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Present RSS and Podcast Links in a Consistent Format

[x] Standard

[x] Accessibility/508
[x] Links
[x] Multimedia & New Media
[x] Navigation
[x] Scripts & Codes
[x] Widgets & Gizmos


When presenting RSS and Podcast features on a Web site, HHS must follow the standard format and terminology provided below. HHS must use the word RSS or Podcast to identify the technology, not XML or other terminology or icon. In addition, HHS must provide a “Help” link describing RSS and Podcasts. View requirements section below for format.


RSS and Podcast are increasingly being used on HHS Web sites to communicate information. To help users understand and use these features, the terminology and layout used to present them should be consistent.

Exemptions: N/A

Sources: N/A

Requirements (content & style):


Presenting RSS and Podcast features

Note: HHS provides an image library at This library will continue to expand with new images.

Related Standards:
Standard Icons

Related Guidelines: N/A

Present RSS and podcast links in a consistent format.