and Eurasia Mon, 11 May 2009 16:25:11 -0400 <![CDATA[Press Freedom in Russia on Downward Slope, Report Says]]> Fri, 08 May 2009 17:52:45 -0400 Reports released recently by Freedom House reveal a continuing decline in Russia of freedoms in both the press and the Internet. Those who dare to go beyond what the Kremlin deems appropriate face punishment by means of harassment, the reports find.

<![CDATA[Will Financial Crisis Bring U.S.-EU Regulatory Convergence?]]> Thu, 07 May 2009 16:17:07 -0400 The Group of 20 economies is pushing for a more unified approach to financial regulation from which U.S.-EU regulatory cooperation may benefit. But if past experience is an indication, the road to regulatory convergence between the United States and Europe will be difficult.

<![CDATA[Reducing Nuclear Arsenals Is a Critical U.S.-Russian Concern]]> Thu, 07 May 2009 16:08:53 -0400 Reducing nuclear arsenals is among the highest priorities shared by United States and Russia, but an array of other issues from the Middle East to North Korea also fills the crowded agenda between the two nations, Secretary of State Clinton says after meeting with her Russian counterpart.

<![CDATA[Russia Tackles Intellectual Property Piracy, But More Work Needed]]> Mon, 04 May 2009 18:22:41 -0400 Copyright infringements and piracy remain a serious problem throughout Russia, according to a U.S. government agency and industry groups. While Russia is making some progress in combating these issues, more legislation and stronger enforcement action are recommended.

<![CDATA[Alex Ovechkin Leads New Wave of Russian, European Hockey Stars]]> Mon, 04 May 2009 14:14:21 -0400 Russian and other European players have been starring in North American hockey for decades. Today, much of Washington is wildly embracing superstar Alexander Ovechkin and his fellow Russians on the Washington Capitals as they compete for a championship.

<![CDATA[Attacking Journalists Hurts All Society, Democracy Advocates Say]]> Thu, 30 Apr 2009 17:24:23 -0400 If journalists are persecuted, imprisoned or killed, society as a whole is the victim, say media and democracy advocates speaking in advance of World Press Freedom Day. The United Nations highlighted the importance of a free media by establishing World Press Freedom Day, May 3, in 1993.

<![CDATA[Experts Say Cooperation Between U.S., Russia Is an Imperative]]> Tue, 28 Apr 2009 15:34:45 -0400 Experts from the United States and Russia, meeting in Washington for the annual World Russia Forum, see closer U.S.-Russian relations as less an option than an imperative if issues ranging from nuclear nonproliferation to energy security are to be addressed effectively.

<![CDATA[U.S.-Russia Nuclear Arms Reduction Talks Begin]]> Fri, 24 Apr 2009 12:37:28 -0400 The first round of “very productive” negotiations to replace a 1991 nuclear arms reduction treaty have begun in Rome between senior U.S. and Russian diplomats. The negotiations are aimed at developing a replacement for the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty before it expires in December.

<![CDATA[United States Projects Saving Lives of Russian Children]]> Fri, 24 Apr 2009 12:25:58 -0400 Two decades of volunteerism have saved thousands of young Russian lives. California-based Heart to Heart builds Russian doctors’ skills in pediatric open-heart surgery. New York’s Russian Gift of Life steps in when surgery must be done in the United States. Both groups work with Russian partners.

<![CDATA[Global Energy Hopes Focus on Central Asia]]> Tue, 07 Apr 2009 17:14:57 -0400 At a time of global energy insecurity, resources from Central Asia may play an important role in the energy equation. These resources are located in some of the most extreme and technically challenging conditions in the world, and extracting them requires advanced expertise.

<![CDATA[Roma in America]]> Tue, 07 Apr 2009 14:37:41 -0400 Roma in America is a small but distinct U.S. ethnic community that defends its ethnic identity while also being aware of challenges facing European Roma.

<![CDATA[New Embassies in Panama and Bulgaria Practice “Green Diplomacy”]]> Tue, 07 Apr 2009 08:23:37 -0400 The U.S. Department of State has changed the design and construction of American embassies to emphasize environmental sustainability. As part of the effort, embassies in Panama City and Sofia, Bulgaria, have been certified by a nonprofit group as meeting “green” standards.

<![CDATA[United States Hosts 32nd Meeting of Antarctic Treaty Nations]]> Mon, 06 Apr 2009 08:44:33 -0400 At a critical time for the Antarctic Peninsula, which scientists say is one of the Earth’s fastest-warming places, and the increasing loss of summer ice in the Arctic Ocean, the first joint session of officials from the Antarctic Treaty and the Arctic Council convenes in Baltimore.

<![CDATA[Repairing Ties in Turkey, Obama Reaches Out to Muslim World]]> Mon, 06 Apr 2009 17:55:52 -0400 President Obama completes his first overseas tour in Turkey, where he says America’s new efforts to engage with the Muslim world are part of his administration’s commitment to a foreign policy rooted in mutual respect and seeking common solutions to global challenges.

<![CDATA[NATO Renews Commitment to Afghanistan’s Future]]> Mon, 06 Apr 2009 16:28:17 -0400 NATO marked its 60th anniversary by pledging renewed resolve in its mission to help Afghanistan root out terrorist safe havens and emerge from decades of conflict. NATO members know “al-Qaida is a threat to all of us, and that this collective security effort must achieve its goals,” Obama says.

<![CDATA[Obama Seeks World Free of Nuclear Weapons]]> Sun, 05 Apr 2009 15:44:58 -0400 President Obama vowed that the United States will take concrete steps toward a world free of nuclear weapons. “We will reduce the role of nuclear weapons in our national security strategy and urge others to do the same,” Obama said in an April 5 speech in Prague.

<![CDATA[United States, Europeans Share a Convergence of Views]]> Fri, 03 Apr 2009 18:55:07 -0400 President Obama holds separate meetings with French President Sarkozy and German Chancellor Merkel prior to activities at the NATO 60th anniversary summit in France and Germany. Among the issues confronting the NATO alliance at this summit is support for continuing operations in Afghanistan.

<![CDATA[Obama Seeks Renewed Trans-Atlantic Ties]]> Fri, 03 Apr 2009 17:17:31 -0400 The United States is taking a new approach to a host of emerging global challenges, but friends and allies such as Europe must shoulder their share of the burden, says President Obama, making the case for renewed trans-Atlantic ties during a town hall-style meeting in Strasbourg, France.

<![CDATA[Albania and Croatia Join NATO]]> Wed, 01 Apr 2009 14:55:00 -0400 Albania and Croatia are the newest members of NATO. In a joint ceremony at the State Department April 1, representatives from Albania and Croatia deposited instruments of accession to the North Atlantic Treaty, becoming the 27th and 28th members of the alliance.

<![CDATA[Obama, Russia’s Medvedev Announce New Arms Control Plan]]> Wed, 01 Apr 2009 14:54:40 -0400 President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev announce plans for deep, new cuts in their nuclear weapons arsenals in a move toward charting a new course in U.S.-Russian relations. “What we're seeing today is the beginning of new progress in the U.S.-Russian relations,” Obama says.

<![CDATA[Obama Makes Debut on World Stage]]> Wed, 01 Apr 2009 18:49:03 -0400 At the G20 summit in London, President Obama showcases his administration’s collaborative approach to foreign policy. “To confront a crisis that knows no borders, we have a responsibility to coordinate our actions and to focus on common ground, not on our occasional differences,” he says.

<![CDATA[North Atlantic Treaty Travels for First Time to Europe]]> Wed, 01 Apr 2009 16:42:42 -0400 The treaty that brought the North Atlantic Treaty Organization into being on April 4, 1949, has left the United States for the first time to be featured at the 60th anniversary NATO Summit, which will be held in Strasbourg, France, and Kehl Germany, and also Baden-Baden, Germany, April 3–4.

<![CDATA[Group Forecasts Sharp Decline in World Economy]]> Tue, 31 Mar 2009 12:57:56 -0400 Global economic activity will plummet by an average 4.3 percent this year, sending unemployment soaring past 10 percent while international trade falls by more than 13 percent, the a report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development states.

<![CDATA[Obama Heads to Europe with Extensive Schedule]]> Mon, 30 Mar 2009 13:36:15 -0400 President Obama heads to Europe to address issues that range from the global economy and financial regulation to security, especially in Afghanistan and Pakistan, nuclear nonproliferation and the Middle East. He will attend G20, NATO and EU summits, and visit Turkey.

<![CDATA[United States to Host Climate Change Forum in April]]> Mon, 30 Mar 2009 16:09:24 -0400 The United States has invited 16 major economies to a forum in April to discuss climate change and clean energy ventures, the White House says. The April 27–28 meeting in Washington is designed to culminate in a leaders’ meeting on the sidelines of the G8 Summit in July in La Maddalena, Italy.

<![CDATA[Kyrgyz Basketball Team Follows Hoop Dreams to United States]]> Fri, 27 Mar 2009 18:25:35 -0400 In the trip of a lifetime, seven young Kyrgyz basketball players transcend personal tragedy in pursuit of a U.S. basketball tour of their dreams, thanks to a sports exchange program.

<![CDATA[Obama Urges Renewed NATO Effort in Afghanistan]]> Thu, 26 Mar 2009 16:03:16 -0400 As NATO prepares to celebrate its 60th birthday, President Obama calls for a renewed commitment to Afghanistan and other shared security challenges facing the 26-nation alliance. “We are confident that we can create a process whereby NATO, which is already strong, becomes stronger,” Obama says.

<![CDATA[Now Is the Time for Global Action on Economy, Obama Says]]> Tue, 24 Mar 2009 08:49:23 -0400 Now is the time for the leaders of the Group of 20 developed and emerging economies to take bold, comprehensive and coordinated action to jump-start economic recovery as well as launch a new era of economic engagement to prevent such crises in the future, President Obama says.

<![CDATA[Obama Welcomes France’s Full Return to NATO]]> Mon, 23 Mar 2009 11:57:59 -0400 President Obama welcomes French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s decision to fully return France to NATO as a move that will allow the United States and its trans-Atlantic partners to work together more effectively to confront shared security challenges.

<![CDATA[NATO Faces Growing Challenges as 60th Anniversary Approaches]]> Mon, 23 Mar 2009 18:21:03 -0400 NATO’s 26 members will gather to celebrate the alliance’s 60th birthday April 2–3 in the heart of Europe. A strategy for Afghanistan, NATO relations with Russia, selection of a new secretary-general and NATO’s evolution will dominate the agenda as the alliance members meet in France and Germany.

<![CDATA[Yo-Yo Ma Project Celebrates a Decade of Musical Collaboration]]> Thu, 19 Mar 2009 17:04:49 -0400 Yo-Yo Ma’s Silk Road Project marks 10 years of cultural diplomacy with a North American tour featuring music from Eurasian and Western artistic traditions. “We live in a world of increasing awareness and interdependence,” Ma says. “I believe that music can act as a magnet to draw people together.”

<![CDATA[Obama Welcomes Ireland’s Prime Minister to White House]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2009 16:22:32 -0400 President Obama welcomes Ireland’s prime minister, Brian Cowen, to the White House for St. Patrick’s Day to honor close U.S.-Irish ties as well as to discuss global challenges facing both nations. “The contributions of the Irish to the American story cannot be overstated,” Obama says.

<![CDATA[Analysis: Obama Adds Turkey to Upcoming European Tour]]> Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:56:40 -0400 By adding Turkey to the itinerary of his upcoming European tour, President Obama seeks to renew ties with a key ally and increasingly active global diplomatic partner straddling Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East.

<![CDATA[NATO Allies Share Vital Interest in Stabilizing Afghanistan]]> Tue, 10 Mar 2009 10:03:46 -0400 America and its NATO allies share “a vital security interest” in stabilizing Afghanistan, says Vice President Biden. “The deteriorating situation in the region poses a security threat, from our perspective not just to the United States, but to every single nation around this table.”

<![CDATA[Clinton Hails Renewal of U.S.-Russian Arms Control Talks]]> Mon, 09 Mar 2009 18:06:47 -0400 A “fresh start” in U.S.-Russian relations will begin with a renewed commitment to shrinking stockpiles of nuclear weapons, says Secretary of State Clinton. “We intend to have an agreement by the end of the year,” Clinton says March 6, adding that the issue is a high priority for both governments.

<![CDATA[Biden Seeks European Perspectives on Afghan-Pakistan Strategy]]> Mon, 09 Mar 2009 17:05:30 -0400 Vice President Biden heads to Brussels to seek advice from allies on a new Afghanistan strategy. Biden will hold consultations March 10 with the NATO alliance’s principal forum, the North Atlantic Council, the NATO secretary-general, European Union leaders and non-NATO allies working in Afghanistan.

<![CDATA[Analysis: America and Russia “Press the Reset Button”]]> Fri, 06 Mar 2009 16:22:58 -0400 By “pressing the reset button” on its relationship with Russia, America seeks strengthened partnerships on shared global challenges. “We believe that there are a lot of challenges and threats that we have inherited that we have to address, but there are also opportunities,” Secretary Clinton says.

<![CDATA[NATO Agrees to Resume High-Level Ties with Russia]]> Thu, 05 Mar 2009 16:57:58 -0400 NATO must find ways to manage differences with Russia and work constructively in areas of common interest, Secretary of State Clinton says. At a NATO meeting in Belgium, Clinton urges revival of the NATO-Russia Council, a forum created in 2002, as a mechanism for direct dialogue with Moscow.

<![CDATA[Obama Seeks Improved Relations with Russia]]> Tue, 03 Mar 2009 18:35:31 -0400 The United States seeks improved relations with Russia through strengthened partnerships to confront a wide range of shared diplomatic and security challenges, says President Obama. He also provides an update on the U.S. position on a proposed European-based missile defense system.

<![CDATA[Financial Crisis Tops Agenda in British Prime Minister’s Visit]]> Tue, 03 Mar 2009 15:44:54 -0400 America’s long-standing “special relationship” with the United Kingdom is more vital than ever, says President Obama, as both nations stand together to face a host of emerging global challenges, from a global financial crisis to international efforts to stabilize Afghanistan.

<![CDATA[Latest Climate Change Science Indicates Worsening Effects Ahead]]> Mon, 02 Mar 2009 17:50:14 -0400 Since 2007, when governments and scientists who contributed to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change agreed climate warming was unequivocal, a range of scientific studies have updated some of the findings, showing that the pace of climate change might have increased.

<![CDATA[Central Asia Countries Remain Major Drug Transit Routes]]> Mon, 02 Mar 2009 15:55:18 -0400 The annual International Narcotics Control Strategy Report tracks trends in the global fight against drug trafficking. The State Department report says Central Asian nations are transit points for Afghan opium and heroin going to Europe, Russia, the United States and China.

<![CDATA[Clinton Leaves for Middle East, Europe for Extended Talks]]> Fri, 27 Feb 2009 18:05:42 -0400 Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is beginning a series of official visits to the Middle East and to Europe aimed at restarting Mideast peace talks and boosting trans-Atlantic relations. Clinton begins the trip March 2 at the Gaza donors conference.

<![CDATA[Engagement, Firmness Should Guide U.S. Russia Policy]]> Fri, 27 Feb 2009 11:51:51 -0400 The new U.S. administration should base its policy toward Russia on positive engagement in areas of mutual interest, but it also should show firmness in defending its values and denying Russia a “sphere of privileged interests,” U.S. observers say.

<![CDATA[United States Urges Further Progress in Russia-Georgia Talks]]> Thu, 26 Feb 2009 16:18:46 -0400 To strengthen a fragile peace in the South Caucasus, international cease-fire monitors must be granted full access to all of Georgia’s internationally recognized territory, including Moscow-backed separatist regions South Ossetia and Abkhazia, a U.S. official says.

<![CDATA[Serious Rights Abuses Continue in Central Asian Republics]]> Wed, 25 Feb 2009 16:35:53 -0400 Despite modest gains, observance of internationally recognized human rights within the five former Soviet Central Asian republics remains at a tenuous level, the U.S. State Department says in its annual report on human rights around the world.

<![CDATA[Serious Human Rights Abuses Continue in Belarus, Report Says]]> Wed, 25 Feb 2009 16:26:00 -0400 For more than a decade, human rights abuses have been prevalent in Belarus. A new State Department report says that the situation did not improve in 2008.

<![CDATA[Russia’s Human Rights Follow Negative Trajectory]]> Wed, 25 Feb 2009 15:57:58 -0400 The Russian Federation continued a negative trajectory on human rights, freedom of information and government accountability, according to the 2008 State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices.

<![CDATA[Allies Agree to Boost Afghanistan Aid]]> Mon, 23 Feb 2009 17:38:50 -0400 NATO allies remain firmly committed to the international effort to stabilize Afghanistan, says Defense Secretary Robert Gates following a gathering in Krakow, Poland, of defense ministers from the 26-nation alliance. Gates cites pledges from 20 countries to increase security assistance and development aid.

<![CDATA[United States Seeks to Salvage Air Base Agreement in Kyrgyzstan]]> Fri, 20 Feb 2009 15:49:59 -0400 As Kyrgyzstan moves to shut down a key air base supporting international efforts to stabilize Afghanistan, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates says the United States is open to further negotiations, but also is exploring alternative supply routes in the region.

<![CDATA[Spacecraft Missions Play Dodgeball with Orbiting Debris]]> Fri, 20 Feb 2009 15:46:57 -0400 Thousands of pieces of space debris are orbiting the earth, posing a potential threat to manned flight and vital communications satellites. U.S. and Russian officials are consulting in the wake of the February 10 collision of two of their satellites.

<![CDATA[Defense Secretary Gates Reflects on the Changing Nature of NATO]]> Thu, 19 Feb 2009 15:35:28 -0400 The United States believes that its NATO allies can make a significant, longer-term contribution in Afghanistan on the civilian side while U.S. forces work on strengthening the military side, Defense Secretary Robert Gates says. Gates is in Krakow, Poland, for an informal meeting of NATO defense ministers.

<![CDATA[New Kazakh Legislation a Step Forward on Democratic Path]]> Thu, 19 Feb 2009 12:48:51 -0400 The United States calls new Kazakh laws on media, elections and political parties “progress” but says more is needed. Kyle Scott of the U.S. Mission to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe urges Kazakhstan to improve its newly signed media legislation by decriminalizing libel.

<![CDATA[United States Welcomes Progress in Russia-Georgia Talks]]> Wed, 18 Feb 2009 09:52:27 -0400 Russian and Georgian negotiators in Geneva agree to avoid new clashes by opening new lines of communication, a move cautiously welcomed by U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Fried. Fried also pledges that the United States will continue working with Moscow to promote peace in the region.

<![CDATA[Obama’s First Foreign Visit Is to Canada]]> Wed, 18 Feb 2009 17:16:20 -0400 Economics, energy and the environment will top the agenda when President Obama makes his first official trip to northern neighbor Canada. The one-day visit will feature a meeting with Canada’s governor general and talks with Prime Minister Stephen Harper, top officials and opposition leader Michael Ignatieff.

<![CDATA[Digital Library Brings Global Knowledge Network to Ukraine]]> Tue, 17 Feb 2009 11:32:23 -0400 Ukraine is establishing a digital network that will improve access for the country’s students, scholars and businesspeople to the world’s academic and research information while making available for the first time on the international digital network the holdings of Ukraine’s libraries.

<![CDATA[United States Wants to Consult with Russia on Missile Defense]]> Fri, 13 Feb 2009 12:36:36 -0400 The United States wants to consult with its NATO partners and with Russia to determine if a cooperative approach to a missile defense shield in Europe can be developed, U.S. Under Secretary of State William Burns says in an interview in Moscow.

<![CDATA[University Studies Introduce Central Asia to Americans]]> Thu, 12 Feb 2009 19:25:45 -0400 Indiana University at Bloomington is an oasis of Central Asian scholarship in the United States. And those who wish to study the language and culture of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan can find Central Asian programs in most regions of the United States.

<![CDATA[Analysis: Afghanistan Needs the World’s Help]]> Wed, 11 Feb 2009 16:05:22 -0400 The world cannot afford to abandon the people of Afghanistan, says President Obama, who is calling for an intensified global effort to eliminate terrorist safe havens and help its people rebuild their shattered nation after decades of conflict. “This is going to be a big challenge,” he said.

<![CDATA[Time to Revisit Relations with Russia, Biden Says]]> Mon, 09 Feb 2009 09:29:57 -0400 The Obama administration will rebuild U.S.-Russian relations, says Vice President Biden, pledging improved cooperation on challenges shared by Washington and Moscow. “It is time to press the reset button and to revisit the many areas where we can and should be working together with Russia,” Biden says.

<![CDATA[Scientists Discover New Type of Cell Membrane]]> Mon, 09 Feb 2009 16:07:31 -0400 How do marine organisms like phytoplankton grow in nutrient-poor oceans? examines how “substitute lipids,” cellular components that require no nutrients, could be a fundamental breakthrough in cell biology and survival. The research was reported in Nature magazine.

<![CDATA[U.S. Agencies Plan National Climate Service Structure, Products]]> Mon, 09 Feb 2009 14:43:39 -0400 Today, there is no official source for the kind of authoritative, accessible and timely climate information that communities and regions will need to understand, mitigate and adapt to climate change. If established, a U.S. National Climate Service might provide such products and services.

<![CDATA[Biden Lays Out U.S. Foreign Policy Goals, Approaches]]> Sat, 07 Feb 2009 18:49:59 -0400 Vice President Biden says the United States will be guided in its foreign relations by the principle that there is no conflict between its security and its ideals. He also said the international community must “listen to and learn from one another, and to work together for a common prosperity and security of all.”

<![CDATA[U.S. Opposes Russian Military Bases in Abkhazia, South Ossetia]]> Fri, 06 Feb 2009 12:40:43 -0400 Russian efforts to establish three military bases in the Abkhazia and South Ossetia regions of Georgia could prove provocative and destabilizing, U.S. Charge d'Affaires Kyle Scott says at a meeting of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.

<![CDATA[Young Belarusian Poets Impress at First English Language Slam]]> Thu, 05 Feb 2009 11:27:02 -0400 The written word came alive as young poets from across Belarus participated in the first English Language Youth Poetry Slam on December 10, 2008. The poetry slam is seen as a symbol of free expression, and was held at the American Embassy in Minsk in honor of International Human Rights Day.

<![CDATA[Drought Information System Offers Early Warning, Knowledge]]> Thu, 05 Feb 2009 17:41:12 -0400 The Earth is warming, polar ice is melting, sea levels are rising. Advancing technology helped scientists detect these signals, and another sort of advance — in integrating and sharing knowledge about their effects — is helping communities, regions and nations respond to changing climate.

<![CDATA[U.S.-European Partnership Securing Kosovo’s Future]]> Thu, 05 Feb 2009 15:53:22 -0400 As Kosovo nears the first anniversary of its independence, America and its European allies remain firmly committed to the new Balkan nation’s success, U.S. diplomat Kyle Scott tells the 56-nation Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.

<![CDATA[Nations Pledge Unity in Containing Iran’s Nuclear Challenge]]> Wed, 04 Feb 2009 12:43:53 -0400 Top diplomats pledge continued unity in efforts to convince Iran to suspend its nuclear program and welcome President Obama’s willingness to engage with Iran. Diplomats from China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany underline their “common commitment to a diplomatic solution” to Iran’s nuclear challenge.

<![CDATA[Clinton, European Partners Set Common Agenda]]> Wed, 04 Feb 2009 13:00:45 -0400 Secretary of State Clinton discusses Afghanistan, Iran and the Middle East with key European partners. Pakistan and relations with Russia are also on the agenda.

<![CDATA[Iranian Satellite Launch Heightens International Nuclear Concerns]]> Tue, 03 Feb 2009 13:06:28 -0400 An Iranian satellite launch underlines international concerns about its nuclear ambitions as top diplomats prepare to meet in Germany to discuss new ways to convince Tehran to suspend its controversial nuclear program and join the United States at the negotiating table.

<![CDATA[Knowledge Centers Could Help Regions Cope with Climate Change]]> Wed, 28 Jan 2009 17:31:32 -0400 Carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere by human activities is causing changes in Earth’s surface temperature, rainfall and sea level. A system of regional centers could act as knowledge portals for those making decisions at national, regional and local levels as well as in the private sector on responses to changes.

<![CDATA[Obama Makes Climate Change a National Priority]]> Tue, 27 Jan 2009 17:09:37 -0400 Climate change is a planetary process, but its effects are regional and local. Some of those effects already are occurring, and the Obama administration is moving fast to help the United States work with nations of the world to meet immediate problems as well as long-term challenges.

<![CDATA[United States Sends Human Rights Message to Five Countries]]> Fri, 23 Jan 2009 15:24:57 -0400 The United States, in one of its first statements on international human rights issues since the inauguration of President Barack Obama, raises concerns about restraints on free press, free assembly and freedom of worship in Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Georgia.

<![CDATA[Hillary Clinton, Senators Seek U.S.-Russia Effort on Arms Control]]> Tue, 13 Jan 2009 17:33:46 -0400 If confirmed by the Senate, Secretary of State-designate Hillary Rodham Clinton says she will work with Russia to extend a nuclear arms agreement set to expire later this year. Two key lawmakers urge the secretary of state nominee to re-engage with Russia on arms control and other issues.

<![CDATA[Initial Deal Reached for Addressing Ukrainian-Russian Gas Spat]]> Fri, 09 Jan 2009 16:38:33 -0400 Russia and Ukraine have agreed on a plan that could resume needed flows of natural gas to Ukraine and much of the rest of Europe. In the midst of a deep freeze, many countries in Europe are having to ration fuel pending outcome of the dispute.

<![CDATA[U.S., Georgia Sign Blueprint for Military, Economic Cooperation]]> Fri, 09 Jan 2009 15:35:58 -0400 The United States and Georgia expand their cooperation in defense, trade, energy security, democratic institutions and cultural exchanges. “Georgia is a very important partner of the United States, a valued partner,” Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says.

<![CDATA[United States, Ukraine Sign Security Charter]]> Fri, 19 Dec 2008 17:03:10 -0400 The United States and Ukraine have signed a security charter that establishes areas of cooperation and reemphasizes NATO membership for Ukraine.

<![CDATA[Agreement Eludes Russia-Georgia Peace Talks]]> Thu, 18 Dec 2008 17:59:13 -0400 Mediators in Geneva made progress, but fell short of an agreement to strengthen security and help refugees return home following the August 2008 conflict over Georgia’s Moscow-backed separatist regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, says Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Fried.

<![CDATA[Russia, U.S. Negotiators Meet on START Treaty, Missile Defense]]> Thu, 18 Dec 2008 14:45:28 -0400 While the discussions were useful, Russian and U.S. negotiators did not reach new agreements on either a replacement for the 1991 START I treaty or a proposed European-based U.S. missile defense system, a senior American official says following December 15 talks in Moscow.

<![CDATA[Monitoring Mission Can Play Key Role in Georgia Dispute]]> Fri, 12 Dec 2008 16:14:21 -0400 The 56-nation Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) has a key role to play in resolving the conflict over Georgia’s Russian-backed breakaway regions, U.S. diplomats say. “This is a moment of truth for the organization and we should act,” says U.S. official Kyle Scott.

<![CDATA[Moldovan Human Rights Activist Honored]]> Wed, 10 Dec 2008 07:38:06 -0400 Eleonora Cercavschi, a teacher and human rights advocate in the separatist region Transnistria in Moldova, is the 2008 recipient of the Ion Ratiu Democracy Lecture Award. The lecture series, which began in 2005, is designed to recognize those individuals who are working on behalf of democracy.

<![CDATA[Russian Journalist, Two Americans Receive Human Rights Awards]]> Tue, 09 Dec 2008 13:19:01 -0400 An independent Russian journalist, Yulia Latynina, who exposed corruption and abuses of authority among government officials, is honored by the United States for her investigative reporting and hard-hitting commentary in the effort to advance human rights in Russia.

<![CDATA[Habitat for Humanity: U.S. Volunteerism Addressing Global Poverty]]> Thu, 04 Dec 2008 10:59:10 -0400 Many U.S. citizens see volunteerism as an important part of their lives. One way Americans, particular young people, get involved is through Habitat for Humanity International, an organization that provides housing for homeless people worldwide.

<![CDATA[United States Backs Gradual Resumption of NATO-Russia Relations]]> Tue, 02 Dec 2008 14:42:53 -0400 The United States has no objection to a gradual, phased re-engagement between NATO and Russia, a relationship that had been suspended since the Russian-Georgia crisis in August, says Secretary of State Rice. Rice makes her comments in Brussels, Belgium, where NATO foreign ministers were meeting.

<![CDATA[Sweden Honors American Nobel Laureates]]> Wed, 26 Nov 2008 15:01:45 -0400 Three of the 2008 Nobel Prize winners visit Washington to discuss their scientific achievements, international collaboration and the importance of funding research. reports on the only ocean that can never be overfished, the ocean of knowledge.

<![CDATA[Georgia and Ukraine in NATO Is Long-Term Goal, Says State’s Fried]]> Wed, 26 Nov 2008 14:45:48 -0400 Leaders of the 26-nation NATO alliance have already agreed that Georgia and Ukraine will be members, says Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Fried, calling on the trans-Atlantic body to use an upcoming meeting in Brussels, BHelgium, to redouble support for long-term reforms in both emerging democracies.

<![CDATA[Russia’s Path: Boom or Bust]]> Mon, 24 Nov 2008 11:53:31 -0400 Russia has the potential to be richer, more powerful, and more self-assured in 2025 if it invests in human capital, expands and diversifies its economy, and integrates with global markets, says a recently published U.S. report. On the other hand, multiple constraints could limit Russia’s ability to achieve its full economic potential.

<![CDATA[Europe: Losing Clout in 2025]]> Mon, 24 Nov 2008 11:45:04 -0400 Europe by 2025 will have made slow progress toward becoming a cohesive, integrated and influential global actor able to employ a full spectrum of tools in support of European and Western interests and universal ideals, according to a recently published U.S. report.

<![CDATA[World’s Best Thinkers Predict Resource Scarcity in 2025]]> Fri, 21 Nov 2008 17:27:34 -0400 In 25 years, the world will likely face greater shortages of water for drinking and farming, insufficient food and competition for energy. The world, as a group of thinkers imagines it, will be multipolar. No nation will dominate with overwhelming power; instead, multiple nations will wield great power.

<![CDATA[U.S. Envoys Report Progress in Russia-Georgia Peace Talks]]> Wed, 19 Nov 2008 18:55:50 -0400 Mediators in Geneva have restarted Russia-Georgia peace talks, says Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Fried, who urges sending more international monitors to the region to strengthen security and help refugees return following the August 2008 conflict over the separatist regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

<![CDATA[United States Disappointed by Russian Missile Plans]]> Wed, 05 Nov 2008 17:35:18 -0400 The United States is disappointed that Russia plans to deploy short-range missiles near the border with Poland and Lithuania, a State Department official says. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said Russia plans to deploy Iskander missiles in Kaliningrad between Lithuania and Poland on the Baltic Sea.

<![CDATA[U.S. Welcomes Russian Initiative on Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict]]> Thu, 30 Oct 2008 18:17:49 -0400 The United States welcomes reports that Russian President Dmitry Medvedev will host peace talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region as a more constructive approach to the region’s “frozen conflicts” than Moscow’s actions in the August 2008 Georgia crisis.

<![CDATA[Year in U.S. Encourages Russian Students to Pursue Their Dreams]]> Wed, 29 Oct 2008 12:19:43 -0400 Future Leaders Exchange, more commonly known as FLEX, is a program that brings students from the former Soviet Union to live and study in the United States for one school year.  The FLEX program continues to promote greater understanding between Russians and Americans.

<![CDATA[Bush, NATO Secretary-General Address Pressing Issues]]> Fri, 24 Oct 2008 20:16:06 -0400 NATO foreign ministers will meet in Brussels in December on the alliance’s relationship with Russia, the mission in Afghanistan and the readiness of Georgia and Ukraine to join the membership process. Albania and Croatia move closer to NATO membership as President Bush signs accession protocols October 24.

<![CDATA[Alcohol Causes 2 Million Deaths Annually; Many Preventable]]> Thu, 23 Oct 2008 13:06:28 -0400 Each year, more than 2 million people worldwide die from alcohol-related causes. U.S. health agencies are cooperating with the global health community to understand the causes of alcoholism and develop effective treatment options.

<![CDATA[United States Leads Surge of Donors Rebuilding Georgia]]> Wed, 22 Oct 2008 17:15:27 -0400 The United States joins 67 nations, international financial institutions and private-sector donors to deliver $4.55 billion for Georgia. “We share a commitment to Georgia’s territorial integrity,” USAID Administrator Henrietta Fore tells a European Union-sponsored donors’ conference in Brussels, Belgium.

<![CDATA[Dutch Citizen Works Behind Scenes in U.S. Presidential Campaign]]> Wed, 22 Oct 2008 16:28:44 -0400 Behind the scenes of America’s presidential campaign, a Dutch citizen is demonstrating how “the ripple effect” influences the world. Evidenced by her presence, purpose and perspectives in the U.S. capital, Kirsten Verdel is an example of a foreign national’s engagement in America’s political process.

<![CDATA[McCain, Obama Call for More Engagement with Russia, Europe]]> Tue, 21 Oct 2008 20:00:23 -0400 The next U.S. president will need to address the resurgence of Russia. Neither Barack Obama nor John McCain predicts a return to Cold War rhetoric and behavior of the 1960s and 1970s, but they agree international pressures need to be brought to bear on Russia to encourage changes in its behavior.

<![CDATA[Seven Nations to Join U.S. Visa Waiver Program]]> Fri, 17 Oct 2008 15:16:49 -0400 Business travelers and tourists from six European nations and South Korea will be able to travel to the United States without a visa in about a month, President Bush says. The Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and South Korea will join the U.S. Visa Waiver Program on November 13.

<![CDATA[Geneva Talks Seek Stability, Security in Georgia, U.S. Says]]> Thu, 16 Oct 2008 15:15:31 -0400 The United States welcomes international talks on security and stability in Georgia and its two breakaway regions, a senior U.S. diplomat says. “These talks underscore the broad international support with, of course, one exception, for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia.”

<![CDATA[NATO Ministers Endorse Greater Anti-Drug Role in Afghanistan]]> Fri, 10 Oct 2008 16:27:13 -0400 NATO defense ministers concluded informal talks in Hungary October 10 with a new commitment to pursue the Afghan drug traffickers that fund insurgents. Allied maritime forces will also soon escort food shipments to Somalia and patrol international waters off the Horn of Africa to deter pirates.

<![CDATA[Russian Claims of Privileged Sphere Draw Criticism]]> Thu, 09 Oct 2008 13:49:38 -0400 Legal scholars express deep skepticism about Russia’s claim of extraterritorial right to protect its citizens. The principle of national sovereignty does not allow nations to grant citizenship “en masse” to citizens of another country without that state’s explicit consent, says one political scientist.

<![CDATA[Ukrainian Famine Exhibit Re-examines Harrowing Loss of 1932–1933]]> Wed, 08 Oct 2008 18:24:39 -0400 An exhibit at the State Department commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Holodomor, the 1932-33 famine in Soviet Ukraine precipitated by policies of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. “The Holodomor is an extraordinarily sad chapter in human history, all the more tragic because it was man-made,” says a State Department official.

<![CDATA[United States Committed to NATO Membership for Ukraine, Georgia]]> Wed, 08 Oct 2008 17:27:36 -0400 The United States remains committed to NATO membership for Ukraine and Georgia, and it calls on southeastern European nations to send more troops to Afghanistan. Membership plans for Ukraine and Georgia will be discussed at the NATO foreign ministers meeting in December, as will membership for Macedonia.

<![CDATA[Regional Cooperation Focus of Macedonia Meeting]]> Tue, 07 Oct 2008 12:38:43 -0400 Macedonia is hosting 12 nations and two observers for the Southeast European Defense Ministerial October 7-9. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates will attend the gathering before traveling to Budapest, Hungary, to meet informally with NATO defense ministers October 9-10 on Russia, Georgia and Afghanistan.

<![CDATA[Rice Says United States Seeks Closer Ties with Kazakhstan]]> Mon, 06 Oct 2008 16:36:16 -0400 The United States is trying to build closer ties with Kazakhstan, but that is not intended to undermine Russian influence in Central Asia, Secretary of State Rice says. Rice says an expanded relationship with Kazakhstan does not imply a zero-sum game, meaning that any U.S. gains in the friendship need not mean Russian losses.

<![CDATA[U.S. Military Aid to Georgia Was Never Directed at Russia]]> Mon, 06 Oct 2008 15:06:39 -0400 U.S. military assistance to Georgia in the five years before the Russian invasion was never a threat to Russian security interests, says a leading defense specialist. It sought to address needs along the violent Pankisi Gorge bordering Chechnya and to prepare units for service with coalition forces in Iraq.

<![CDATA[European Union Monitors Enter Security Buffer Zones in Georgia]]> Wed, 01 Oct 2008 18:23:53 -0400 The 200-plus European Union civilian monitors begin taking up positions in formerly Russian-held security zones in Georgia as part of an August cease-fire deal between the EU and Russia. A U.S. State Department spokesman says deployment of EU monitors leads to the next step in the Russian withdrawal of forces from Georgia.

<![CDATA[NATO Seen as Strengthening Security for All, Including Russia]]> Wed, 01 Oct 2008 15:29:20 -0400 NATO operations in Afghanistan, Kosovo and the Mediterranean have not been directed at Russia but are intended to create a Europe that is more secure, democratic and free than at any time in its history. This benefits, rather than threatens, neighboring Russia by enabling more cooperation on mutual concerns.

<![CDATA[Belarus Elections Fail to Meet International Standards]]> Tue, 30 Sep 2008 17:35:27 -0400 Despite “minor improvements,” parliamentary elections in Belarus fail to meet international standards, leading U.S. officials to express disappointment as well as a determination to continue working with the country’s government and people to encourage greater democratic freedoms.

<![CDATA[Transatlantic Unity on Russia]]> Mon, 29 Sep 2008 10:59:21 -0400 Russia’s recent aggressive actions call into question the type of relationship it wishes with the global community, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says, noting its international reputation is at its worst since 1991 and actions by Russian leaders are causing pain on their nation’s economy.

<![CDATA[Business Leaders, Experts Call For Unified Food-Safety Standards]]> Fri, 26 Sep 2008 14:58:20 -0400 Food-safety experts call for unified international food-safety standards to instill consumer confidence and help trade. Focusing on the United States, Congresswoman Diane DeGette wants the Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to gain recall authority over contaminated food.

<![CDATA[Free and Fair Elections in Belarus Could Improve U.S. Relations]]> Thu, 25 Sep 2008 16:46:29 -0400 As Belarus conducts parliamentary elections September 28, the United States will be watching closely in hopes that a free and fair contest will help continue the positive momentum in the bilateral relationship that began with the release of political prisoners in August.

<![CDATA[Russia's Use of Kosovo Analogy for Georgia False, Experts Say]]> Thu, 25 Sep 2008 16:07:05 -0400 U.S. officials and foreign policy specialists virtually all agree that Russia’s attempts to cite Kosovo as a precedent for its military actions in Georgia are both misleading and unsupported by even a cursory examination of the facts. reviews the comments of a variety of knowledgeable observers.

<![CDATA[Trans-Atlantic Unity Stabilizing Situation in Georgia]]> Thu, 25 Sep 2008 15:37:29 -0400 On the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice discussed the Georgia crisis with her European counterparts, who reaffirmed their commitment to support Georgia’s recovery and ensure Russia honors its cease-fire commitments, says Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Fried.

<![CDATA[Nations Worldwide Pour Billions into Nanotechnology]]> Wed, 24 Sep 2008 16:57:35 -0400 Governments and industries in nations around the world are investing billions of dollars, euros, yen, yuan and rubles to position themselves as leaders in the emerging enterprise called nanotechnology — science on the scale of atoms and molecules. reports on Nanotechnology Northern Europe 2008.

<![CDATA[United States Says Talks Will Resume on North Korea]]> Tue, 23 Sep 2008 18:18:44 -0400 International efforts to convince the North Koreans to give up their fledgling nuclear weapons development program have hit a rough spot, but there is still time to work this issue, says chief U.S. negotiator Christopher Hill. “We're really going to have to work very closely with our other partners,” he says.

<![CDATA[NATO Supports Georgia’s Integrity, Unity Against Russian Action]]> Fri, 19 Sep 2008 17:47:25 -0400 NATO defense ministers wrapped up an informal meeting in London on September 19 with an acknowledgement that more needs to be done to help the Afghan National Army double in size.  Ministers also discussed the conflict in the Caucasus and the need for compromise to reach a political solution.

<![CDATA[Russia Must Change Course in Georgia, Says Rice]]> Thu, 18 Sep 2008 14:05:11 -0400 The crisis in Georgia is the latest example of a Russia that has become “increasingly authoritarian at home and aggressive abroad,” says Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.  “Russia’s leaders are making some unfortunate choices.  But they can make different ones.”

<![CDATA[Georgia Crisis Deepens Complexity of U.S.-Russian Relations]]> Wed, 17 Sep 2008 18:38:20 -0400 The Georgia crisis has further deepened the complexity of diplomatic relations between the United States and Russia, a relationship whose future will likely see a mix of competition, conflict and cooperation, says Under Secretary of State William Burns.

<![CDATA[Allies Launch NATO-Georgia Commission]]> Mon, 15 Sep 2008 17:36:56 -0400 In the international community’s strongest show of support for Georgia to date, 26 trans-Atlantic allies met in Tbilisi, Georgia, to launch the new NATO-Georgia Commission to help the emerging South Caucasus democracy rebuild following Russia’s August 2008 invasion.

<![CDATA[U.S. Warns Against New Russian Troop Deployments to Georgia]]> Fri, 12 Sep 2008 12:51:37 -0400 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s proposal to position large troop garrisons in Georgia’s separatist regions threatens to further undermine the fragile truce in the South Caucasus crisis, a U.S. official says. Under a cease-fire accord, Russian and Georgian forces are required to pull back to positions held before hostilities began.

<![CDATA[Georgia Security Aid No Threat to Russia, Defense Official Says]]> Thu, 11 Sep 2008 14:42:53 -0400 U.S. security cooperation with Georgia has never been aimed against Russia, says Under Secretary of Defense Eric Edelman. “The reality is something quite different” from recent claims by Russia’s Vladimir Putin that the United States is “arming Georgians to the teeth,” he tells a Senate committee September 9.

<![CDATA[NATO Enlargement Not Directed at Russia]]> Thu, 11 Sep 2008 17:09:12 -0400 The post-Cold War enlargement of NATO was not directed against Russia.  "NATO enlargement was intended to achieve emergence of a Europe whole, free and at peace — all of Europe, not just its western half," Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Fried tells a Senate committee.

<![CDATA[Russian Support of Georgian Separatists Raises New Questions]]> Thu, 11 Sep 2008 17:01:33 -0400 The Georgia crisis began long before Russia’s August 8 assault, following years of provocative acts engineered to obstruct peace efforts, says U.S. official Matt Bryza. “Moscow’s pretext that it was ‘intervening’ in Georgia to protect Russian ‘citizens’ and ‘peacekeepers’ in South Ossetia was simply false.”

<![CDATA[Russian Attack on Georgia “Pre-planned,” Says Pentagon]]> Wed, 10 Sep 2008 17:29:03 -0400 Before Russia’s August invasion, U.S. officials sent a clear message to Georgia: resist Moscow’s attempts to provoke Georgian military action in South Ossetia or Abkhazia. Russia executed a “pre-planned” operation to change the status quo in Georgia, says Under Secretary of Defense Eric Edelman.

<![CDATA[Social Worker Strives to Beautify Life in Latvia]]> Tue, 09 Sep 2008 11:27:14 -0400 As a former teacher, Anita Ratkevica brings training programs and hope to an economically depressed region of Latvia. Ratkevica’s achievements against the odds won her a nomination for the secretary of state’s 2008 Women of Courage Award.

<![CDATA[Global Investors Taking Cautious Approach to Russia]]> Tue, 09 Sep 2008 11:14:45 -0400 Global investors have reacted to Russia’s invasion of Georgia by pulling out funds.  Experts worry that the last decade of cooperation might be lost because of the current political turmoil. At least in the short term, they say, global investors are fleeing Russia for more stable markets.

<![CDATA[Georgia Crisis Will Affect U.S.-Russian Relations in Long Term]]> Tue, 09 Sep 2008 10:08:38 -0400 The United States will take a “steady, determined and patient” approach to Russia as it reassesses relations following the Georgia crisis, working with allies to resist further aggression from Moscow while leaving the door open for future cooperation, says Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Fried.

<![CDATA[Norway-U.S. Cooperation Fuels Million-Dollar Kavli Prizes]]> Tue, 09 Sep 2008 08:07:06 -0400 Seven researchers from Japan, Sweden, the United States and the United Kingdom receive the inaugural Kavli Prizes for advances in astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience at a ceremony in Oslo, Norway. Norwegian-born Fred Kavli, now a U.S. citizen, founded the million-dollar awards.

<![CDATA[Trans-Atlantic Unity Key to Resolving Georgia Crisis, Says Cheney]]> Tue, 09 Sep 2008 17:50:12 -0400 “Does Russia really want to separate itself from the community of values that has fueled so much of its own economic progress?” Vice President Cheney asks in Cernobbio, Italy, September 6.  “Do those leaders believe that bullying others will turn out well for their country’s future?”

<![CDATA[Displaced People Are First Priority of New U.S. Aid to Georgia]]> Mon, 08 Sep 2008 10:05:33 -0400 The United States plans $1 billion in new humanitarian aid to Georgia to help people displaced from their homes as a result of the conflict with Russia. The aid also will be used to help Georgia rehabilitate its infrastructure and regain its economic momentum, getting its economy back on track for growth.

<![CDATA[White House Withdraws Russian Nuclear Agreement from Congress]]> Mon, 08 Sep 2008 08:32:14 -0400 President Bush withdraws a U.S.-Russian civil nuclear cooperation agreement currently under consideration by Congress “in view of recent actions by the Government of the Russian Federation incompatible with peaceful relations with its sovereign and democratic neighbor Georgia.”

<![CDATA[Georgia Crisis Tops Agenda on Cheney’s Ukraine Visit]]> Fri, 05 Sep 2008 18:09:54 -0400 Ukraine set a courageous example to the world by standing with Georgia following Russia’s August 8 attack, says U.S. Vice President Cheney. “The people of Georgia are looking to both our countries, and to the rest of the free world, to support them in this time of great trial and testing, and we must answer the call.”

<![CDATA[World Rallying to Georgia’s Side, Says Rice]]> Thu, 04 Sep 2008 09:00:27 -0400 The international community has rallied to Georgia’s side in the wake of Russia’s recent attack, says Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, while all Moscow has managed to show the world is that its military can overrun its smaller neighbors and that its leaders may not honor their diplomatic commitments.

<![CDATA[Cheney Condemns Russia's Invasion of Georgia]]> Thu, 04 Sep 2008 16:20:08 -0400 Vice President Cheney calls Russia's war against Georgia "an illegitimate, unilateral attempt" to re-draw Georgia's borders by force, which has been condemned by the free world. "Russia's actions have cast grave doubt on Russia's intentions and on its reliability as an international partner,” he says.

<![CDATA[United States Pledges $1 Billion to Rebuild Georgia]]> Wed, 03 Sep 2008 15:06:24 -0400 The United States will deliver a new $1 billion recovery package to help Georgia meet immediate humanitarian needs, enhance its stability and regain its position as one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. “A democratic Georgia will survive, will rebuild and will thrive,” says Secretary Rice.

<![CDATA[Death of Russian Journalist “Disturbing,” United States Says]]> Wed, 03 Sep 2008 10:23:26 -0400 How did Russian journalist Magomed Yevloyev die in police custody? Who will be held responsible? The Bush administration and press freedom advocacy groups want answers to these and other questions surrounding the death of an outspoken critic of the Russian government in an impoverished province.

<![CDATA[Cheney Begins Consultations with Former Soviet Republics]]> Wed, 03 Sep 2008 16:54:10 -0400 Vice President Cheney is beginning a series of consultations with the leaders of three former Soviet republics in the aftermath of Russia's recent incursion into Georgia and its recognition of the breakaway Georgian provinces of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

<![CDATA[United States Praises European Union Efforts on Georgian Crisis]]> Tue, 02 Sep 2008 12:53:54 -0400 The White House welcomes European Union support to convince Russia to withdraw its combat forces that now occupy large sections of Georgia in violation of a cease-fire pact. The White House also encourages the EU to dispatch civilian monitors to Georgia to give Russia no excuse for keeping its forces in Georgia.

<![CDATA[U.S., Russia Collaborate To Save Polar Bears]]> Tue, 02 Sep 2008 12:37:06 -0400 Polar bears are imperiled by the shrinking Arctic ice that is their habitat.  Scientists from the United States and Russia are working together to save this threatened species as part of the two nations' ongoing cooperation in wildlife conservation.

<![CDATA[United States, Russia Join in Efforts to Protect Arctic Wildlife]]> Thu, 28 Aug 2008 17:07:43 -0400 The United States and Russia have amassed a strong record of partnership in wildlife conservation -- dating back more than 35 years to the Nixon-Brezhnev era -- that has benefited endangered species throughout the Arctic. “Even during the Cold War, politics never got in the way of cooperation,” a U.S. official says.

<![CDATA[Russia’s G8 Partners Condemn Its Role in Georgia Crisis]]> Wed, 27 Aug 2008 18:32:33 -0400 The foreign ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, in an August 27 joint statement, deplore the actions of Russia in Georgia and express their “continued support for Georgia's sovereignty within its internationally recognized borders.”

<![CDATA[U.S. Rejects Russia’s Recognition of Georgian Separatists]]> Tue, 26 Aug 2008 11:39:49 -0400 Russia’s recognition of Georgia’s separatist South Ossetia and Abkhazia regions is a “regrettable” violation of international peace-building efforts Moscow once helped shape, says Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who joins in widespread international condemnation of Moscow’s latest move in the Georgia crisis.

<![CDATA[European Missile Defense System Is Limited, No Threat to Russia]]> Tue, 26 Aug 2008 16:25:57 -0400 The development of a limited ballistic missile defense system in Europe creates an important capability for NATO allies that poses no threat to Russia, says a senior U.S. diplomat. The United States has signed agreements with the Czech Republic and Poland for development of elements of the system.

<![CDATA[New U.S. President Unlikely to Alter U.S. Policy Toward Europe]]> Mon, 25 Aug 2008 17:55:54 -0400 Although Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain differ significantly on such national security issues as Iraq, the two presidential candidates’ positions on Europe fall within the broad consensus that historically has marked U.S. policy in the region. outlines the candidates’ views.

<![CDATA[Russia Still Violating Cease-fire in Georgia, Says White House]]> Mon, 25 Aug 2008 17:05:44 -0400 Russia has reduced its troop presence in Georgia, but still is violating a cease-fire deal brokered by the European Union following Moscow’s strike on the South Caucasus democracy, says White House spokesman Tony Fratto. “We still see large numbers of Russian troops in undisputed territory,” Fratto says.

<![CDATA[United States Delivering Help and Hope to Georgia]]> Fri, 22 Aug 2008 11:24:25 -0400 U.S. emergency relief supplies are steaming toward Georgia, complementing an airlift that has been underway for more than a week.  Navy ships will begin arriving in Tbilisi within days, bringing blankets and baby food for internally displaced refugees.

<![CDATA[Belarus' Release of Political Prisoners Welcomed]]> Fri, 22 Aug 2008 14:17:04 -0400 The release of Belarus’ political prisoners offers the possibility of a significant improvement in that nation’s relationship with the United States, a State Department spokesman says, adding that a senior U.S. official is now in Minsk for talks with the government and opposition figures.

<![CDATA[Georgia Crisis Raises Questions About Russian Policy, Rice Says]]> Fri, 22 Aug 2008 11:26:37 -0400 Russia’s attack on Georgia is not the start of a “new Cold War,” but it does raise serious questions about Russia's commitment to "further integration into the international community," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says.  Russia's recent actions have damaged the country's reputation, she says.

<![CDATA[United States Will Help Rebuild Georgia’s Military]]> Thu, 21 Aug 2008 09:47:43 -0400 In addition to delivering humanitarian aid for thousands of Georgians displaced by Russia’s recent military incursion, the Pentagon plans to deliver new security assistance as well. “We will have to help them rebuild because they are a partner in the war on terror,” says U.S. Army General John Craddock.

<![CDATA[Russian Provocations Contributed to Georgia Crisis]]> Wed, 20 Aug 2008 11:14:49 -0400 Russia’s attack on Georgia followed several months of provocative acts engineered in Moscow, and the conflict was something Washington urged Georgia to avoid, says America’s top envoy to the region, Matt Bryza. “Our message was … avoid a direct military confrontation with Russia at all costs,” he says.

<![CDATA[Russia Must Accelerate Withdrawal from Georgia, U.S. Says]]> Wed, 20 Aug 2008 16:21:42 -0400 Russia does not need any additional time and does not need to continue setting additional dates in the future for a withdrawal of its forces from Georgia, an administration official says. "They just need to withdraw," National Security Council spokesman Gordon Johndroe says.

<![CDATA[United States, Poland Sign Missile Defense Declaration]]> Wed, 20 Aug 2008 15:26:02 -0400 A plan to locate a two-part, limited missile-defense system in Eastern Europe has been achieved and will make a substantial contribution to NATO's collective security, the State Department says. "It is an agreement which will help us to respond to the threats of the 21st century," Secretary of State Rice says in Warsaw.

<![CDATA[NATO Strengthens Ties with Georgia]]> Tue, 19 Aug 2008 11:52:55 -0400 NATO will strengthen its ties to Georgia through a newly created commission designed to support reconstruction and stabilization in the aftermath of the Russian-Georgian conflict over two Georgian breakaway regions. The commission will help assess damages and restore essential services in the conflict zone.

<![CDATA[Russia Will Not Be Allowed to Destabilize Europe, Rice Says]]> Tue, 19 Aug 2008 18:06:05 -0400 After an emergency meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Brussels, Belgium, Secretary of State Rice says Russia will not be allowed to win in Georgia and at the same time destabilize Europe by creating spheres of influence along its borders.

<![CDATA[Bush Says Russia Has Damaged Its Global Credibility]]> Mon, 18 Aug 2008 15:15:21 -0400 In the aftermath of the harsh Russian-Georgian conflict this month over two breakaway provinces of Georgia, the Bush administration has begun a careful re-evaluation of the U.S.-Russia Strategic Framework Declaration issued in April and what the bilateral relationship will be in the future.

<![CDATA[NATO Ministers Weigh Response to Georgia Crisis]]> Mon, 18 Aug 2008 18:25:20 -0400 NATO’s 26 foreign ministers will meet in an emergency session to underline the alliance’s commitment to Georgia and weigh ties with Russia in the wake of Russia’s attack on the emerging South Caucasus democracy. “Georgia will rebuild,” says Secretary of State Rice. “Russia’s reputation may not be rebuilt.”

<![CDATA[Rice Says Georgian-Russian Cease-Fire Agreement Reached]]> Fri, 15 Aug 2008 11:12:42 -0400 Russia's "bullying and intimidation" in Georgia are not acceptable ways of conducting international relations, President Bush says, reminding the Russian government that the Cold War, waged for a half century, is over.

<![CDATA[United States, Poland Sign Limited Missile Defense Pact]]> Fri, 15 Aug 2008 16:15:40 -0400 A limited anti-missile defense system stationed in Europe will make a substantial contribution to NATO's collective security, the White House says. The United States and Poland August 14 signed an agreement for 10 missile interceptors, which have no warheads, in Poland.

<![CDATA[Gates Says Military Mission Aims to Save Lives, Ease Suffering]]> Thu, 14 Aug 2008 11:11:51 -0400 A broad U.S. military-led humanitarian relief operation has begun to assist the people of Georgia following nearly seven days of combat between Georgian forces and elements of the Russian army, says Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

<![CDATA[Rice Rejects Russian “Protector” Role in South Ossetia, Abkhazia]]> Thu, 14 Aug 2008 11:11:10 -0400 Secretary of State Rice underlines the importance of respecting Georgia’s territorial integrity as American and European negotiators work for peace. “This is a member state of the United Nations whose internationally recognized boundaries have to be respected,” Rice says.

<![CDATA[Rice Urges Russia to Cease Military Operations in Georgia]]> Wed, 13 Aug 2008 11:07:55 -0400 Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says Russia must end military operations in Georgia immediately as it agreed to in a cease-fire agreement worked out by the European Union just days ago.

<![CDATA[Russia Must End Military Assault in Georgia, Bush Says]]> Wed, 13 Aug 2008 11:06:58 -0400 The United States will “rally the free world in the defense of a free Georgia,” says President Bush, announcing that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is heading to Europe to support mediation efforts with Russia, while the U.S. military will lead a humanitarian aid mission to the emerging South Caucasus democracy.

<![CDATA[United States Airlifting Emergency Aid to Georgia]]> Wed, 13 Aug 2008 10:42:00 -0400 President Bush has directed Defense Secretary Robert Gates to begin a military-led humanitarian mission to the Republic of Georgia. Private U.S. charitable organizations also are sending aid to Georgia following attacks by Russia military that have destroyed Georgian towns and military bases.

<![CDATA[Rice Welcomes Progress Toward Resolving Georgia Crisis]]> Tue, 12 Aug 2008 11:03:01 -0400 The United States welcomes reports that Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has ordered a halt to military operations in Georgia, says Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. “Calm needs to be restored,” Rice says after she briefs President Bush on diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis.

<![CDATA[Georgia to Get U.S. Humanitarian Assistance]]> Mon, 11 Aug 2008 11:01:54 -0400 The U.S. government will be providing new humanitarian assistance to help the people of Georgia affected by the current military confrontation with Russia. The funding, announced by the U.S. Agency for International Development, will be used for relief supplies that can assist as many as 10,000 people.

<![CDATA[Russian Attack on Georgia Unacceptable, Says Bush]]> Mon, 11 Aug 2008 11:01:00 -0400 Russia’s continued attacks despite a proposed Georgian cease-fire mark a “dramatic and brutal escalation” in the crisis over the breakaway region of South Ossetia, President Bush says at the White House. “Russia has invaded a sovereign neighboring state and threatens a democratic government elected by its people.”

<![CDATA[United States Seeks Emergency Mediation to Defuse Georgia Crisis]]> Fri, 08 Aug 2008 11:00:13 -0400 Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urges Russia to halt its attacks in Georgia’s breakaway South Ossetia region as the United States reaches out to its European allies to assemble an emergency mediation effort to defuse the crisis.

<![CDATA[United States Urges Halt to Hostilities in South Ossetia]]> Fri, 08 Aug 2008 10:57:47 -0400 The United States calls on Russia and Georgia to end the recent sharp escalation in fighting that has broken out in Georgia’s breakaway region of South Ossetia. The United States and Europe are working toward international mediation and “urgently seek Russia’s support of these efforts," Secretary Rice says.

<![CDATA[Activists Want World Attention on Belarus’ Human Rights Abuses]]> Thu, 07 Aug 2008 14:22:36 -0400 Aleksandr Kozulin appeared on television and denounced the corruption of the current Belarusian government. Now he sits in prison. His daughter Olga Kozulina and Belarusian writer and film producer Raisa Mikhailovskaya are calling for international help to free him.

<![CDATA[America’s Eastern Orthodox Communities Show Tolerance, Diversity]]> Wed, 06 Aug 2008 17:38:39 -0400 According to a survey, U.S. Eastern Orthodox Christians fall within the American mainstream in their religious, political and social attitudes. Despite attempts to create a single, multiethnic American orthodox church, many worship in parishes affiliated with churches in countries of their ancestry.

<![CDATA[Democracy, Human Rights Advances Needed in Azerbaijan, U.S. Says]]> Thu, 31 Jul 2008 18:27:56 -0400 Although the United States and Azerbaijan enjoy a strong relationship in areas such as energy diversification and security cooperation, a senior State Department official who visited the country has expressed concern about the state of democracy there.

<![CDATA[Kazakhstan Committed to Reforms, Says State’s Boucher]]> Wed, 23 Jul 2008 16:46:36 -0400 Kazakhstan is earning America’s support for its bid to lead the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe by committing to further democratic reforms, says Assistant Secretary of State Richard Boucher. “The decision to support Kazakhstan’s chairmanship was not one the United States made quickly or easily,” he says.

<![CDATA[White House Hails Arrest of Radovan Karadzic]]> Tue, 22 Jul 2008 17:04:29 -0400 The White House lauds Serbia after its arrest of one of the world’s most wanted fugitives -- Radovan Karadzic, the Bosnian Serb leader during the 1990s “ethnic cleansing.” “There is no better tribute to the victims of the war’s atrocities than bringing their perpetrators to justice,” says the White House’s Dana Perino.   

<![CDATA[Missile Defense Plan Directed at Rogue Nations, Not Russia]]> Tue, 22 Jul 2008 12:38:03 -0400 The United States has reiterated that its planned missile defense system in Europe is not directed against Russia but rather against the growing threat from rogue nations such as Iran, according to a senior U.S. military official.

<![CDATA[Student Visitors Ponder the Changing World of Journalism]]> Mon, 21 Jul 2008 14:41:47 -0400 High school-age students from Europe, Central Asia and the United States are getting well acquainted with the world of journalism thanks to the State Department-funded Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellows program at Wake Forest University.

<![CDATA[Rice Receives Leaders of Newly Independent Kosovo]]> Fri, 18 Jul 2008 18:07:26 -0400 U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice welcomes top officials from Kosovo in their first visit to Washington, highlighting the new democracy’s progress toward strengthening government institutions and protecting Serb communities. She also reaffirms American support for Kosovo’s new administration.

<![CDATA[Open Skies Concept Builds Security; Could Be Used for Disasters]]> Thu, 17 Jul 2008 17:54:05 -0400 Unarmed aerial observation flights have been promoting confidence and military-to-military cooperation among the 34 members of the Open Skies Treaty since 2001.  Now nations envision the possibility of using the treaty for future applications such as assessing potential threats after natural disasters.

<![CDATA[Milestone of 500 Open Skies Flights Celebrated]]> Mon, 14 Jul 2008 17:17:18 -0400 The 1992 Open Skies Treaty is one of the most wide-ranging international efforts to promote transparency and openness about military forces and activities.  On July 14, treaty participants celebrated the symbolic 500th aerial observation flight.  The actual flight will likely occur in August.

<![CDATA[United States Pledges $400 Million at Kosovo Donors’ Conference]]> Fri, 11 Jul 2008 16:57:12 -0400 At the international donors’ conference for Kosovo held in Brussels, Belgium the United States pledges $400 million to help relieve Kosovo’s debt, build the capacity of its judicial system, enhance its business climate, improve the education system and increase access to potable water.

<![CDATA[Rice Urges End to Separatist Violence in Georgia]]> Thu, 10 Jul 2008 10:56:50 -0400 Russia must do more to help defuse rising tensions between neighboring Georgia and its breakaway regions, says Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.  “It needs to be a part of resolving the problem and solving the problem and not contributing to it,” Rice said July 10 in Tbilisi with Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili.

<![CDATA[Northern Ireland’s First Police Ombudsman a Seeker of Truth]]> Thu, 10 Jul 2008 12:51:26 -0400 Nuala O’Loan, the first police ombudsman for Northern Ireland, has shown both professional and personal courage in promoting justice and reconciliation.

<![CDATA[Watching Soccer: a Popular U.S. Pastime]]> Wed, 09 Jul 2008 18:23:32 -0400 Summers Restaurant in Arlington, Virginia, is a football institution.  It was voted the best soccer bar in the United States in 2002 by the U.S. Soccer Federation.  Manager Joe Javidara has been showing soccer matches there since the bar’s inception in 1984.

<![CDATA[Rice Receives Bulgarian Honor for Helping Free Medics]]> Wed, 09 Jul 2008 18:11:03 -0400 Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice accepts Bulgaria’s highest honor for her help in freeing six medics imprisoned in Libya for more than eight years. "I'm glad and pleased to have played a role," Rice says on receiving the Stara Planina First Class Medal.  "It was indeed a terrible ordeal but one I'm glad has ended."

<![CDATA[Rice Signs Missile Defense Agreement in Prague]]> Tue, 08 Jul 2008 11:59:05 -0400 A new agreement between the United States and the Czech Republic to host a key component of a Europe-based missile defense system marks a step toward safeguarding the region and the international community, says Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. 

<![CDATA[Bush, Russia’s Medvedev Highlight Agreement on Iran, North Korea]]> Mon, 07 Jul 2008 16:44:04 -0400 President Bush and Russian President Dimitry Medvedev highlighted their agreement on security challenges posed by Iran and North Korea following their first presidential meeting. “While there are some areas of disagreement, there are also areas where I know we can work together for the common good,” says Bush.

<![CDATA[Voters in Estonia Cast Ballots Online]]> Thu, 03 Jul 2008 12:44:44 -0400 Just as the concept of “early voting” is gaining popularity in the United States, so it has overseas. But Estonia’s early voting is unique: In the three days before the election, voters can cast their ballots online, in a process that impresses election authorities with its sophistication.

<![CDATA[U.S., Russian Spacefaring Strength Aids Space Station Success]]> Mon, 30 Jun 2008 18:40:13 -0400 Since the first segment of the International Space Station entered orbit in 1998, the United States and Russia have used their strengths as spacefaring nations to blaze a technological trail for the rest of the international partners. recaps some highlights of this enduring partnership.

<![CDATA[U.S. Helping Ukrainians Get Access to Family Planning Services]]> Mon, 30 Jun 2008 14:02:51 -0400 Pharmaceutical companies and the Ukrainian government, with help from the U.S. Agency for International Development, are working together to provide low-cost contraceptives and other family planning services as an alternative to widespread use of abortion.

<![CDATA[Botanic Energy Resources Make Hot Research Topics]]> Tue, 24 Jun 2008 18:20:17 -0400 The U.S. National Arboretum’s exhibit Power Plants features flora from around the world used or being considered for renewable energy sources. “We have 21 plants on display here that are currently being used to produce ethanol and biodiesel or have the potential to do so,” Arboretum Director Thomas S. Elias says.

<![CDATA[United States, European Union Share Similar Policies for Cuba]]> Fri, 20 Jun 2008 16:40:29 -0400 The United States and the European Union have common goals for Cuba and they start with the release of political prisoners, a healthy respect for political opposition leaders, and free and fair elections for the Cuban people.

<![CDATA[As the Dollar Falls, Foreign Nationals Shop for U.S. Firms]]> Fri, 20 Jun 2008 14:17:21 -0400 Foreign nationals flock to the United States to buy not only iPods, laptops and other goods but also U.S. companies. Consumer purchases are driven by the low exchange rate of the U.S. dollar. Foreign investors also have other reason to buy American.

<![CDATA[South Caucasus Should Follow European Path, Says Fried]]> Thu, 19 Jun 2008 10:55:25 -0400 America is dedicated to advancing the “frontiers of freedom” to Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia by helping them resolve conflicts and build democratic institutions that will let them share in the peace and prosperity enjoyed by others since the end of the Cold War, says America’s top diplomat for Europe.   

<![CDATA[Report Finds Hong Kong and Singapore Most Open to Foreign Trade]]> Wed, 18 Jun 2008 15:18:14 -0400 Hong Kong and Singapore are the most open to foreign trade of all the world's countries and entities, according to a new report. It ranks 118 countries on how well they enable the free flow of goods and investments. The report calls openness to international trade part of a "successful economic development strategy."

<![CDATA[United States Plans New Travel Procedures for 27 Countries]]> Tue, 17 Jun 2008 08:03:32 -0400 Beginning January 12, 2009, travelers to the United States from 22 countries in Europe and five in the Asia-Pacific region currently exempt from certain U.S. visa requirements will be using a new online travel authorization process intended to determine whether they are law enforcement or security risks.

<![CDATA[Abraham Lincoln, Russian Czar Focus of Bicentennial Exhibition]]> Tue, 17 Jun 2008 18:52:55 -0400 During the U.S. Civil War, Russia and the United States advanced different but compatible foreign and domestic agendas.  A joint U.S.-Russian exhibit touring the United States in honor of President Lincoln’s bicentennial birthday explores early U.S.-Russian ties.

<![CDATA[Two Phoenix Lander Instruments Begin Examining Martian Dirt]]> Mon, 16 Jun 2008 18:23:21 -0400 For the first time since NASA’s Viking missions in 1976, soil samples are being examined inside instruments on Mars. Less than a month after the Phoenix settled onto the Red Planet’s arctic plains, its robotic arm has delivered soil to two instruments on the lander’s deck for analysis.

<![CDATA[U.S.-Russia Nuclear Pact Looks to Further Cooperation]]> Mon, 16 Jun 2008 17:12:34 -0400 The new “123 Agreement” with Russia presents an opportunity for two former nuclear rivals to share peaceful nuclear technology and combat nuclear proliferation, a senior U.S. State Department official says. Allowed would be the transfer of technology, material and equipment under strict controls.

<![CDATA[Guantanamo Detainees Win Right to Challenge Their Detention]]> Fri, 13 Jun 2008 20:30:29 -0400 Individuals detained as illegal combatants in the U.S. Navy base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have a constitutional right to challenge their detention, the U.S. Supreme Court rules. President Bush says his administration will study the decision to determine whether new legislation is needed.

<![CDATA[On Berlin Airlift Anniversary, “Sweet” Memories of Support Remain]]> Fri, 13 Jun 2008 17:58:43 -0400 When American planes filled the skies of blockaded Berlin 60 years ago, dropping much-needed supplies such as food and coal, one pilot’s parachutes carried a different cargo. Chocolate, candy and chewing gum fell from the plane of Gail Halvorsen in his one-man effort to sweeten the lives of the city’s children.

<![CDATA[Marshall Plan Holds Lessons for Middle East, Says Bush]]> Fri, 13 Jun 2008 17:30:27 -0400 As the Marshall Plan brought new hope to the people of postwar Europe, a new generation on both sides of the Atlantic must now come together to support others seeking peace and prosperity through democracy. “Europe and America must stand with reformers and democratic leaders,” President Bush says.

<![CDATA[U.S. Companies, Aid Agencies Fighting HIV/AIDS in Russia]]> Fri, 13 Jun 2008 15:49:56 -0400 A growing HIV/AIDS epidemic in Russia is being fought by a coalition of governments, nongovernmental organizations and business.  Complicating the struggle is the emergence of multidrug-resistance tuberculosis. Nearly 60 percent of those who recently have died from HIV/AIDS also had TB.

<![CDATA[U.S. First Lady Says Food Crisis Demands Global Response]]> Thu, 12 Jun 2008 17:54:16 -0400 Meeting people's basic need for food demands a global response as rising commodity and freight costs, devastating natural disasters and the ravages of conflict combine to threaten lives and livelihoods, first lady Laura Bush tells the World Food Programme’s executive board in Rome.

<![CDATA[Eastern Europe Improves Its Status as U.S. Trade Partner]]> Wed, 11 Jun 2008 10:16:49 -0400 U.S. trade with Eastern Europe, though still lagging behind that with the western part of the continent, is growing steadily and at a high rate since the region’s transition from a command to a market-driven economic model.

<![CDATA[Bush Visits Europe 60 Years After Marshall Plan]]> Wed, 11 Jun 2008 18:53:10 -0400 When President Bush touched down in Slovenia for his last major visit to Europe, he set foot on a continent that has reinvented itself. From the devastation of World War II to the thriving EU community of today, Europe has experienced a renewal with that has roots 60 years ago in the American Marshall Plan.

<![CDATA[Bush, European Leaders Support Additional Iran Sanctions]]> Tue, 10 Jun 2008 11:34:02 -0400 European leaders at the U.S.-EU Summit in Slovenia have agreed to a proposal to consider expanded sanctions on Iran, including greater restrictions on its banking industry, in an effort to restrain Iran's nuclear development program.

<![CDATA[Stanley Cup Is a Hockey Tradition]]> Tue, 10 Jun 2008 12:15:50 -0400 Detroit Red Wings captain Nicklas Lidstrom was the first European captain to lead an NHL team to victory in the Stanley Cup finals.  The victorious captain will take the Stanley Cup back to Sweden as part of a traditional day with the cup accorded to each player from the winning team.

<![CDATA[Afghan Government Charts Challenges Ahead at Paris Conference]]> Mon, 09 Jun 2008 17:26:36 -0400 Expanding security, confronting the influence of narcotics and corruption and coordinating international aid more effectively are expected to top the agenda as representatives from 80 nations and international organizations meet in Paris for the International Conference in Support of Afghanistan.

<![CDATA[Greek Activist Ventures into Brothels to Save Victims]]> Fri, 06 Jun 2008 13:14:56 -0400 It’s far from easy, but a Greek woman manages to get past guards and brothel owners to reach young women who are trafficking victims to tell them how to gain their freedom.

<![CDATA[Frenchman Protects Dreams of Hopeful Young Soccer Players]]> Fri, 06 Jun 2008 11:50:09 -0400 Young, aspiring African soccer players can fall prey to fraudulent recruiters. Jean Claude Mbvoumin works to prevent their dreams from turning into nightmares.

<![CDATA[World Entrepreneur of Year Borrows Attitude From Silicon Valley]]> Thu, 05 Jun 2008 16:32:50 -0400 Dr. Jean-Paul Clozel , a French cardiologist, wins this year's World Entrepreneur title from Ernst & Young for creating a biotechnology company and developing a drug to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension. "People are living a much longer life. Many of the first patients are still alive," he says.

<![CDATA[United States Cites Moldova for Failure to Stop Human Trafficking]]> Thu, 05 Jun 2008 13:23:29 -0400 Moldova’s failure to investigate official government involvement in trafficking, and concerns about trafficking in Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Montenegro, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, are cited in theState Department’s 2008 Trafficking in Persons Report. There are 750,000 Moldovans working abroad as trafficking victims.

<![CDATA[U.S., Europe Need Collective Energy Security Strategy]]> Fri, 30 May 2008 17:09:47 -0400 It is critical that European countries develop a unified policy that promotes the diversification of its sources of energy, particularly with countries of the Caspian Basin, Central Asia, and eventually with Iraq.

<![CDATA[Mother Turns Personal Tragedy into a National Mission]]> Fri, 30 May 2008 11:24:58 -0400 Personal tragedy engendered a movement to help Lithuanian girls escape the enticements of human traffickers. Ona Gustiene has formed a search and counseling center for trafficking victims, their families and at-risk girls. She also has set up a cooperative agreement with the Lithuanian government to help families of trafficking victims.

<![CDATA[U.S.-EU Aviation Talks Bring Prospect of Broader Markets]]> Tue, 27 May 2008 16:38:13 -0400 The United States in partnership with the European Union wants to negotiate a multilateral agreement to make cross-border investment in airlines easier. Breaking down “the sticky spider’s web” of restrictions in bilateral agreements would remove a major hindrance to such an investment.

<![CDATA[International Satellite Will Monitor Global Sea-level Rise]]> Thu, 22 May 2008 10:57:49 -0400 A satellite that will help scientists monitor rises in global sea level, study ocean circulation, and improve weather and climate forecasts will launch June 15. Mission partners include NASA, France’s Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales and the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites.

<![CDATA[Three Young Women Win Top Awards at International Science Fair]]> Tue, 20 May 2008 10:33:21 -0400 Three 17-year-old girls win top awards at the 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. More than 1,500 students from 51 countries competed for more than $4 million in awards and scholarships, making this fair the world’s largest. Some entrants have applied to patent their work, or intend to.

<![CDATA[A Rural Nurse Turns Activist in Macedonia]]> Tue, 13 May 2008 18:07:49 -0400 Thanks to the decades-long work of Xhane Kreshova, women in rural villages in Macedonia have better opportunities for paid work, health care and education. In her continuing fight against the many prejudices against women, Kreshova says: “I want women to walk alongside men.”

<![CDATA[U.S.-Russian Relations Reflect Differences, Concerns and Promise]]> Fri, 09 May 2008 18:01:49 -0400 U.S. and Russian relations have notable concerns, but also a degree of promise.  And the United States looks forward to working with the new administration of President Dmitry Medvedev, says a senior U.S. diplomat.  The relationship will be guided by the Strategic Framework Declaration.

<![CDATA[Discovery to Deliver Heart of Japanese Lab to Space Station]]> Fri, 09 May 2008 15:10:55 -0400 When Discovery launches May 31, the STS-124 mission to the space station will carry the centerpiece of Japan’s laboratory complex and reach a milestone in NASA’s restructuring of its space shuttle program after the 2003 loss of Columbia. Ten flights remain until the shuttle is retired in the summer of 2010.

<![CDATA[United States, Russia Sign Civil Nuclear Pact]]> Tue, 06 May 2008 15:50:28 -0400 Once nuclear rivals but today partners, the United States and Russia sign a pact allowing development of nuclear energy for civilian purposes and strengthening efforts to prevent nuclear proliferation. The agreement is signed by U.S. Ambassador William Burns and Rosatom Director Sergey Kiriyenko May 6 in Moscow.

<![CDATA[Rice Urges Arab States to Do More to Help Palestinians]]> Fri, 02 May 2008 11:27:28 -0400 As Mideast peace talks continue, nations must join the United States in efforts to improve the daily lives of Palestinians and help them to build a future state, says Secretary of State Rice. Countries with resources and an interest in the establishment of a Palestinian state need to provide those resources now, she says.

<![CDATA[Human Rights Concerns Prompt Continued U.S. Sanctions on Belarus]]> Fri, 02 May 2008 18:41:11 -0400 Belarusian youth activists meeting U.S. officials in Washington hear that the recent expulsion of U.S. diplomats from Minsk will not succeed in ending economic sanctions that were imposed to encourage democratic reforms.  The activists are participating in a State Department international visitors program.

<![CDATA[New Intercountry Adoption Standards Implemented in United States]]> Thu, 01 May 2008 11:34:31 -0400 Following the entry in force in the United States of the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption, the U.S. departments of State and Homeland Security implement new procedures to help ensure that foreign children being adopted into the United States receive the highest level of protection.

<![CDATA[Press Training Changing Slowly in Russia, Journalist Finds]]> Thu, 01 May 2008 09:54:12 -0400 In Russia, journalism education remains rooted in the nation’s Soviet past, but change is coming, says S. Adam Cardais of the Global Journalist. He discusses how the Russian journalism education system has changed some since the fall of the Soviet Union and lays out the reforms he believes must still be undertaken.

<![CDATA[Long-term Approach to Food Aid Problems Necessary, Rice Says]]> Wed, 30 Apr 2008 08:11:02 -0400 An integrated approach to dealing with food aid problems can help avert future food crises, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says. America needs to be able to purchase food in regions where it is most likely to be needed. Local purchasing would drive down transportation costs and be good for markets seeking local goods, she says.

<![CDATA[United States, Russia Building New Economic Partnerships]]> Tue, 29 Apr 2008 14:22:44 -0400 On September 6, 2007, Muscovite Alyona Mikhailova made history by ordering a cappuccino, the first order taken at the first Starbucks coffee shop in Russia. For government officials and business leaders attending the new U.S.-Russia Economic Dialogue in Washington, it also signified their countries' deepening and expanding trade ties.

<![CDATA[Sergeant Grodzka Mixes Courage with Compassion and Inspiration]]> Tue, 29 Apr 2008 13:24:45 -0400 Elzbieta Grodzka, a nurse with four combat tours in Iraq with the Polish Land Forces, proves that courage, compassion and inspiration can co-exist nicely, as can marriage, motherhood and a career in the military. Because of her courage and leadership in Iraq, she was nominated for the 2008 International Women of Courage Award.

<![CDATA[Continuing Intellectual Property Piracy in Russia Raises Concern]]> Mon, 28 Apr 2008 15:56:04 -0400 Russia is named a “priority” country in a report on the inadequacy of intellectual property rights protection. Trade law allows the United States to retaliate against countries discriminating against its products and services. U.S. officials plan to monitor Russia on the issue as Russia seeks admission to the World Trade Organization.

<![CDATA[United States Reducing Nuclear Weapons at an Extraordinary Pace]]> Fri, 25 Apr 2008 16:24:29 -0400 The three presidential candidates support nuclear arms cuts and strengthening the 1970 treaty governing nuclear nonproliferation. Current officials say the United States has the lowest level of operationally deployed strategic nuclear weapons since the 1950s after having retired or eliminated 13 types of nuclear weapons since 1992.

<![CDATA[American University in Kosovo Training New Generation of Leaders]]> Thu, 24 Apr 2008 16:02:51 -0400 Kosovo is not only Europe’s newest country, but, with a population whose average age is just 22, its youngest.  The American University in Kosovo is helping the new nation develop its economy and civil society by training the next generation of entrepreneurs and leaders to take full advantage of Kosovo’s potential.

<![CDATA[Forty-Year-Old Nonproliferation Treaty Under a Microscope]]> Thu, 24 Apr 2008 18:47:02 -0400 Nations that are party to the 1970 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty will gather in Switzerland for two weeks beginning April 28 to discuss the status of the venerable treaty regime.  It will be the second of three meetings before they must make formal recommendations about the NPT during a review in 2010.

<![CDATA[Public-Private Partnerships Foster Innovative Solutions]]> Thu, 24 Apr 2008 15:41:01 -0400 What would you do if you were offered $1 million to build a robot vehicle that could drive at speed, park, avoid pedestrians and cars driven by professional racers, and obey traffic laws?  A Virginia Tech student jumped at the chance to team with professional engineers outfitting a car with electronics and computers to do just that.

<![CDATA[Activist Helps Women Immigrants in Finland]]> Tue, 22 Apr 2008 10:34:35 -0400 The life of a woman immigrant can be very difficult, especially in Finland.  But Raija Ala-Lipasti is working to raise public awareness for immigrant women and political asylum seekers in Finland through her work as the executive director of Turku Women’s Center, an independent nongovernmental organization run by and for women.

<![CDATA[U.S. Adopters of Foreign Orphans Undergo Tough Scrutiny]]> Tue, 22 Apr 2008 08:53:56 -0400 The United States adopts more children from abroad than all other countries combined. This is because of a culture of adoption in America, where a child does not have to be genetically linked to its parents to be loved, experts say. Strong institutional safeguards protecting children’s rights and well-being also play a role.

<![CDATA[U.S. Wants Full Accounting of North Korea's Nuclear Programs]]> Thu, 17 Apr 2008 11:38:21 -0400 The Six-Party Talks with North Korea over its nuclear weapons program have shown progress, but there is still reason for caution and skepticism. The United States and its partners require "a full account from North Korea of all its nuclear programs, including uranium and nuclear proliferation activities," Secretary Condoleezza Rice says.

<![CDATA[Bush, Great Britain’s Brown Call for New Iran Sanctions]]> Thu, 17 Apr 2008 11:24:18 -0400 New international sanctions are needed to convince Iran to suspend its controversial nuclear program, join international talks and benefit from a standing offer of support for a civil nuclear program, say President Bush and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown at a joint press conference in Washington.

<![CDATA[Food Crisis Has Long-Term Global Challenges, Rice Says]]> Thu, 17 Apr 2008 14:00:03 -0400 President Bush is seeking an additional $350 million from Congress to provide immediate emergency food assistance, but the current food crisis has long-term global challenges, says Secretary Condoleezza Rice.  "We need to encourage farmers and transporters, markets and governments to meet this urgent worldwide challenge," she says.

<![CDATA[Bush Orders $200 Million for Emergency Food Relief]]> Tue, 15 Apr 2008 12:43:45 -0400 Responding aggressively to a worsening global food crisis, President Bush orders some $200 million in emergency U.S. food assistance to address the impact of rising commodity prices on U.S. emergency food aid programs, meet unanticipated food aid needs in Africa and elsewhere, and help relieve political instability in some regions.

<![CDATA[Rising Global Food Prices Likely to Continue, Say Experts]]> Mon, 14 Apr 2008 14:10:15 -0400 Sharply rising costs for food staples and fuel are leading to deadly clashes in impoverished countries and likely will continue for some time, international experts say. Rising prices are attributed to a combination of factors, including reduced production, low food stocks, drought and higher energy and transportation costs.

<![CDATA[Former Soviet States Taking Tough Actions to Open Economies]]> Mon, 14 Apr 2008 11:06:14 -0400 Ukraine’s parliament ratifies the protocols to become a member of the World Trade Organization, making it the eighth former Soviet state to join. Other former Soviet states that are members are Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Georgia, Armenia, Moldova and the Kyrgyz Republic. Russia also has applied for membership, which could come in 2008.

<![CDATA[Bush Administration Seeks $37 Billion To Bolster Diplomacy]]> Thu, 10 Apr 2008 12:11:52 -0400 President Bush is seeking more than $37 billion from Congress in fiscal year 2009 spending to strengthen U.S. diplomacy by helping countries build democracy, recover from conflicts and improve lives and livelihoods by confronting disease and poverty.  Speaking before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, Secretary Rice outlines key priorities.

<![CDATA[Even Finland Needs Women’s Rights Activists]]> Thu, 10 Apr 2008 12:07:45 -0400 Women in Finland were the first in Europe to win the right to vote, but even there women’s rights still need a champion. Activist Ulla Anttila, a former member of the Finnish Parliament, works to combat human trafficking and support the rights of the disabled.

<![CDATA[United States Seeks to Advance Economic Partnership with Russia]]> Tue, 08 Apr 2008 10:09:32 -0400 U.S. officials are optimistic that an improved U.S.-Russian economic relationship is in the offing. “We acknowledge the great potential for expanding bilateral trade and investment and the significant benefits this would bring to both our economies,” says a document issued after talks between President Bush and Russian President Putin.

<![CDATA[NATO Summit Concludes with Commitments for Future Work]]> Mon, 07 Apr 2008 18:16:39 -0400 NATO transacted important business during its 59th summit in Romania that goes well beyond extending membership invitations to Albania and Croatia. The alliance affirmed its shared, long-term commitment to Afghanistan by agreeing to a comprehensive political-military strategic plan endorsed by its members and by NATO security partners.

<![CDATA[Bush, Putin Chart Course Ahead for U.S.-Russian Relations]]> Mon, 07 Apr 2008 18:06:56 -0400 President Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin chart the course ahead for their successors in their final presidential meeting, including steps toward a missile defense system jointly operated by Europe, Russia, and the United States. Bush and Putin also agree to step up talks on building a jointly managed regional missile defense system.

<![CDATA[U.N. Chief Pledges Long-Term Effort in Afghanistan]]> Fri, 04 Apr 2008 17:41:16 -0400 The United Nations will not leave Afghanistan as long as its presence is needed by the Afghan people, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says at the NATO Summit in Romania. Ban also expresses confidence in the new strategy NATO has developed to give its International Security Assistance Force a more comprehensive approach in Afghanistan.

<![CDATA[NATO-Russia Council Concludes 2008 Bucharest Summit]]> Fri, 04 Apr 2008 17:18:46 -0400 NATO leaders and Russian President Vladimir Putin reaffirm areas of security cooperation, including airspace management, civil emergency planning, scientific cooperation and environmental security, and Russia announces that it will open a new shipping corridor through its territory for nonmilitary goods in support of NATO’s mission in Afghanistan.

<![CDATA[NATO Foreign Ministers to Reconsider Ukraine's Membership]]> Fri, 04 Apr 2008 15:33:55 -0400 NATO leaders say that Ukraine's request to join the security alliance will be reconsidered at a foreign ministers’ meeting in December. A post-meeting communiqué of the NATO-Ukraine Commission says it "agreed that Ukraine will become a member of NATO." President Bush has announced U.S. support of both Ukraine and Georgia for membership.

<![CDATA[Cooperation Often Overlooked in U.S.-Russian Relations]]> Fri, 04 Apr 2008 14:44:49 -0400 From his first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Slovakia in 2001 to what will likely be his final official visit with the Russian leader in the Black Sea coastal resort of Sochi, President Bush has stressed the importance of building a close connection while navigating the complex relationship between Washington and Moscow.

<![CDATA[NATO Welcomes Albania and Croatia to Alliance]]> Thu, 03 Apr 2008 10:53:26 -0400 Leaders from NATO’s 26 member states unanimously welcome Albania and Croatia into the trans-Atlantic alliance, a move that President Bush says will further the cause of freedom and security in Europe. “Both these nations have demonstrated the ability and the willingness to provide strong and enduring contributions to NATO,” Bush says.

<![CDATA[NATO Pledges Long-Term Security Commitment to Afghanistan]]> Thu, 03 Apr 2008 18:00:07 -0400 The 26-nation NATO security alliance has pledged to provide a shared, long-term commitment to the security and economic prosperity of Afghanistan. "In helping the Afghan people build security today, we are defending our basic values we all share," an alliance communiqué says. Afghanistan has been a central issue at the 2008 NATO Summit.

<![CDATA[U.N. Peacekeeping Vital to International Security]]> Thu, 03 Apr 2008 17:29:06 -0400 U.N. peacekeeping operations serve as crucial tools in addressing a wide array of threats to international peace and security, especially where direct military involvement by the United States is not necessary or appropriate, a senior U.S. diplomat says at a congressional hearing on U.S. support and funding for such operations.

<![CDATA[Czech Republic, U.S. Agree to Missile Defense Radar Installation]]> Thu, 03 Apr 2008 14:56:04 -0400 Advanced tracking radar technology -- key to protecting central European nations against long-range ballistic missiles launched from trouble spots -- will be installed in the Czech Republic by 2012, according to a joint U.S.-Czech communiqué issued during the 59th NATO Summit in Bucharest, Romania.

<![CDATA[NATO Securing a Future of Freedom, Bush Says]]> Wed, 02 Apr 2008 16:43:02 -0400 As a community of democracies, NATO has helped Europe become a continent that is whole, free and at peace, but alliance members -- “no longer a static alliance focused on defending Europe from a Soviet tank invasion” -- must work to meet the security challenges of the 21st century, President Bush says on the eve of the 2008 NATO Summit.

<![CDATA[NATO Expansion Decisions Rooted in Shared Democratic Values]]> Wed, 02 Apr 2008 16:40:30 -0400 As Albania, Croatia and the Republic of Macedonia look ahead to membership at the Bucharest, Romania, NATO Summit, a review of NATO’s expansion shows how the organization has remained true to its roots as a security alliance based on shared democratic values while meeting changing security challenges, experts say.

<![CDATA[Protecting Space Environment Remains a Critical U.S. Interest]]> Wed, 02 Apr 2008 16:03:34 -0400 As outer space becomes increasingly vital to economic prosperity and international security, there is a growing need for finding new ways to deal with debris caused by rocket explosions and anti-satellite testing of past decades, a U.S. official tells a U.N. meeting in Geneva.

<![CDATA[U.S. Supports NATO Membership for Ukraine and Georgia]]> Tue, 01 Apr 2008 10:51:19 -0400 Ukraine and Georgia can count on U.S. support when they make an initial bid for NATO membership at the 2008 Summit being held in Bucharest, Romania, President Bush says.  "I think it's in our interests as NATO members, and I think it's in Ukrainian and Georgian interests, as well," he tells Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko April 1.

<![CDATA[Cassini Spacecraft Finds Basic Conditions for Life on Enceladus]]> Tue, 01 Apr 2008 16:01:08 -0400 NASA’s Cassini spacecraft discovers that Saturn’s moon Enceladus has the three basic requirements for the origins of life: water, organic compounds and a source of heat. The spacecraft studied Enceladus’ composition during a March 12 flyby that took it within 50 kilometers of the moon’s surface. The next flyby will take place in August.

<![CDATA[Bush Accepts Putin’s Invitation for Talks in Russia]]> Fri, 28 Mar 2008 14:09:45 -0400 President Bush will hold talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin after Bush attends the upcoming NATO Summit in Bucharest, Romania. In the April 6 meeting, the two leaders are expected to discuss missile defense and the future of U.S.-Russian relations.

<![CDATA[Delegates to Upcoming NATO Summit Face Full Agenda]]> Thu, 27 Mar 2008 17:05:35 -0400 Like NATO summits of the past, the 2008 meeting in Romania, is composed of familiar elements -- consensus building, defining priorities, creating messages and laying the foundation for the future.  But it is also about shared values and common goals. looks at the official agenda for the summit and at meetings and related activities.

<![CDATA[U.S. Supports Albania, Croatia, Macedonia for NATO Membership]]> Tue, 25 Mar 2008 13:22:40 -0400 NATO expansion has been a major success in enhancing the trans-Atlantic security alliance and in promoting democratic institutions and challenging corrupt practices that inhibit economic development, says a senior U.S. diplomat.  These successes would be enhanced by bringing Albania, Croatia and Macedonia into the alliance, he adds.

<![CDATA[NATO Action Plan Leads to Alliance Membership]]> Tue, 25 Mar 2008 13:21:34 -0400 NATO has an established route for aspiring members of the security alliance. They must be able to show that they can further the principles of the 1949 treaty that created NATO and contribute to security in the Euro-Atlantic area, as well as meet certain political, economic and military goals laid out in the 1995 Study on NATO Enlargement.

<![CDATA[United States Seeks Negotiations on Weapons Treaty]]> Wed, 19 Mar 2008 08:00:26 -0400 The United States is seeking agreement in the Conference on Disarmament to negotiate a treaty that would ban production of fissile material used to make nuclear weapons and other explosive devices. Such a measure would enhance international security, says U.S. disarmament conference representative Christina Rocca.

<![CDATA[What Kosovo Means for the Muslim World]]> Fri, 14 Mar 2008 17:21:37 -0400 “To be able to secure a Muslim-majority state inside the European whole is a terrific signal that the Muslim world and the non-Muslim word can live side by side in peace and cooperation,” says U.S. Special Envoy for Kosovo Frank Wisner in an interview.

<![CDATA[NATO Is Confronting New Responsibilities in a New Era]]> Wed, 12 Mar 2008 18:46:59 -0400 NATO's mission today essentially is unchanged from the day it was founded -- providing for the defense of its members.  "But how NATO fulfills this mission is evolving," Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Fried tells a Senate hearing called to examine NATO expansion and effectiveness of the alliance leading up to the April 2-4 NATO summit.

<![CDATA[Missile Development, Proliferation Among Top U.S. Concerns]]> Tue, 11 Mar 2008 18:37:14 -0400 The heightened threat from advanced missile technology and the proliferation of missiles among countries of security concern are the major reasons the United States is pursuing a missile defense system, says a senior U.S. diplomat. The debate over a missile defense shield in Europe will be a featured issue at the NATO Summit April 2-4.

<![CDATA[Spectacular Night Launch Sends Japan, Canada Devices to Station]]> Tue, 11 Mar 2008 09:59:27 -0400 Two space-faring vessels now are taking equipment and astronauts to the International Space Station. Endeavour left Florida in a spectacular night launch on March 11. On March 9, the Jules Verne, the first of the European Space Agency’s automated transfer vehicles, launched from Europe’s Guiana Space Centre.

<![CDATA[Kosovan Activist Defies Ethnic Hatreds To Rebuild Civic Society]]> Mon, 10 Mar 2008 11:42:38 -0400 Optimism and trust are in short supply in Mitrovica, a city in northern Kosovo, where the Ibar River divides ethnic Serbs from ethnic Albanians, but human rights activist Valdete Idrizi, herself displaced by the violence that has racked Kosovo, defies ethnic hatreds and reaches out to bridge the divide.

<![CDATA[NATO Is a Democratic Community Anchored in Shared Values]]> Fri, 07 Mar 2008 09:45:16 -0400 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Kurt Volker provides a preview of the Bucharest NATO Summit in April.

<![CDATA[Equipment from Japan, Canada To Launch with Shuttle on March 11]]> Thu, 06 Mar 2008 17:25:13 -0400 Space shuttle Endeavour’s March 11 mission will represent contributions of all five space station partners -- the United States, Japan, Canada, Russia and the European Space Agency. “Since … the day we launched the first piece of the International Space Station, our partnership has been looking forward to this flight,” a NASA official says.

<![CDATA[U.S. Expects Constructive Relationship with New Russian Leader]]> Tue, 04 Mar 2008 10:52:37 -0400 The United States looks forward to working with Russian President-elect Dmitri Medvedev. “It's in our mutual interest for Russia and the United States to work together on areas of common interest such as non-proliferation, counterterrorism and combating transnational crime,” White House deputy press secretary Gordon Johndroe says.

<![CDATA[NATO Summit to Address Afghan Strategy, Enlargement]]> Mon, 03 Mar 2008 09:46:39 -0400 NATO is committed to helping the Afghan people realize complete security, economic prosperity and political progress, and to keeping the alliance a relevant force for security and peace. These principles form the centerpiece of strategic talks between President Bush and NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer during a White House meeting.

<![CDATA[Rice Looks at U.S. Diplomacy in the 21st Century]]> Fri, 29 Feb 2008 19:32:35 -0400 The rapid international movement of information, money, technology and people -- commonly referred to as globalization -- is transforming the world and geopolitics, says Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, by empowering those nations that can seize its benefits and revealing the weaknesses of those that cannot.

<![CDATA[United States Will Not Support Any Effort To Partition Kosovo]]> Fri, 29 Feb 2008 18:00:53 -0400 The United States will not support any effort to partition newly independent Kosovo, Under Secretary of State Nicholas Burns says during a briefing at the Foreign Press Center.  Burns also discusses efforts to complete a U.S.-India civil nuclear accord, and a possible new U.N. resolution to sanction Iran.

<![CDATA[First U.S. Envoy to Organization of the Islamic Conference Named]]> Wed, 27 Feb 2008 13:46:05 -0400 President Bush has appointed high-tech executive Sada Cumber as America’s first special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference.  “The core of his mission is to explain to the Islamic world that America is a friend -- a friend of freedom, a friend of peace,” Bush says after a meeting with Cumber.

<![CDATA[International Partners Create Database for Renewable Energy]]> Fri, 22 Feb 2008 19:35:50 -0400 An international program, the Solar and Wind Energy Resource Assessment, created to help 13 developing nations understand the extent of their solar and wind energy resources is expanding geographically and adding other renewable energy information to its free and growing public database.

<![CDATA[Bush Hails Kosovo Independence]]> Tue, 19 Feb 2008 17:53:25 -0400 Pledging to work with Kosovo for a peaceful transition to independence, President Bush says, "Kosovo committed itself to the highest standards of democracy, including freedom and tolerance and justice for citizens of all ethnic backgrounds.  These are principles that honor human dignity; they are values America looks for in a friend."

<![CDATA[United States Recognizes Kosovo as Independent State]]> Mon, 18 Feb 2008 14:42:55 -0400 The United States formally recognizes Kosovo as a sovereign and independent state February 18. “In light of the conflicts of the 1990s, independence is the only viable option to promote stability in the region," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says. Kosovo has been a U.N. protectorate since 1999 policed by 16,000 NATO-led forces.

<![CDATA[U.S. Consulting with European Partners on Kosovo Independence]]> Sun, 17 Feb 2008 09:37:44 -0400 The United States welcomes the Kosovo government's commitment to implement the far-reaching provisions of a U.N. plan that includes supervised independence and protection for ethnic and religious communities, a senior U.S. official says.  The Kosovo parliament formally declared its independence February 17 in Pristina.

<![CDATA[United States Mourns California Congressman Tom Lantos]]> Mon, 11 Feb 2008 14:42:49 -0400 Representative Tom Lantos, chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and a champion of human rights, died February 11. The California congressman’s commitment to human rights was forged when, as a young man in Hungary, he lost nearly his entire family to the Nazis. He is the only Holocaust survivor ever to serve in the U.S. Congress.

<![CDATA[Shuttle Launches To Deliver European Space Agency Lab to Station]]> Thu, 07 Feb 2008 15:38:47 -0400 Atlantis launches through cloud-swept skies carrying the Columbus lab, the European Space Agency’s most important contribution to the International Space Station. “We will be getting science back from the Columbus laboratory within a week or 10 days of its launching,” says Alan Thirkettle, ESA International Space Station program manager.

<![CDATA[European Scholar Views Globalization in Historical Context]]> Mon, 28 Jan 2008 13:01:41 -0400 One of the world's foremost economic historians, Herman Van der Wee, says that globalization is a new word for a old process that has been going on for centuries. In a lecture in Washington, Van der Wee says globalization in Europe began during the civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome.

<![CDATA[America Is Spreading the Hope of Freedom, Bush Says]]> Mon, 28 Jan 2008 11:02:34 -0400 “Our foreign policy is based on a clear premise:  We trust that people, when given the chance, will choose a future of freedom and peace,” President Bush says in his final State of the Union address. Bush also is seeking a boost in U.S. foreign aid funding to help developing countries realize democracy’s benefits.

<![CDATA[NATO’s Stake in Afghanistan Is High, Shortfalls Must Be Met]]> Fri, 25 Jan 2008 10:24:14 -0400 It will take a significant contribution by the international community to ease Afghanistan along a path where it can meet expectations. The coalition of U.S., NATO and Afghan forces has been working diligently to overcome the Taliban and promote security while fostering change in areas ranging from education to anti-corruption.

<![CDATA[Autocratic Powers Partly To Blame for Decline in Global Freedom]]> Thu, 24 Jan 2008 15:57:41 -0400 For the first time in 15 years, the level of global freedom has decreased for two consecutive years, the Freedom House organization notes in its annual report on the issue. The organization cites the role countries such as Russia, China, Iran and Venezuela are playing in undermining pro-democracy movements in neighboring nations.

<![CDATA[Special Fund Aids Albania-U.S. Munitions Destruction Project]]> Thu, 03 Jan 2008 12:05:26 -0400 The recently completed U.S.-Albania munitions destruction project marked another success in the effort for disarmament and nonproliferation of weapons. Safety and environmental concerns were paramount in the project because it involved destroying Albania’s largest and most dangerous stockpile of surplus anti-ship mines, torpedoes and aerial bombs. The project was carried out under the auspices of the State Department’s Nonproliferation and Disarmament Fund.  It is one of many projects the fund selectively tackles.

<![CDATA[Bush Administration Promises "Sprint to the Finish" in 2008]]> Mon, 31 Dec 2007 12:35:10 -0400 In a series of recent interviews, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice discusses several U.S. foreign policy priorities for 2008, the Bush administration's final year in office.  These include keeping up momentum in the Mideast peace process, continuing support for democracy in Lebanon, building on the surge in Iraq, halting controversial nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea, promoting stability in Afghanistan and Pakistan, resolving the status of Kosovo and addressing Russia's concerns over a proposed missile defense system based in Europe.

<![CDATA[American Life, Diversity Explained, Point by Data Point]]> Fri, 21 Dec 2007 13:52:07 -0400 America is changing in big ways.  It’s getting older, and it’s getting more racially and ethnically diverse, the U.S. Census Bureau says in its annual Statistical Abstract of the United States.  The publication, a compendium of data on American life, includes everything from how much Americans volunteer (27 percent of the population volunteers an hour per week) to which U.S. cities are most popular with travelers from abroad (New York wins by far).

<![CDATA[IFES Helps Armenian Elections Move Forward]]> Sat, 01 Dec 2007 11:13:04 -0400 The international community gave Armenia its first positive marks for an election since the country gained independence in 1991 for National Assembly elections held in May 2007. That election, with support from the U.S.-based nongovernmental organization IFES, moved Armenia closer to its goal of conducting elections that meet international standards.

<![CDATA[Criminal Law Reforms in Eurasia Get Boost from U.S. Experts]]> Thu, 01 Nov 2007 16:52:39 -0400 The American Bar Association’s Rule of Law Initiative, which began reaching countries throughout Eastern Europe and Central Asia in the late 1980s and early 1990s, promotes development of advocacy and legal practice skills; adoption of ethical standards for judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys; and establishment of merit-based, transparent entry into legal professions. USINFO looks at this innovative program and the differences it is making in legal systems around the world.

<![CDATA[Top Russian Businesswomen Trade Tips with U.S. Pros]]> Thu, 01 Nov 2007 16:46:43 -0400 A group of 10 successful Russian businesswomen is meeting with U.S. counterparts and officials in Washington, Baltimore and New York to learn how to develop their businesses further, thanks to a program sponsored by the State Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.  In Russia, there are few programs designed to support businesswomen, despite the fact that women-owned businesses are growing faster than those owned by men, program participant Elena Fedyashina says.

<![CDATA[Microsoft, U.S. Agencies Partner To Expand Computer Use Globally]]> Wed, 24 Oct 2007 10:52:24 -0400 The U.S. public and private sectors are partnering to promote the use of computer technology in development around the world, especially in such areas as economic growth, governance, education and youth employment. The five-year, public-private partnership among the U.S. Agency for International Development, the U.S President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, Millennium Challenge Corporation and Microsoft Corporation aims to "catalyze the global community to address the diverse social and business challenges faced by those who currently receive few or no benefits from technology," according to an joint press release.

<![CDATA[U.S., U.K. Efforts To Stabilize Iraq-Turkey Border Intensify]]> Tue, 23 Oct 2007 13:25:36 -0400 Stepped-up diplomatic efforts to reduce tensions along Iraq's northern border with Turkey after cross-border attacks by the terrorist group Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) are the focus of a meeting between Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and British Foreign Secretary David Miliband. President Bush also contacts Turkish President Abdullah Gul and Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to discuss ways that the two countries could work to halt the PKK’s terrorist threat.

<![CDATA[Georgians, Americans Plan Steps To Protect Intellectual Property]]> Fri, 05 Oct 2007 13:08:41 -0400 Representatives from Georgia and the United States participating in a recent videoconference agree to work toward establishing a Georgian government point-person to enforce intellectual property protection laws in Georgia and to publicize clear steps for complainants. One key project will be to develop a simple “road map” -- either a brochure or Web site with clear steps laid out -- that tells intellectual property holders how to proceed if their rights have been violated in Georgia. Intellectual property rights protection is critical if Georgia's small, innovative industries are to flourish, U.S. officials say.

<![CDATA[Stable Afghanistan Vital to Central Asia, Europe, United States]]> Thu, 27 Sep 2007 17:03:38 -0400 The United States and its European allies are cooperating to stabilize and develop Afghanistan in a joint mission that is vital to Europe, the United States and Central Asia. A NATO spokesman says the defining contribution of the international community will be "roads, hospitals, schools, thriving markets, healthy children, wheat-filled fields, decent policemen and competent administrators." Kurt Volker, U.S. principal deputy secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, says, "We are making real progress in Afghanistan and, together, we and the Afghan people will succeed."

<![CDATA[Wildfire Assistance to Greece Part of Larger U.S. Effort]]> Wed, 12 Sep 2007 16:54:52 -0400 The United States is helping Greece recover from disastrous wildfires as part of a broader U.S. effort to support countries in distress. “Wherever there are friends and allies that suffer disasters such as this, we always try to look at how we can be helpful,” says Kurt Volker, principal deputy assistant secretary of state for Europe at the U.S. State Department. In 2006, the U.S. Agency for International Development responded to 74 emergencies in 55 countries where more than 150 million people were affected by natural disasters.

<![CDATA[Ecotourism Project Promotes Conservation in Bulgaria]]> Mon, 10 Sep 2007 12:48:09 -0400 Adventure seekers, nature lovers and outdoor sports enthusiasts are finding a new vacation destination. “Ecotourism: Naturally Bulgaria” is the slogan for a sustainable tourism program that is promoting Bulgaria as a desirable travel destination and an attractive investment opportunity.  A program of the U.S. Agency for International Development helped Bulgaria capitalize on its natural resources -- mountains, beaches and extensive wilderness areas -- to increase the number of tourists, the spending per tourist and the percentage of tourism-generated revenue that stayed in Bulgaria.

<![CDATA[Radiation-Monitoring Stations Set Up at Russian Borders]]> Fri, 06 Jul 2007 12:31:50 -0400 The United States, in close cooperation with Russia, is spending billions of dollars to account for and secure Russian nuclear materials to keep the world safe from acts of nuclear terrorism. During the Cold War, it would have been difficult to imagine two nuclear superpowers cooperating on such a sensitive issue.  But Russia and the United States have been working together since 1998 to put radiation sensors at key transit points – Russian ports, boarder crossings, international airports and key train and road intersections.

<![CDATA[Bush, Russia’s Putin Signal Cooperation on Nuclear Energy Aid]]> Tue, 03 Jul 2007 12:35:03 -0400 President Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin signal a new spirit of cooperation on the peaceful use and spread of nuclear energy with a proposal to help the international community generate nuclear power. The Declaration on Nuclear Energy and Nonproliferation Joint Actions outlines a framework for the global sharing of nuclear expertise and technical assistance and follows extended U.S.-Russian talks on working with the international community to expand the safe use of nuclear energy.

<![CDATA[Afghan Drug Trade Closely Linked to Taliban Insurgency]]> Tue, 26 Jun 2007 15:41:31 -0400 The drug trade in southern Afghanistan is related closely to the Taliban insurgency, and the Afghan government needs increasing support from NATO and international troops to help fight opium and heroin trafficking, U.S. and British counternarcotics officials say. Poppy crops have been reduced significantly or eliminated in much of northern and eastern Afghanistan, where governors and local leaders, often coordinating with the Afghan government, have worked hard to stop the drug trade, according to John Walters, director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy.

<![CDATA[Sustainable Community Funds Benefit Bulgarian Communities]]> Fri, 22 Jun 2007 16:51:19 -0400 <![CDATA[United States Should Voice Concerns to Russia, Official Says]]> Thu, 21 Jun 2007 13:16:05 -0400 The United States and Russia share many similar foreign policy goals, but need to continue to find new and better ways to talk through differences on security issues and views on democratic progress, Daniel Fried, assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, tells senators. “Our strategic approach to Russia means that we defend and advance our interests while building on areas of common concern,” Fried says.  “It means we must find the right balance between realism about Russia and the higher realism of commitment to defend and advance our values.”

<![CDATA[Azeri Radar Would Not Replace Czech Anti-Missile Site, U.S. Says]]> Fri, 15 Jun 2007 13:24:35 -0400 NATO’s 26 nations agree to assess by February 2008 the political and military implications of missile-defense systems in Europe, and U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates says alliance members have voiced no criticism of the U.S. portion of the plan. Gates also tells reporters in Brussels, Belgium, that an Azerbaijan radar site, proposed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, would complement, not replace, an anti-missile radar system the United States is negotiating to build in the Czech Republic.

<![CDATA[U.S. Seeks “Creative Compromise” To Keep Russia in Key Pact]]> Thu, 14 Jun 2007 13:28:25 -0400 The United States and other European nations want to address “seriously and creatively” Russia’s concerns over the future of the Conventional Forces Europe Treaty, one of history’s most successful arms control agreements, a senior U.S. diplomat says. “There is no point in returning to a rhetorical arms race and every point in maintaining and strengthening this very successful arms control regime,” the State Department’s Daniel Fried tells reporters in Vienna, Austria. “We’re hopeful that some creative way forward can be found.”

<![CDATA[White House Welcomes Russian Missile Defense Offer]]> Thu, 07 Jun 2007 12:48:58 -0400 President Bush welcomes an offer from Russian President Vladimir Putin that could transform a dispute over a proposed European missile defense system into a new partnership opportunity for Washington and Moscow. Meeting on the sidelines of the Group of Eight Summit in Germany, Putin proposes sharing data from a Soviet-era air-defense radar system operated by Russia in Azerbaijan, and Bush pledges further discussions on the idea.

<![CDATA[Judicial Corruption Continues To Plague the World, Report Says]]> Wed, 06 Jun 2007 10:43:05 -0400 Systemic corruption of judicial systems not only denies citizens their basic human rights, but hinders economic development and sometimes pushes aggrieved populations to violence, according to a recent report.  Global Corruption Report 2007: Corruption in Judicial Systems says that despite international efforts, different forms of judicial corruption continue to afflict many parts of the world. The report was issued in late May by Transparency International, an international anti-corruption nongovernmental organization.

<![CDATA[United States Is Largest Donor of Foreign Aid, Report Says]]> Thu, 24 May 2007 10:47:42 -0400 The United States is the single largest donor of foreign economic aid, but unlike many other developed nations, Americans prefer to donate their money through the private sector, according to a new report published by a Washington research organization. Of the $122.8 billion of foreign aid provided by Americans in 2005 (the most current data available), $95.5 billion, or 79 percent, came from private foundations, corporations, voluntary organizations, universities, religious organizations and individuals, according to the annual Index of Global Philanthropy.

<![CDATA[Old and New Emerging Diseases Threaten Nations Worldwide]]> Thu, 24 May 2007 09:32:10 -0400 In the days before high-speed travel and international commerce, a disease that arose in a country usually stayed in that country. Today, viruses are globetrotters, carrying, for example, sub-Saharan Africa’s Rift Valley fever to the Arabian Peninsula, and West Nile virus to Idaho and Colorado in the United States. Many viruses are transported by mosquitoes that arrive in a country on aircraft or in shipping containers. No one can stop the insect influx completely, but scientists at the Center for Medical, Agricultural and Veterinary Entomology, part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, are working at home and overseas to keep Rift Valley fever and other diseases out of the United States. In the final article in a three-part series on global disease surveillance, USINFO looks at the work of the center and other efforts against insect-borne diseases.

<![CDATA[Marshall Plan Seen as Model for Well-Run, Short-lived Program]]> Wed, 23 May 2007 16:04:01 -0400 Historians say the events of the late 1940s in Europe and the United States were unique so it is unlikely the Marshall Plan ever could be repeated in another setting. However, they also say the plan -- considered one of the great foreign policy achievements of the past century -- is well worth studying as the definitive model of how to organize and run a successful international government program. In the concluding article in a three-part series, USINFO looks at some of the elements of the Marshall Plan that contributed to its success.

<![CDATA[Defense Department Teams with Partners to Fight Global Disease]]> Wed, 23 May 2007 09:31:47 -0400 The U.S. Department of Defense long has focused its research into infectious diseases, therapeutics and vaccines on men and women in uniform, but a growing disease-surveillance program, a network of overseas laboratories and a range of efforts with international partners have added public health to its mission. USINFO examines this important element of the department’s mission.

<![CDATA[Marshall Plan Placed Europe on Path Toward Unity]]> Tue, 22 May 2007 15:59:44 -0400 The Marshall Plan, announced 60 years ago, set Europe on a path of cooperation that ultimately led to the formation of NATO and the European Union –- but at the cost of strengthening the Iron Curtain and heating up the Cold War. USINFO examines how the Marshall Plan’s requirement for economic cooperation set in motion a series of events and policy decisions that evolved into the modern institutions of European stability and cooperation.

<![CDATA[International Laboratory Network Watches for Disease Outbreaks]]> Tue, 22 May 2007 09:31:28 -0400 Disease outbreaks arise from simple movements, such as a sick person taking a plane to a far-off place or a virus jumping from a duck to a person. Until about 10 years ago, it would have been impossible to recognize a resulting epidemic or pandemic early enough to mitigate its effects. Today, an international network of laboratories and scientists is doing just that, with tools on the ground and in space. USINFO looks at their efforts and accomplishments.

<![CDATA[Marshall Plan for Rebuilding Europe Still Echoes After 60 Years]]> Mon, 21 May 2007 17:42:01 -0400 On June 5, 1947, U.S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall addressed the graduating class at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, delivering a 12-minute speech that changed the world. Within days, his remarks became known as the Marshall Plan. USINFO, in the first in a series of articles, examines the Marshall Plan and its long-lasting effects on Europe and the world.

<![CDATA[U.S. Promotes International Collaborations at Health Conference]]> Mon, 14 May 2007 09:30:20 -0400 U.S. officials are joining delegations from 192 other nations in Geneva for the 60th World Health Assembly, being held May 14-23, to discuss and act on policies governing key issues, including avian and pandemic influenza and the revised International Health Regulations. In 2007, the assembly will consider resolutions on issues agreed to by the World Health Organization Executive Board in its January session. In addition to avian flu and International Health Regulations, members will discuss smallpox eradication, malaria, tuberculosis control, chronic diseases, better children’s medicines and other topics.

<![CDATA[International Summit Tackles Challenge of Aging Populations]]> Fri, 16 Mar 2007 09:26:34 -0400  U.S. officials and international experts meet at the U.S. State Department to discuss and begin to plan for a situation that until now has not received much attention from governments around the world – the aging of the world's populations. For the first time in history, people 65 years old and older soon will outnumber children under age 5, according to Why Population Aging Matters: A Global Perspective, a report produced jointly by the State Department and the National Institute on Aging, an agency within the National Institutes of Health.

<![CDATA[U.S., EU Expanding Cooperation on Environmental Research]]> Tue, 13 Feb 2007 12:59:38 -0400 Cooperation between the United States and the European Union on environmental research and supporting information technology will be expanding under an “implementing arrangement” recently signed by representatives of both entities. “The United States and Europe share in the commitment of being good global neighbors,” says U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Stephen L. Johnson.

<![CDATA[State University of New York Wins Student Education Award]]> Thu, 01 Feb 2007 10:14:38 -0400 The largest U.S. university system wins an award for cooperating with Turkey in the undergraduate education of Turkish students, and their dual-degree program is being cited as a model for international cooperation in education. “The dual-diploma program is the most effective kind of globalization in which we can engage,” State University of New York Associate Vice Chancellor Robert Gosende tells USINFO.  “It is one of the most intimate ways for universities to work together.  We elaborate a joint curriculum together, teach together and certify our teaching with the issuance of dual diplomas.”

<![CDATA[Polar Bears Face Serious Threat]]> Thu, 04 Jan 2007 13:01:02 -0400 “Polar bears are one of nature’s ultimate survivors, able to live and thrive in one of the world’s harshest environments, but we are concerned the polar bears’ habitat may literally be melting,” according to Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne, who proposed listing the bears as an endangered species. Experts talk with USINFO about threats and their ramifications for polar bears and our ecosystems.

<![CDATA[International Effort Needed To Combat Trade in Counterfeit Goods]]> Wed, 15 Nov 2006 16:34:18 -0400 International cooperation is required to deal with intellectual property piracy as the trade in counterfeit goods is growing, U.S. government officials say. The influx of counterfeit goods to the United States is a growing problem, says Daniel Baldwin, an assistant commissioner at U.S. Customs and Border Protection. According to the Commerce Department, seizures of fake and counterfeit goods at U.S. borders have doubled since 2001. Baldwin tells a business group that his agency has made 14,500 seizures so far this year, which is 80 percent more than its 2005 total.

<![CDATA[U.S. Philanthropy Boosting Training in Palliative Care]]> Tue, 31 Oct 2006 10:41:08 -0400 U.S. philanthropy is supporting efforts to help health care providers in Jordan, Mongolia, Moldova and Georgia learn how to improve the treatment they give to patients who suffer from a life-ending disease.

<![CDATA[United States Commemorates U.N. Religious Freedom Resolution]]> Mon, 30 Oct 2006 14:04:27 -0400 In recognition of the international importance of religious freedom, the U.S. Department of State commemorates the 25th anniversary of the principal modern document supporting religious freedom -- the U.N. Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief.

<![CDATA[NATO’s Jones Urges Focus on Afghan Reconstruction, Rule of Law]]> Wed, 25 Oct 2006 10:47:50 -0400 Now that NATO forces in Afghanistan have proven their ability to fight and win battles, the alliance’s top commander says it is time to focus on enabling reconstruction, stopping drug cartels, empowering local courts and police and “nurturing the hope” of the Afghan people. U.S. Marine General James Jones, NATO’s supreme allied commander in Europe, also says international forces in Afghanistan would be more effective if nations contributing troops would eliminate some of their restrictions on where and how those troops can be used.

<![CDATA[United States Helping Iraqis Unite, Defend Themselves, Bush Says]]> Sun, 22 Oct 2006 10:54:20 -0400 Success in Iraq will depend on the Iraqis' ability to defend themselves and their government's ability to make "the difficult decisions necessary to unite the country," President Bush says.  Vice President Cheney calls the work in Iraq central to the “global struggle" against terrorism.  Bush and Cheney also discuss international efforts to end the threat posed by North Korea's nuclear activities.

<![CDATA[Pluralistic Democracy Protects Religious Freedom]]> Tue, 12 Sep 2006 13:24:22 -0400 <![CDATA[Scholar Discusses the Growing Role of International Law]]> Tue, 08 Aug 2006 10:32:39 -0400 <![CDATA[U.S. Senate Votes To Ratify Cybercrime Convention]]> Mon, 07 Aug 2006 11:27:15 -0400 The U.S. Senate votes to ratify the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, a multilateral treaty addressing the problems of computer-related crime and electronic evidence gathering.  “The Cybercrime Convention - the first of its kind - will be a key tool for the United States in fighting global, information-age crime,” says U.S. Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales.

<![CDATA[Congressional Hearing Examines Religious Freedom in Russia]]> Fri, 28 Jul 2006 13:15:40 -0400 President Bush and other U.S. officials should “be prepared to counter persistent claims by Russian leaders” that U.S. and U.N. efforts to advance human rights constitute foreign “meddling” or are intended to harm the Russian Federation, according to the head of a U.S. commission charged with making policy recommendations. At a congressional hearing, Felice D. Gaer, the chair of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, presents a number of recommendations for addressing human rights concerns in Russia.

<![CDATA[U.S. Envoy to Armenia Describes Central Role of U.S. Constitution]]> Wed, 12 Jul 2006 10:48:46 -0400 The struggle to build democratic institutions and establish democratic practices must be faced anew by every generation, says U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John M. Evans. “Building democracy is a never-ending challenge,” he tells students and faculty members at the American University in Yerevan, Armenia.  “Surely this is as true for my country, which has just celebrated its two hundred and thirtieth birthday, as it is for countries just starting to build democratic institutions.”

<![CDATA[U.S. Teams Up with French Institute in Pandemic Preparedness]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2006 12:55:50 -0400 <![CDATA[Religious and Community Leaders Experience U.S. Diversity]]> Mon, 12 May 2003 15:46:18 -0400 Twenty religious and community leaders from the former Soviet republic of Kazakhstan -- an area struggling to reconnect with its pre-Soviet Muslim traditions -- had an opportunity to see how people of different faiths and ethnic backgrounds coexist peacefully in the United States, thanks to the Community Connections Program of the Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
