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NOTE:     Revisions of this Import Alert include modification of the alert title
and charge, and clarification of the reason for this alert, and of the
guidance section.  Changes are highlighted by asterisks (***)


(Note: This import alert represents the Agency's current guidance to FDA field
personnel regarding the manufacturer(s) and/or product(s) at issue. It does
not create or confer any rights for or on any person, and does not operate to
bind FDA or the public).

PRODUCT:       Animal feeds and feed ingredients that may contain
               ingredients of animal origin [See Attachment]

PRODUCT CODE:  69[][][][][] - medicated animal feeds
               70[][][][][] - non-medicated animal feeds
               71[][][][][] - by products for animal food
               72[][][][][] - pet and laboratory animal food

PROBLEM:       Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)   Certain animal
               feeds and feed ingredients from BSE-affected or BSE-at-risk
               countries that may contain ingredients of animal origin.

PAF:           FIL

PAC:           71R844

COUNTRY:       See Attachment

SHIPPERS:      See Attachment

CHARGE:        ***  "The article is subject to refusal of admission
               pursuant to Section 801(a)(1)in that it appears that such
               article has been manufactured, processed, or packed under
               insanitary conditions." *** (OASIS Charge Code: MFR INSAN)

OFFICE:        Center for Veterinary Medicine, HFV-230, and ORO/Division of
               Import Operations and Policy, HFC-170

ALERT:         *** The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA),
               Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS),
               Veterinary Services (VS) regulates the importation of
               animals and animal-derived materials.  More specifically,
               under 9 CFR 95.4, the USDA does not allow the importation of
               animal feeds or feed ingredients that contain or consist of
               processed animal protein (e.g. meat and bone meal) and other
               animal waste and by product materials that have been derived
               from animals that have been in specified BSE-affected and
               BSE-at-risk countries.  The USDA may, however, allow for the
               importation of specific non-ruminant animal-derived
               products, provided the product is the subject of a valid
               USDA import permit (VS Form 16-6)

               BSE is the bovine form of a group of uniformly fatal
               Neurological diseases known as TSEs (Transmissible
               Spongiform Encephalopathies).  BSE appears to be spread in
               part through feeding of infected material to cattle.  At
               this time, the causative agent is unknown and there is no
               test for the presence of the agent in animal derived
               products.  There appears to be a link between the bovine
               TSE, BSE, and a human form of TSE known as vCJD (new variant
               Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease).

               In support of the USDA/APHIS import prohibitions, the FDA
               instituted Import Alert #99-25, "Detention Without Physical
               examination of Animal Feed, Animal Feed Ingredients and
               Other Products For Animal Use Consisting or Containing
               Ingredients of Animal Origin and NOT the subject of a valid
               USDA permit."

               To ensure compliance with Import Alert #99-25, the FDA has a
               sampling program to conduct random sampling and analysis of
               feed and feed ingredients for the presence of animal tissues
               offered for entry into the U.S.  The firms listed in the
               Attachment of this Import Alert #71-02 have offered feed
               and/or feed ingredients into the U.S. that have been found
               to contain animal protein upon sampling and analysis. ***

GUIDANCE:      ***  Districts may detain without physical examination
               products offered for import from those firms that are listed
               on the attachment.  In order to fully evaluate whether such
               products contain ingredients of animal origin subject to
               detention under Import Alert #99-25 and, if so, whether this
               problem has been corrected, FDA recommends that firms
               provide the following information:

               1.   Evidence that the firm has determined that the
                    products it is importing are no longer subject to
                    detention under Import Alert 99-25, because it has
                    taken appropriate steps to prevent the presence of
                    animal material in feed and feed ingredients.
                    This should be documented by:

                    a.   Results of the firm's investigation(s) into the
                         problem of animal protein contamination.

                    b.   Documentation showing corrective action(s).
                         This should include at a minimum:

                         1)   a description of the current processes
                              being used to prevent contamination and

                         2)   verification that the processes are

                    c.   Documentation, based on current feed microscopy
                         analytical methodology, that a minimum of five
                         (5) consecutive import entries have been
                         released by FDA based on private laboratory
                         analyses that show the shipments contain no
                         material of animal origin.  Requests to remove
                         from the DWPE list multiple products from a
                         manufacturer should include a minimum of twelve
                         (12) import entries representative of products
                         covered by detention without physical


               2.   Evidence that the product is the subject of a valid
                    USDA import permit (VS Form 16-6).

                    All requests for removal from DWPE should be forwarded
                    to(HFC-170)at the address below.  Requests will be
                    forwarded to CVM for evaluation.

                    Food And Drug Administration
                    Division, Import Operations and Policy
                    (HFC-170),  Room 12-38
                    5600 Fishers Lane
                    Rockville, MD  20857   ***


FOI:           No purging is required

KEYWORDS:      feeds, mammalian protein, animal, BSE, TSE

PREPARED BY:   Dave Krawetz, DIOP, (HFC-170) 301-594-3872
               Linda Wisniowski, DIOP, (HFC-170) 301-443-6553
               CVM contact: Neal Bataller, HFV-230, 301-827-0163

INTO FIARS:         January 21, 2004
                    ATTACHMENT       4/21/09

    Firms/Products on Detention without Physical Examination:

                           CANADA (CA)

Firm name and address:        Product/product code:         Reason:

Aliments Breton Inc.          Poultry Feed        Avian and mammalian
1312 St.George Street         70M[][]03           bones, hairs, soft
St. Bernard, Quebec, Canada   6/2/05              tissue and feathers
FEI# 3004346002

Cargill Animal Nutrition Medicated animal feeds        Blood material
235 36th Street North         69[][][][][]
Lethbridge,                   Non-medicated animal feeds
Alberta, Canada               70[][][][][]
FEI# 3003626904               3/4/09

Cereales D.L. Ltee       Medicated animal feeds        Blood, Bone
25 Avenue Du Pont             69[][][][][]             material present
Saint-Louis De Gonzague       Non-medicated animal feeds
Quebec, Canada J0S 1T0        70[][][][][]
FEI# 3003447727               4/6/04

Dawn Foods Products      Medicated animal feeds        Muscle tissue
75 33rd St. E            69[][][][][]             feather barbule
Saskatoon, Canada S7K3K7 Non-medicated animal feeds    material
FEI# 1000344064               70[][][][][]

Excel Feeds Ltd.              Medicated feeds          Blood material, bovine
3007 Turner St.               69[][][][][]        hair, and mammalian
Abbotsford, B.C.,             Non-medicated feeds bone material
Canada V2S7T9            70[][][][][]
FEI #3004316870               9/15/06

Landmark Feeds Inc.      Macintosh Beef Calf Grower    Contains
1950 Brier Park Rd. NW        with corn                suspect
Medicine Hat             70M--01                  muscle and
Alberta Canada T1C 1V3        8/24/04                  blood tissue
FEI# 3001400728

Land O Lakes  Feeds      Bagged medicated              Blood and
90540 London Rd., RR#2        animal feeds             blood meal
Wingham, Ontario, Canada 69[][][][][]
N0G 2W0                  Bagged non-medicated
FEI# 3004318728               animal feeds

Louis Dreyfus Canada Ltd.     Medicated animal feeds        Muscle tissue
(Brass Facility)              69[][][][][]
P.O. Box 689             Non-medicated animal feeds
Wilkie, Saskatchewan          70[][][][]
Canada SOK 4WO           12/30/03
FEI #3004283114

Masterfeeds                   Medicated animal feeds        Blood material
11 Jamieson Ave.              69[][][][][]
Picture Butte, AB             Non-medicated animal feeds
T0K 1VO, Canada               70[][][][][]
FEI #3003541855               10/3/03

Oleet Processing Ltd          Medicated feeds               Mammalian muscle
Box 26011                69[][][][][]             and mammalian bone
Regina, SK, Canada       Non-medicated feeds      material
S4R8R7                   70[][][][][]
FEI #3003334575               9/15/06

Ritchie Smith Feeds Inc. Medicated animal feeds        Blood, muscle
33777 Enterprise Avenue       69[][][][][]             tissue, and
Abbotsford, BC, V2S 4N9       Non-medicated animal feeds    feather barbule
Canada                   70[][][][][]
FEI #1000501066               10/3/03

Unifeed Limited dba      Mixed ration for cattle       Suspect muscle
Sure Crop Feeds               69[][][][][]/70[][][][][]     tissue and bone
1150 Industrial Dr.      9/30/05                  mammalian material
Armstrong, B.C. Canada
FEI #3003110241               Address Change

Unifeed Limited               Medicated animal feeds        Muscle tissue
46255 Chilliwack Central Road 69[][][][][]
Chilliwack, BC V2P 6J6        Non-medicated animal feeds    Muscle tissue
Canada                   70[][][][][]
FEI# 3003612587               3/13/09

Unifeed Limited               Medicated animal feeds        Feather material
1810 39th St. N               69[][][][][]             Blood material
Lethbridge,                   Non-medicated animal feeds
Alberta, Canada T1H 5J2       70[][][][][]
FEI# 3004306775               4/21/09