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No. 96-97                               FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
                                      (Tuesday, July 9, 1996)


     The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has received the attached report
from its Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards.  The report, in the
form of a letter, provides comments on the NRC's severe accident research

     In addition, the NRC's executive director for operations has
received a letter report on a draft Regulatory Guide, DG-1047, "Standard
Format and Content for Applications to Renew Nuclear Power Plant
Operating Licenses."


As stated
.                                       June 28, 1996

The Honorable Shirley Ann Jackson
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, D.C.  20555-0001

Dear Chairman Jackson:


During the 432nd meeting of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards,
April 11-13, 1996, we completed our review of the status of the NRC
severe accident research program and severe accident codes.  Our
Subcommittee on Severe Accidents held meetings on these matters on March
1 and April 8, 1996.  During this review, we had the benefit of
discussions with representatives of the NRC staff and of the documents

Conclusions and Recommendations

1.   Severe accident research provides information essential to the
     development of risk-informed regulation.

2.   Severe accident research provides the basis for evaluating severe
     accident management strategies.

3.   The NRC nuclear safety research program budget continues to
     decline, and various research efforts are being reduced or
     eliminated.  Periodic analysis should be performed to assure that
     the remaining severe accident research efforts are focused on
     topics that have the greatest impact on risk and the associated
     uncertainties.  Criteria should be developed for determining when
     programs have met their objectives.

4.   Results of the severe accident research have shown that there is no
     threat of prompt containment failure posed by direct containment
     heating (DCH) in Westinghouse large dry containments, alpha-mode
     steam explosions, and Mark I liner melt-through.  Research should
     continue to:

     .    determine the impact of DCH on other containment types,

     .    develop codes to better model the hydrogen stratification and

     .    determine the impact of ex-vessel steam explosions on the BWR

     .    understand the phenomenological aspects associated with
          molten debris coolability,

     .    determine the impact of fuel coolant interaction on lower
          head failure, and

     .    determine the threats posed to steam generator tubes by the
          natural circulation induced by the core degradation

5.   Quantification of uncertainties is essential to risk-informed
     regulation.  The NUREG-1150 effort contributed significantly to the
     method for quantification of uncertainties.  Additional effort is
     needed to improve understanding and quantification of
     phenomenological uncertainties and their impact on Level 2 PRA
     results.  We plan to provide more specific recommendations in this
     area in the future, as needed.

6.   The assurance of the availability of specialized experts to advise
     the Commission is sometimes a tacit motivation for planning
     research programs.  We believe that such assurance is prudent and
     should be explicitly recognized as a criterion in the funding of


We believe it is important that the staff periodically perform top down
assessments of research to assure that the work supports top level
objectives, to review priorities, and to identify research efforts that
have reached maturity and perhaps should be discontinued.  In our view,
severe accident research should have the following top-level objectives:

     support assessments of severe accident risk from operating plants,

     provide a technical basis for reviewing accident management

     support the development of risk-informed regulation, and

     provide a technical basis for evaluating advanced plant designs and
     operational features.

Better Level 2 PRAs are needed to reduce the uncertainties associated
with the assessment of the risk to public health and safety.  Severe
accident research provides the bases for improving Level 2 PRAs, many of
which have used unnecessarily simplistic models for severe accident
behavior.  Severe accident research is needed to reduce the presently
large uncertainties in risk assessment results that are inimical to
making sound regulatory decisions.

The processes that lead to early failure of containment are of particular
importance to risk.  Among such processes are DCH, fuel coolant
interactions, alpha-mode steam explosions, hydrogen detonations, direct
contact of core debris with containment structures, and steam generator
tube ruptures.  Additional assessment of DCH is needed for CE, B&W, and
ice condenser containments, and for BWRs.  Although it appears that large
dry containments and containments with igniters can accommodate hydrogen
combustion without failing, we believe that stratification and the
potential for local detonation needs additional investigation.

The extent to which debris can be cooled can be pivotal in determining
the likelihood of containment liner failure and long-term containment
basemat melt-through.  Viable criteria for coolability of molten debris
either in-vessel or ex-vessel have not yet been developed.

A possible disadvantage of successful in-vessel debris cooling is the
potential failure of the reactor coolant system or steam generator tubes
caused by overheating from the convection of hot gases.  Steam generator
tube ruptures that might occur as a consequence of, or coincident with, a
severe accident would provide a direct path for radionuclide release from
the reactor core to the environment.  The NRC and industry are addressing
this issue, but we believe additional thermal hydraulic and radionuclide
transport code development will be required for resolution.  The present
NRC codes are not capable of assessing this situation.

Currently, significant information in the severe accident area is being
developed in international cooperative programs.  While we fully support
the bilateral agreements and the Cooperative Severe Accident Research
Program (CSARP), it is important for NRC that its domestic contractors
maintain capability in this area.  Staff and contractors who are
knowledgeable of the physics and technology of severe accident phenomena
will be needed to resolve complex issues in this area, to enhance the
regulatory process, and to provide technical support in the event of a
real accident.

Dr. Dana A. Powers did not participate in the Committee's deliberation
regarding this matter.



                              T. S. Kress
                              Chairman, ACRS

1.   Report dated August 18, 1992, from David A. Ward, Chairman, ACRS,
     to Ivan Selin, Chairman, NRC, Subject:  Severe Accident Research
     Program Plan
2.   U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, SECY-95-004, dated January 4,
     1995, from James M. Taylor, Executive Director for Operations, NRC,
     for the Commissioners, Subject:  Status of Implementation Plan for
     Closure of Severe Accident Issues, Status of the Individual Plant
     Examinations and Status of Severe Accident Research 
3.   U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG/CR-6109, "The
     Probability of Containment Failure by Direct Containment Heating in
     Surry," May 1995
4.   Nuclear Energy Institute, NEI 91-04, Revision 1, "Severe Accident
     Issue Closure Guidelines," December 1994
5.   Report (undated) by F. Cheung and K. Haddad, Pennsylvania State
     University, Subject: Steady-State Observations and Theoretical
     Modeling of Critical Heat Flux Phenomena on a Downward Facing
     Hemispherical Surface 
6.   Sandia National Laboratories Letter Report, "Scaling and Design
     Report for Lower Head Failure Experiments," May 1995
7.   Secretary-General of the OECD Report, Senior Group of Experts on
     Severe Accident Management (SESAM), "Severe Accident Management
     Implementation," October 1995
8.   Secretary-General of the OECD Draft Report, "Nuclear Safety
     Research in OECD Countries, Areas of Agreement, Areas For Further
     Action, Increasing Need For Collaboration," November 1995  
9.   Proceedings of the Specialist Meeting On Severe Accident Management
     Implementation, held at Niantic, Connecticut, on June 12-14, 1995,
     by the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations, OECD
     Nuclear Energy Agency

                                     June 18, 1996

Mr. James M. Taylor
Executive Director for Operations
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, D.C. 20555-0001

Dear Mr. Taylor: 


During the 432nd meeting of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards,
June 12-14, 1996, we discussed the subject draft Regulatory Guide with
representatives of the NRC staff and the Nuclear Energy Institute.  We
also had the benefit of the documents referenced. 

We have no objection to the staff proposal to issue the draft Regulatory
Guide for public comment.  We plan to review the proposed final version
of this Guide after reconciliation of the public comments.

Dr. William J. Shack did not participate in the Committee's deliberations
regarding this matter.



                                   T. S. Kress
                                   Chairman, ACRS

1.   U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1047,
     "Standard Format and Content for Applications to Renew Nuclear
     Power Plant Operating Licenses," transmitted by memorandum dated
     April 18, 1996, from Scott F. Newberry, Office of Nuclear Reactor
     Regulation, NRC, to John T. Larkins, ACRS
2.   Nuclear Energy Institute, NEI 95-10 (Revision 0), "Industry
     Guideline for Implementing the Requirements of 10 CFR Part 54ÄThe
     License Renewal Rule," March 1996
3.   U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, SECY-96-059 dated March 18,
     1996, from James M. Taylor, Executive Director for Operations, NRC,
     for the Commissioners, "Activities Associated with the
     Implementation of 10 CFR Part 54"