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A Note to the Public about the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Project Submission

The National Park Service (NPS) has submitted the preliminary and final site and building plans for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial on the Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C for review at the September 4, 2008 NCPC meeting. NCPC staff has reviewed the project materials and the NPS Environmental Assessment (EA) of July 2005 for the project, including comments received to date and additional information developed by NPS regarding viewsheds and pedestrian movement through the memorial site. This information has been analyzed as part of the NEPA process to study design changes to the memorial. NCPC staff has determined that this information is sufficiently detailed so as not to require further environmental review. This information has also been the subject of additional Section 106 consultation under the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA).

The plans for the project now include security bollards at the entrances to the memorial as well as a visitor support facility housing public restrooms, a ranger contact station, and a bookstore. The EA anticipated the visitor support facility and the facility has been shown on the project plans since the December 2005 concept submission. The bollards were added to the project at the request of the Department of the Interior; NCPC staff has consulted with the National Park Service on the location and design of the bollards.

A site plan for the project is available on our website. The public is invited to submit written comments on the project, and to register to speak at the Commission’s September 4, 2008 meeting. Instructions for registering as a speaker and submitting written comments are also posted on the website.

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