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T/V Exxon Valdez

Bligh Reef, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Subject References
Posting Date 1989-Mar-24

•Allen, A. A. 1991. Controlled Burning of Crude Oil on Water Following the Grounding of
the Exxon Valdez. Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 1991. pp. 213-216.

•Carpenter, et al. 1991. Marine Operations and Logistics During the Exxon Valdez Spill
Cleanup. Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 1991. pp. 205-211.

•Chianelli, et al. 1991. Bioremediation Technology Development and Application to the
Alaskan Spill. Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 1991. pp. 549-558.

•Ciancaglini, RADM D.E. 1991. The Federal On-Scene Coordinator's Role in the Exxon Valdez
Oil Spill. Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 1991. pp. 325-331.

•Dames and Moore 1991. Ecological Effects of BP1100X Shoreline Treatment on Knight Island
Prince William Sound, Alaska.

•Dames and Moore 1991. Ecological Effects of Corexit 7664 Shoreline Treatment on Ingot
Island Prince William Sound, Alaska.

•Glaser, et. al. 1991. Development and Evaluation of Application Techniques for Delivery
on Nutrients to Contaminated Shoreline in Prince William Sound. Oil Spill Conference
Proceedings 1991. pp. 559-562.

•Gundlach, E. 1991. Shoreline Surveys at the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill:  The State of Alaska
Response. Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 1991. pp. 519-529.

•Hayward Walker, A. and Field, L. J. 1991. Subsistence Fisheries and the Exxon Valdez:
Human Health Concerns. Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 1991. pp. 441-446.

•Hoff, R. 1991. A Summary of Bioremediation Applications Observed at Marine Oil Spills.
Report HMRB 91-2.

•Jahns, et al. 1991. Natural Cleaning of Shorelines Following the Exxon Valdez Spill. Oil
Spill Conference Proceedings 1991. pp. 167-176.

•Michel, et al. 1991. Trends in Natural Removal of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill in Prince
William Sound from September 1989 to May 1990. Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 1991. pp.

•NOAA Hotline Reports
•NOAA Response Report
•Noerager, et al. 1991. Oil Tracking, Containment, and Recovery During the Exxon Valdez
Response. Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 1991. pp. 193-203.

•Teal, A. R. 1991. Shoreline Cleanup - Reconnaissance, Evaluation, and Planning Following
the Valdez Oil Spill. Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 1991. pp. 149-152.

•Varanasi, et al. 1990. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS F/NWC-191; Survey of Subsistence
Fish and Shellfish for Exposure to Oil Spilled from the Exxon Valdez

•White, J. and Williams, T. 1991. Saving Endangered Species in Major Oil Spill Cleanup
Efforts. Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 1991. pp. 221-223.

•Wood, M. and Heaphy, N. 1991. Rehabilitation of Oiled Seabirds and Bald Eagles Following
the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 1991. pp. 235-239.

•World Information Systems. 1991. Tanker losses in U.S. Waters 1978-1990.