
The purposes of the Conte Refuge as stated in the Conte Refuge Act are:

(1) to conserve, protect and enhance the Connecticut River populations of Atlantic salmon, American shad, river herring, shortnose sturgeon, bald eagles, peregrine falcons, osprey, black ducks, and other native species of plants fish and wildlife;

(2) to conserve, protect and enhance the natural diversity and abundance of plant, fish and wildlife species and the ecosystem upon which these species depend within the refuge;

(3) to protect species listed as endangered or threatened, or identified as candidates for listing, pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973 as amended (16 U.S. 1531 et seq.);

(4) to restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of wetland and other waters within the refuge;

(5) to fulfill the international treaty obligations of the United States relating to fish and wildlife and wetlands; and

(6) to provide opportunities for scientific research, environmental education, and fish and wildlife oriented recreation and access to the extent compatible with the other purposes stated in this section.