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Compliance References
Regulatory Procedures Manual 2009
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Chapter 6 Judicial Actions

NOTE: The district compliance officer (or, the center CSO/Scientist, if the action was center-initiated) assigned to the judicial action should diligently pursue and actively monitor the progress of the case through the agency review process to its conclusion. The Office of Enforcement (Division of Compliance Management and Operations) can assist in situations where significant delays are experienced or assistance is needed to resolve technical, scientific, or policy issues. (Also, see section on Ad Hoc Committees in Chapter 10.) For actions resulting from a Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) or Quality System (QS) inspection of a domestic or foreign drug, biologics, or medical device facility, the firm’s profile status information in the Field Accomplishment and Compliance Tracking System (FACTS) should be appropriately updated at each stage in the review process.   (See "Firm Profile Updates in FACTS" in Chapter 4 for more information.)

This chapter contains the following sections:

     6-1-1 - Purpose
     6-1-2 - General Guidelines For Seizures
     6-1-3 - Types Of Seizures
     6-1-4 - Recipient of Seizure Recommendations
     6-1-5 - Mass Seizure - Special Considerations
     6-1-6 - Direct Reference Mass Seizure Authority
     6-1-7 - Methods Of Recommending Seizure
     6-1-8 - Update Inspections
     6-1-9 - Action On Seizure Recommendations
     6-1-10 - Seizure Accomplishment And Close-Out Documentation
     6-1-11 - Disposition Of Seized Articles
     6-1-12 - Costs Of Supervision
     6-1-13 - Monitoring Of Seizure Actions
     6-1-14 - Seizures Involving Other Agencies
     6-1-15 - Issuing Press Releases
     6-2-1 - Purpose
     6-2-2 - General Guidelines
     6-2-3 - Definitions
     6-2-4 - General Considerations
     6-2-5 - Adequate Notice Preceding Injunction Actions
     6-2-6 - Prerequisites For A TRO Or Preliminary Injunction
     6-2-7 - Refreshing Evidence - Update Inspections
     6-2-8 - Procedures And Timeframes For Review And Referral Of Injunction
     6-2-9 - Required Documents
     6-2-10 - Injunction Recommendation
     6-2-11 - Cover Letter To DoJ
     6-2-12 - Complaint For Injunction
     6-2-13 - Declarations
     6-2-14 - Consent Decree
     6-2-15 - Costs Of Supervision
     6-2-16 - Compliance Follow-Up
     6-2-17 - Vacating Injunctions
     6-2-18 - Distribution
     6-2-19 - Issuing Press Releases
     6-3-1 - Purpose
     6-3-2 - Inspection Warrants
     6-3-3 - Responsibilities
     6-4-1 - Purpose
     6-4-2 - Search Warrants
     6-4-3 - Procedures
     6-5-1 - Purpose
     6-5-2 - Office Of Criminal Investigations
     6-5-3 - Processing A Summary And Recommendation
     6-5-4 - Criminal Prosecution After Section 305 Notice
     6-5-5 - Criminal Prosecution Without Section 305 Notice
     6-5-6 - Contempt Of Court; Violation Of Probation
     6-5-7 - Development of Felony Violation
     6-5-8 - Referrals For Criminal Investigation
     6-5-9 - Information And Indictments
     6-5-10 - Grand Jury Investigations And Secrecy
     6-5-11 - Format For Summary & Recommendation
     6-5-12 - Preparation Of Summary And Recommendation
     6-5-13 - Distribution Of Summary And Recommendation Documents
     6-6-1 - Purpose
     6-6-2 - Scope
     6-6-3 - Legal Authority
     6-6-4 - Criteria For Recommending Civil Penalties
     6-6-5 - Penalties
     6-6-6 - District Responsibilities
     6-6-7 - CDRH Responsibilities
     6-6-8 - DCMO Responsibilities
     6-6-9 - OCC Responsibilities
     6-6-10 - Appeals
     6-6-11 - Consent Decree Of Civil Penalty
     6-6-12 - Case Termination
     6-6-13 - Injunction and Civil Penalties
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