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NEEMO Journals

Read the journals of the NEEMO 7 aquanauts.

Underwater participants in the NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations, or NEEMO, program usually keep a journal detailing their daily activities. A complete archive of their journals is available on the Aquarius Web site.

For convenience, a few journal entries from earlier missions have been duplicated on this Web site:

NEEMO 6, Day 4
Topside Team

"For the fifth mission in a row, NEEMO aquanauts have had the opportunity to assemble this unique and challenging structure. Designed as an EVA type task exercise, Waterlab has proven to be a favorite task of previous NEEMO crews." Read more ...

NEEMO 6, Day 2
John Herrington

"I have the bow window at my feet and the bow lights are turned on bright. What's amazing is the number of small animals that inhabit this water. Tiny creatures flittering about like bugs under the porch light on a hot summer night." Read more ...

NEEMO 5, Day 12
Peggy Whitson

"This morning started off early, with us leaving the habitat just after 6 a.m. The best part about this dive was that the only objective was to have some fun! We videotaped some of the "night-life" using our flashlights to illuminate those interesting anemone I described earlier and some of the other dramatic colors in the corals that decorate the habitat." Read more ...

NEEMO 5, Day 2
Clayton Anderson

"Located off of the shores of Key Largo, Florida, [Aquarius] is truly a space flight analogy. I have been listening to some beautiful New Age music as I watch Spotted Eagle Rays, Caribbean Manta/Sting Rays and a Nurse Shark silently and smoothly cruise the ocean floor." Read more ...

NEEMO 4, Day 5
Jessica Meir

"We surfaced to a gorgeous Florida Keys day . . . the sun was shining, and the seas were calm. The brilliant tourqoise and blue in the water and the blue of the sky really stood out after living underwater for 5 days." Read more ...

NEEMO 4, Day 2
Rex Walheim

"... we had a bit of sand get in our bag of bolts. It makes you appreciate the cleanliness of space." Read more ...

NEEMO 3, Day 5
Danny Olivas

"Building the structure might sound like a "do work" activity but the benefit for me went beyond the obvious. I think that was the intent was of the task designer. As Jonathan and I worked on digesting the procedures given to us a couple of weeks in advance, I gained a better appreciation of the term "thinking through a task." Read more ...

NEEMO 3, Day 3
Jonathan Dory

"One dive behind us, Greg and I returned to the habitat for a scheduled Educational Outreach teleconference organized by NASA Quest. Smitty, Byron, Greg and I all got the opportunity to share our experience with a multitude of people out there on the internet." Read more ...

NEEMO 2, Day 8
Mike Fincke

"We learned from each preceding dive certain underwater techniques and divisions of labor ... It is this ability to quickly learn and adapt that makes for successful missions on the land, in the sea or in space." Read more ...

NEEMO 2, Day 2
Marc Reagan

"The sea life parade was outstanding today. Before staging out this morning, a sea turtle decided to visit. He swam all around our home, and spent considerable time outside the main viewport." Read more ...

NEEMO 1, Day 7
Mike Gernhardt

"The water was clear, the moonlight illuminated the surface, and the gentle ocean swells were rhythmically rolling through the moonbeams. We watched fish starting to wake up and lazily swimming in the water column. " Read more ...

NEEMO 1, Day 1
Dave Williams

"Our inner thoughts were interrupted when we saw a small spotted eel ... There were teeth marks evident on about a quarter of the way from its tail - a testimonial to the harsh reality of living on a reef in the company of larger sea creatures." Read more ...

Curator: Kim Dismukes | Responsible NASA Official: John Ira Petty | Updated: 10/14/2004
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