12 February 2009

The Cabinet

U.S. Mission to the United Nations

Rice seated, speaking into microphone (AP Images)
United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice

Ambassador Susan Rice

Confirmed January 22, 2009

Susan Rice was selected by President-elect Barack Obama on December 1 to be the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Rice previously served as assistant secretary of state for African affairs and as a member of the National Security Council.

Rice’s confirmation hearing took place January 15. (See “U.N. Ambassador-designate Urges Cooperation Against Autocrats.”)

The U.S. Mission to the United Nations, established 1947

Mission:  Like other UN member nations’ missions, the U.S. Mission to the United Nations oversees America’s participation in the international body.

Staff: Along with members of the UN delegation, which includes Ambassador Rice, there are about 100 staffers in the New York City office, located near the United Nations headquarters.

Duties:  An important function of the mission is to keep the Department of State informed of events at the United Nations. Mission officers report on meetings and make recommendations to the State Department on courses of action the United States should pursue in the world organization. Different sections of the mission represent the United States’ political, economic, legal and social interests at UN meetings.

History: The United Nations, a term coined by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, was established in October 1945 by 51 countries who agreed to work together to maintain peace and security. Today there are 192 member countries. In 1947 the U.S. Mission was created by the United Nations Participation Act to assist the president and the Department of State in conducting U.S. policy at the United Nations. 

International engagement: The U.S. mission engages in direct consultation and negotiation with other United Nations delegations in efforts to gain support for the United States’ position on issues under debate.

Fun fact: U.S. missions to UN offices are also established in Vienna, Rome, Geneva and Paris.

More Information: http://www.usunnewyork.usmission.gov/

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