Investigation on red tide algae in Liaodong Bay

Feng Zhiquan, National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Dalian, 116023


We have made threle cruise times investigations in the coastal areas of Liaodong Bay during from May to August in 2001.The first cruise was background investigation of ten stations. The investigation results indicated that ten kinds of red tide algae in the checked thirty-three kinds of Phytoplankon. In the first cruise, Ditylum brightwellii only in station A3 and A5 are dominant species, and density were respectively 8.3 cells/L and 1551 cells/L. In the second cruise Noctiluces cientillans was dominant species in A1 and B2, their density were respectively 354.28cells/L and 52.31 cells/L. Nitzschia paradoxa was dominant species in A16,A18,A5,A12,A1,A9,A20, it has been dominant species in station A18 for five day monitoring and their density was high, dominant degree was quite evident. In the third cruises, the dominant red tide algae haven't been found.

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Last updated on 2001-OCT-17 by frf