دموکراسی در سراسر جها : مقدمه Mon, 04 May 2009 14:32:50 -0400 <![CDATA[با اشتیاق به کسب آگاهی دربارۀ جهان، افغان هایی که دانش فنی دارند به بلاگ ها رو می آورند]]> Mon, 27 Apr 2009 11:38:08 -0400 Eager to learn more about the world, tech-savvy Afghans are turning to the Internet and blogging. They also see these tools as a means to educate the world about their country, according to Nasim Fekrat, one of Afghanistan’s trailblazing bloggers.

<![CDATA[گفتگو با مایکل جی فریدمن از وزارت امور خارجه دربارۀ جنبش حقوق مدنی آمریکا]]> Fri, 24 Apr 2009 10:14:33 -0400 Michael Jay Friedman, division chief for print publications in the State Department’s Bureau of International Information Programs and principal author of the State Department publication Free At Last: The U.S. Civil Rights Movement, discusses civil rights in America in a March 25 webchat.

<![CDATA[یکی از خبرنگاران پیشکسوت به چالش های گزارشگری از زیمبابوه اشاره می کند]]> Wed, 22 Apr 2009 10:41:19 -0400 Practicing effective journalism under dangerous or repressive conditions is especially challenging. Zimbabwean freelance reporter Peta Thornycroft talks to about her experiences and offers some expert advice and warnings on what it takes to get the job done.

<![CDATA[قهرمان آمریکایی در ایران]]> Fri, 17 Apr 2009 17:23:42 -0400 This is an article from the May 2, 2007, edition of the Princeton Alumni Weekly, about Howard C. Baskerville, a young American who gave his life in the cause of Persian freedom in 1909.

<![CDATA[قدرت جنبش غیر خشونت آمیز]]> Mon, 13 Apr 2009 17:41:52 -0400 Armed insurgencies impose great human costs. Nonviolent “people power” movements succeed by calling attention to official repression and winning support from the undecided.

<![CDATA[تفکر غیر خشونت آمیز در تاریخ آمریکا]]> Mon, 13 Apr 2009 13:29:01 -0400 Rooted in 16th century Europe, the intellectual traditions of nonviolent thought and action were brought up in the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries and traveled abroad to Asia and Africa.

<![CDATA[شیرین عبادی: ایمان به آزادی]]> Mon, 13 Apr 2009 13:26:57 -0400 Whether they agree or disagree with her, anyone who has heard Shirin Ebadi, winner of the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize, can have little doubt about the uncompromising dedication she brings to the cause of human rights and political freedom.

<![CDATA[مبارزه انتحابات اینترنتی: گردآوردن داوطلبان و رأی دهندگان]]> Fri, 10 Apr 2009 14:18:47 -0400 The 2008 election victory of Barack Obama showed that Web-based tools for donating money and efficiently harnessing the efforts of large numbers of volunteers can be extraordinarily powerful.

<![CDATA[فرانسین پروز: دفاع از نوشته ها و نویسندگان]]> Fri, 10 Apr 2009 16:41:33 -0400 You might expect most writers to be concerned about issues of freedom of expression. But noted American author Francine Prose has taken her commitment to writers and writing to another level. Since 2007, she has served as president of the PEN American Center.

<![CDATA[دربارۀ این شماره]]> Thu, 09 Apr 2009 13:51:17 -0400 Introduction to March 2009 eJournal USA, “Nonviolent Paths to Social Change”

<![CDATA[عقلانیت، مقابله با خشونت مذهبی در هند است]]> Mon, 06 Apr 2009 15:49:55 -0400 In the Indian state of Gujarat, the site of horrific violence between Hindus and Muslims in 2002, M. Hasan Jowher dedicates his life to promoting peaceful coexistence and rational thought though the Society for Promoting Rationality. He talks with about the program’s accomplishments.



[3] Society for promoting Rationality

[4] Muskaan

]]> <![CDATA[وضعیت دشوار زندانی و فرصت های دیگر]]> Mon, 06 Apr 2009 15:10:42 -0400 Game theory suggests that, although it is not at all simple to accomplish, cooperation can often be shown to be preferable to conflict.

[1] David P. Barash

[2] Game of Chicken

[3] satyragraha

[4] Cicero

[5] Hobbes

]]> <![CDATA[بهره برداری از نیروی اعتراض]]> Thu, 02 Apr 2009 10:58:47 -0400 Simple new telecommunications tools are removing obstacles to collective action by ordinary people, and thus changing the world.

<![CDATA[جودی ویلیامز: مین های زمینی و شبکه ها]]> Tue, 31 Mar 2009 11:18:08 -0400 Five years after its founding, the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) successfully persuaded 122 nations to sign an international treaty outlawing antipersonnel land mines. ICBL’s ability to galvanize world opinion in record time is due in part to its shrewd communications strategy.

<![CDATA[سیاست جدید در قبال زندانیان بازداشتگاه گوانتانامو ریشه در قوانین بین المللی دارد]]> Mon, 30 Mar 2009 12:02:07 -0400 The Obama administration’s new policy for holding terrorism suspects at the Guantánamo Bay detention center in Cuba is rooted in international law and marks the latest step toward final closure of the facility by early 2010.

[1] - Attorney General Eric Holder

[2] - District of Columbia

[3] - Boumediene v. Bush

[4] - “enemy combatants”

[5] - Taliban

[6] - al-Qaida

[7] - President Obama

[8] - Daniel Fried

[9] - Under Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs

]]> <![CDATA[اجتماع سازان چه می کنند؟]]> Fri, 27 Mar 2009 10:51:01 -0400 Millions of U.S. citizens have used community organizers to learn how to press governments to do the right thing.

<![CDATA[کاترین چون و درک الرمن: مبارزه با قاچاق انسان]]> Wed, 25 Mar 2009 10:51:07 -0400 What began with a dinner conversation among students in 2001 at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, has today become one of the largest organizations in the United States and Japan fighting human trafficking.

<![CDATA[نمایندگان صلح سوئد با "ترس از اسلام" مبارزه می کنند]]> Mon, 23 Mar 2009 10:18:31 -0400 The Swedish educational association Sensus and the Swedish Muslim study association Ibn Rushd have joined forces to train 100 Swedish Muslim young people as “peace agents” to deliver a message that promotes tolerance and mutual respect.

<![CDATA[وانگاری ماتای: درختان صلح]]> Fri, 20 Mar 2009 18:33:06 -0400 Before Kenyan Wangari Maathai launched her community-based Green Belt Movement to plant trees and protect biodiversity — becoming the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize — few people equated environmental degradation with issues of human rights and democracy. No longer.

<![CDATA[یک کودک سرباز پیشین از موسیقی به عنوان سلاحی بر علیه خشونت استفاده می کند]]> Fri, 20 Mar 2009 18:30:14 -0400 A former child soldier in the Sudanese civil war has turned rapper/activist to touch lives and promote peace and education in his war-stricken homeland. Emmanuel Jal talks with about how he is using his personal story and his music to oppose violence and promote peace.

<![CDATA[کشورهای آسیای مرکزی راههای اصلی انتقال مواد مخدر]]> Wed, 18 Mar 2009 10:32:06 -0400 The annual International Narcotics Control Strategy Report tracks trends in the global fight against drug trafficking. The State Department report says Central Asian nations are transit points for Afghan opium and heroin going to Europe, Russia, the United States and China.

<![CDATA[کلینتون می گوید، در حکومت های دموکراسی حتی رقبای سیاسی هم با یک دیگر همکاری می کنند]]> Fri, 06 Mar 2009 16:33:10 -0400 In democratic countries like the United States, political rivals often work together after an election, Secretary of State Clinton says. “We try after we have elections to come together and look for solutions to the problems that we face,” Clinton tells Indonesian journalists.

<![CDATA[آیا جنگ هرگز تمام خواهد شد؟]]> Sun, 01 Mar 2009 14:15:13 -0400 Warfare is not part of the natural condition of man. Civilization promotes less violent ways of effecting change.

[1] John Horgon

[2] John Horgon

[3] John Horgon

[4] John Horgon

[5] John Horgon

[6] John Horgon

[7] John Horgon

[8] John Horgon

[9] John Horgon

[10] John Horgon

[11] John Horgon

[12] John Horgon

[13] John Horgon

[14] John Horgon

[15] John Horgon

[16] John Horgon

[17] John Horgon

[18] John Horgon

[19] John Horgon

[20] John Horgon

[21] John Horgon

[22] John Horgon

]]> <![CDATA[جفری کانادا: نوار نقاله کودکان]]> Sun, 01 Mar 2009 13:28:07 -0400 Geoffrey Canada is one of the lucky ones: an African-American kid growing up in a grim New York City neighborhood who escaped to earn a master’s degree in education from Harvard University. He didn’t forget his roots; he immediately went to work in New York’s Harlem neighborhood as an educator and child advocate.

[1] eJournal USA

[2] eJournal USA

[3] eJournal USA
