Secretary of the Army

The strength of this Army depends on the strength of the Soldiers and the strength of their Families...We owe our Families a quality of life equal to the quality of their service, but recognizing our limits - recognizing that we may match their service, but never their sacrifice.



    • Geren focuses on Fort Carson issues
    • Month of the Military Child has deeper meaning for wounded warrior families
    • SecArmy briefs Retiree Council
    • CASAs gather at Ft. Sam Houston
    • CASAs visit Ft. Sam Houston
    • Milbloggers Welcomed at the Pentagon
    • Milbloggers Welcomed at the Pentagon
    • NCOs of "Pershing's Own" recognized by Army Secretary
    • Secretary Geren speaks at "I. A.M. STRONG" summit
    • Diversity Policy
    • Secretary Geren
    • Oldest WWII vet embodies spirit of 'Year of the NCO'
    • Celebrating Women's Contributions to the Army: Women's History Month
    • Kirk Extended Family
    • Buffalo Soldier Exhibit Rededication
    • Celebrating Diversity in the Army: African American History Month
    • Geren speaking at CFC
    • Purple Hearts awarded to Soldiers injured in Afghanistan
    • Purple Hearts awarded to Soldiers injured in Afghanistan
    • Geren set to stay to assist in transition
    • Senior Army Leader Dr. Martin Luther Jr. Birthday Message
    • Army receives first of six NEVs
    • Army receives first of six NEVs
    • Army receives first of six NEVs


Secretary of the Army Flag

Mr. Pete Geren became the 20th Secretary of the U.S. Army on July 16, 2007.

  • Education:
  • Texas Law School
  • University of Texas
  • Georgia Tech
  • Most Recent Assignment:
  • Under Secretary of the U.S. Army

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