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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services

Office of Family Assistance

Annual Report on State TANF and MOE Programs - 2004


December 7, 2004

Administration for Children and Families
Office of Family Assistance
Aerospace Building, 5th Floor
370 L’Enfant Promenade SW
Washington, D C 20447

Office of Family Assistance

Enclosed please find Montana’s Annual Report of the TANF program along with the ACF 204 report.

The ACF 204 report matches the information on the 196 federal fiscal report. We are aware that if the 196 federal fiscal report is revised, the ACF 204 report will need to be revised to match.

If you have further questions about this report, please call the TANF program officer, Susan Rutherford. Her phone number is (406) 444-9478.



Cc: Thomas Sullivan
Vicky Herring
Hank Hudson
Karlene Grossberg
Linda Snedigar
Linda Currie

Annual Report On TANF Programs Under 45 CFR 265.9(b)


(1) The State's definition of each work activity.
1. As stated in Montana’s State TANF Plan pages 9-10, work preparation activities included in the participant's FIA/WoRC EP are based on activities allowed at 45 CFR 261.30 with the limitations and special provisions listed in 45 CFR 261.31 through 45 CFR 261.35. Work activities include:

a. Employment.

b. Work Experience - The work experience component involves assessment, preparation/orientation, and site placement. Work experience includes activities that involve formal job site placements, based on assessed abilities, needs, and preparation, to develop or enhance the participant’s basic work habits and/or improve specific work skills.

c. Group and Individual Job Search.

d. Community Service - Community service includes any hours the participant volunteers in a recognized volunteer position. Volunteering is an opportunity for the participant to share his or her experiences, wisdom, skills, or in general make a significant and purposeful contribution to his or her community.

e. Vocational Educational Training Programs - The pursuit of a degree or certificate beyond high school but less than a bachelor degree that leads to employment.

f. Job skills training directly related to employment.

g. Education directly related to employment in the case of a participant who has not received a high school diploma or a certificate of high school equivalency.

h. Satisfactory attendance at secondary school or in a course of study leading to a certificate of general equivalence, in the case of a participant who has not received a high school diploma or a certificate of high school equivalency.

i. Referral to, and enrollment with the Tribal NEW (Native Employment Works) Contractors for participants who are enrolled tribal members residing on the reservation and who meet the NEW target group criteria.

(2) A description of the transitional services provided to families no longer receiving assistance due to employment.

Montana did not provide transitional services to families no longer receiving assistance from TANF funds. Some families were eligible for Transitional Medicaid under the rules of the Transitional Medicaid program.

(3) A description of how a State will reduce the amount of assistance payable to a family when an individual refuses to engage in work without good cause pursuant to 45 CFR 261.14 of this chapter.

The consequence for failing to comply with the FIA/WoRC EP is the loss of an amount equal to an individual’s portion of cash assistance for one month for the first noncompliance after July 1, 2004. For a second or subsequent noncompliance after July 1, 2004, the case will be closed and the family will be ineligible for one month. The time clock continues to tick for the sanctioned individual during the first noncompliance penalty period. The time clock will not tick for anyone in the family for a second or subsequent noncompliance because no benefit will be issued. The sanctioned individual continues to receive Medicaid coverage if otherwise eligible.

For a first noncompliance, the sanctioned individual can end the sanction by negotiating a new FIA/WoRC EP during the one-month penalty period. If the sanctioned individual does not negotiate a new FIA/WoRC EP the case is closed the last day of the one-month penalty period and must remain closed for one month as long as the sanctioned individual is a required filing unit member.

(4) The average monthly number of payments for child care services made by the State through the use of disregards, by the following types of child care providers:

(i) Licensed/regulated in home child care; 39

(ii) Licensed/regulated family child care; 38

(iii) Licensed/regulated group home child care; 51

(iv) Licensed/regulated center based child care; 125

(v) Legally operating (i.e., no license category available in State or locality) in home child care provided by a non-relative; 15

(vi) Legally operating (i.e., no license category available in State or locality) in home child care provided by a relative; 13

(vii) Legally operating (i.e., no license category available in State or locality) family child care provided by a non-relative; 5

(viii) Legally operating (i.e., no license category available in State or locality) family child care provided by a relative; 6

(ix) Legally operating (i.e., no license category available in State or locality) group child care provided by a non-relative; 0

(x) Legally operating (i.e., no license category available in State or locality) group child care provided by a relative; 1 and

(xi) Legally operated (i.e., no license category available in State or locality) center based childcare. 6

(5) If the State has adopted the Family Violence Option and wants Federal recognition of its good cause domestic violence waivers under 45 CFR 260.50-58, then provide (a) a description of the strategies and procedures in place to ensure that victims of domestic violence receive appropriate alternative services and (b) an aggregate figure for the total number of good cause domestic waivers granted.

a) Montana has adopted the Family Violence Option as stated in the State TANF Plan page 17 and 18.

1. All applicants and participants are screened for the occurrence of domestic violence through a self-identification questionnaire. When domestic violence is identified, a referral is made to the Montana Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence or other appropriate counselor/entity dealing with domestic violence/family safety and stabilization issues. Because the domestic violence situation may interfere with the participant’s ability to work toward employment, the referral becomes an activity of his/her Family Investment Agreement and appropriate participation hours are assigned.

2. It is the participant’s responsibility to meet with the Coalition counselor/other entity that will make an assessment of the situation and either make a referral to other appropriate resources or continue to serve the participant. The participant is required to verify the meeting with a counselor. The participant is required to fulfill the Agreement’s eligibility conditions and other employment and training activities, which are adjusted to accommodate the situation.

3. In identified domestic violence situations, only that information necessary to refer to services and to determine eligibility for benefits or exemptions is required at the time of disclosure and any custodial parent information is suppressed when contact with the non-custodial parent(s) is necessary to meet child support enforcement requirements.

4. The state may exempt a family from the application of subparagraph (A) of Section 408 (a)(7) by reason of hardship or if the family includes an individual who has been battered or subjected to extreme cruelty as defined in (iii) of this subparagraph.

b) At this time, all applicants and participants are screened for incidents of domestic violence. Specialized case management is provided to those whose screening indicates a domestic violence barrier. However currently no individuals are exempted from participation in work activities as defined by our state plan.

(6) A description of any nonrecurrent, short-term benefits (as defined in 45 CFR 260.31(b)(1)) provided, including:

Montana provides nonrecurrent, short-term benefits through the revolving loan housing assistance fund. The revolving loan housing assistance fund provides loans to eligible families to assist in the purchase of individual family residences. The loans can be for down payment assistance, closing cost assistance, or fees related to the purchase of a home. Loans must be repaid when the home is sold. The intent of the program is to provide low-income working families with assistance in obtaining stable housing, which promotes work and family.

(i) The eligibility criteria associated with such benefits, including any restrictions on the amount, duration, or frequency of payments;

To be eligible for the revolving loan housing assistance fund families must be employed with income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level. There is not a resource limit for this program.

(ii) Any policies that limit such payments to families that are eligible for TANF assistance or that have the effect of delaying or suspending a family's eligibility for assistance; and

Individuals who receive TANF cash assistance are not eligible for this loan.

(iii) Any procedures or activities developed under the TANF program to ensure that individuals diverted from assistance receive information about, referrals to, or access to other program benefits (such as Medicaid and food stamps) that might help them make the transition from welfare to work.

The contractors that administer the program work with other low-income individuals and make referrals to other programs that families are eligible for. Families that receive assistance from the fund are not precluded from receiving Medicaid or food stamps.

(7) A description of the grievance procedures the State has established and is maintaining to resolve displacement complaints, pursuant to section 407(f)(3) of the Social Security Act. This description must include the name of the State agency with the lead responsibility for administering this provision and explanations of how the State has notified the public about these procedures and how an individual can register a complaint.

As stated in the State Plan at II, D, Montana has a non-displacement policy and grievance procedure. Every employer is informed of the policy and procedure by the State or its contractor before the site is established. As with all labor laws, the employer is then responsible for informing his employees of the policy and procedure. The non-displacement policy and grievance procedure are also posted on the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services Web Site.

1. Non-displacement on Work Experience and/or Internship work sites is established (prior to placement) through the negotiation of an agreement between the State and the employer.

2. A grievance procedure is in place to resolve complaints of alleged violations of the displacement rule and work site employers are informed of this procedure during the negotiation of the site agreement.

(8) A summary of State programs and activities directed at the third and fourth statutory purposes of TANF (as specified at 45 CFR 260.20(c) and (d) of this chapter).

a. Summarize below, the State programs and activities directed at preventing and reducing the incidence of out-of-wedlock pregnancies and establishing annual numerical goals for preventing and reducing the incidence of these pregnancies (TANF purpose 3):

Montana continues its statewide efforts to prevent and reduce the incidences of out-of-wedlock pregnancies, with special emphasis on teenage pregnancies. The Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC) for State Prevention Programs has established goals and benchmarks through the year 2005. The Coordinating Council is comprised of the Attorney General, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Directors of: the Department of Public Health and Human Services, the Department of Labor and Industry, the Department of Corrections and the Montana Board of Crime Control, the Chair of the Montana Children’s Trust Fund, the Coordinator of Indian Affairs, and two community representatives selected by the Governor.

One of the goals of the Council is to reduce teen pregnancy by promoting the concept that pregnancy and childbearing are serious responsibilities. The goal is that by the year 2005, these efforts will reduce the average five-year pregnancy rate for 15-19 year old females to 57.7 per 1000. To achieve this goal, a number of projects are currently active. For example, the Women’s Health Section of the Department of Public Health and Human Services has formed an interdivisional partnership to establish a curriculum which can be utilized to develop other statewide partnerships to promote family planning referrals from agencies of the Montana Family Planning Network. The Network deals with clients who are at-risk for an unintended pregnancy and promotes teen pregnancy prevention efforts.

Montana applied for and received a $186,439 grant from the federal Department of Health and Human Services for abstinence education. The grant is a five year-funded provision of the federal Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant as defined by the 1996 welfare reform legislation. Montana's abstinence program will be designed to give youth the skills to postpone sexual activity and help parents communicate with and teach their children about abstaining from high-risk behavior. In March 2002, Governor Judy Martz reappointed an 18 member, State Abstinence Education Advisory Council. The Council was chosen to represent a wide range of backgrounds from all parts of the state. The Advisory Council meets quarterly.

In addition the Montana Abstinence Partnership received $40,000 of TANF funding for State Fiscal Year 2005 to be used in conjunction with our Title V, abstinence education grant. The TANF funds are being used directly to fund community-based programs that provide educational programs for youth, ages 12 to 18 (middle/junior and senior high school), and their parents, about sexual abstinence until marriage. The abstinence education programs focus on reducing teen pregnancy, reducing sexually transmitted diseases, and promoting the importance of waiting until marriage and the benefits of marriage. Funding the community-based, abstinence education programs helps to meet TANF purpose #3 to prevent and reduce the incidence of out of wedlock pregnancies, and TANF purpose #4 to encourage the formation and maintenance of two-parent families through marriage.

b. Summarize below, the State programs and activities directed at encouraging the formation and maintenance of two-parent families (TANF purpose 4):

Montana allows two parent households to receive assistance without meeting deprivation requirements, which promotes family and marriage.

(9) An estimate of the total number of individuals who have participated in subsidized employment under §261.30(b) or (c) of this chapter.

Montana does not currently place any individuals in subsidized employment under 261.30(b) or (c).

Attachment B

Annual Report on State Maintenance-of-Effort Programs: Form ACF-204

State: Montana      Fiscal Year: 2004

Date Submitted: October 31, 2005

Provide the following information for EACH PROGRAM (according to the nature of the benefit or service provided) for which the State claims MOE expenditures. Complete and submit this report in accordance with the attached instructions.

1. Name of Benefit or Service Program

Administrative and Systems Costs

2. Description of the Major Program Benefits, Services, and Activities:

Administrative and systems costs that are necessary to provide benefits and services for TANF eligible families.

3. Purpose(s) of Benefit or Service Program:

Administrative and systems costs that are necessary to provide benefits and services for TANF eligible families.

4. Program Type. (Check one)

_X_ This Program is operated under the TANF program.

___ This Program is a separate State program.

5. Description of Work Activities (Complete only if this program is a separate State program):

6. Total State Expenditures for the Program for the Fiscal Year: _$6,508,537_

7. Total State MOE Expenditures under the Program for the Fiscal Year: __$513,609

8. Total Number of Families Served under the Program with MOE Funds: 5247

This last figure represents (check one):

_X_ The average monthly total for the fiscal year.

___ The total served over the fiscal year.

9. Financial Eligibility Criteria for Receiving MOE-funded Program Benefits or Services:

Must be eligible for and receiving TANF cash assistance.

10. Prior Program Authorization: Was this program authorized and allowable under prior law? (check one)

Yes _X_ No ____

11. Total Program Expenditures in FY 1995: _________________________
(NOTE: provide only if response on question 10 is No)

1. Name of Benefit or Service Program

Basic Assistance

2. Description of the Major Program Benefits, Services, and Activities:

Funds used to provide basic assistance to families who are eligible for TANF cash assistance.

3. Purpose(s) of Benefit or Service Program:

Provide temporary basic assistance to needy families in Montana.

4. Program Type. (Check one)

_X_ This Program is operated under the TANF program.

___ This Program is a separate State program.

5. Description of Work Activities (Complete only if this program is a separate State program):

6. Total State Expenditures for the Program for the Fiscal Year: $11,867,300

7. Total State MOE Expenditures under the Program for the Fiscal Year: $2,450,838

8. Total Number of Families Served under the Program with MOE Funds: 5247

This last figure represents (check one):

_X_ The average monthly total for the fiscal year.

___ The total served over the fiscal year.

9. Financial Eligibility Criteria for Receiving MOE-funded Program Benefits or Services:

Families must be eligible for TANF cash assistance.

4. Prior Program Authorization: Was this program authorized and allowable under prior law? (check one)

Yes _X_ No ___

5. Total Program Expenditures in FY 1995: _________________________
(NOTE: provide only if response on question 10 is No)

1. Name of Benefit or Service Program

Children’s Basic Coverage

2. Description of the Major Program Benefits, Services, and Activities:

This program provides mental health services for children and their families when the children are either not eligible for Medicaid, or are not eligible for Montana’s Mental Health Services Plan (MHSP) because the children are not eligible for CHIP. This program also covers services for children and their families who are eligible for Medicaid or MHSP, that are not paid by Medicaid, MHSP, or CHIP.

3. Purpose(s) of Benefit or Service Program:

The purpose of this program is to assist children who are seriously emotionally disturbed that cannot receive services through other state funded programs. This program strengthens families and supports work because families are able to address the special needs of their children, stabilize the family and increase their ability to work outside of the home.

4. Program Type. (Check one)

_X_ This Program is operated under the TANF program.

___ This Program is a separate State program.

5. Description of Work Activities (Complete only if this program is a separate State program):

There are no work activities required under this program because the services are provided to children. This program is considered non-assistance because it does not provide for basic needs.

6. Total State Expenditures for the Program for the Fiscal Year: ___$687,745

7. Total State MOE Expenditures under the Program for the Fiscal Year: __$687,745

8. Total Number of Families Served under the Program with MOE Funds : 507
This last figure represents (check one):

_X_ The average monthly total for the fiscal year.

____ The total served over the fiscal year.

9. Financial Eligibility Criteria for Receiving MOE-funded Program Benefits or Services:

Families are eligible as long as the family’s countable income does not exceed 150% of the Federal Poverty level and there is a child under the age of 19 who has been determined to be Seriously Emotionally Disturbed (SED). There is no resource test for this program.

10. Prior Program Authorization: Was this program authorized and allowable under prior law? (check one)

Yes ___ No _X_

11. Total Program Expenditures in FY 1995: __$0_______________________
(NOTE: provide only if response on question 10 is No)

1. Name of Benefit or Service Program


2. Description of the Major Program Benefits, Services, and Activities:

Non-assistance provided to TANF eligible families. The non-assistance includes services that enable families to work.

3. Purpose(s) of Benefit or Service Program:

Provide non-assistance to TANF eligible families so that they can find, accept or maintain employment.

4. Program Type. (Check one)

_X_ This Program is operated under the TANF program.

___ This Program is a separate State program.

5. Description of Work Activities (Complete only if this program is a separate State program):

6. Total State Expenditures for the Program for the Fiscal Year:$665,953

7. Total State MOE Expenditures under the Program for the Fiscal Year: $344,076

8. Total Number of Families Served under the Program with MOE Funds: 5247

This last figure represents (check one):

_X_ The average monthly total for the fiscal year.

___ The total served over the fiscal year.

9. Financial Eligibility Criteria for Receiving MOE-funded Program Benefits or Services:

Must be financially eligible for TANF cash assistance.

10. Prior Program Authorization: Was this program authorized and allowable under prior law? (check one)

Yes ____ No _X_

11. Total Program Expenditures in FY 1995: $0
(NOTE: provide only if response on question 10 is No)

1. Name of Benefit or Service Program

Education and Training and other Work Activities

2. Description of the Major Program Benefits, Services, and Activities:

Funds used to provide education and training or other work activities to families who are eligible for TANF cash assistance. The funds are spent on case management, monitoring of activities, supportive services, adult basic education, short-term training, and other projects to help individuals participate in required activities.

3. Purpose(s) of Benefit or Service Program:

Funds are used to enable families to participate in work activities that are allowed by Montana’s demonstration JOBS waiver.

4. Program Type. (Check one)

_X_ This Program is operated under the TANF program.

___ This Program is a separate State program.

5. Description of Work Activities (Complete only if this program is a separate State program):

6. Total State Expenditures for the Program for the Fiscal Year: $9,591,325

7. Total State MOE Expenditures under the Program for the Fiscal Year: $8,827,224

8. Total Number of Families Served under the Program with MOE Funds: 5247

This last figure represents (check one):

_X_ The average monthly total for the fiscal year.

___ The total served over the fiscal year.

9. Financial Eligibility Criteria for Receiving MOE-funded Program Benefits or Services:

Families must be eligible for and receiving TANF cash assistance.

10. Prior Program Authorization: Was this program authorized and allowable under prior law? (check one)

Yes _X_ No ____

11. Total Program Expenditures in FY 1995: _________________________
(NOTE: provide only if response on question 10 is No)

1. Name of Benefit or Service Program

Child Care MOE

2. Description of the Major Program Benefits, Services, and Activities:

Funds are available to pay for child care for TANF eligible families.

3. Purpose(s) of Benefit or Service Program:

To allow families to work or participate in work activities.

4. Program Type. (Check one)

_X_ This Program is operated under the TANF program.

___ This Program is a separate State program.

5. Description of Work Activities (Complete only if this program is a separate State program):

6. Total State Expenditures for the Program for the Fiscal Year: $1,870,990

7. Total State MOE Expenditures under the Program for the Fiscal Year: $1,870,990

8. Total Number of Families Served under the Program with MOE Funds: 123

This last figure represents (check one):

_X_ The average monthly total for the fiscal year.

___ The total served over the fiscal year.

9. Financial Eligibility Criteria for Receiving MOE-funded Program Benefits or Services:

Must be eligible for and receiving TANF cash assistance.

10. Prior Program Authorization: Was this program authorized and allowable under prior law? (check one)

Yes _X_ No ____

11. Total Program Expenditures in FY 1995: _________________________
(NOTE: provide only if response on question 10 is No)

This certifies that all families for which the State claims MOE expenditures for the fiscal year meet the State's criteria for "eligible families."



TITLE: Director

Approved OMB No. 0970-0199 Form ACF 204, expires 6/30/2002.

Montana 204
Montana Excel Sheet

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