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Alzheimer's Caregivers

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Caring for someone who has Alzheimer's disease (AD) can be stressful and overwhelming. It's important to take care of yourself. Ask for and accept help.

Talk to the doctor. Find out what treatments might help control symptoms or address behavior problems. Find a support group. Others who have "been there" may be able to help and will understand.

If there are times of day that the person is less confused or more cooperative, take advantage of that in daily routines. Consider using adult day care or respite services. These offer a break with the peace of mind that the patient is being taken care of. Begin to plan for the future. This may include

National Institute on Aging

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The primary NIH organization for research on Alzheimer's Caregivers is the National Institute on Aging -

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Date last updated: May 04 2009
Topic last reviewed: May 04 2009