LETTER

               If a manufacturer/shipper, while on Level 2 detention, has
               another sample analyzed and found violative for defects by
               an independent testing laboratory, the district should
               notify DIOP and submit supporting documentation.

               Similarly, if a manufacturer/shipper who was removed from
               Level 2 detention has another sample analyzed by FDA and has
               been found violative for defects within 24 months from the
               date they were removed from Level 1 detention, or from the
               date they were placed on Level 2 detention, DIOP will bring
               these instances to the attention of CDRH.  DIOP will verify
               the manufacturer/shipper was listed under Level 2 detention
               during the past 24 months, and if confirmed will place the
               manufacturer/shipper on attachment "A" with three asterisks

               Based on the failure of the manufacturer's/shipper's condoms
               to pass FDA analysis [Section 501(c)] after being listed on
               Level 2 detention, or having failed an independent testing
               laboratory's examination while under Level 2 detention, CDRH
               may then issue a Warning Letter to the firm.

               Additionally, after reviewing the manufacturer/shipper's
               export and inspectional history, CDRH may elect to charge
               the firm for failure to conform with GMPs [Section 501(h)],
               based on the recurring Quality System Regulation
               deficiencies as revealed by the repeated failures of
               analyses.  If CDRH determines a warning letter should issue
               to the foreign manufacturer/shipper with a 501(h) charge,
               DIOP will place the manufacturer/shipper on Level 3
               detention (attachment B).

               Non-violative analyses may not be sufficient to remove the
               appearance of a violation for manufacturers/shippers on
               attachment B.  Manufacturers/ shippers will remain on Level
               3 detention until evidence is provided to CDRH which
               demonstrates that the condoms are being manufactured in
               accordance with the Quality System Regulation (for example,
               an acceptable  FDA inspection or a written certification
               from the manufacturer/shipper together with the results of
               an independent audit performed by a qualified third party).

               Once a foreign manufacturer/shipper satisfactorily
               demonstrates that the apparent Quality System Regulations
               deviations have been corrected, the manufacturer/shipper
               will be removed from  attachment "B" and placed on
               attachment "A" under the Level 1 detention for individual
               shipment analysis to confirm their condoms do not contain
               defects until they provide adequate evidence to be removed
               from Level 1 detention (see above).

               For questions or issues concerning science, science policy,
               sample collection, analysis, preparation, or analytical
               methodology, contact the Division of Field Science at (301)
               443-3320 or 3007.

               For questions concerning the Compliance Policy Guides (CPG),
               condom labeling, or other compliance policy questions,
               contact CDRH, Office of Compliance, Division of Enforcement
               II at (301) 594-4616.

SAMPLING:      See CPG 7124.21 for sampling plans.


FOI:           No purging is required.

KEY WORDS:          Condoms, latex, defects, holes, AIDS, synthetic material

PREPARED BY:   Fredda Shere-Valenti, DIOP, (301) 443-6553
               Rosa Forehand, DIOP (301), 443-6553
               John Farnham, CDRH/OC/DOEII (301) 594-4616

INTO FIARS:         March 17, 1998

                           ATTACHMENT A      REVISED - 2/6/09

*    = Firm is on Level 1 Detention
**   = Firm is on Level 2 Detention
***  = Firm is being considered by CDRH for a Warning Letter


* Social Marketing Company                   Latex condoms
House No. 105                           7/22/94
Road No. 9A
(New) Dhanmondl R/A Dhaka-1209
GPO Box 690, Dhaka, 1000



* Church & Dwight Virginia Co. Inc.          Latex condoms
1851 Touchstone Rd.                     85HIS/85LTZ
Colonial Heights, VA, USA 23834              1/17/06
FEI  #3005270308


* ArmKel, LLC
(Church & Dwight Co., LLC)
469 North Harrison St.
Princeton, NJ, USA  08543
FEI #2280705


Church & Dwight Canada
6600 Kitimat Road
Mississauga, Ontario
Canada L5N 1L9
FEI #3004415710


* Sagra Laboratory (Shipper)                 5/6/94
Ignacio Valdivieso 2451
San Joaquin, Santiago, Chile


* Guilin South Rubber (Group) Corp.          All Types of Condoms
No. 6, Wushan Road                      85HIS, 85LTZ, 85MOL
Guilin Guangxi, China                        8/10/06
FEI #3002807119

* Tianjin Medicines Health Products               Partners brand Blue
Import and Export Tianjin Factory            Spermicidally Lubricated
6 Tang Shan Road                             w/Nonoxynol-9, Extra
Tianjin, PROC                           Strength condoms
FEI #1000179416                              Partners brand Yellow
MID #CNTIAMED6TIA                            Spermicidally Lubricated
                                        W/Nonoxynol-9 condoms


* Andreas S. Pappas Co.                      2/18/94
19300 Aspropirgos
Athens, Greece


* Don Geschenkartikel-Neuheiten
Dolores Obidos-Naumann
Am Stadtbruch 14
P. O. Box 1170
3549 Volkmarsen, Germany


* Anna Mfgr. Ltd                             3/29/94
Hong Kong, Hong Kong


* Kamlord Co., Hong Kong
Industat Budapest KFT                        3/29/94
Budapest, Hungary


* Health Care Latex Ltd.                Latex Condoms
A-33/A Sector-8                              85HIS, 85LTZ
Noida (U.P.), India                     2/22/05
FEI #3004976007

* M/S Hindustan Latex Limited                Condoms (Bull
Poojappura, P.O. THIRUVANANTHAP              Dog brand)
Kerala  695 012 India                        2/3/95

* M/S. Suruchi International                 Latex Condoms
207 Sector 7A, Faridabad 121001              85HIS, 85LTZ, 85MOL
Haryana, India                               12/27/04
FEI #3004643702


* Hatu-Ico
Bologna, Italy


* Fuji Latex Co., Ltd.                       Black Condoms
19-1, 3-Chome                           2/25/93
Kanda Nishiki-Cho, Chiyoda-Ku,
Tokyo, Japan


* Greenmate Corporation
1443-15 Seocho-Dong,                         85HIS
Seocho-Ku                               4/4/96
Seoul, Korea
FEI #1000529867

* Hyosung Corp., Korea
Main Office:

* Orient Medical Supply Co., Ltd.            12/13/90
Room 3403, Korean World Trade Center
159 Sam Sung Dong, Seoul, Korea

Manufacturing Site:
* Orient Medical Supply Co., Ltd.
258-1 Youngwon-Ree, Chunwon-Gun
Choong-Nam, Korea

* Shinheng Corporation
Rm 1003, Daejun Bldg.
1318-4 Socho-Dong, Socho-Gu
Seoul, Korea

* Sol Medical Supply Co., Ltd.,
Seoul, Korea


* Asbien SDN BHD, Malaysia                   10/1/92

*  L.S. Rubber Sdn. Bhd.                Condoms, flavored
PLO 22, Senai Industrial Estate              85H[][]IS
Phase 1, 81400 Senai                         5/9/03
Johor, Malaysia
FEI #3002807508

* Richter Rubber Technology Sdn Bdh               Latex Condoms, Shields
Plot 33, Kuala Ketil Indsutrial Estate       85HIS
Kuala Ketil, Kedah                      6/22/06
FEI #3004063764


* Ken Nona                                   3/29/94
also known as S.L.D International Co., Ltd
16 Asoke Road
Sukhumvit SOI 21
Prakanong, Bangkok, Thailand

* Royal Industries Thailand Co., Ltd.
218/5-6 Soi
Bangkok, Thailand

* S.L.D. International Co., Ltd.             3/15/94
16 Asoke Road
Sukhumvit SOI 21
Phrakanong, Bangkok, Thailand


* PHS, Limited                          Condoms with
Claymore, Tame Valley                        nonoxynol-9 1/10/95
Industrial Estate
Tamworth, Staffordshire
United Kingdom

                 ATTACHMENT B - Level 3 Detention

                      Warning Letters Issued

                   NO FIRMS LISTED AT THIS TIME