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AFL 2008-2009 Work Plan

The Office of Adolescent Pregnancy Programs (OAPP) administers the Adolescent Family Life (AFL) program. OAPP conducted a strategic planning process in late spring 2008. From this strategic planning process, three key focus areas were identified. Each key focus area includes specific improvement actions to assist program performance and management improvement.


Purpose:  To promote adolescent health and well-being through the dissemination of AFL Care and Prevention demonstration evaluation findings and lessons learned.

Improvement Actions

  • Conduct writing workshops to strengthen abstract descriptions.  
  • Conduct poster presentations workshops to strengthen oral presentations and poster layout.
  • Disseminate AFL demonstration findings by supporting AFL grantees in submission of poster and abstract presentations to professional conferences.
  • Include language in contracts and new grant announcements stipulating that a minimum of two peer-reviewed papers be published and/or presented at a scientific/professional conference and for acknowledgements to be given to OAPP.  
  • Create a mechanism to collect information on published works from all AFL grantees. Once information is collected, share the publication information via the OPA web site.


Purpose: To promote greater visibility of the AFL program through collaborations.

Improvement Actions

  • Identify organizations with which collaboration should be strengthened.
  • Update and disseminate AFL briefing materials to governmental and non-governmental offices and organizations.
  • Share findings (AFL and others) and related news via the OPA web site, podcasts, and broadcast e-mails.

Maintaining a High Standard

Purpose: To cultivate strong expectations and practices in the AFL program by strengthening communication and disseminating key concepts for “best practices.”

Improvement Actions

  • Revise the Site Visit form to strengthen the reporting and feedback and recommendation tracking mechanism.
  • Facilitate a series of net conference trainings to discuss successful AFL projects and their findings.
  • Solicit from AFL grantees some key points on what was successful in their intervention and share via e-mail and the OPA web site.
  • Review and revise the End of Year Report template to strengthen it and strengthen the feedback mechanism.