Fri, 08 May 2009 11:01:51 -0400 <![CDATA[تأمل نویسندگان کتاب های جوانان پیرامون مسائل نژادی – قسمت دوم]]> Fri, 08 May 2009 10:59:33 -0400 Chandra Prasad recently published Breathe the Sky. Other work includes On Borrowed Wings: A Novel, Death of a Circus, Mixed: An Anthology of Short Fiction on the Multiracial Experience and Outwitting the Job Market. She said being half-Indian contributed to her interest in the politics of identity.

<![CDATA[تأمل نویسندگان کتاب های جوانان پیرامون مسائل نژادی – قسمت اول]]> Wed, 06 May 2009 09:56:12 -0400

[1] Flygirl

]]> <![CDATA[این چه احساسی ایجاد می کند؟]]> Thu, 23 Apr 2009 15:04:02 -0400 This is an excerpt from Black, White, and Jewish: Autobiography of a Shifting Self, by Rebecca Walker.

<![CDATA[من مصیبت زده نیستم]]> Thu, 23 Apr 2009 14:51:57 -0400 This is an excerpt from Black, White, and Jewish: Autobiography of a Shifting Self, by Rebecca Walker.

<![CDATA[رنگ من مرا متمایز می کند]]> Tue, 21 Apr 2009 12:18:35 -0400 This is an excerpt from Black, White, and Jewish: Autobiography of a Shifting Self, by Rebecca Walker.

<![CDATA[آیا من ممکن هستم؟]]> Thu, 16 Apr 2009 10:17:55 -0400 This is an excerpt from Black, White, and Jewish: Autobiography of a Shifting Self, by Rebecca Walker.

<![CDATA[میزگرد زبان انگلیسی: تصحیح اشتباهات دانشجویان بدون لطمه زدن به احساسات آنان]]> Wed, 15 Apr 2009 14:31:09 -0400 Damon Anderson, regional English language officer at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, China, discusses correcting students of English without hurting them emotionally in a March 10 CO.NX webchat.

<![CDATA[بحث یک فعال دربارۀ اقتدار بخشیدن به زنان برای رقابت جهت کسب پست های سیاسی]]> Tue, 14 Apr 2009 17:10:31 -0400 Jessica Grounds, the president of the Women Under Forty Political Action Committee and an associate director with Running Start, an organization that educates young women about the importance of politics, answers questions in a March 5 CO.NX webchat on the skills women need to become leaders.

<![CDATA[برخی از آمریکایی ها به طور مستقیم در حال رویارویی با میراث برده داری هستند]]> Tue, 14 Apr 2009 14:20:29 -0400 With the help of Eastern Mennonite University’s Coming to the Table program, American descendants of slaveholders and descendants of enslaved people can connect with each other to share their histories and discuss the legacies of slavery including race relations.

<![CDATA[رژۀ ایرانی به بزرگداشت ایرانیان در آمریکا پرداخت]]> Wed, 08 Apr 2009 18:03:57 -0400 Iranians celebrate the Persian New Year in the traditional manner, with family visits. But Iranian Americans have added a more American way of commemorating the holiday: a parade. On March 29, 1,000 participants went noisily down New York City’s Madison Avenue for the 6th annual Persian Parade.

<![CDATA[کوهستانی در ایران به نام پرستار آمریکائی نامگذاری شد]]> Wed, 01 Apr 2009 10:19:00 -0400 A mountain and its surrounding forest near the city of Isfahan has been named Mount Helen in honor of a remarkable American woman, Helen Jeffreys Bakhtiar, who worked as a public health nurse in some of Iran’s most isolated villages in the early 1950s as part of the landmark “Point Four” technical assistance program.

<![CDATA[فیلمسازان زن که فیلم هایی درباره محیط زیست می سازند، راوی داستان های مهمی هستند]]> Tue, 31 Mar 2009 11:35:39 -0400 The best environmental filmmakers help good science reach the public, says Laura Boyd, a film and television producer at the National Geographic Society. “Scientists have enough to do without marketing their findings.” She spoke on a panel at the D.C. Environmental Film Festival.

<![CDATA[نویسنده ای که کودکی آشفتۀ او موجب به بار آمدن فردی چند وجهی شد]]> Mon, 30 Mar 2009 10:48:33 -0400 <![CDATA[با اعطای جایزۀ ایالات متحده، از زنانی که برای عدالت اجتماعی مبارزه می کنند قدرشناسی و حمایت شد]]> Wed, 25 Mar 2009 14:16:30 -0400 For the third consecutive year, the United States honors women who fight to protect human rights. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and first lady Michelle Obama congratulate the 2009 winners of the International Women of Courage awards at a State Department ceremony in Washington.

<![CDATA[کاکی رابرتس درباره "مادران بنیانگذار" سخن می گوید]]> Tue, 24 Mar 2009 10:57:44 -0400 <![CDATA[طرح RAISE به شناختن ارزش دانشمندان زن کمک می کند]]> Tue, 24 Mar 2009 14:20:44 -0400 The RAISE Project documents the glass ceiling that looms over women in the sciences, technology, engineering and math fields and offers a searchable database on how to apply or to nominate someone for more than 1,000 different awards.

<![CDATA[نقش نویسندگان در درک میان نژادی]]> Mon, 23 Mar 2009 10:43:23 -0400 Bernard LaFayette, an educator, minister and veteran civil rights activist, says the election of Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the United States, came about with the help of powerful writers who sought mutual understanding and change.

<![CDATA[پيام نوروزی پرزيدنت باراک اوباما]]> Fri, 20 Mar 2009 17:28:36 -0400 <![CDATA[از رواندا تا آمریکا]]> Fri, 20 Mar 2009 18:35:40 -0400 Immaculée Ilibagiza, a survivor of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, tells about immigrating to America and how writing helped her come to terms with her horrific experience and loss while allowing her to fulfill her mission of forgiveness.

<![CDATA[فرهنگ ایرانی در مراسم نوروز در ایالات متحده جشن گرفته می شود]]> Thu, 19 Mar 2009 18:32:04 -0400 New immigrants from Iran, native-born Americans and area residents gathered on the National Mall in Washington to enjoy a day of musical performances, storytelling, fire-jumping and foods celebrating the Persian New Year, Nowruz, which officially begins on the vernal equinox and lasts 13 days.

<![CDATA[پيام نوروزی تارنمای وزارت امور خارجه آمريکا]]> Thu, 19 Mar 2009 18:20:12 -0400 <![CDATA[به تور انداختن ابرها]]> Thu, 19 Mar 2009 15:12:12 -0400 Diana Abu-Jaber distills the heritages of a lively Jordanian father and a down-to-earth American mother, but it meant confronting “the tension between preserving heritage and embracing the new.”

<![CDATA[یافتن همراهان از میان کتاب ها]]> Thu, 19 Mar 2009 11:55:01 -0400 Icons of literature helped the young Vietnamese immigrant Bich Minh Nguyen learn about American culture and ultimately led her to becoming a writer herself.

<![CDATA[سخنان کلینتون در مراسم جایزۀ بین المللی زنان بیباک شجاع]]> Wed, 18 Mar 2009 10:27:35 -0400 The State Department releases remarks made by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on the 2009 International Women of Courage Awards.

<![CDATA[یک کارآفرین زن درباره زنان در تجارت صحبت خواهد کرد]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2009 12:43:42 -0400 <![CDATA[پرزیدنت اوباما تشکیل شورای کاخ سفید برای رسیدگی به مسایل زنان و دختران را اعلام کرد]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2009 12:39:38 -0400 The White House releases an announcement by President Obama on the creation of the White House Council on Women and Girls.

<![CDATA[یک قاضی درباره حقوق زنان و برابری جنسی گفتگو می کند]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2009 12:24:57 -0400 <![CDATA[قاضی کتی اومالی درباره زنان قاضی گفتگو خواهد کرد]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2009 12:16:32 -0400 <![CDATA[اظهارات رایس، سفیر ایالات متحده در سازمان ملل در باره صدای زنان افغانستان]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2009 11:24:32 -0400 Ambassador Susan E. Rice, U.S. permanent representative to the United Nations, delivers remarks on Afghanistan women.

<![CDATA[مبارزه آمبیگا اسرینوسان در دفاع از برابری جنسیتی در مالزی]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2009 11:22:21 -0400 Malaysian bar council president Ambiga Sreenevasen is a high-powered, high-profile advocate for good governance, democracy, human rights and gender equality.

<![CDATA[داستان های تازۀ مهاجران]]> Mon, 16 Mar 2009 14:47:16 -0400 Scholar Glenda Carpio says Junot Díaz’ breaks new ground in his writing by easily moving between ethnicities and his American identity formed in urban New Jersey.

<![CDATA[اظهارات میشل اوباما در مراسم بزرگداشت زنان شجاع]]> Mon, 16 Mar 2009 13:12:58 -0400 The White House release remarks made by the First Lady at the State Department’s International Women of Courage Awards.

<![CDATA[کودکی که عروس شده علیه ازدواج اجباری مبارزه می کند]]> Mon, 16 Mar 2009 12:22:53 -0400 Just 12 years old when she was forced into marriage, Reem Al Numery defied her father and society in an attempt to uphold and publicize the human rights of young girls.

<![CDATA[سردبیر، زندگی در آمریکا را به عنوان زن صاحب تجارت، مادر و مسلمان مورد بحث قرار می دهد]]> Fri, 13 Mar 2009 11:54:02 -0400 Kari Ansari, the editor in chief of America’s Muslim Family magazine, based in Chicago, answers questions in a March 12 CO.NX webchat on her life as a businessperson, mother and Muslim in America.

<![CDATA[واحد ارتشی زنان سیاهپوست که در جنگ جهانی دوم خدمت کردند با تاخیر مورد بزرگداشت قرار گرفت]]> Fri, 13 Mar 2009 14:06:36 -0400 In 1945, 855 African-American women in the Women’s Army Corps were sent to England and France to sort through a huge backlog of undelivered mail destined for U.S. troops in Europe. After the work was done, the women were discharged without any special recognition. In 2009 the recognition finally came.

<![CDATA[بیانیه هیلاری رادهام کلینتون، وزیر امور خارجه در ارتباط با روز بین المللی زن]]> Wed, 11 Mar 2009 17:07:51 -0400 U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton makes remarks on the anniversary of International Women’s Day.

<![CDATA[فعال حقوق زنان درباره حضور زنان جوان در سیاست گفتگو خواهد کرد]]> Tue, 10 Mar 2009 18:27:29 -0400

[1] Running Start

[2] Women Under Forty Political Action Committee (WUFPAC)

[3] Young Women Consultants

]]> <![CDATA[ایالات متحده در ماه مارس هرسال مراسمی برای گرامیداشت مشارکت زنان در امور جهان برپا می کند]]> Tue, 10 Mar 2009 18:26:36 -0400 Each March, National Women’s History Month celebrates the contributions of women to the history and culture of the United States. The 2009 theme is Women Taking the Lead to Save Our Planet, recognizing the role of women in the “green movement," according to the National Women’s History Project.

<![CDATA[گام های بلند زنان آمریکا در زمینۀ تحصیلات و کارآفرینی]]> Tue, 10 Mar 2009 18:25:44 -0400 <![CDATA[بیانیۀ رئیس جمهوری به مناسبت ماه تاریخ زنان]]> Tue, 10 Mar 2009 18:24:17 -0400 The White House releases a presidential proclamation for Women’s History Month, 2009.

<![CDATA[نقاط برجسته تاریخ زنان ایالات متحده]]> Tue, 10 Mar 2009 18:24:52 -0400 <![CDATA[بیانیۀ رئیس جمهوری به مناسبت ماه تاریخ زنان]]> Tue, 10 Mar 2009 18:23:42 -0400 The White House releases a presidential proclamation for Women’s History Month, 2009.

<![CDATA[اعطای جوائز سال 2009 از طرف وزیر امورخارجه به زنان شجاع بین المللی]]> Tue, 10 Mar 2009 18:23:14 -0400 The State Department announces the recipients of the 2009 Award for International Women of Courage.

<![CDATA[هیلاری کلینتون، وزیر امور خارجه - مقاله ای در بزرگداشت روز بین المللی زنان]]> Tue, 10 Mar 2009 18:22:39 -0400 <![CDATA[کلماتی که ملتی را تکان داد]]> Tue, 10 Mar 2009 10:54:12 -0400 Abraham Lincoln remains one of the most eloquent presidents in American history. This profile of what are considered his three greatest speeches, his two inaugural addresses and the Gettysburg Address, shows how they evolved from Lincoln’s original thoughts. Indeed, these are perhaps three of the finest in U.S. political history.

<![CDATA[نویسندگی از منظر پیچیدۀ قومیت]]> Thu, 05 Mar 2009 15:35:54 -0400 Writer Persis M. Karim says the dynamism and possibility essential to the American character both unite the country and allow marginal voices to be heard.

<![CDATA[آموزش هنر انسان بودن]]> Thu, 05 Mar 2009 14:03:46 -0400 Storytelling still thrives in American Indian communities today. Two American Indian storytellers, Sunny Dooley and Dovie Thomason, tell how stories teach basic lessons of morality and humaneness.

<![CDATA[آمریکا ... به دیگرانش بسپار.]]> Thu, 05 Mar 2009 14:00:51 -0400 This is a transcript of “America ... Pass It On,” a song by Rob Quist and Jack W. Gladstone.

<![CDATA[منابع بیشتر]]> Thu, 05 Mar 2009 14:02:24 -0400 Abraham Lincoln has generated a small publishing industry since his death. This is a selected representation of important works from noted Lincoln historians along with Internet resources of important Lincoln archives and associations of papers and other material. This list is not meant to be inclusive.

<![CDATA[تأثیرگداریهای شعری جنوب آسیا]]> Thu, 05 Mar 2009 10:52:29 -0400 Agha Shahid Ali’s poem “The Dacca Gauzes”

<![CDATA[اهمیت آبراهام لینکلن برای آمریکاییان امروز]]> Thu, 05 Mar 2009 10:42:43 -0400 With the 2009 Lincoln bicentennial, journalist Andrew Ferguson considers the libraries of Lincoln books, the collectors of Lincoln memorabilia, the actors who present a reenacted Lincoln to the masses, and the Lincoln Memorial in Washington for what they say about Lincoln’s enduring appeal.

<![CDATA[شصت و نه سنت]]> Mon, 02 Mar 2009 17:46:19 -0400 A trip to Disneyland for a family of Russian immigrants becomes a generational tug-of-war between old and new world food cultures, at least in the mind of the young protagonist of this short story.

<![CDATA[رادیوی شهر گمشده]]> Mon, 02 Mar 2009 17:45:32 -0400 A scene is set for turbulence in a sleepy, fictional Latin American town in this excerpt from Daniel Alarcón’s first novel, Lost City Radio, the theme of which is the plight of “the disappeared” — people abducted by insurgents — and their families.

<![CDATA[اهمیت لینکلن برای من]]> Mon, 02 Mar 2009 17:43:46 -0400 Abraham Lincoln continues to be the ultimate American hero to many Americans, an individual who rose from poverty on the American frontier to the White House. His many manifestations continue to fascinate both Lincoln scholars and average Americans, especially his belief in the common man.

<![CDATA[تصوری مجدد از خود، تصوری مجدد از آمریکا]]> Wed, 25 Feb 2009 09:05:24 -0400 Vietnam-born American writer Andrew Lam, an editor at New America Media, drew upon opposing ideas of life from many cultures as he sought to determine his American identity. In this contributed article, he examines the “eloquence and imagination” that binds disparate experiences into one that is American.

<![CDATA[موش ها بانی صلح می شوند]]> Wed, 18 Feb 2009 12:52:12 -0400 This is a transcript of an audio sample of storyteller Dovie Thomason.

<![CDATA[لینکلن در نقش فرماندۀ کل قوا]]> Wed, 18 Feb 2009 12:15:17 -0400 Historian Peter Cozzens considers the obstacles that President Lincoln had to overcome in developing an effective Union army and a cadre of generals to command it during the first modern total war, one waged not just between armies but between societies, their economic resources, and their own way of life.

<![CDATA[به سوی به کاخ سفید: آبراهام لینکلن از سال 1854]]> Wed, 18 Feb 2009 11:59:44 -0400 This book’s editor, Michael Jay Friedman, lays out issues that confronted Lincoln in his quest for national leadership after 1854, such as free labor and slavery, and political actions, like his series of debates with Illinois senator Stephen A. Douglas, that ultimately propelled him to the White House.

<![CDATA[چهرۀ تازه ای از لینکلن]]> Mon, 16 Feb 2009 17:42:38 -0400 Abraham Lincoln’s face is one of the most established icons in the American monetary system due to his well-known likeness on that most basic of coins, the copper penny. In his bicentennial year, he will finally get a makeover as the U.S. Mint will introduce four Lincoln pennies. The face of the coin will remain but the reverse will feature scenes from Lincoln’s life.

<![CDATA[تجربۀ یک نویسندۀ هندی]]> Mon, 09 Feb 2009 14:42:36 -0400 India-born Akhil Sharma tells how early influences, including immigration to America, South Asian culture, luck, and Ernest Hemingway, prompted him to become a writer.

<![CDATA[سگ شبح : يا چگونه اولين رمانم را نوشتم]]> Fri, 06 Feb 2009 13:30:00 -0400 North Carolina ambience and wisps of old legends infuse the work of North Carolina native son Randall Kenan, who writes of how these influences became his great sources.

[1] . Ghost dog

[2] . Ghost dog

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[15] . Ghost dog

[16] . Ghost dog

[17] . Ghost dog

[18] . Ghost dog

[19] . Ghost dog

[20] . Ghost dog

[21] . Ghost dog

[22] . Ghost dog

[23] . Ghost dog

]]> <![CDATA[تقاطع ادبیات]]> Fri, 06 Feb 2009 12:31:08 -0400 African-American writer Tayari Jones writes that the crossroads is a sacred space where the specific and the universal meet, and where African-American writing happily exists beside the transcendent, universal nature of art.

<![CDATA[پایین کشیدن ابرها]]> Fri, 06 Feb 2009 10:59:48 -0400 The importance of rain — and respect for nature — in the dry American Southwest is the subject of American Indian poet Ofelia Zepeda’s poem.

[1] Ofelia Zepeda

]]> <![CDATA[زبان خیانت]]> Thu, 05 Feb 2009 13:58:46 -0400 Chinese-American writer Ha Jin says writing in a second, very different language is both a challenge and a statement — and a way to pursue one’s vision.

[1] Ha Jin

[2] PEN/Faulkner

[3] Campbell

[4] W.G. Sebald

[5] Milan Kundera

[6] Odysseus

[7] Ithaca

]]> <![CDATA[لینکلن به عنوان رهایی بخش]]> Mon, 02 Feb 2009 16:23:25 -0400 The debate still continues on whether or not Abraham Lincoln was indeed the Great Emancipator, as his supporters have claimed since his death, or was actually an opportunist — or even a white supremacist — who was far behind the abolitionist movement, and an advocate of black Americans’ voluntary migration.

<![CDATA[پیش گفتار]]> Mon, 02 Feb 2009 12:47:21 -0400 In 2009, the United States celebrates the bicentennial of Abraham Lincoln’s birth. This publication brings together leading historians and asks them to consider Lincoln’s life from different perspectives: young man, lawyer, war leader, diplomat and the embodiment of fundamental American ideals.

<![CDATA[مهاجران خارجی در باره ایالات متحده آمریکا، چه می گویند]]> Mon, 21 Jul 2008 13:59:54 -0400 Read some inspiring quotes from immigrants from across the globe living across the United States. Though they come from different backgrounds, all are inspired by the opportunities life in the United States offers.
