Federal Aviation Administration

Flight Standards Service

Updated: 11:22 am ET March 4, 2008

The Flight Standards Service promotes safe air transportation by setting the standards for certification and oversight of airmen, air operators, air agencies, and designees. We also promote safety of flight of civil aircraft and air commerce by:

  • Accomplishing certification, inspection, surveillance, investigation, and enforcement
  • Setting regulations and standards
  • Managing the system for registration of civil aircraft and all airmen records

Field Offices

Overview Video (ASX)

Customer Feedback Form - Heaquarters Divisions
Customer Feedback Form - Regional Divisions
Customer Feedback Form - Field Offices and FAA Safety Team


Federal Aviation Administration
Flight Standards Service
Room 821
800 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, DC 20591

Phone: (202) 267-8237
Fax: (202) 267-5230

11:22 am ET March 4, 2008