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IA #24-01 - 04/13/00, "Detention Without Physical Examination of Bean Curd
From Hong Kong and the Peoples Republic of China" Attachment Revised 4/14/09

NOTE:     This revision changes the name of the alert and updates the alert
          to the current format and terminology. In addition, this revision
          creates an attachment which lists firms whose bean curd products are
          exempt from detention without physical examination.

TYPE OF ALERT:  Detention without Physical Examination

Note:     This import alert represents the Agency's current
          guidance to FDA field personnel regarding the manufacturer(s)
          and/or product(s) at issue. It does not create or confer any
          rights for or on any person, and does not operate to bind FDA
          or the public.

PRODUCT   :    Bean Curd

PRODUCT CODE:  37B[][]27

PROBLEM     :  Insect Filth
                    (OASIS charge code = FILTHY)

PAF         :  FIL (Filth)

PAC         :  03819

COUNTRY     :  Peoples Republic of China (CN)
                    Hong Kong (HK)

SHIPPER     :  All

CHARGE      :  "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
               Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to consist in whole or
               in part of a filthy substance in that it contains insect
               filth [Adulteration, Section 402(a)(3)]."

OFFICE       : Division of Import Operations and Policy, HFC-170

ALERT        : This import alert originally issued August 8, 1993, due to
               insect, rodent and/or cat filth in bean curd from Hong Kong
               and the Peoples Republic of China. Review of FY 92 detention
               data indicated a continuing problem. There were 31 shipments
               of bean curd detained for filth. 20 detentions represented
               13 shippers from the Peoples Republic of China and 11
               detentions represented 6 shippers from Hong Kong. Of the 31
               detained shipments, 27 (87%) were refused entry. Current
               data shows continiuing detentions of bean curd from Hong
               Kong and the Peoples Republic of China for insect filth.

GUIDANCE      :     Districts may detain without physical examination all bean
                    curd from Hong Kong and the Peoples Republic of China,
                    except shipments from the firms listed on the attachment to
                    this alert, which are exempt from detention without physical

               For questions or issues concerning science, science policy,
               sample collection, analysis, preparation, or analytical
               methodology, contact the Division of Field Science at
               (301)443-3320 or 3007.


FOI          :    No purging is required.

KEYWORDS     :    Filth, Insect, Bean Curd

PREPARED BY  :    Doug Randes, DIOP, 301-443-6553.Attachment to Import Alert #24-01 B Firms exempt from detent
ion without
physical examination 4/14/09


Cheng Chang Dried Fruit & Food Co.      Hot Bean Curd Preserved
Bihuali Mountain Villa                  37B--27
Tugualing E. Dist.                 4/13/00
FEI# 1000532850

Guangdong Xinchao Food Factory          Bean Curd in Brine
No. 38 Jiangbian Road                   37B[][]27
Huzhou, Guangdong Province, China       37B[][]28
FEI# 3004314720                         37B[][]30

Guangxi Guiping City                    Bean Curd Sticks
Wen Ming Foodstuff Manufactory
Guangxi Guiping City
Henang Economic Zone
Peoples Republic of China
FEI# 3001778312

Guangxi Guiping Guangdeli Food Co., Ltd.          Bean Curd Sticks
Shepo Dongan Street Guiping Guangxi               37B[][]27
China                                        37B[][]28
FEI #3003660896                              37C[][]27

Hongzhou Huanyuan Bean Products Co. Ltd      Tofu (bean curd)
No. 77, Jiangling Road, Binjiang District         37B[][]27
Hangzhou, China 310051                       8/25/08
FEI# 3004890084

Hop Yick Bean Curd Factory              Frozen Fu Pei Soy Bean Curd
Pak Po Lee Commercial Bldg. -Room 1610  Sheets
1A Sai Yeung Choi St. Mongkok           37B[][]27
Kowloon, Hong Kong                 6/7/01
FEI #30021569757

Hop Yick Bean Curd Factory              Bean Curd Stick
Tai Hong Industrial Estate              37B[][]27
Wan Kong, Shenzhen, China               37B[][]28
FEI #3003549432                         37C[][]27

Market Group Corporation           Bean Curd / 37B[][]27
63 Maidi Road, 11/F Market Bldg.                  37B[][]28
Huizhou, Guangdong, China               3/25/02
FEI# 1000166225

New Dong Fang Int'l,Inc.           Bean Curd
2nd Floor of Huilonli                   37B[][]27
Fongjian Jiangmen City                  37B[][]28
Guangdong, China                        37B[][]30
FEI# 2000015104                         1/3/08

                                   Added product code

Shanghai Fusheng Soya Food Co Ltd.      Soya bean Sheet & Soya
No 20 Liuchang Road                Sheet Knots
Shanghai, China                         37B - - 28
FEI 3004025130                          2/14/05

Shanghai Kang Yuan Food Co., Ltd.       Frozen Soy Sheet/Knot/Roll
No.48, Lane 1350                        Frozen Bean Curd Sheet
Caoyang Road                       37B[][]28/37B[][]27
Putuo District                     10/5/05
Shanghai, China
FEI# 3004919356

Shenzhen Koon Yick Foods Co. Ltd        Hot Chili Bean Curd
117 Shajing Road                        37B[][]30
Shanjing Town, Bao An District          4/16/03
Shenzhen Province, China
FEI #3003899787

Shenzhen Tai Hong Fu Chuk Factory       Bean Curd Sticks
No.5 ,xintang Industrial Zone,          Bean Curd Sheet
Dakang Village, Henggang Town           37B--28
Shenzhen, China (Mainland)         11/8/05
FEI # 2000003140

Tiantian Food Products Factory          Dried Bean Curd
Weixin Village, Shepo Town,             Bean Curd Sheet
Guiping City, China (Mainland)          Bean Curd Sticks
FEI # 3004919113                        37B- -28

White Foods Corporation                   Fried Bean Curd
Zhuhai Factory                            37B[][]27
Zhuhai City, China                        37B[][]32
FEI# 3003834526                           37C[][]29

Xianfa Foods MFY                   Bean Curd Sheet
Second Industrial Park                  Bean Curd Sticks
Shangdong Qishi                         37B--28
Dongguan City, China(Mainland)          5/3/07
FEI # 2000019776

Xing Hua Foods Co., Ltd.           Bean Curd
Jiang Men City Xin Hui District         37B[][]27
He Bin Road South, Da Ze Town           37B[][]28
Jiang Men City, Guangdong               4/14/09
FEI # 3004260967

Zhangzhou Xinlujia Foods Co., Ltd.      Sze Chuan preserved chili bean curd
Jinfeng Industrial Development Zone          37B[][]27, 37B[][]28, 37B[][]30
Zhangzhou, Fujian, China           10/21/ 04
FEI# 3004285140

Zhuhai Po Men Food Company Ltd,         Fermented Bean Curd
Qiaohu Road North                       37B[][]30
Jing An Town East,                 9/3/08
Doumen, Zhuhai City, China
FEI# 3004295253