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How We Regulate
Regulations and Guidance
Guidance Development
Generic Communications Program
Standards Development
Licensing, Decommissioning, and Certification
Assessment of Performance for Operating Facilities
Operational Experience
Events Assessment
Generic Issues
Support for Decisions
Risk Assessment
Performance Assessment for Waste Disposal and Decommissioning
Advisory Activities
CRGR Reviews
Adjudication (Hearings)

Generic Issues Program

NRC has identified by its assessment of plant operation certain issues involving public health and safety, the common defense and security, or the environment that could affect multiple entities under NRC jurisdiction. We document and track resolution of these generic issues (GIs). The generic issues program (GIP) includes five distinct stages that may be exercised: Identification, Acceptance Review, Screening, Safety / Risk Assessment, and Regulatory Assessment; and also tracks and reports the GI status and resolutions to Congress and the public. The resolution of these issues may involve new or revised rules, new or revised guidance, or revised interpretation of rules or guidance that affect nuclear power plant licensees, nuclear material certificate holders, or holders of other regulatory approvals. Congress requires that NRC maintain this program (see Section 210 of the 1974 Energy Reorganization Act (Public Law 95-209)).

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008