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  No. 96-52                               FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
                                       (Friday, March 22, 1996)
     The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has received two
  attached reports from its Advisory Committee on Reactor
  Safeguards (ACRS).  The reports, in the form of letters,
  provide comments on:
     --Recent probabilistic risk assessments performed by
  Brookhaven National Laboratory on fires and certain fire
  barrier issues; and
     --Use of individual plant examinations in the regulatory
     In addition, the NRC's executive director for operations
  received two ACRS reports.  They provide comments on:
     --An NRC program assessing the adequacy of a computer
  code for simulating the behavior of the Westinghouse Electric
  AP600 advanced pressurized water reactor design; and
     --Resolution of generic safety issue 78, "Monitoring of
  Fatigue Transient Limits for the Reactor Coolant System."
  As stated
                                     March 15, 1996
  The Honorable Shirley Ann Jackson
  U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  Washington, D.C. 20555-0001
  Dear Chairman Jackson:
  During the 429th meeting of the Advisory Committee on Reactor
  Safeguards, March 7-9, 1996, we reviewed scoping fire
  probabilistic risk assessments (PRAs) performed by Brookhaven
  National Laboratory (BNL).  We had the benefit of discussions
  with representatives of the staff, BNL, and the National
  Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).  Our Subcommittee
  on Fire Protection discussed this matter during a meeting on
  February 29, 1996.  We also had the benefit of the documents
  At your request, we reviewed both the PRA model that evaluated
  the strategy of using self-induced station blackout (SISBO) to
  mitigate the consequences of a fire in the control room or
  cable spreading room and the PRA-based scoping analysis of
  degraded fire barriers.  We also discussed the development of
  alternate time-temperature curves for qualification of fire
  barriers and the status of other fire protection issues.
  To comply with Appendix R requirements, eight units have
  procedures that require initiating a station blackout (SBO)
  condition.  An additional fifteen units have procedures for
  dealing with fires in critical areas that could result in an
  SBO.  The PRA by BNL evaluated the effects of different schemes
  for managing the electrical systems in the plant when a fire in
  the control room has required use of the alternate shutdown
  The study focused on the effectiveness of the procedures used
  to mitigate the fire and did not address the probabilistic
  treatment of fires.  The scope of the study did not include a
  number of issues that could affect the conclusions.  For
  example, the BNL study addressed neither the effects of fire
  and smoke on human actions nor the possible damage to sensitive
  electronic control and safety instrumentation.  The study is
  weak in the areas of modeling human actions for the manual
  shutdown and restart of electrical equipment after an SBO
  condition.  Because of the limitations of the analysis and the
  failure to quantify uncertainties, no substantive conclusions
  can be drawn from this scoping study.  The limitations of the
  analysis should be addressed in Phase 2 of this study.  A
  meaningful uncertainty analysis should also be performed.
  In the analysis of degraded fire barriers, BNL developed
core-damage frequencies for fire scenarios involving failures of
  fire protection features such as cable tray fire barriers,
  automatic detection and suppression systems, and fire barrier
  penetrations.  The PRA model did not examine degrees of fire
  barrier degradation. 
  The analysis was based on event tree/fault tree models.  
  Although this is a step in the right direction, the analysis
  does not use the best available methods for modeling fire
  propagation, detection, and suppression.  It does not model the
  fundamental competition between the time to damage and the time
  to detection/suppression.  Most current fire PRAs have adopted
  the competing processes model.
  We also discussed the program proposed to the staff by NIST to
  develop alternate time-temperature curves for nuclear power
  plant fire barrier qualification.  The program includes
  development of models, ASTM E119-type full-scale furnace tests,
  and test methods to simulate barrier response.  We question the
  need for this program.  We have been told that alternate
time-temperature curves have been produced by the insurance
industry.  Furthermore, a large number of fire models exist, some
  which are being evaluated by the Department of Energy. 
  Although the need for new models is not clear, more validation
  of these models with experimental data is needed.  Some data
  exist (NUREG/CR-6017).  Comparisons with fire model simulations
  show that the results are very sensitive to input parameters
  that are not always well known.
  The staff summarized the progress of licensee actions to
  correct deficiencies associated with Thermo-Lag fire barriers. 
  The program appears to be meeting its objectives. 
                                 T. S. Kress
  1.    Brookhaven National Laboratory, Draft Technical Letter
        Report, FIN L-2629, "Risk Evaluation of the Response of
        PWRs to Severe Fires in Critical Locations," May 30, 1995 
        (Draft Predecisional)
  2.    Brookhaven National Laboratory, Technical Evaluation
        Report, FIN L-1311, "A Risk-Based Approach for Evaluation
        of Fire Mitigation Features in Nuclear Power Plants,"
        November 21, 1995 (Draft Predecisional)
  3.    U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG/CR-6017 and
        SAND93-0528, "Fire Modeling of the Heiss Dampf Reaktor
        Containment," September 1995
                                March 8, 1996
  The Honorable Shirley Ann Jackson
  U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  Washington, D.C. 20555-0001
  Dear Chairman Jackson:
  During the 428th and 429th meetings of the Advisory Committee
  on Reactor Safeguards, February 8-10 and March 7-9, 1996,
  respectively, we discussed the Individual Plant Examination
  (IPE) review process and findings with the NRC staff.  Our
  Subcommittee on IPEs also met with the staff and its contrac-
  tors on January 26, 1996, to review this matter.  We also had
  the benefit of the documents referenced.  This report is in
  response to the December 27, 1995 Staff Requirements Memorandum
  In the SRM, the Commission requested "the ACRS views on the
  extent to which the current spectrum of IPEs can be used in the
  regulatory process."  We interpret this request as referring to
  potential regulatory uses of the IPEs that were not delineated
  in Generic Letter 88-20, "Individual Plant Examination for
  Severe Accident Vulnerabilities."  This report includes
  comments on both the Generic Letter goals and the Commission
  Goals of Generic Letter 88-20  
  The purpose of the IPE program, as stated in Generic Letter
88-20, was for each licensee:
   (1)  to develop an appreciation of severe accident
   (2)  to understand the most likely severe accident
        sequences that could occur at its plant 
   (3)  to gain a more quantitative understanding of
        the overall probabilities of core damage and
        fission product releases
   (4)  to reduce, if necessary, the overall probabilities of
core damage and fission product releases by modifying, where
appropriate, hardware and procedures that would help prevent or
        mitigate severe accidents.   
  We note that the IPEs were to be limited to the examination of
  internal initiating events and internal floods with the reactor
  at power and that individual and societal risks were not to be
  estimated.  Other programs deal with external events and
  shutdown risk.  
  The IPE program has been successful at most utilities in
  meeting goal (1) and, to a lesser extent, goals (2) and (3) of
  the Generic Letter.  Goal (4) of the Generic Letter also
  appears to have been achieved.  We were told that most
licensees discovered weaknesses and took corrective actions.  In
  addition, this program has been beneficial in educating a
  broader segment of the NRC staff about the issues related to
  these goals.
  We were told by the staff that all licensees submitted a
Level-1 probabilistic risk assessment (PRA).  Most licensees also
  submitted a Level-2 PRA, although some addressed Level-2
  phenomena in a rudimentary manner.  The methods and data
  sources used by different licensees varied widely.  In some
  cases, the choices appeared to be arbitrary.  Some licensees
  chose to include common-cause failures only for major
components, while others chose to ignore them completely.
  It is difficult to determine the extent to which the
variability in IPE results for similar classes of plants is due
  actual plant differences or to modeling assumptions.  Although
  some of the causes for this variability may be immediately
  apparent, others are not.  The latter include assumptions made
  about success criteria, the assumed dependencies between
  operator actions, and the level of decomposition in fault-tree
  analyses.  (We note that the fault trees were not requested as
  part of the IPE submittals.)
  An example of a potentially significant impact of modeling
  differences is the range of core-damage frequencies (CDFs) for
  BWR 3/4s that the staff has compiled.  This range is from about
  10-7 to about 10-4 per reactor-year.  Although the staff has
  stated that such differences are primarily due to plant
  differences, this range of results seems unrealistic given the
  similarity among BWR 3/4s.
  Use of IPEs in the Regulatory Process
  As discussed above, the quality and consistency of the IPEs
  vary and the impact of assumptions and analytical models is
  difficult to assess.  On a case-by-case basis, however,
  additional and extended use of these IPEs is possible.  As
  specific regulatory issues arise, the PRA Standard Review Plan
  now being developed by the staff can serve as a template for
  judging the quality and acceptability of the individual plant
  PRA for the proposed application.
  As the agency moves toward risk-informed regulation, there will
  be an increasing need for full-scope PRAs that incorporate fire
  risk, external events, other modes of operation, and
site-specific consequences.  When requests for risk-informed
  regulatory action arise, the NRC staff should make it clear
  that a relevant PRA should be used.
  To achieve these goals, especially consistency, some degree of
  standardization will be required.  Standardizing PRA models and
  methods has been a controversial subject.  Proponents argue
  that it would create a basis for comparison of PRA results,
  while opponents fear that it would inhibit methodological
  developments.  We recommend that IPEs be reviewed to identify
  acceptable and unacceptable assumptions and/or models. 
  Codification of assumptions and models ought not inhibit the
  continued development of PRA methods.  These activities would
  be a significant first step toward addressing the Commission's
  statement in the SRM dated June 16, 1995, "that more meaningful
  plant-to-plant or scenario-to-scenario comparisons based on
  risk could be achieved if PRAs were done on a more
standardized, replicable basis."
  We believe that the NRC could make additional use of the
  present IPEs (except those that the staff has found to use
  unacceptable methods or models) for a limited number of
  applications (e.g., regulatory analyses and prioritization of
  generic issues).  
  The staff stated that the CDFs for several PWRs are greater
  than 10-4 per reactor-year.  Several BWRs have CDFs that are
  very close to 10-4 per reactor-year and the conditional
  containment failure probabilities for BWR Mark I containments
  range from about 0.02 to about 0.6.  Although the PRAs have
  limitations as discussed above, these numbers suggest that an
  investigation would be warranted to reassess their validity and
  to verify that the very low numbers reported by some other
  plants reflect actual plant differences.  
  Our conclusion is that the IPE program has met successfully the
  objectives of Generic Letter 88-20.  This program has developed
  a risk awareness, both in the utilities and the NRC, that will
  contribute significantly to efforts to establish a
risk-informed and performance-oriented regulatory system.  The
    plant-specific .IPEs are an extremely valuable asset that should not be
  permitted to languish unimproved and unused.
                            T. S. Kress
  1.    Staff Requirements Memorandum dated June 16, 1995, from
        Andrew L. Bates, Acting Secretary, NRC, to the File
        regarding Meeting with ACRS on June 8, 1995
  2.    Staff Requirements Memorandum dated December 27, 1995,
        from John C. Hoyle, Secretary, NRC, to John T. Larkins,
        ACRS regarding Meeting with ACRS on December 8, 1995
  3.    Generic Letter 88-20, dated November 23, 1988, to All
        Licensees Holding Operating Licenses and Construction
        Permits for Nuclear Power Reactor Facilities, Subject: 
        Individual Plant Examination for Severe Accident
Vulnerabilities - 10 CFR .50.54(f)
                                     March 19, 1996
  Mr. James M. Taylor
  Executive Director for Operations
  U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  Washington, D.C.  20555-0001
  Dear Mr. Taylor
  During the 429th meeting of the Advisory Committee on
  Reactor Safeguards, March 7-9, 1996, we reviewed the program
  being conducted by the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
  (RES) to assess the adequacy of the RELAP5/MOD3 code for
  simulating the behavior of the Westinghouse AP600 passive
  plant design.  During this review, we had the benefit of
  discussions with representatives and consultants of the NRC
  staff and the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL). 
  Our Subcommittee on Thermal Hydraulic Phenomena held a
  meeting on this matter on February 22-23, 1996.  We also had
  the benefit of the referenced documents.
  We have been asked to comment on the approach and methodology
for demonstrating the adequacy of the RELAP5/MOD3 code
  to calculate AP600 passive plant behavior in support of the
  design certification review.  We believe that the overall
  approach and methodology being employed by RES for this
  assessment is acceptable.  Most of the necessary elements
  are in place.  A substantial amount of work remains,
  however, and we believe that the schedule for successful
  completion cannot be met.
  Our comments and recommendations relative to this review,
  primarily based on oral presentations, are:
  .       Since we last reviewed this program in 1994,
significant improvements have been made.  The most significant
          has been the increased emphasis on the code improvement
          program.  Other changes that have led to excellent
          results include the involvement of outside technical
          expertise, via the Thermal Hydraulic Expert Consultants
          group and the direct involvement of RES technical
          personnel in the research activities.  Particularly
          noteworthy accomplishments include the analysis of
          water hammer, the treatment of flow oscillations
          observed in the tests during injection from the
In-containment Refueling-Water Storage Tank and the
          evaluation and explanation of strong thermal
stratification in the ROSA cold leg.  
  .       RES should perform a more robust and complete top-down
          system scaling analysis for ROSA, SPES, and OSU.  An
          entire transient should be evaluated to quantify the
          effects of various distortions in the three facilities
          and to demonstrate that the experimental database is
          sufficient to validate the code.  Any additional
          distortions or anomalies identified should be added to
          the list of distortions compiled by RES in late-1994,
          and that remain to be addressed.  The scaling effort
          should be integrated with the Phenomena Identification
          and Ranking Table.
  .       The thermal stratification that was seen in ROSA tests
          for a one-inch cold-leg break was initially identified
          potentially important safety issue for the AP600. 
          It has now been shown to be just a manifestation of
          scale distortion in the ROSA facility.  This
demonstrates the need to identify and explain anomalous
  .       The thermal stratification in the Core Makeup Tank
          (CMT) observed in the tests needs to be studied.  Its
          effects on core inventory have to be understood because
          neither RELAP5/MOD3 nor the Westinghouse computer codes
          can, at present, reliably predict thermal
  .       The screening study for water hammer in the AP600
          design addressed an important safety issue.  The study
          allows an analysis of the potential for such events and
          provides a method for estimating the resulting loads in
          susceptible areas.  We recommend that this study be
          published soon as a separate report.
  .       The documentation provided for our review did not, by
          itself, furnish an adequate basis upon which we could
          logically endorse the process.  The documentation
          provided to the Thermal Hydraulic Phenomena
Subcommittee in advance of the February 22-23, 1996 meeting was
          inconsistent and contained results declared incorrect
          by RES during the meeting.  Furthermore, the
          RELAP5/MOD3 Code Manual published in August 1995 was
          not provided to us in time to support our review.
  .       RELAP5 is still undergoing significant and rapid
          modifications.  A calculation has not yet been
          performed with a version of the code  that contains all
          the planned changes.  Numerous calculations will need
          to be performed to mature the code and validate it
          using data obtained from various separate effects and
          integral facilities tests.  
  Overall, the approach and methodology for qualifying
  RELAP5/MOD3 for AP600 simulation appear to be adequate. 
  However, two possible "show stoppers" remain:  1) simulation
  of the CMT thermal stratification and 2) simulation of
long-term cooling, which is still an issue.  Serious
consideration should be given to addressing these obstacles.  
    .Dr. George Apostolakis did not participate in the Committee's
deliberations of this matter.
                                        T. S. Kress
  1.    Memorandum dated January 22, 1996 from M. W. Hodges,
          Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, NRC, to J.
          Larkins, Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, NRC,
   -    Volume 2 of 10 volumes of adequacy demonstration
          reports, "Adequacy Assessment Overview"
   -    Idaho National Engineering Laboratory draft
          report prepared for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
          Commission, "Adequacy Evaluation of RELAP5/MOD3
          for Simulating AP600 Small Break Loss-of-Coolant
          Accidents, Volume 2:  Horizontal Integrated
          Analysis of the AP600 1-Inch Diameter Cold Leg
          Break," November 1995, with Appendices A-K
  2.    Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, draft report
          prepared for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
"Top-Down Scaling Analysis Methodology for AP600 Integral
          Tests," January 1996
  3.    Letter report dated April 12, 1995, to James M. Taylor,
          Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from T. S.
          Kress, Chairman, Advisory Committee on Reactor
Safeguards, Subject:  NRC Test and Analysis Program in
          Support of AP600 Advanced Light Water Passive Plant
          Design Review
  4.    Letter dated May 8, 1995, from James M. Taylor,
          Executive Director for Operations, NRC, to T. S. Kress,
          Chairman, Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards,
          Subject:  Staff Response to ACRS Letter Dated April 12,
          1995, on NRC Test and Analysis Program in Support of
          AP600 Advanced Light Water Passive Plant Design Reviews
                                 March 14, 1996

Mr. James M. Taylor
Executive Director for Operations
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, D.C.  20555-0001

Dear Mr. Taylor:

             COOLANT SYSTEM"

During the 429th meeting of the Advisory Committee on
Reactor Safeguards, March 7-9, 1996, we completed our
deliberations on the resolution of the subject Generic
Safety Issue that we started during our 424th meeting,
September 7-8, 1995.  We had the benefit of discussions with
representatives of the NRC staff and of the documents

This Generic Safety Issue was originally developed to deter-
mine whether licensees need to perform transient monitoring
to ensure compliance with requirements concerning fatigue
failure.  The transient monitoring concern was subsumed in
the Fatigue Action Plan, which was reported as complete in
SECY-95-245, "Completion of the Fatigue Action Plan."

The current scope of the Generic Safety Issue is focused on
the evaluation of risk from fatigue failure.  The staff
completed a study that demonstrated that the risk from
fatigue failure of the primary coolant pressure boundary
components is very small.  The analyses used in the study
were based on the assumption that the probability of crack
initiation by fatigue in a component subject to cyclic loads
and the probability of crack propagation through the wall
are independent.  The product of these probabilities was
used to calculate the change in core-damage frequency caused
by fatigue failure of a component.

The analyses, as presented to us by the staff to demonstrate
its conclusion, lacked sufficient detail to be convincing. 
Additional discussions with the staff demonstrated that more
complete analyses using the PRAISE code have led to the same
conclusion.  The PRAISE analyses of the failure probability
of primary system piping assumed that a distribution of
cracks existed in a component and calculated the probabilities of
crack propagation through the wall and failure. 
Parametric studies using the PRAISE code showed that the
calculated probabilities of failure are small, even when
very conservative loads and flaw-size distributions are
assumed.  The staff provided a careful quantification of
uncertainty of fatigue crack initiation.  We recommend such
consideration of uncertainties in any future analyses
regardless of the technical approach adopted.

We believe that the staff's conclusion concerning the risk
significance of fatigue failure of reactor components is
correct.  Thus, we agree that this Generic Safety Issue is

Dr. Shack did not participate in the Committee's deliberations
regarding this matter.



                            T. S. Kress

1. Memorandum dated August 18, 1995, from Charles Serpan,
   Jr., NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, to John
   T. Larkins, ACRS Executive Director, Subject:  Proposed
   Resolution of Generic Safety Issue 78, "Monitoring of
   Fatigue Transient Limits for the Reactor Coolant
2. SECY-95-245 dated September 25, 1995, from James M.
   Taylor, Executive Director for Operations, to the
   Commissioners, Subject:  Completion of the Fatigue
   Action Plan
3. Memorandum dated October 27, 1995, from Jeff Keisler
   and Omesh Chopra, Argonne National Laboratory, to Craig
   Hrabal, NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research,
   Subject:  Uncertainty Estimates for the Probability of
   Fatigue Crack Initiation in Reactor Components,
   NUREG/CR-6335, ANL-95/15
4. U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG/CR-6237,
   "Statistical Analysis of Fatigue Strain-Life Data for
   Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels," August 1994
5. U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG/CR-6335,
   "Fatigue Strain-Life Behavior of Carbon and Low-Alloy
   Steels, Austenitic Stainless Steels, and Alloy 600 in
   LWR Environments," June 1995