مناطق مختلف در جهان:آسيای جنوبی Ùˆ مرکزی Mon, 11 May 2009 18:40:54 -0400 <![CDATA["همکاری بی سابقه" در مذاکرات پاکستان و افغانستان]]> Mon, 11 May 2009 18:34:31 -0400 Meetings in Washington involving President Obama, Afghanistan’s President Karzai and Pakistan’s President Zardari focus on common security threats and improving economic growth and opportunity. Obama says the meetings have “advanced unprecedented cooperation” between the two South Asian neighbors.

<![CDATA[تحقیقات مشترک در بارۀ تلفات گزارش شدۀ غیر نظامیان در افغانستان]]> Fri, 08 May 2009 11:25:11 -0400 The State Department releases a statement on the joint investigation into reports of civilian casualties in Afghanistan.

<![CDATA[ثبات در پاکستان در کانون کوشش های ایالات متحده در افغانستان قرار دارد]]> Wed, 06 May 2009 18:16:41 -0400 The stability and longevity of democracy in Pakistan is central to efforts by the U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Robert Gates says. “The Taliban in Pakistan are in fact an existential threat to the democratic government of that country.”

[i]Camp Lejeune

[ii] Buner Valley

[iii] Michele Flournoy

]]> <![CDATA[پیشرفت در افغانستان به پیشرفت در پاکستان بستگی دارد]]> Wed, 06 May 2009 16:09:40 -0400 Progress in suppressing a revived Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan depends on bringing stability and security to Pakistan, Secretary of State Clinton tells a congressional panel. Clinton says the administration is “deeply concerned by the increasing insurgency that is destabilizing Pakistan.”

<![CDATA[ایالات متحده در کنفرانس اهداء کنندگان توکیو یک میلیارد دلار برای کمک به پاکستان تعهد کرد]]> Tue, 28 Apr 2009 11:29:27 -0400 The State Department releases a statement by Robert Wood on the U.S. pledge of $1 billion to assist the Government of Pakistan.

<![CDATA[سخنان سفیر رایس دربارۀ بیانیۀ شورای امنیت سازمان ملل درارتباط با کرۀ شمالی]]> Mon, 20 Apr 2009 16:38:35 -0400 Ambassador Susan E. Rice, U.S. permanent representative to the United Nations, comments on the U.N. Security Council statement concerning North Korea’s missile launch.

<![CDATA[ایالات متحده اقدام شورای امنیت سازمان ملل در مورد کره شمالی را ستایش می کند]]> Mon, 20 Apr 2009 14:11:05 -0400 The United States praises the U.N. Security Council’s unanimous condemnation of North Korea’s recent launch of a three-stage Taepodong-2 missile into the Pacific Ocean April 5 and its pledge to strengthen sanctions against North Korea for violating a 2006 U.N. resolution.

<![CDATA[اهدا 9.3 میلیون دلاری ایالات متحده به آوارگان پاکستانی]]> Tue, 14 Apr 2009 18:11:35 -0400 The State Department releases a statement on the U.S. contribution of $9.3 million to help displaced Pakistanis.

<![CDATA[توافق ایالات متحده و چین برای توسعه مذاکرات راهبردی و اقتصادی]]> Mon, 13 Apr 2009 10:36:13 -0400 The United States and China have agreed to actively seek improvements in U.S.-China relations and address global issues of common interest, President Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao say. Obama has accepted an invitation from Hu to visit China later in 2009.

<![CDATA[نشست مطبوعاتی پیرامون راهبرد جدید برای افغانستان و پاکستان]]> Wed, 08 Apr 2009 18:00:55 -0400 The White House releases a press briefing by Bruce Riedel, Ambassador Richard Holbrooke and Michelle Flournoy, members of President Obama’s interagency policy review on Pakistan and Afghanistan.

<![CDATA[بیانیۀ مشترک ایالات متحده-شورای اروپا در بارۀ پرتاب موشک به وسیلۀ کرۀ شمالی]]> Wed, 08 Apr 2009 17:01:44 -0400 The United States and the European Council issue a joint statement on North Korea’s missile launch April 5.

<![CDATA[اوباما می گوید، هند یک شریک حیاتی برای ایالات متحده است]]> Wed, 08 Apr 2009 13:32:05 -0400 India is a key partner of the United States in addressing a wide range of global challenges, President Obama tells reporters April 2 before meeting with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the sidelines of the G20 financial summit in London.

<![CDATA[گزیده هایی از سخنان هیلاری رادهام کلینتون، وزیر خارجه 31 مارس 2009]]> Mon, 06 Apr 2009 13:57:43 -0400 Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton makes remarks at the conclusion of the International Conference on Afghanistan in The Hague, Netherlands.

<![CDATA[اوباما می گوید که طرح جدید برای افغانستان و پاکستان، راهبردی جامع است]]> Fri, 03 Apr 2009 10:41:54 -0400 America’s new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan is narrowly focused on dismantling terrorist networks but will employ a wide array of tactics, from strengthening regional security forces to a renewed focus on diplomacy and development, says President Obama.

<![CDATA[سخنان هیلاری کلینتون، وزیر امور خارجه در کنفرانس بین المللی افغانستان]]> Wed, 01 Apr 2009 17:19:06 -0400 Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivers a speech before the International Conference on Afghanistan at The Hague, Netherlands.

<![CDATA[بیانیه گوردن دوگید، جانشین معاون سخنگو در ارتباط با حکم دیوان عالی افغانستان]]> Tue, 31 Mar 2009 10:54:23 -0400 The State Department releases a statement on Afghanistan’s Supreme Court ruling.

<![CDATA[ایالات متحده از شرکت ایران در کنفرانس افغانستان استقبال می کند]]> Tue, 31 Mar 2009 10:51:55 -0400 U.S. Department of State acting deputy spokesman Gordon Duguid briefs reporters March 26.

<![CDATA[سخنان پرزیدنت اوباما در بارۀ - یک برنامۀ جدید راهبردی برای افغانستان و پاکستان]]> Mon, 30 Mar 2009 09:54:52 -0400 <![CDATA[سخنان پرزیدنت اوباما در بارۀ - یک برنامۀ جدید راهبردی برای افغانستان و پاکستان]]> Fri, 27 Mar 2009 20:04:25 -0400 <![CDATA[کلینتون با رهبریت پاکستان دربارۀ رییس دیوان عالی صحبت کرد]]> Mon, 23 Mar 2009 11:03:42 -0400 A decision to reinstate the Pakistani chief justice came after telephone calls by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to Pakistani leaders over the weekend of March 14–15 urging continued political dialogue and nonviolence, a State Department spokesman says.

<![CDATA[مطالعات دانشگاهی معرف آسیای میانه به آمریکاییان است]]> Wed, 18 Mar 2009 12:56:27 -0400 Indiana University at Bloomington is an oasis of Central Asian scholarship in the United States. And those who wish to study the language and culture of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan can find Central Asian programs in most regions of the United States.

<![CDATA[تجربۀ یک نویسندۀ هندی]]> Mon, 09 Feb 2009 14:42:36 -0400 India-born Akhil Sharma tells how early influences, including immigration to America, South Asian culture, luck, and Ernest Hemingway, prompted him to become a writer.
