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Clean Energy Solutions

July 2006

July 2006

Projected dramatic increases in energy consumption in the coming decades, combined with a higher risk of climate change, require a massive global response based on technological innovation and the power of the marketplace. Experts and government officials describe the options before us, including renewable energy, novel vehicles, and low-carbon power generation, and discuss the best ways leading to a sustainable energy future.

Inside This Publication

Volume 11, Number 2

Feature Stories

Feature Stories Continued

  • Clean Solutions for Power Generation

    Lewis Milford, President, Clean Energy Group; Allison Schumacher, Project Director, Clean Energy Group
    Low-carbon options such as decarbonized coal, carbon sequestration, ultra-high-efficiency fossil energy production, and fuel cells provide a path toward a sustainable energy future.

  • Cogeneration: More Energy, Less Pollution From Fossil Fuels

  • Developing Markets for Clean Energy

    Larisa E. Dobriansky, Deputy Assistant Secretary for National Energy Policy, U.S. Department of Energy
    In today's more competitive, integrated, and efficient global markets for innovative, clean technologies, a government's can play the role of an enabler and catalyst.

  • A Road Map to Investing in Sustainable Energy

    Steven Parry, Partner, NGEN Partners LLC; Mark Cirilli, Partner, MissionPoint Capital Partners LLP; Martin Whittaker, Partner, MissionPoint Capital Partners LLP
    A surge of commercial innovation is coinciding with market, regulatory, and environmental trends to make investing in sustainable energy increasingly attractive.

  • Energy Security as a Global Partnership

    Paul E. Simons, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic and Business Affairs, U.S. Department of State
    Ensuring U.S. energy security requires well- coordinated international efforts considering the increasingly integrated nature of the world energy markets.