1852.228-70  Aircraft Ground and Flight Risk.
     As prescribed in 1828.370(a), insert the following clause. The purpose of this clause is to have the Government assume risks that generally entail unusually high insurance premiums and are not covered by the contractor's contents, work-in-process, and similar insurance. Since the definitions in the clause may not cover every situation that should be covered to achieve this purpose, the clause may be modified as follows:  If the contract covers helicopters, vertical take-off aircraft, lighter-than-air airships, or other nonconventional types of aircraft, the definition of "aircraft" should be modified to specify that the aircraft has reached a point of manufacture comparable to that specified in the standard definition, which is written for conventional winged aircraft. The definition of "in the open" may be modified to include "hush houses," test hangers, comparable structures, and other designated areas. In addition, clause paragraph (d)(3) may be modified to provide for Government assumption of risk of transportation by conveyance on streets or highways if the contracting officer determines that this transportation is limited to the vicinity of the contractor's premises and is merely incident to work being performed under the contract.

(OCTOBER 1996)

     (a)  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this contract, except as may be specifically provided in the Schedule as an exception to this clause, the Government, subject to the definitions and limitations of this clause, assumes the risk of damage to, or loss or destruction of, aircraft in the open, during operation, or in flight and agrees that the Contractor shall not be liable to the Government for any such damage, loss, or destruction.
     (b)  For the purposes of this clause, the following definitions apply:
            (1)  Unless otherwise specifically provided in the Schedule, "aircraft" includes--
                   (i)   Aircraft (including both complete aircraft and aircraft in the course of being manufactured, disassembled, or reassembled; provided that an engine, wing, or a portion of a wing is attached to the fuselage) to be furnished to the Government under this contract (whether before or after Government acceptance); and
                   (ii)  Aircraft (regardless of whether in a state of disassembly or reassembly) furnished by the Government to the Contractor under this contract, including all property installed in, being installed in, or temporarily removed from them, unless the aircraft and property are covered by a separate bailment agreement.
            (2)  "In the open" means located wholly outside of buildings on the Contractor's premises, or at such other places as may be described in the Schedule as being in the open for the purposes of this clause, except that aircraft furnished by the Government are considered to be in the open at all times while in the Contractor's possession, care, custody, or control.
            (3)  "Flight" includes any flight demonstration, flight test, taxi test, or other flight made in the performance of this contract, or for the purpose of safeguarding the aircraft, or previously approved in writing by the Contracting Officer.
                   (i)   With respect to land-based aircraft, flight commences with the taxi roll from a flight line on the Contractor's premises and continues until the aircraft has completed the taxi roll in returning to a flight line on the Contractor's premises.
                   (ii)  With respect to seaplanes, flight commences with the launching from a ramp on the Contractor's premises and continues until the aircraft has completed its landing run upon return and is beached at a ramp on the Contractor's premises.
                   (iii) With respect to helicopters, flight commences upon engagement of the rotors for the purpose of take-off from the Contractor's premises and continues until the aircraft has returned to the ground on the Contractor's premises and the rotors are disengaged.
                   (iv) With respect to vertical take-off aircraft, flight commences upon disengagement from any launching platform or device on the Contractor's premises and continues until the aircraft has been re-engaged to any launching platform or device on the Contractor's premises; provided, however, that aircraft off the Contractor's premises shall be deemed to be in flight when on the ground or water only during periods of reasonable duration following emergency landing, other landings made in the performance of this contract, or landings approved by the Contracting Officer in writing.
            (4)  "Contractor's premises" means those premises designated as such in the Schedule or in writing by the Contracting Officer, and any other place to which aircraft are moved for the purpose of safeguarding the aircraft.
            (5)  "Operation" means operations and tests, other than on any production line, of aircraft not in flight, whether or not the aircraft is in the open or in motion. It includes operations and tests of equipment, accessories, and power plants only when installed in aircraft.
            (6)  "Flight crew members" means the pilot, copilot, and, unless otherwise specifically provided in the Schedule, the flight engineer and navigator when required or assigned to their respective crew positions to conduct any flight on behalf of the Contractor.
            (7)  "Contractor's managerial personnel" means the Contractor's directors, officers, and any managers, superintendents, or equivalent representatives who have supervision or direction of all or substantially all of the Contractor's business or of the Contractor's operations at any one plant, a separate location at which this contract is performed, or a separate and complete major industrial operation in connection with the performance of this contract.
     (c)  (1)  The Government's assumption of risk under this clause, as to aircraft in the open, shall continue in effect unless terminated pursuant to paragraph (c)(3) of this clause. If the Contracting Officer finds that an aircraft is in the open under unreasonable conditions, the Contracting Officer shall notify the Contractor in writing of the conditions found to be unreasonable and require the Contractor to correct them within a reasonable time.
            (2)  Upon receipt of this notice, the Contractor shall act promptly to correct these conditions, regardless of whether it agrees that they are in fact unreasonable. To the extent that the Contracting Officer may later determine that they were not in fact unreasonable, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the contract price to compensate the Contractor for any additional costs incurred in correcting them, and the contract shall be modified in writing accordingly.
            (3)  (i)  If the Contracting Officer finds that the Contractor has failed to act promptly to correct unreasonable conditions or has failed to correct them within a reasonable time, the Contracting Officer may by written notice terminate the Government's assumption of risk under this clause for any aircraft which is in the open under those conditions. This termination shall be effective at 12:01 A.M. on the 15th day following the day of receipt by the Contractor of the notice.
                  (ii)  If the Contracting Officer later determines that the Contractor acted promptly to correct the conditions or that the time taken by the Contractor was not in fact unreasonable, an equitable adjustment shall, notwithstanding paragraph (g) of this clause, be made to compensate the Contractor for any additional costs incurred as a result of the termination, and the contract shall be modified in writing accordingly.
            (4)  If the Government's assumption of risk under this clause is terminated in accordance with paragraph (c)(3) of this clause, the risk of loss with respect to Government-furnished property shall be determined in accordance with the Government property clause of this contract, if any, until the Government's assumption of risk is reinstated in accordance with paragraph (c)(5) of this clause.
            (5)  (i)  When unreasonable conditions have been corrected, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Government. The Government may or may not elect to reassume the risks and relieve the Contractor of liabilities as provided in this clause, and the Contracting Officer shall notify the Contractor of the Government's election.
                  (ii)  If, after correction of the conditions, the Government elects to reassume the risks and relieve the Contractor of liabilities, the Contractor shall be entitled to an equitable adjustment for any costs of insurance extending from the end of the third working day after the Contractor notifies the Government of the correction until the Government notifies the Contractor of that election.
                  (iii) If the Government elects not to reassume the risks and the conditions have in fact been corrected, the Contractor shall be entitled to an equitable adjustment for any costs of insurance extending after the third working day referred to in paragraph (c)(5)(ii) of this clause.
     (d)  The Government's assumption of risk shall not extend to damage to, or loss or destruction of aircraft --
            (1)  Resulting from failure of the Contractor, due to willful misconduct or lack of good faith of any of the Contractor's managerial personnel, to maintain and administer a program for protecting and preserving aircraft in the open and during operation, in accordance with sound industrial practice;
            (2)  Sustained during flight if the flight crew members conducting the flight have not been approved in writing by the Contracting Officer;
            (3)  While in the course of transportation by rail or by conveyance on public streets, highways, or waterways, except for Government-furnished property;
            (4)  the extent that the damage, loss, or destruction is in fact covered by insurance;
            (5)  Consisting of wear and tear, deterioration (including rust and corrosion), freezing, or mechanical, structural, or electrical breakdown or failure, unless this damage is the result of other loss, damage, or destruction covered by this clause (except that, in the case of Government- furnished property, if the damage consists of reasonable wear and tear or deterioration or results from an inherent defect in such property, this exclusion shall not apply); or
            (6)  Sustained while the aircraft is being worked upon and directly resulting from the work, including but not limited to any repairing, adjusting, servicing, or maintenance operation, unless the damage, loss, or destruction is of a type that would be covered by insurance that would customarily have been maintained by the Contractor at the time of the damage, loss, or destruction, but for the Government's assumption of risk under this clause.
     (e)  (1)  With the exception of damage to, or loss or destruction of, aircraft in flight, the Government's assumption of risk under this clause shall not extend to the first $1,000 of loss or damage resulting from each separately occurring event. The Contractor assumes the risk of and shall be responsible for the first $1,000 of loss of or damage to aircraft in the open or during operation resulting from each separately occurring event, except for reasonable wear and tear and except to the extent the loss or damage is caused by negligence of Government personnel.
            (2)  If the Government elects to require that the aircraft be replaced or restored by the Contractor to its condition immediately prior to the damage, the equitable adjustment in the price authorized by paragraph (i) of this clause shall not include the dollar amount of the risk assumed by the Contractor under this paragraph (e). If the Government does not elect repair or replacement, the Contractor agrees to credit the contract price or pay the Government $1,000 (or the amount of the loss if smaller) as directed by the Contracting Officer.
     (f)  No subcontractor may be relieved from liability for damage to, or loss or destruction of, aircraft while in its possession or control, except to the extent that the subcontract, with the Contracting Officer's prior written approval, provides for relief of the subcontractor from that liability. In the absence of such approval, the subcontract shall require the return of the aircraft in as good condition as when received, except for reasonable wear and tear or for the utilization of the property in accordance with the provisions of this contract. If a subcontractor has not been relieved from liability and any damage, loss, or destruction occurs, the Contractor shall enforce the liability of the subcontractor for that damage to, or loss or destruction of, the aircraft for the benefit of the Government.
     (g)  The Contractor warrants that the contract price does not and will not include, except as this clause may otherwise authorize, any charge or contingency reserve for insurance (including self-insurance funds or reserves) covering any damage to, or loss or destruction of, aircraft while in the open, during operation, or in flight, the risk of which has been assumed by the Government under this clause, whether or not such assumption may be terminated as to aircraft in the open.
     (h)  (1)  In the event of damage to, or loss or destruction of, aircraft in the open, during operation, or in flight, the Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to protect the aircraft from further damage, separate damaged and undamaged aircraft, and put all aircraft in the best possible order. Further, except in cases covered by paragraph (e) of this clause, the Contractor should furnish to the Contracting Officer a statement of--
                  (i)   The damaged, lost, or destroyed aircraft;
                  (ii)  The time and origin of the damage, loss, or destruction;
                  (iii) All known interests in commingled property of which aircraft are a part; and
                  (iv) Any insurance covering any part of the interest in the commingled property.
            (2)  Except in cases covered by paragraph (e) of this clause, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the amount due under this contract for expenditures made by the Contractor in performing its obligations under this paragraph (h), and this contract shall be modified in writing accordingly.
     (i)  (1)  If, before delivery and acceptance by the Government, any aircraft is damaged, lost, or destroyed and the Government has under this clause assumed the risk of that damage, loss, or destruction, the Government shall either (i) require that the aircraft be replaced or restored by the Contractor to its condition immediately prior to the damage or (ii) terminate this contract with respect to that aircraft.
            (2)  If the Government requires that the aircraft be replaced or restored, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the amount due under this contract and in the time required for its performance, and the contract shall be modified in writing accordingly.
            (3)  If this contract is terminated under this paragraph (i)(1)(ii) with respect to the aircraft, and under this clause the Government has assumed the risk of the damage, loss, or destruction, the Contractor shall be paid the contract price for the aircraft (or, if applicable, any work to be performed on the aircraft) less any amounts the Contracting Officer determines (i) that it would have cost the Contractor to complete the aircraft (or any work to be performed on it), together with any anticipated profit on the uncompleted work and (ii) to be the value, if any, of the damaged aircraft or any remaining portion of it retained by the Contractor. The Contracting Officer shall have the right to prescribe the manner of disposition of the damaged, lost, or destroyed aircraft or any remaining parts of it, and, if the Contractor incurs additional costs as a result of such disposition, a further equitable adjustment shall be made in the amount due to the Contractor.
     (j)  (1)  If the Contractor is at any time reimbursed or compensated by any third person for any damage, loss, or destruction of any aircraft, the risk of which has been assumed by the Government under this clause and for which the Contractor has been compensated by the Government, it shall equitably reimburse the Government.
            (2)  The Contractor shall do nothing to prejudice the Government's rights to recover against third parties for any such damage, loss, or destruction and, upon the request of the Contracting Officer, shall at the Government's expense furnish to the Government all reasonable assistance and cooperation (including the prosecution of suits and the execution of instruments of assignment or subrogation in favor of the Government) in obtaining recovery.

(End of clause)

1852.228-71 Aircraft Flight Risks.
     As prescribed in 1828.311-270, insert the following clause:


     (a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this contract (particularly paragraph (g) of the Government Property (Cost- Reimbursement, Time-and-Materials, or Labor-Hour Contracts) clause and paragraph (c) of the Insurance--Liability to Third Persons clause), the Contractor shall not (1) be relieved of liability for damage to, or loss or destruction of, aircraft sustained during flight or (2) be reimbursed for liabilities to third persons for loss of or damage to property or for death or bodily injury caused by aircraft during flight, unless the flight crew members have previously been approved in writing by the Contracting Officer.
     (b)  For the purposes of this clause --
           (1)  Unless otherwise specifically provided in the Schedule, "aircraft" includes any aircraft, whether furnished by the Contractor under this contract (either before or after Government acceptance) or furnished by the Government to the Contractor under this contract, including all Government property placed or installed or attached to the aircraft, unless the aircraft and property are covered by a separate bailment agreement.
            (2)  "Flight" includes any flight demonstration, flight test, taxi test, or other flight made in the performance of this contract, or for the purpose of safeguarding the aircraft, or previously approved in writing by the Contracting Officer.
                   (i)   With respect to land-based aircraft, flight commences with the taxi roll from a flight line and continues until the aircraft has completed the taxi roll to a flight line.
                   (ii)  With respect to sea-planes, flight commences with the launching from a ramp and continues until the aircraft has completed its landing run and is beached at a ramp.
                   (iii) With respect to helicopters, flight commences upon engagement of the rotors for the purpose of take-off and continues until the aircraft has returned to the ground and rotors are disengaged.
                   (iv) With respect to vertical take-off aircraft, flight commences upon disengagement from any launching platform or device and continues until the aircraft has been re-engaged to any launching platform or device.
            (3)  "Flight crew members" means the pilot, copilot, and, unless otherwise specifically provided in the Schedule, the flight engineer and navigator when required or assigned to their respective crew positions to conduct any flight on behalf of the Contractor.
     (c)  (1)  If any aircraft is damaged, lost, or destroyed during flight and the amount of the damage, loss, or destruction exceeds $100,000 or 20 percent of the estimated cost, exclusive of any fee, of this contract, whichever is less, and if the Contractor is not liable for the damage, loss, or destruction under the Government Property (Cost-Reimbursement, Time-and-Materials, or Labor-Hour Contracts) clause of this contract or under paragraph (a) of this clause, an equitable adjustment for any resulting repair, restoration, or replacement required under this contract shall be made (i) in the estimated cost, the delivery schedule, or both and (ii) in the amount of any fee to be paid to the Contractor, and the contract shall be modified in writing accordingly.
            (2)  In determining the amount of adjustment in the fee that is equitable, any fault of the Contractor, its employees, or any subcontractor that materially contributed to the damage, loss, or destruction shall be taken into consideration.

(End of clause)

1852.228-72  Cross-Waiver of Liability for Space Shuttle Services.
     As prescribed in 1828.371(b) and (e), insert the following clause:


     (a)  As prescribed by regulation (14 CFR Part 1266), NASA agreements involving Space Shuttle flights are required to contain broad cross-waivers of liability among the parties and the parties related entities to encourage participation in space exploration, use, and investment. The purpose of this clause is to extend this cross-waiver requirement to Contractors and related entities under their contracts. This cross-waiver of liability shall be broadly construed to achieve the objective of encouraging participation in space activities.
     (b)  As used in this clause, the term:
           (1) "Contractors" and "Subcontractors" include suppliers of any kind.
           (2) "Damage" means:
                 (i)  Bodily injury to, or other impairment of health of, or death of, any person;
                 (ii)  Damage to, loss of, or loss of use of any property;
                 (iii) Loss of revenue or profits; or
                 (iv) Other direct, indirect, or consequential damage;
            (3)  "Party" means a person or entity that signs an agreement involving a Space Shuttle service;
            (4)  "Payload" means all property to be flown or used on or in the Space Shuttle; and
            (5)  "Protected Space Operations" means all Space Shuttle and payload activities on Earth, in outer space, or in transit between Earth and outer space performed in furtherance of an agreement involving Space Shuttle services or performed under this contract. "Protected Space Operations" excludes activities on Earth which are conducted on return from space to develop further a payload's product or process except when such development is for Space Shuttle-related activities necessary to implement an agreement involving Space Shuttle services or to perform this contract. It includes, but is not limited to:
                  (i)   Research, design, development, test, manufacture, assembly, integration, operation, or use of the Space Shuttle, transfer vehicles, payloads, related support equipment, and facilities and services;
                  (ii)  All activities related to ground support, test, training, simulation, or guidance and control equipment, and related facilities or services.
            (6)  "Related entity" means:
                  (i)   A party's Contractors or subcontractors at any tier;
                  (ii)  A party's users or customers at any tier; or
                  (iii) A Contractor or subcontractor of a party's user or customer at any tier.
     (c)  (1)  The Contractor agrees to a waiver of liability pursuant to which the Contractor waives all claims against any of the entities or persons listed in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (c)(1)(iii) of this clause based on damage arising out of Protected Space Operations. This waiver shall apply only if the person, entity, or property causing the damage is involved in Protected Space Operations and the person, entity, or property damaged is damaged by virtue of its involvement in Protected Space Operations. This waiver shall apply to any claims for damage, whatever the legal basis for such claims, including but not limited to delict (a term used in civil law countries to denote a class of cases similar to tort) and tort (including negligence of every degree and kind) and contract, against:
                  (i)  Any party other than the Government;
                  (ii)  A related entity of any party other than the Government; and
                  (iii) The employees of any of the entities identified in (c)(1)(i) and (c)(1)(ii) of this clause.
            (2)  The Contractor agrees to extend the waiver of liability as set forth in paragraph (c)(1) of this clause to subcontractors at any tier by requiring them, by contract or otherwise, to agree to waive all claims against the entities or persons identified in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (c)(1)(iii) of this clause.
            (3)  For avoidance of doubt, this cross-waiver includes a cross-waiver of liability arising from the Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects, (March 29, 1972, 24 United States Treaties and other International Agreements (U.S.T.) 2389, Treaties and Other International Acts Series (T.I.A.S.) No. 7762 in which the person, entity, or property causing the damage is involved in Protected Space Operations, and the person, entity, or property damaged is damaged by virtue of its involvement in Protected Space Operations.
            (4)  Notwithstanding the other provisions of this clause, this waiver of liability shall not be applicable to:
                   (i)   Claims between any party and its related entities or claims between the Government's related entities (e.g., claims between the Government and the Contractor are included within this exception);
                   (ii)  Claims made by a natural person, his/her estate, survivors, or subrogees for injury or death of such natural person;
                   (iii) Claims for damage caused by willful misconduct; and
                   (iv) Intellectual property claims.
            (5)  Nothing in this clause shall be construed to create the basis for a claim or suit where none would otherwise exist.

(End of clause)

1852.228-73  Bid Bond.
     As prescribed in 1828.101-70, insert the following provision:

(OCTOBER 1988)

     (a)  Each bidder shall submit with its bid a bid bond (Standard Form 24) with good and sufficient surety or sureties acceptable to the Government, or other security as provided in Federal Acquisition Regulation clause 52.228-1, in the amount of twenty percent (20%) of the bid price, or $3 million, whichever is the lower amount.
     (b)  Bid bonds shall be dated the same date as the bid or earlier.

(End of provision)

1852.228-75  Minimum Insurance Coverage.
     As prescribed in 1828.372, insert the following clause:

(OCTOBER 1988)

     The Contractor shall obtain and maintain insurance coverage as follows for the performance of this contract:
     (a)  Worker's compensation and employer's liability insurance as required by applicable Federal and state workers' compensation and occupational disease statutes. If occupational diseases are not compensable under those statutes, they shall be covered under the employer's liability section of the insurance policy, except when contract operations are so commingled with the Contractor's commercial operations that it would not be practical. The employer's liability coverage shall be at least $100,000, except in States with exclusive or monopolistic funds that do not permit workers' compensation to be written by private carriers.
     (b)  Comprehensive general (bodily injury) liability insurance of at least $500,000 per occurrence.
     (c)  Motor vehicle liability insurance written on the comprehensive form of policy which provides for bodily injury and property damage liability covering the operation of all motor vehicles used in connection with performing the contract. Policies covering motor vehicles operated in the United States shall provide coverage of at least $200,000 per person and $500,000 per occurrence for bodily injury liability and $20,000 per occurrence for property damage. The amount of liability coverage on other policies shall be commensurate with any legal requirements of the locality and sufficient to meet normal and customary claims.
     (d)  Comprehensive general and motor vehicle liability policies shall contain a provision worded as follows:

"The insurance company waives any right of subrogation against the United States of America which may arise by reason of any payment under the policy."

     (e)  When aircraft are used in connection with performing the contract, aircraft public and passenger liability insurance of at least $200,000 per person and $500,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, other than passenger liability, and $200,000 per occurrence for property damage. Coverage for passenger liability bodily injury shall be at least $200,000 multiplied by the number of seats or passengers, whichever is greater.

(End of clause)

1852.228-76  Cross-Waiver of Liability for Space Station Activities.
     As prescribed in 1828.371(d) and (e), insert the following clause:


     (a)  The Intergovernmental Agreement for the Space Station contains a broad cross-waiver provision to encourage participation in the exploration and use of outer space through the Space Station. The purpose of this clause is to extend this cross-waiver requirement to Contractors and subcontractors as related entities of NASA. This cross-waiver of liability shall be broadly construed to achieve this objective of encouraging participation in space activities.
     (b)  As used in this clause, the term:
            (1)  "Damage" means:
                   (i)   Bodily injury to, or other impairment of health of, or death of, any person;
                   (ii)  Damage to, loss of, or loss of use of any property;
                   (iii) Loss of revenue or profits; or
                   (iv) Other direct, indirect, or consequential damage.
            (2)  "Launch Vehicle" means an object (or any part thereof) intended for launch, launched from Earth, or returning to Earth which carries payloads or persons, or both.
            (3)  "Partner State" means each contracting party for which the "Agreement among the Government of the United States of America, Governments of Member States of the European Space Agency, Government of Japan, and the Government of Canada on Cooperation in the Detailed Design, Development, Operation, and Utilization of the Permanently Manned Civil Space Station" (the "Intergovernmental Agreement") has entered into force, in accordance with Article 25 of the Intergovernmental Agreement, and also includes any future signatories of the Intergovernmental Agreement. It includes the Cooperating Agency of a Partner State. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for the United States, the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) for the Government of Canada, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Science and Technology Agency of Japan (STA) are the Cooperating Agencies responsible for implementing Space Station cooperation. A Partner State also includes any entity specified in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between NASA and the Government of Japan to assist the Government of Japan Cooperating Agency in the implementation of that MOU.
            (4)  "Payload" means all property to be flown or used on or in a launch vehicle or the Space Station.
            (5)  "Protected Space Operations" means all launch vehicle activities, space station activities, and payload activities on Earth, in outer space, or in transit between Earth and outer space performed in furtherance of the Intergovernmental Agreement or performed under this contract. "Protected Space Operations" also includes all activities related to evolution of the Space Station as provided for in Article 14 of the Intergovernmental Agreement. "Protected Space Operations" excludes activities on Earth which are conducted on return from the Space Station to develop further a payload's product or process except when such development is for Space Station-related activities in implementation of the Intergovernmental Agreement or in performance of this contract. It includes, but is not limited to:
                  (i)   Research, design, development, test, manufacture, assembly, integration, operation, or use of launch or transfer vehicles, payloads, related support equipment, and facilities and services;
                  (ii)  All activities related to ground support, test, training, simulation, or guidance and control equipment and related facilities or services.
            (6)  "Related entity" means:
                  (i)   A Partner State's Contractors or subcontractors at any tier;
                  (ii)  A Partner State's users or customers at any tier; or
                  (iii) A Contractor or subcontractor of a Partner State's user or customer at any tier.
            (7)  "Contractors" and "Subcontractors" include suppliers of any kind.
     (c)  (1)  The Contractor agrees to a cross-waiver of liability pursuant to which the Contractor waives all claims against any of the entities or persons listed in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (c)(1)(iii) of this clause based on damage arising out of Protected Space Operations. This waiver shall apply only if the person, entity, or property causing the damage is involved in Protected Space Operations and the person, entity, or property damaged is damaged by virtue of its involvement in Protected Space Operations. The cross-waiver shall apply to any claims for damage, whatever the legal basis for such claims, including but not limited to delict (a term used in civil law countries to denote a class of cases similar to tort) and tort (including negligence of every degree and kind) and contract against:
                  (i)   Any Partner State other than the United States;
                  (ii)  A related entity of any Partner State other than the United States; and
                  (iii) The employees of any of the entities identified in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) and (ii) of this clause.
            (2)  The Contractor agrees to extend the waiver of liability as set forth in paragraph (c)(1) of this clause to subcontractors at any tier by requiring them, by contract or otherwise, to agree to waive all claims against the entities or persons identified in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (c)(1)(iii) of this clause.
            (3)  For avoidance of doubt, this cross-waiver includes a cross-waiver of liability arising from the Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects, (March 29, 1972, 24 United States Treaties and other International Agreements (U.S.T.) 2389, Treaties and other International Acts Series (T.I.A.S.) No. 7762) in which the person, entity, or property causing the damage is involved in Protected Space Operations.
           (4)  Notwithstanding the other provisions of this clause, this cross-waiver of liability shall not be applicable to:
                  (i)   Claims between the United States and its related entities or claims between the related entities of any Partner State (e.g., claims between the Government and the Contractor are included within this exception);
                  (ii)  Claims made by a natural person, his/her estate, survivors, or subrogees for injury or death of such natural person;
                  (iii) Claims for damage caused by willful misconduct; and
                  (iv) Intellectual property claims.
            (5)  Nothing in this clause shall be construed to create the basis for a claim or suit where none would otherwise exist.

(End of clause)

1852.228-78  Cross-Waiver of Liability for NASA Expendable Launch Vehicle Launches.
     As prescribed in 1828.371(c) and (e), insert the following clause:


     (a)  As prescribed by regulation (14 CFR Part 1266), NASA agreements involving ELV launches are required to contain broad cross-waivers of liability among the parties and the parties related entities to encourage participation in space exploration, use, and investment. The purpose of this clause is to extend this cross-waiver requirement to Contractors and subcontractors as related entities of NASA. This cross-waiver of liability shall be broadly construed to achieve the objective of encouraging participation in space activities.
     (b)  As used in this clause, the term:
            (1)  "Contractors" and "Subcontractors" include suppliers of any kind.
            (2)  "Damage" means:
                   (i)   Bodily injury to, or other impairment of health of, or death of, any person;
                   (ii)  Damage to, loss of, or loss of use of any property;
                   (iii) Loss of revenue or profits; or
                   (iv) Other direct, indirect, or consequential damage;
            (3)  "Party" means a person or entity that signs an agreement involving an ELV launch;
            (4)  "Payload" means all property to be flown or used on or in the ELV; and
            (5)  "Protected Space Operations" means all ELV and payload activities on Earth, in outer space, or in transit between Earth and outer space performed in furtherance of an agreement involving an ELV launch or performed under the contract. "Protected Space Operations" excludes activities on Earth which are conducted on return from space to develop further a payload's product or process except when such development is for ELV-related activities necessary to implement an agreement involving an ELV launch or to perform this contract. It includes, but is not limited to:
                  (i)   Research, design, development, test, manufacture, assembly, integration, operation, or use of ELVs, transfer vehicles, payloads, related support equipment, and facilities and services;
                  (ii)  All activities related to ground support, test, training, simulation, or guidance and control equipment, and related facilities or services.
            (6)  "Related entity" means:
                   (i)   A party's Contractors or subcontractors at any tier;
                   (ii)  A party's users or customers at any tier; or
                   (iii) A Contractor or subcontractor of a party's user or customer at any tier.
     (c)  (1)  The Contractor agrees to a waiver of liability pursuant to which the Contractor waives all claims against any of the entities or persons listed in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (c)(1)(iii) of this clause based on damage arising out of Protected Space Operations. This waiver shall apply only if the person, entity, or property causing the damage is involved in Protected Space Operations and the person, entity, or property damaged is damaged by virtue of its involvement in Protected Space Operations. The waiver shall apply to any claims for damage, whatever the legal basis for such claims, including but not limited to delict (a term used in civil law countries to denote a class of cases similar to tort) and tort (including negligence of every degree and kind) and contract, against:
                   (i)   Any party other than the Government;
                   (ii)  A related entity of any party other than the Government; and
                   (iii) The employees of any of the entities identified in (c)(1)(i) and (ii) of this clause.
            (2)  The Contractor agrees to extend the waiver of liability as set forth in paragraph (c)(1) of this clause to subcontractors at any tier by requiring them, by contract or otherwise, to agree to waive all claims against the entities or persons identified in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (c)(1)(iii) of this clause.
            (3)  For avoidance of doubt, this cross-waiver includes a cross-waiver of liability arising from the Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects, (March 29, 1972, 24 United States Treaties and other International Agreements (U.S.T.) 2389, Treaties and other International Acts Series (T.I.A.S.) No. 7762) in which the person, entity, or property causing the damage is involved in Protected Space Operations.
             (4)  Notwithstanding the other provisions of this clause, this cross-waiver of liability shall not be applicable to:
                    (i)   Claims between any party and its related entities or claims between any party's related entities (e.g., claims between the Government and the Contractor are included within this exception);
                    (ii)  Claims made by a natural person, his/her estate, survivors, or subrogees for injury or death of such natural person;
                    (iii) Claims for damage caused by willful misconduct; and
                    (iv) Intellectual property claims.
             (5)  Nothing in this clause shall be construed to create the basis for a claim or suit where none would otherwise exist.
             (6)  This cross-waiver shall not be applicable when the Commercial Space Launch Act cross-waiver (49 U.S.C. App. 2615) is applicable.

(End of clause)

1852.228-80  Insurance -- Immunity From Tort Liability.
    As prescribed in 1828.311-270(b), insert the following provision:


     If the offeror is partially or totally immune from tort liability to third persons as a State agency or as a charitable institution, the offeror will include in its offer a representation to that effect. When the successful offeror represented in its offer that it is immune from tort liability, the following clause(s) will be included in the resulting contract:
     (a)  When the offeror represents that it is partially immune from tort liability to third persons as a State agency or as a charitable institution, the clause at FAR 52.228-7, Insurance -- Liability To Third Persons, and the associated NFS clause 1852.228-81, Insurance -- Partial Immunity From Tort Liability, will be included in the contract.
     (b)  When the offeror represents that it is totally immune from tort liability to third persons as a State agency or as a charitable institution. the clause at NFS 1852.228-82, Insurance -- Total Immunity From Tort Liability, will be included in the contract.

(End of provision)

1852.228-81  Insurance -- Partial Immunity From Tort Liability.
    As prescribed in 1828.311-270(c), insert the following clause:


     (a)  Except as provided for in paragraph (b) of this clause, the Government does not assume any liability to third persons, nor will the Government reimburse the Contractor for its liability to third persons, with respect to loss due to death, bodily injury, or damage to property resulting in any way from the performance of this contract; and
    (b)  The Contractor need not provide or maintain insurance coverage as required by paragraph (a) of FAR clause 52.228-7, Insurance -- Liability To Third Persons, provided that the Contractor may obtain any insurance coverage deemed necessary, subject to approval by the Contracting Officer as to form, amount, and duration.  The Contractor shall be reimbursed for the cost of such insurance and, to the extent provided in paragraph (c) of FAR clause 52.228-7, for liabilities to third person for which the Contractor has obtained insurance coverage as provided in this paragraph, but for which such coverage is insufficient in amount.

(End of clause)

1852.228-82  Insurance -- Total Immunity From Tort Liability.
    As prescribed in 1828.311-270(d), insert the following clause:

    (SEPTEMBER 2000)

     (a)  The Government does not assume any liability to third persons, nor will the Government reimburse the Contractor for its liability to third persons, with respect to loss due to death, bodily injury, or damage to property resulting in any way from the performance of this contract or any subcontract under this contract.
     (b)  If any suit or action is filed, or if any claim is made against the Contractor, the cost and expense of which may be reimbursable to the Contractor under this contract, the Contractor will immediately notify the Contracting Officer and promptly furnish copies of all pertinent papers received by the Contractor.  The Contractor will, if required by the Government, authorize Government representatives to settle or defend the claim and to represent the Contractor in or take charge of any litigation.  The Contractor may, at its own expense, be associated with the Government representatives in any such claim or litigation.

(End of clause)

1852.231-70   Precontract Costs.
     As prescribed in 1831.205-70, insert the following clause:

(JUNE 1995)

     The Contractor shall be entitled to reimbursement for costs incurred on or after                 in an amount not to exceed $   __       that, if incurred after this contract had been entered into, would have been reimbursable under this contract.

(End of clause)

1852.231-71  Determination of Compensation Reasonableness.
     As prescribed at 1831.205-671, insert the following provision.

(MARCH 1994)

     (a)  The proposal shall include a total compensation plan. This plan shall address all proposed labor categories, including those personnel subject to union agreements, the Service Contract Act, and those exempt from both of the above. The total compensation plan shall include the salaries/wages, fringe benefits and leave programs proposed for each of these categories of labor. The plan also shall include a discussion of the consistency of the plan among the categories of labor being proposed. Differences between benefits offered professional and non-professional employees shall be highlighted. The requirements of this plan may be combined with that required by the clause at FAR 52.222-46, "Evaluation of Compensation for Professional Employees."
     (b)  The offeror shall provide written support to demonstrate that its proposed compensation is reasonable.
     (c)  The offeror shall include the rationale for any conformance procedures used or those Service Contract Act employees proposed that do not fall within the scope of any classification listed in the applicable wage determination.
     (d)  The offeror shall require all service subcontractors (1) with proposed cost reimbursement or non-competitive fixed-price type subcontracts having a total potential value in excess of $500,000 and (2) the cumulative value of all their service subcontracts under the proposed prime contract in excess of 10 percent of the prime contract's total potential value, provide as part of their proposals the information identified in (a) through (c) of this provision.

(End of provision)

1852.232-70  NASA Modification of FAR 52.232-12.
     As prescribed at 1832.412-70, make the following modifications:

(MARCH 1998)

     (a)  Basic Clause. (1) In paragraph (e), Maximum Payment, in the sentence that begins "When the sum of," change the word "When" to lower case and insert before it: "Unliquidated advance payments shall not exceed $..... at any time outstanding. In addition.…"
            (2)  In paragraph (m)(1), delete "in the form prescribed by the administering office" and substitute "and Standard Form 272, Federal Cash Transactions Report, and, if appropriate, Standard Form 272-A, Federal Cash Transactions Report Continuation."
     (b)  Alternate II (if incorporated in the contract). In paragraph (e), Maximum Payment, in the sentence that begins "When the sum of," change the word "When" to lower case and insert before it: "Unliquidated advance payments shall not exceed $..... at any time outstanding. In addition.…"
     (c)  Alternate V (if incorporated in the contract). (1) Substitute the following for paragraph (b): "(b) Use of funds. The Contractor may use advance payment funds only to pay for properly allocable, allowable, and reasonable costs for direct materials, direct labor, indirect costs, or such other costs approved in writing by the administering contracting office. Payments are subject to any restrictions in other clauses of this contract. Determinations of whether costs are properly allocable, allowable, and reasonable shall be in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, subject to any applicable subparts of Part 31 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation, other applicable regulations referenced in Part 31, or Subpart 1831.2."
            (2)  In paragraph (d), Maximum Payment, in the sentence that begins "When the sum of," change the word "When" to lower case and insert before it: "Unliquidated advance payments shall not exceed $........ at any time outstanding. In addition....…"
            (3)  In paragraph (j)(1), insert between "statements," and "and" "together with Standard Form 272, Federal Cash Transactions Report, and, if appropriate, Standard Form 272-A, Federal Cash Transactions Report Continuation"
            (4)  If this is a Phase I contract awarded under the SBIR or STTR programs, delete paragraph (a) and substitute the following: "(a) Requirements for payment. Advance payments will be made under this contract upon receipt of invoices from the Contractor. Invoices should be clearly marked "Small Business Innovation Research Contract" or "Small Business Technology Transfer Contract," as appropriate, to expedite payment processing. One-third of the total contract price will be available to be advanced to the contractor immediately after award, another one-third will be advanced three months after award, and the final one-third will be paid upon acceptance by NASA of the Contractor's final report. By law, full payment must be made no later than 12 months after the date that contract requirements are completed. The Contractor shall flow down the terms of this clause to any subcontractor requiring advance payments."

(End of clause)

1852.232-77   Limitation of Funds (Fixed- Price Contract).
     As prescribed in 1832.705-270(a), insert the following clause. Contracting officers are authorized, in appropriate cases, to revise clause paragraphs (a), (b), and (g) to specify the work required under the contract, in lieu of using contract item numbers. The 60-day period may be varied from 30 to 90 days, and the 75 percent from 75 to 85 percent:

(MARCH 1989)

     (a)  Of the total price of items through    __ , the sum of $    ___   is presently available for payment and allotted to this contract. It is anticipated that from time to time additional funds will be allocated to the contract in accordance with the following schedule, until the total price of said items is allotted:




     (b)  The Contractor agrees to perform or have performed work on the items specified in paragraph (a) of this clause up to the point at which, if this contract is terminated pursuant to the Termination for Convenience of the Government clause of this contract, the total amount payable by the Government (including amounts payable for subcontracts and settlement costs) pursuant to paragraphs (f) and (g) of that clause would, in the exercise of reasonable judgment by the Contractor, approximate the total amount at the time allotted to the contract. The Contractor is not obligated to continue performance of the work beyond that point. The Government is not obligated in any event to pay or reimburse the Contractor more than the amount from time to time allotted to the contract, anything to the contrary in the Termination for Convenience of the Government clause notwithstanding.
     (c)  (1)  It is contemplated that funds presently allotted to this contract will cover the work to be performed until                .
            (2)  If funds allotted are considered by the Contractor to be inadequate to cover the work to be performed until that date, or an agreed date substituted for it, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer in writing when within the next 60 days the work will reach a point at which, if the contract is terminated pursuant to the Termination for Convenience of the Government clause of this contract, the total amount payable by the Government (including amounts payable for subcontracts and settlement costs) pursuant to paragraphs (f) and (g) of that clause will approximate 75 percent of the total amount then allotted to the contract.
            (3)  (i)   The notice shall state the estimate when the point referred to in paragraph (c)(2) of this clause will be reached and the estimated amount of additional funds required to continue performance to the date specified in paragraph (c)(1) of this clause, or an agreed date substituted for it.
                   (ii)  The Contractor shall, 60 days in advance of the date specified in paragraph (c)(1) of this clause, or an agreed date substituted for it, advise the Contracting Officer in writing as to the estimated amount of additional funds required for the timely performance of the contract for a further period as may be specified in the contract or otherwise agreed to by the parties.
            (4)  If, after the notification referred to in paragraph (c)(3)(ii) of this clause, additional funds are not allotted by the date specified in paragraph (c)(1) of this clause, or an agreed date substituted for it, the Contracting Officer shall, upon the Contractor's written request, terminate this contract on that date or on the date set forth in the request, whichever is later, pursuant to the Termination for Convenience of the Government clause.
     (d)  When additional funds are allotted from time to time for continued performance of the work under this contract, the parties shall agree on the applicable period of contract performance to be covered by these funds. The provisions of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this clause shall apply to these additional allotted funds and the substituted date pertaining to them, and the contract shall be modified accordingly.
     (e)  If, solely by reason of the Government's failure to allot additional funds in amounts sufficient for the timely performance of this contract, the Contractor incurs additional costs or is delayed in the performance of the work under this contract, and if additional funds are allotted, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the price or prices (including appropriate target, billing, and ceiling prices where applicable) of the items to be delivered, or in the time of delivery, or both.
     (f)  The Government may at any time before termination, and, with the consent of the Contractor, after notice of termination, allot additional funds for this contract.
     (g)  The provisions of this clause with respect to termination shall in no way be deemed to limit the rights of the Government under the default clause of this contract. The provisions of this Limitation of Funds clause are limited to the work on and allotment of funds for the items set forth in paragraph (a) of this clause. This clause shall become inoperative upon the allotment of funds for the total price of said work except for rights and obligations then existing under this clause.
     (h)  Nothing in this clause shall affect the right of the Government to terminate this contract pursuant to the Termination for Convenience of the Government clause of this contract.

(End of clause)

1852.232-79  Payment for On-Site Preparatory Costs
     As prescribed in 1832.111-70, insert the following clause:


     Costs associated with on-site preparatory work (start-up or set-up costs) will be prorated over all work activities of a Critical Path Method (CPM) network or Progress Chart against which progress payments will be sought. Separate payment for on-site preparatory costs will not be made by the Government.

(End of clause)

1852.232-81  Contract Funding.
     As prescribed in 1832.705-270(b), insert the following clause:

(JUNE 1990)

     (a)  For purposes of payment of cost, exclusive of fee, in accordance with the Limitation of Funds clause, the total amount allotted by the Government to this contract is $  ___  .  .   This allotment is for [Insert applicable item number(s), task(s), or work description]        ___   and covers the following estimated period of performance:   _____   .
     (b)  An additional amount of $     __    is obligated under this contract for payment of fee.

(End of clause)

1852.232-82  Submission of Requests for Progress Payments.
     As prescribed in 1832.502-470, insert the following clause:

(MARCH 1989)

     The Contractor shall request progress payments in accordance with the Progress Payments clause by submitting to the Contracting Officer an original and two copies of Standard Form (SF) 1443, Contractor's Request for Progress Payment, and the contractor's invoice (if applicable). The Contracting Officer's office is the designated billing office for progress payments for purposes of the Prompt Payment clause.

(End of clause)

1852.233-70  Protests to NASA.
     As prescribed in 1833.106-70, insert the following provision:

(OCTOBER 2002)

     Potential bidders or offerors may submit a protest under 48 CFR Part 33 (FAR Part 33) directly to the Contracting Officer. As an alternative to the Contracting Officer's consideration of a protest, a potential bidder or offeror may submit the protest to the Assistant Administrator for Procurement, who will serve as or designate the official responsible for conducting an independent review. Protests requesting an independent review shall be addressed to Assistant Administrator for Procurement, NASA Code H, Washington, DC 20546-0001.

(End of provision)


1852.234-1 Notice of Earned Value Management System.

As prescribed in 1834.203-70(a), insert the following provision:


  (a) The offeror shall provide documentation that its proposed Earned Value Management System (EVMS) complies with the EVMS guidelines in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA)-748 Standard, Earned Value Management Systems.

  (b) If the offeror proposes to use a system that currently does not meet the requirements of paragraph (a) of this provision, the offeror shall submit its comprehensive plan for compliance with the EVMS guidelines to the Government for approval.

              (1) The plan shall—

     (i)   Describe the EVMS the offeror intends to use in performance of the contract;

     (ii)  Distinguish between the offeror's existing management system and modifications proposed to meet the EVMS guidelines in ANSI/EIA-748;

     (iii) Describe the management system and its application in terms of the EVMS guidelines;

     (iv) Describe the proposed procedure for application of the EVMS requirements to subcontractors;

     (v)  Describe how the offeror will ensure EVMS compliance for each subcontractor subject to the flowdown requirement in paragraph (c) whose EVMS has not been recognized by the Cognizant Federal Agency as compliant according to paragraph (a);

     (vi) Provide documentation describing the process and results, including Government participation, of any third-party or self-evaluation of the system’s compliance with the EVMS guidelines; and

     (vii)  If the value of the offeror’s proposal, including options, is $50 million or more, provide a schedule of events leading up to formal validation and Government acceptance of the Contractor’s EVMS.  This schedule should include progress assistance visits, the first visit occurring no later than 30 days after contract award, and a compliance review as soon as practicable.  The Department of Defense Earned Value Management Implementation Guide (https://acc.dau.mil/CommunityBrowser.aspx?id=19557) outlines the requirements for conducting a progress assistance visit and validation compliance review.

              (2)  The offeror shall provide information and assistance as required by the Contracting Officer to support review of the plan.

              (3)  The Government will review the offeror’s EVMS implementation plan prior to contract award.

   (c)  The offeror shall identify in its offer the major subcontractors, or major subcontracted effort if major subcontractors have not been selected, planned for application of the EVMS requirement.  Prior to contract award, the offeror and NASA shall agree on the subcontractors, or subcontracted effort, subject to the EVMS requirement.

  (d) The offeror shall incorporate its compliance evaluation factors for subcontractors into the plan required by paragraph (b) of this provision.

(End of provision)


1852.234-2  Earned Value Management System.

   As prescribed in 1834.203-70(b) insert the following clause:



   (a)  In the performance of this contract, the Contractor shall use--

         (1)  An Earned Value Management System (EVMS) that has been determined by the Cognizant Federal Agency to be compliant with the EVMS guidelines specified in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) – 748 Standard, Industry Guidelines for Earned Value Management Systems (current version at the time of award) to manage this contract; and

         (2) Earned Value Management procedures that provide for generation of timely, accurate, reliable, and traceable information for the Contract Performance Report (CPR) required by the contract.

  (b)  If, at the time of award, the Contractor’s EVMS has not been determined by the Cognizant Federal Agency to be compliant with the EVMS guidelines, or the Contractor does not have an existing cost/schedule control system that is compliant with the guidelines in the ANSI/EIA-748 Standard (current version at the time of award), the Contractor shall apply the system to the contract and shall take timely action to implement its plan to obtain compliance/validation. The Contractor shall follow and implement the approved compliance/validation plan in a timely fashion.  The Government will conduct a Compliance Review to assess the contactor’s compliance with its plan, and if the Contractor does not follow the approved implementation schedule or correct all resulting system deficiencies identified as a result of the compliance review within a reasonable time, the Contracting Officer may take remedial action, that may include, but is not limited to, a reduction in fee.

  (c)  The Government will conduct Integrated Baseline Reviews (IBRs).  Such reviews shall be scheduled and conducted as early as practicable, and if a pre-award IBR has not been conducted, a post-award IBR should be conducted within 180 calendar days after contract award, or the exercise of significant contract options, or within 60 calendar days after distribution of a supplemental agreement that implements a significant funding realignment or effects a significant change in contractual requirements (e.g., incorporation of major modifications).  The objective of IBRs is for the Government and the Contractor to jointly assess the Contractor’s baseline to be used for performance measurement to ensure complete coverage of the statement of work, logical scheduling of the work activities, adequate resourcing, and identification of inherent risks.

  (d)  Unless a waiver is granted by the Cognizant Federal Agency, Contractor proposed EVMS changes require approval of the Cognizant Federal Agency prior to implementation.  The Cognizant Federal Agency shall advise the Contractor of the acceptability of such changes within 30 calendar days after receipt of the notice of proposed changes from the Contractor.  If the advance approval requirements are waived by the Cognizant Federal Agency, the Contractor shall disclose EVMS changes to the Cognizant Federal Agency at least 14 calendar days prior to the effective date of implementation.

  (e)  The Contractor agrees to provide access to all pertinent records and data requested by the Contracting Officer or a duly authorized representative.  Access is to permit Government surveillance to ensure that the Contractor’s EVMS complies, and continues to comply, with the EVMS guidelines referenced in paragraph (a) of this clause, and to demonstrate—

         (1)  Proper implementation of the procedures generating the cost and schedule information being used to satisfy the contract data requirements;

         (2)  Continuing application of the accepted company procedures in satisfying the CPR required by the contract through recurring program/project and contract surveillance; and

         (3)  Implementation of any corrective actions identified during the surveillance process.

   (f)  The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that its subcontractors, identified below, comply with the EVMS requirements of this clause as follows:

         (1)  For subcontracts with an estimated dollar value of $50M or more, the following subcontractors shall comply with the requirements of this clause.

         (Contracting Officer to insert names of subcontractors or subcontracted effort).






         (2)  For subcontracts with an estimated dollar value of less than $50M, the following subcontractors shall comply with the requirements of this clause except for the requirement in paragraph (b), if applicable, to obtain compliance/validation.

         (Contracting Officer to insert names of subcontractors or subcontracted effort.)






  (g)  If the contractor identifies a need to deviate from the agreed baseline by working against an Over Target Baseline (OTB) or Over Target Schedule (OTS), the contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer a request for approval to begin implementation of an OTB or OTS.  This request shall include a top-level projection of cost and/or schedule growth, whether or not performance variances will be retained, and a schedule of implementation for the reprogramming adjustment.  The Government will approve or deny the request within 30 calendar days after receipt of the request.  Failure of the Government to respond within this 30-day period constitutes approval of the request.  Approval of the deviation request does not constitute a change, or the basis for a change, to the negotiated cost or price of this contract, or the estimated cost of any undefinitized contract actions.

(End of clause)




   As prescribed in 1834.203-70(b), substitute the following paragraph (b) for paragraph (b) of the basic clause:

  (b) If, at the time of award, the Contractor’s EVMS has not been determined by the Cognizant Federal Agency to be compliant with the EVMS guidelines, or the Contractor does not have an existing cost/schedule control system that is compliant with the guidelines in the ANSI/EIA-748 Standard (current version at the time of ward), the Contractor shall apply the system to the contract and shall take timely action to implement its plan to be compliant with the guidelines.  The Government will not formally validate/accept the Contractor’s EVMS with respect to this contract.  The use of the Contractor’s EVMS for this contract does not imply Government acceptance of the Contractor’s EVMS for application to future contracts.  The Government will monitor compliance through routine surveillance.


1852.235-70 Center for AeroSpace Information.

As prescribed in 1835.070(a), insert the following clause:



            (a) The Contractor should register with and avail itself of the services provided by the NASA Center for AeroSpace Information (CASI) (http://www.sti.nasa.gov) for the conduct of research or research and development required under this contract.  CASI provides a variety of services and products as a NASA repository and database of research information, which may enhance contract performance.
            (b) Should the CASI information or service requested by the Contractor be unavailable or not in the exact form necessary by the Contractor, neither CASI nor NASA is obligated to search for or change the format of the information.  A failure to furnish information shall not entitle the Contractor to an equitable adjustment under the terms and conditions of this contract.
            (c) Information regarding CASI and the services available can be obtained at the Internet address contained in paragraph (a) of this clause.

(End of clause)


1852.235-71  Key Personnel and Facilities.
     As prescribed in 1835.070(b), insert the following clause:

(MARCH 1989)

     (a)  The personnel and/or facilities listed below (or specified in the contract Schedule) are considered essential to the work being performed under this contract. Before removing, replacing, or diverting any of the listed or specified personnel or facilities, the Contractor shall (1) notify the Contracting Officer reasonably in advance and (2) submit justification (including proposed substitutions) in sufficient detail to permit evaluation of the impact on this contract.
     (b)  The Contractor shall make no diversion without the Contracting Officer's written consent; provided, that the Contracting Officer may ratify in writing the proposed change, and that ratification shall constitute the Contracting Officer's consent required by this clause.
     (c)  The list of personnel and/or facilities (shown below or as specified in the contract Schedule) may, with the consent of the contracting parties, be amended from time to time during the course of the contract to add or delete personnel and/or facilities.

[List here the personnel and/or facilities considered essential, unless they are specified in the contract Schedule.]

(End of clause)

1852.235-72  Instructions for Responding to NASA Research Announcements.
     As prescribed in 1835.070(c), insert the following provision:


     (a)  General.
            (1)  Proposals received in response to a NASA Research Announcement (NRA) will be used only for evaluation purposes. NASA does not allow a proposal, the contents of which are not available without restriction from another source, or any unique ideas submitted in response to an NRA to be used as the basis of a solicitation or in negotiation with other organizations, nor is a pre-award synopsis published for individual proposals.
            (2)  A solicited proposal that results in a NASA award becomes part of the record of that transaction and may be available to the public on specific request; however, information or material that NASA and the awardee mutually agree to be of a privileged nature will be held in confidence to the extent permitted by law, including the Freedom of Information Act.
            (3)  NRAs contain programmatic information and certain requirements which apply only to proposals prepared in response to that particular announcement. These instructions contain the general proposal preparation information which applies to responses to all NRAs.
            (4)  A contract, grant, cooperative agreement, or other agreement may be used to accomplish an effort funded in response to an NRA. NASA will determine the appropriate award instrument. Contracts resulting from NRAs are subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulation and the NASA FAR Supplement. Any resultant grants or cooperative agreements will be awarded and administered in accordance with the NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Handbook (NPR 5800.1).
            (5)  NASA does not have mandatory forms or formats for responses to NRAs; however, it is requested that proposals conform to the guidelines in these instructions. NASA may accept proposals without discussion; hence, proposals should initially be as complete as possible and be submitted on the proposers' most favorable terms.
            (6)  To be considered for award, a submission must, at a minimum, present a specific project within the areas delineated by the NRA; contain sufficient technical and cost information to permit a meaningful evaluation; be signed by an official authorized to legally bind the submitting organization; not merely offer to perform standard services or to just provide computer facilities or services; and not significantly duplicate a more specific current or pending NASA solicitation.
     (b)  NRA-Specific Items.  Several proposal submission items appear in the NRA itself: the unique NRA identifier; when to submit proposals; where to send proposals; number of copies required; and sources for more information. Items included in these instructions may be supplemented by the NRA.
     (c)  The following information is needed to permit consideration in an objective manner. NRAs will generally specify topics for which additional information or greater detail is desirable. Each proposal copy shall contain all submitted material, including a copy of the transmittal letter if it contains substantive information.
            (1)  Transmittal Letter or Prefatory Material.
                   (i)   The legal name and address of the organization and specific division or campus identification if part of a larger organization;
                   (ii)  A brief, scientifically valid project title intelligible to a scientifically literate reader and suitable for use in the public press;
                   (iii) Type of organization: e.g., profit, nonprofit, educational, small business, minority, women-owned, etc.;
                   (iv) Name and telephone number of the principal investigator and business personnel who may be contacted during evaluation or negotiation;
                    (v) Identification of other organizations that are currently evaluating a proposal for the same efforts;
                    (vi) Identification of the NRA, by number and title, to which the proposal is responding;
                    (vii) Dollar amount requested, desired starting date, and duration of project;
                    (viii) Date of submission; and
                     (ix) Signature of a responsible official or authorized representative of the organization, or any other person authorized to legally bind the organization (unless the signature appears on the proposal itself).
            (2)  Restriction on Use and Disclosure of Proposal Information. Information contained in proposals is used for evaluation purposes only. Offerors or quoters should, in order to maximize protection of trade secrets or other information that is confidential or privileged, place the following notice on the title page of the proposal and specify the information subject to the notice by inserting an appropriate identification in the notice. In any event, information contained in proposals will be protected to the extent permitted by law, but NASA assumes no liability for use and disclosure of information not made subject to the notice.

Restriction on Use and Disclosure of Proposal Information

The information (data) contained in [insert page numbers or other identification] of this proposal constitutes a trade secret and/or information that is commercial or financial and confidential or privileged. It is furnished to the Government in confidence with the understanding that it will not, without permission of the offeror, be used or disclosed other than for evaluation purposes; provided, however, that in the event a contract (or other agreement) is awarded on the basis of this proposal the Government shall have the right to use and disclose this information (data) to the extent provided in the contract (or other agreement). This restriction does not limit the Government's right to use or disclose this information (data) if obtained from another source without restriction.

(3) Abstract. Include a concise (200-300 word if not otherwise specified in the NRA) abstract describing the objective and the method of approach.
            (4)  Project Description.
                   (i)   The main body of the proposal shall be a detailed statement of the work to be undertaken and should include objectives and expected significance; relation to the present state of knowledge; and relation to previous work done on the project and to related work in progress elsewhere. The statement should outline the plan of work, including the broad design of experiments to be undertaken and a description of experimental methods and procedures. The project description should address the evaluation factors in these instructions and any specific factors in the NRA. Any substantial collaboration with individuals not referred to in the budget or use of consultants should be described. Subcontracting significant portions of a research project is discouraged.
                   (ii)  When it is expected that the effort will require more than one year, the proposal should cover the complete project to the extent that it can be reasonably anticipated. Principal emphasis should be on the first year of work, and the description should distinguish clearly between the first year's work and work planned for subsequent years.
            (5)  Management Approach. For large or complex efforts involving interactions among numerous individuals or other organizations, plans for distribution of responsibilities and arrangements for ensuring a coordinated effort should be described.
            (6)  Personnel. The principal investigator is responsible for supervision of the work and participates in the conduct of the research regardless of whether or not compensated under the award. A short biographical sketch of the principal investigator, a list of principal publications and any exceptional qualifications should be included. Omit social security number and other personal items which do not merit consideration in evaluation of the proposal. Give similar biographical information on other senior professional personnel who will be directly associated with the project. Give the names and titles of any other scientists and technical personnel associated substantially with the project in an advisory capacity. Universities should list the approximate number of students or other assistants, together with information as to their level of academic attainment. Any special industry-university cooperative arrangements should be described.
            (7)  Facilities and Equipment.
                   (i)   Describe available facilities and major items of equipment especially adapted or suited to the proposed project, and any additional major equipment that will be required. Identify any Government-owned facilities, industrial plant equipment, or special tooling that are proposed for use. Include evidence of its availability and the cognizant Government points of contact.
                    (ii)  Before requesting a major item of capital equipment, the proposer should determine if sharing or loan of equipment already within the organization is a feasible alternative. Where such arrangements cannot be made, the proposal should so state. The need for items that typically can be used for research and non-research purposes should be explained.
            (8)  Proposed Costs (U.S. Proposals Only).
                   (i)   Proposals should contain cost and technical parts in one volume: do not use separate "confidential" salary pages. As applicable, include separate cost estimates for salaries and wages; fringe benefits; equipment; expendable materials and supplies; services; domestic and foreign travel; ADP expenses; publication or page charges; consultants; subcontracts; other miscellaneous identifiable direct costs; and indirect costs. List salaries and wages in appropriate organizational categories (e.g., principal investigator, other scientific and engineering professionals, graduate students, research assistants, and technicians and other non-professional personnel). Estimate all staffing data in terms of staff-months or fractions of full-time.
                   (ii)  Explanatory notes should accompany the cost proposal to provide identification and estimated cost of major capital equipment items to be acquired; purpose and estimated number and lengths of trips planned; basis for indirect cost computation (including date of most recent negotiation and cognizant agency); and clarification of other items in the cost proposal that are not self-evident. List estimated expenses as yearly requirements by major work phases.
                    (iii) Allowable costs are governed by FAR Part 31 and the NASA FAR Supplement Part 1831 (and OMB Circulars A-21 for educational institutions and A-122 for nonprofit organizations).
                    (iv) Use of NASA funds--NASA funding may not be used for foreign research efforts at any level, whether as a collaborator or a subcontract. The direct purchase of supplies and/or services, which do not constitute research, from non-U.S. sources by U.S. award recipients is permitted. Additionally, in accordance with the National Space Transportation Policy, use of a non-U.S. manufactured launch vehicle is permitted only on a no-exchange-of-funds basis.
            (9)  Security. Proposals should not contain security classified material. If the research requires access to or may generate security classified information, the submitter will be required to comply with Government security regulations.
            (10)  Current Support. For other current projects being conducted by the principal investigator, provide title of project, sponsoring agency, and ending date.
            (11)  Special Matters.
                     (i)   Include any required statements of environmental impact of the research, human subject or animal care provisions, conflict of interest, or on such other topics as may be required by the nature of the effort and current statutes, executive orders, or other current Government-wide guidelines.
                    (ii) Identify and discuss risk factors and issues throughout the proposal where they are relevant, and your approach to managing these risks.
(iii)  Proposers should include a brief description of the organization, its facilities, and previous work experience in the field of the proposal. Identify the cognizant Government audit agency, inspection agency, and administrative contracting officer, when applicable.
     (d)  Renewal Proposals.
            (1)  Renewal proposals for existing awards will be considered in the same manner as proposals for new endeavors. A renewal proposal should not repeat all of the information that was in the original proposal. The renewal proposal should refer to its predecessor, update the parts that are no longer current, and indicate what elements of the research are expected to be covered during the period for which support is desired. A description of any significant findings since the most recent progress report should be included. The renewal proposal should treat, in reasonable detail, the plans for the next period, contain a cost estimate, and otherwise adhere to these instructions.
            (2)  NASA may renew an effort either through amendment of an existing contract or by a new award.
     (e)  Length.  Unless otherwise specified in the NRA, effort should be made to keep proposals as brief as possible, concentrating on substantive material. Few proposals need exceed 15-20 pages. Necessary detailed information, such as reprints, should be included as attachments. A complete set of attachments is necessary for each copy of the proposal. As proposals are not returned, avoid use of "one-of-a-kind" attachments.
     (f)  Joint Proposals.
(1)  Where multiple organizations are involved, the proposal may be submitted by only one of them. It should clearly describe the role to be played by the other organizations and indicate the legal and managerial arrangements contemplated. In other instances, simultaneous submission of related proposals from each organization might be appropriate, in which case parallel awards would be made.
            (2)  Where a project of a cooperative nature with NASA is contemplated, describe the contributions expected from any participating NASA investigator and agency facilities or equipment which may be required. The proposal must be confined only to that which the proposing organization can commit itself. "Joint" proposals which specify the internal arrangements NASA will actually make are not acceptable as a means of establishing an agency commitment.
     (g)  Late Proposals. Proposals or proposal modifications received after the latest date specified for receipt may be considered if a significant reduction in cost to the Government is probable or if there are significant technical advantages, as compared with proposals previously received.
     (h)  Withdrawal. Proposals may be withdrawn by the proposer at any time before award. Offerors are requested to notify NASA if the proposal is funded by another organization or of other changed circumstances which dictate termination of evaluation.
     (i)   Evaluation Factors.
(1)  Unless otherwise specified in the NRA, the principal elements (of approximately equal weight) considered in evaluating a proposal are its relevance to NASA's objectives, intrinsic merit, and cost.
            (2)  Evaluation of a proposal's relevance to NASA's objectives includes the consideration of the potential contribution of the effort to NASA's mission.
            (3)  Evaluation of its intrinsic merit includes the consideration of the following factors of equal importance:
                   (i)   Overall scientific or technical merit of the proposal or unique and innovative methods, approaches, or concepts demonstrated by the proposal.
                   (ii)  Offeror's capabilities, related experience, facilities, techniques, or unique combinations of these which are integral factors for achieving the proposal objectives.
                   (iii) The qualifications, capabilities, and experience of the proposed principal investigator, team leader, or key personnel critical in achieving the proposal objectives.
                   (iv) Overall standing among similar proposals and/or evaluation against the state-of-the-art.
            (4)  Evaluation of the cost of a proposed effort may include the realism and reasonableness of the proposed cost and available funds.
     (j)  Evaluation Techniques. Selection decisions will be made following peer and/or scientific review of the proposals. Several evaluation techniques are regularly used within NASA. In all cases proposals are subject to scientific review by discipline specialists in the area of the proposal. Some proposals are reviewed entirely in-house, others are evaluated by a combination of in-house and selected external reviewers, while yet others are subject to the full external peer review technique (with due regard for conflict-of-interest and protection of proposal information), such as by mail or through assembled panels. The final decisions are made by a NASA selecting official. A proposal which is scientifically and programmatically meritorious, but not selected for award during its initial review, may be included in subsequent reviews unless the proposer requests otherwise.
     (k)  Selection for Award.
            (1)  When a proposal is not selected for award, the proposer will be notified. NASA will explain generally why the proposal was not selected. Proposers desiring additional information may contact the selecting official who will arrange a debriefing.
            (2)  When a proposal is selected for award, negotiation and award will be handled by the procurement office in the funding installation. The proposal is used as the basis for negotiation. The contracting officer may request certain business data and may forward a model award instrument and other information pertinent to negotiation.
     (l)  Additional Guidelines Applicable to Foreign Proposals and Proposals Including Foreign Participation.
          (1)  NASA welcomes proposals from outside the U.S.  However, foreign entities are generally not eligible for funding from NASA.  Therefore, unless otherwise noted in the NRA, proposals from foreign entities should not include a cost plan unless the proposal involves collaboration with a U.S. institution, in which case a cost plan for only the participation of the U.S. entity must be included. Proposals from foreign entities and proposals from U.S. entities that include foreign participation must be endorsed by the respective government agency or funding/sponsoring institution in the country from which the foreign entity is proposing. Such endorsement should indicate that the proposal merits careful consideration by NASA, and if the proposal is selected, sufficient funds will be made available to undertake the activity as proposed.
            (2)  All foreign proposals must be typewritten in English and comply with all other submission requirements stated in the NRA.  All foreign proposals will undergo the same evaluation and selection process as those originating in the U.S. All proposals must be received before the established closing date.  Those received after the closing date will be treated in accordance with paragraph (g) of this provision. Sponsoring foreign government agencies or funding institutions may, in exceptional situations, forward a proposal without endorsement if endorsement is not possible before the announced closing date.  In such cases, the NASA sponsoring office should be advised when a decision on endorsement can be expected.
            (3)  Successful and unsuccessful foreign entities will be contacted directly by the NASA sponsoring office. Copies of these letters will be sent to the foreign sponsor. Should a foreign proposal or a U.S. proposal with foreign participation be selected, NASA's Office of External Relations will arrange with the foreign sponsor for the proposed participation on a no-exchange-of-funds basis, in which NASA and the non-U.S. sponsoring agency or funding institution will each bear the cost of discharging their respective responsibilities.
             (4)  Depending on the nature and extent of the proposed cooperation, these arrangements may entail:
                    (i)   An exchange of letters between NASA and the foreign sponsor; or
                    (ii)  A formal Agency-to-Agency Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
     (m)  Cancellation of NRA. NASA reserves the right to make no awards under this NRA and to cancel this NRA. NASA assumes no liability for canceling the NRA or for anyone's failure to receive actual notice of cancellation.

(End of provision)

1852.235-73 Final Scientific and Technical Reports.

As prescribed in 1835.070(d) insert the following clause:

Final Scientific and Technical Reports

   (a) The Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer a final report that summarizes the results of the entire con­tract, including recom­menda­tions and conclusions based on the experience and results obtained.  The final report should include tables, graphs, diagrams, curves, sketches, photo­graphs, and drawings in sufficient detail to explain comprehensively the results achieved under the contract.
   (b) The final report shall be of a quality suitable for publication and shall follow the formatting and stylistic guidelines contained in NPR 2200.2A, Guidelines for Documentation, Approval, and Dissemination of NASA Scientific and Technical Information.  Electronic formats for submission of reports should be used to the maximum extent practical.  Before electronically submitting reports containing scientific and technical information (STI) that is export-controlled or limited or restricted, contact the Contracting Officer to determine the requirements to electronically transmit these forms of STI.  If appropriate electronic safeguards are not available at the time of submission, a paper copy or a CD-ROM of the report shall be required.  Information regarding appropriate electronic formats for final reports is available at http://www.sti.nasa.gov under “Publish STI – Electronic File Formats.”
   (c) The last page of the final report shall be a completed Standard Form (SF) 298, Report Documentation Page.
   (d) In addition to the final report submitted to the Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall concurrently provide to the Center STI/Publication Manager and the NASA Center for AeroSpace Information (CASI) a copy of the letter transmitting the final report to the Contracting Officer.  The copy of the letter shall be submitted to CASI at the address listed at http://www.sti.nasa.gov under the “Get Help” link.

   (e) In accordance with paragraph (d) of the Rights in Data --General clause (52.227-14) of this contract, the Contractor may publish, or otherwise disseminate, data produced during the performance of this contract, including data contained in the final report, and any additional reports required by 1852.235-74 when included in the contract, without prior review by NASA.  The Contractor is responsible for reviewing publication or dissemination of the data for conformance with laws and regulations governing its distribution, including intellectual property rights, export control, national security and other requirements, and to the extent the contractor receives or is given access to data necessary for the performance of the contract which contain restrictive markings, for complying with such restrictive markings.  Should the Contractor seek to publish or otherwise disseminate the final report, or any additional reports required by 1852.235-74 if applicable, as delivered to NASA under this contract, the Contractor may do so once NASA has completed its document availability authorization review, and availability of the report has been determined.

(End of clause)


Alternate I

   As prescribed by 1835.070(d)(1), insert the following as paragraph (e) of the basic clause:
   (e) The data resulting from this research activity is “fundamental research” which will be broadly shared within the scientific community.  No foreign national access or dissemination restrictions apply to this research activity.   The Contractor may publish, release, or otherwise disseminate data produced during the performance of this contract, including the final report, without prior review by NASA for export control or national security purposes.  However, NASA retains the right to review the final report to ensure that proprietary information, which may have been provided to the Contractor, is not released without authorization and for consistency with NASA publication standards.  Additionally, the Contractor is responsible for reviewing any publication, release, or dissemination of the data for conformance with other restrictions expressly set forth in this contract, and to the extent it receives or is given access to data necessary for the performance of the contract which contain restrictive markings, for compliance with such restrictive markings.


Alternate II


   As prescribed by 1835.070(d)(2), insert the following as paragraph (e) of the basic clause:

   (e) Data resulting from this research activity may be subject to export control, national security restrictions or other restrictions designated by NASA; or, to the extent the Contractor receives or is given access to data necessary for the performance of the contract which contain restrictive markings, may include proprietary information of others.  Therefore, the Contractor shall not publish, release, or otherwise disseminate, except to NASA, data produced during the performance of this contract, including data contained in the final report and any additional reports required by 1852.235-74 when included in the contract, without prior review by NASA.  Should the Contractor seek to publish, release, or otherwise disseminate data produced during the performance of this contract, the Contractor may do so once NASA has completed its document availability authorization review and the availability of the data has been determined.

      (f) All publications of any material based on or developed under NASA sponsored projects shall include an acknowledgement similar to the following:

“The material is based upon work supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract Number XXXX.”

Except for articles or papers published in scientific, technical or professional journals, the exposition of results from NASA supported research shall also include the following disclaimer:

"Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration."


1852.235-74  Additional Reports of  Work -- Research and Development.

   As prescribed in 1835.070(e), insert a clause substantially the same as the following:


   In addition to the final report required under this contract, the Contractor shall submit the following report(s) to the Contracting Officer:
   (a) Monthly progress reports.  The Contractor shall submit separate monthly reports of all work accomplished during each month of contract performance.  Re­ports shall be in narrative form, brief, and informal.  They shall include a quantitative descrip­tion of progress, an indication of any current prob­lems that may impede performance, proposed correc­tive action, and a discussion of the work to be performed during the next monthly reporting period.
   (b) Quarterly progress reports.  The Contractor shall submit separate quarterly reports of all work accomplished during each three-month period of contract performance.  In addition to factual data, these reports should include a separate analysis section interpreting the results obtained, recommend­ing further action, and relating occurrences to the ulti­mate objectives of the contract.  Sufficient dia­grams, sketches, curves, photographs, and drawings should be included to convey the intended meaning.
   (c) Submission dates.  Monthly and quarterly reports shall be submitted by the 15th day of the month following the month or quarter being reported.  If the contract is awarded beyond the middle of a month, the first monthly report shall cover the period from award until the end of the following month.  No monthly report need be submitted for the third month of contract effort for which a quarterly report is required.  No quarterly report need be submitted for the final three months of contract effort since that period will be covered in the final report.  The final report shall be submitted within ____days after the completion of the effort under the contract.

(End of clause)

1852.236-71  Additive or Deductive Items.
     As prescribed in 1836.570(a), insert the following provision:

(MARCH 1989)

     (a)  The low bidder for purposes of award shall be the conforming responsible bidder offering the low aggregate amount for the first or base bid item, plus or minus (in order of priority listed in the Schedule) those additive or deductive bid items providing the most features of the work within the funds determined by the Government to be available before bids are opened. If addition of another bid item in the listed order of priority would make the award exceed those funds for all bidders, it shall be skipped and the next subsequent additive bid item in a lower amount shall be added for each bid if award on it can be made within the funds.
     (b)  An example for one bid is an amount available of $100,000, a bidder's base bid of $85,000, and four successive additives of $10,000, $8,000, $6,000, and $4,000. In this example, the aggregate amount of the bid for purposes of award would be $99,000 for the base bid plus the first and fourth additives, the second and third additives being skipped because either of them would cause the aggregate bid to exceed $100,000.
     (c)  All bids shall be evaluated on the basis of the same additive or deductive bid items. The listed order of priority must be followed only for determining the low bidder. After determination of the low bidder, award in the best interests of the Government may be made to that bidder on its base bid and any combination of its additive or deductive bid items for which funds are determined to be available at the time of the award, provided that award of the combination of bid items does not exceed the amount offered by any other conforming responsible bidder for the same combination of bid items.

(End of provision)

1852.236-72  Bids with Unit Prices.
     As prescribed in 1836.570(b), insert the following provision:

(MARCH 1989)

     (a)  All extensions of the unit prices bid will be subject to verification by the Government.  If there is variation between the unit price and any extended amounts, the unit price will be considered to be the bid.
     (b)  If a modification to a bid based on unit prices that provides for a lump-sum adjustment to the total estimated cost is submitted, the application of the lump sum adjustment to each unit price in the bid must be stated. If it is not stated, the lump-sum adjustment shall be applied on a pro rata basis to every unit price in the bid.

(End of provision)

1852.236-73  Hurricane Plan.
     As prescribed in 1836.570(c), insert the following clause:


   In the event of a hurricane warning, the Contractor shall --
   (a)  Inspect the area and place all materials possible in a protected location;
   (b)  Tie down, or identify and store, all outside equipment and materials;
   (c)  Clear all surrounding areas and roofs of buildings, or tie down loose material, equipment, debris, and any other objects that could otherwise be blown away or blown against existing buildings; and
   (d)  Ensure that temporary erosion controls are adequate.

(End of clause)

1852.236-74  Magnitude of Requirement.
     As prescribed in 1836.570(d), insert the following provision:


     The Government estimated price range of this project is between $          and           . [Insert the estimated dollar range.]

(End of provision)

1852.236-75  Partnering for Construction Contracts.
     As prescribed in 1836.7004, insert the following clause:

(AUGUST 1998)

     (a)  The terms "partnering" and "partnership" used herein shall mean a relationship of open communication and close cooperation that involves both Government and contractor personnel working together for the purpose of establishing a mutually beneficial, proactive, cooperative environment within which to achieve contract objectives and resolve issues and implementing actions as required.
     (b)  Partnering will be a voluntary commitment mutually agreed upon by at least NASA and the prime contractor, and preferably the subcontractors and the A&E design contractor, if applicable. Sustained commitment to the process is essential to assure success of the relationship.
     (c)  NASA intends to facilitate contract management by encouraging the foundation of a cohesive partnership with the Contractor, its subcontractors, the A&E design contractor, and NASA's contract management staff. This partnership will be structured to draw on the strengths of each organization to identify and achieve mutual objectives. The objectives are intended to complete the contract requirements within budget, on schedule, and in accordance with the plans and specifications.
     (d)  To implement the partnership, it is anticipated that within 30 days of the Notice to Proceed the prime Contractor's key personnel, its subcontractors, the A&E design contractor, and NASA personnel will attend a partnership development and team building workshop. Follow-up team building workshops will be held periodically throughout the duration of the contract as agreed to by the Government and the Contractor.
     (e)  Any cost with effectuating the partnership will be agreed to in advance by both parties and will be shared with no change in the contract price. The contractor's share of the costs are not recoverable under any other Government award.

(End of clause)

1852.237-70  Emergency Evacuation Procedures.
     As prescribed at 1837.110-70(a), insert the following clause:


     The contractor shall assure that its personnel at Government facilities are familiar with the functions of the Government's emergency evacuation procedures. If requested by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall designate an individual or individuals as contact points to provide for efficient and rapid evacuation of the facility if and when required.

(End of clause)

1852.237-71  Pension Portability.
     As prescribed at 1837.110-70(b), insert the following clause:

(JANUARY 1997)

     (a)  In order for pension costs attributable to employees assigned to this contract to be allowable costs under this contract, the plans covering such employees must:
            (1)  Comply with all applicable Government laws and regulations;
            (2)  Be a defined contribution plan, or a multiparty defined benefit plan operated under a collective bargaining agreement.  In either case, the plan must be portable, i.e., the plan follows the employee, not the employer;
            (3)  Provide for 100 percent employee vesting at the earlier of one year of continuous employee service or contract termination; and
            (4)  Not be modified, terminated, or a new plan adopted without the prior written approval of the cognizant NASA Contracting Officer.
     (b)  The Contractor shall include paragraph (a) of this clause in subcontracts for continuing services under a service contract if:
            (1)  The prime contract requires pension portability;
            (2)  The subcontracted labor dollars (excluding any burdens or profit/fee) exceed $2,500,000 and ten percent of the total prime contract labor dollars (excluding any burdens or profit/fee); and
            (3)  Either of the following conditions exists:
                   (i)   There is a continuing need for the same or similar subcontract services for a minimum of five years (inclusive of options), and if the subcontractor changes, a high percentage of the predecessor subcontractor's employees are expected to remain with the program; or
                   (ii)  The employees under a predecessor subcontract were covered by a portable pension plan, a follow-on subcontract or a subcontract consolidating existing services is awarded, and the total subcontract period covered by the plan covers a minimum of five years (including both the predecessor and successor subcontracts).

(End of clause)

1852.237-72 Access to Sensitive Information. 

As prescribed in 1837.203-72(a), insert the following clause:


(JUNE 2005)

  (a) As used in this clause, “sensitive information” refers to information that a contractor has developed at private expense, or that the Government has generated that qualifies for an exception to the Freedom of Information Act, which is not currently in the public domain, and which may embody trade secrets or commercial or financial information, and which may be sensitive or privileged. 

  (b) To assist NASA in accomplishing management activities and administrative functions, the Contractor shall provide the services specified elsewhere in this contract. 

  (c) If performing this contract entails access to sensitive information, as defined above, the Contractor agrees to -

 (1) Utilize any sensitive information coming into its possession only for the purposes of performing the services specified in this contract, and not to improve its own competitive position in another procurement.

(2) Safeguard sensitive information coming into its possession from unauthorized use and disclosure.

(3) Allow access to sensitive information only to those employees that need it to perform services under this contract. 

(4) Preclude access and disclosure of sensitive information to persons and entities outside of the Contractor’s organization.

(5) Train employees who may require access to sensitive information about their obligations to utilize it only to perform the services specified in this contract and to safeguard it from unauthorized use and disclosure. 

(6) Obtain a written affirmation from each employee that he/she has received and will comply with training on the authorized uses and mandatory protections of sensitive information needed in performing this contract.

(7) Administer a monitoring process to ensure that employees comply with all reasonable security procedures, report any breaches to the Contracting Officer, and implement any necessary corrective actions.

 (d) The Contractor will comply with all procedures and obligations specified in its Organizational Conflicts of Interest Avoidance Plan, which this contract incorporates as a compliance document.

  (e) The nature of the work on this contract may subject the Contractor and its employees to a variety of laws and regulations relating to ethics, conflicts of interest, corruption, and other criminal or civil matters relating to the award and administration of government contracts.  Recognizing that this contract establishes a high standard of accountability and trust, the Government will carefully review the Contractor’s performance in relation to the mandates and restrictions found in these laws and regulations. Unauthorized uses or disclosures of sensitive information may result in termination of this contract for default, or in debarment of the Contractor for serious misconduct affecting present responsibility as a government contractor.

  (f) The Contractor shall include the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (f), suitably modified to reflect the relationship of the parties, in all subcontracts that may involve access to sensitive information

 (End of clause)

1852.237-73 Release of Sensitive Information.

As prescribed in 1837.203-72(b), insert the following clause:


(JUNE 2005)

  (a) As used in this clause, “sensitive information” refers to information, not currently in the public domain, that the Contractor has developed at private expense, that may embody trade secrets or commercial or financial information, and that may be sensitive or privileged.    

  (b) In accomplishing management activities and administrative functions, NASA relies heavily on the support of various service providers.  To support NASA activities and functions, these service providers, as well as their subcontractors and their individual employees, may need access to sensitive information submitted by the Contractor under this contract.  By submitting this proposal or performing this contract, the Contractor agrees that NASA may release to its service providers, their subcontractors, and their individual employees, sensitive information submitted during the course of this procurement, subject to the enumerated protections mandated by the clause at 1852.237-72, Access to Sensitive Information.

  (c)(1) The Contractor shall identify any sensitive information submitted in support of this proposal or in performing this contract.  For purposes of identifying sensitive information, the Contractor may, in addition to any other notice or legend otherwise required, use a notice similar to the following:

Mark the title page with the following legend:

   This proposal or document includes sensitive information that NASA shall not disclose outside the Agency and its service providers that support management activities and administrative functions.  To gain access to this sensitive information, a service provider’s contract must contain the clause at NFS 1852.237-72, Access to Sensitive Information.  Consistent with this clause, the service provider shall not duplicate, use, or disclose the information in whole or in part for any purpose other than to perform the services specified in its contract.  This restriction does not limit the Government's right to use this information if it is obtained from another source without restriction.  The information subject to this restriction is contained in pages [insert page numbers or other identification of pages].

Mark each page of sensitive information the Contractor wishes to restrict with the following legend:

   Use or disclosure of sensitive information contained on this page is subject to the restriction on the title page of this proposal or document.

      (2) The Contracting Officer shall evaluate the facts supporting any claim that particular information is “sensitive.”  This evaluation shall consider the time and resources necessary to protect the information in accordance with the detailed safeguards mandated by the clause at 1852.237-72, Access to Sensitive Information.  However, unless the Contracting Officer decides, with the advice of Center counsel, that reasonable grounds exist to challenge the Contractor’s claim that particular information is sensitive, NASA and its service providers and their employees shall comply with all of the safeguards contained in paragraph (d) of this clause.

 (d) To receive access to sensitive information needed to assist NASA in accomplishing management activities and administrative functions, the service provider must be operating under a contract that contains the clause at 1852.237-72, Access to Sensitive Information.  This clause obligates the service provider to do the following:

      (1) Comply with all specified procedures and obligations, including the

Organizational Conflicts of Interest Avoidance Plan, which the contract has incorporated as a compliance document.

      (2) Utilize any sensitive information coming into its possession only for the purpose of performing the services specified in its contract.

      (3) Safeguard sensitive information coming into its possession from unauthorized use and disclosure.

      (4) Allow access to sensitive information only to those employees that need it to perform services under its contract. 

      (5) Preclude access and disclosure of sensitive information to persons and entities outside of the service provider’s organization.

      (6) Train employees who may require access to sensitive information about their obligations to utilize it only to perform the services specified in its contract and to safeguard it from unauthorized use and disclosure. 

      (7) Obtain a written affirmation from each employee that he/she has received and will comply with training on the authorized uses and mandatory protections of sensitive information needed in performing this contract.

     (8) Administer a monitoring process to ensure that employees comply with all reasonable security procedures, report any breaches to the Contracting Officer, and implement any necessary corrective actions.

 (e) When the service provider will have primary responsibility for operating an information technology system for NASA that contains sensitive information, the service provider’s contract shall include the clause at 1852.204-76, Security Requirements for Unclassified Information Technology Resources.  The Security Requirements clause requires the service provider to implement an Information Technology Security Plan to protect information processed, stored, or transmitted from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or use.  Service provider personnel requiring privileged access or limited privileged access to these information technology systems are subject to screening using the standard National Agency Check (NAC) forms appropriate to the level of risk for adverse impact to NASA missions.  The Contracting Officer may allow the service provider to conduct its own screening, provided the service provider employs substantially equivalent screening procedures.

 (f) This clause does not affect NASA's responsibilities under the Freedom of Information Act.

 (g) The Contractor shall insert this clause, including this paragraph (g), suitably modified to reflect the relationship of the parties, in all subcontracts that may require the furnishing of sensitive information. 

(End of clause)

1852.239-70  Alternate Delivery Points.
    As prescribed in 1839.106-70(a)(1), insert the following clause:


     (a)  The first priority of this contract is to satisfy the anticipated requirements of (identify contracting activity). However, should the actual requirements of (contracting activity) be less than the maximum quantities/values specified in Section B of this contract, (contracting activity) may order the remaining available quantities/values to satisfy the requirements of other installations. The other installations at which delivery may be required are:

(List installations and their locations)

     (b)  The prices of the deliverables in Section B are F.O.B. destination to (contracting activity). If delivery to an alternate location is ordered, an equitable adjustment may be negotiated to recognize any variances in transportation costs associated with delivery to that alternate location.

(End of clause)


     As prescribed in 1839.106-70(a)(2), delete paragraph (b) and substitute the following:

     (b)  The prices of the deliverables in Section B are F.O.B. origin with delivery to NASA via Government bill of lading (GBL). If delivery to an alternate location is ordered, the same delivery procedures will be used and no equitable adjustment to any price, term, or condition of this contract will be made as a result of such order.

(End of clause)

1852.241-70   Renewal of Contract.
     As prescribed in 1841.501-70, insert the following clause:


     This contract is renewable on an annual basis at the option of the Government, by the Contracting Officer giving written notice of renewal to the Contractor at least days before expiration. If the Government exercises this option for renewal, the contract as renewed shall be deemed to include this option provision. However, the total duration of this contract, including the exercise of any options under this clause, shall not exceed          years.

(End of clause)