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T/V Exxon Valdez

Bligh Reef, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Subject 7 Sep 89 Situation Report
Posting Date 1989-Sep-07


VALDEZ: Situation:  Walker and Field attended the Oil Spill Health Task Force
meeting in Anchorage.  Kennedy & Trofimczuk departed for Seattle. Christopherson
working on winter plans for the ISCC.  

KODIAK: (Talbott) Situation:  Inclement weather forced the cancellation of all
flights and beach inspections.  The Western Alaska AFOSC is in Kodiak to review
the status of cleanup in the zone prior to the tour by VADM Robbins on Monday. 
The main items of discussion include the Coast Guard's winter staffing plan for
the zone and the NOAA/USCG winter monitoring plan.  
Plans for Tomorrow:  Demobilization/Beach inspection flights as weather permits.  

SEWARD: (McGee) Situation:  Not available at time of report.  

Homer (Whitney) Situation:  Returned to Homer to attend the Homer MAC meeting on
Thursday.  Exxon is wrapping up its operation here but not without a lot of
complains from the state agencies.  Exxon has pulled all its boats and crews
from the outer coast.  It will be outfitting two larger boats with a small but
quick response team that will be taking care of touch -up work as identified by
the Coast Guard.  This transition team will also have a helo supported crew that
can response rapidly out of Homer to small clean up needs.  Such touch-up areas
have been identified in Windy Bay, Elizabeth Island, Bootlegger Cove and Chugach
Bay.  The Coast Guard has demobilized a few beach segments over the objections
of the state agencies, and it is obvious that during this final week this will
become a significant issue.  
Overflight/Sightings:  Joined Exxon and CG on overflight to Bootlegger Cove and
to Chugach Bay to examine small areas of mousse that Exxon needs to address.  
Meetings:  MAC meeting this afternoon at which the ensuing friction between the
state, the CG and Exxon over additional work and demobilization was quite
evident.  Plans for Tomorrow:  ISCC meeting tomorrow morning to consider a
chemical product proposed for Mars Cove, the beach that the volunteer group is
working on.  No MAC meeting on Friday, but will resume MWF schedule nex  

Personnel on Scene:  Dale, Walker, Hammett, Christopherson, Van Den Berg, Field.