East and North Africa Mon, 11 May 2009 18:53:32 -0400 <![CDATA[United States Heartened by Saberi’s Release from Iranian Prison]]> Mon, 11 May 2009 18:48:11 -0400 The United States is heartened by the release of Iranian-American journalist Roxana Saberi from Tehran’s Evin prison after an appeals court cut her eight-year prison term to a two-year suspended sentence, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says.

<![CDATA[Arab-American Writer Cites U.S. Freedom of Expression]]> Fri, 08 May 2009 15:26:31 -0400 Arab-American writers long have come to the United States seeking freedom of expression and relief from censorship, says Arab novelist and sociologist Halim Barakat. In a lecture, he explores his experiences living in exile and his ability to express his personal freedom through literature.

<![CDATA[Filmmaker Shirin Neshat Brings Acclaimed Iranian Novel to Screen]]> Wed, 06 May 2009 09:31:20 -0400 For six years noted Iranian-American video artist and filmmaker Shirin Neshat has been adapting the Iranian novel Women Without Men, with its interwoven tales of women in 1950s Iran who exist as real characters but are also capable of becoming ghosts, seers and even trees.

<![CDATA[Biden Urges Israel to End Settlements, Back Two-State Solution]]> Tue, 05 May 2009 17:08:17 -0400 Vice-President Biden tells U.S. supporters of Israel that the United States is committed to Israel’s peace and security, but Israel must demonstrate its commitment to peace by working toward a two-state solution with the Palestinians and ending its building of settlements.

<![CDATA[A Gallup Study: Who Speaks for Islam?]]> Tue, 05 May 2009 14:30:44 -0400 What do the vast majority of mainstream Muslims really think? Rather than listening to extremists or simply relying on the opinions of individual pundits, why not give voice to the silenced majority? How is this voice different, or similar to, voices from America?

<![CDATA[Iranian Americans Celebrate Encyclopedia Iranica]]> Wed, 29 Apr 2009 11:25:05 -0400 Encyclopedia Iranica, with contributions from 1,400 scholars worldwide, seeks to document all aspects of Iranian history and culture. But unlike many other reference works dedicated to a particular nation, the Encyclopedia Iranica is produced outside the country it is documenting.

<![CDATA[United States Supports Free, Independent, Sovereign Lebanon]]> Mon, 27 Apr 2009 15:04:36 -0400 The United States supports a free, independent and sovereign Lebanon, and parliamentary elections there in June that are without intimidation and outside influence, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says during a visit to Beirut.

<![CDATA[For Many, Ties to Peace Corps Service in Iran Remain]]> Fri, 24 Apr 2009 16:25:05 -0400 The last U.S. Peace Corps volunteer left Iran in 1976, but even decades later, many of those who served in Iran regard their encounters with the Iranian people and culture as among the most important events of their lives.

<![CDATA[Eager to Learn About the World, Tech Savvy Afghans Turn to Blogs]]> Tue, 21 Apr 2009 11:32:20 -0400 Eager to learn more about the world, tech-savvy Afghans are turning to the Internet and blogging. They also see these tools as a means to educate the world about their country, according to Nasim Fekrat, one of Afghanistan’s trailblazing bloggers.

<![CDATA[United States Will Be Engaged in Arab-Israeli Peace Process]]> Tue, 21 Apr 2009 16:45:03 -0400 The prospect of an Arab-Israeli peace still exists, but will require some difficult choices, says President Obama. “The United States is going to deeply engage in this process to see if we can make progress,” the president says shortly after meeting with Jordan’s King Abdullah II.

<![CDATA[Declaration’s Language Led to U.S. Boycott of Racism Conference]]> Mon, 20 Apr 2009 10:35:04 -0400 While the United States is boycotting the Durban Review Conference, it praises efforts to re-focus the conference on racism and discrimination. The United Nations Durban Review Conference monitors and reviews the implementation of a declaration drafted in 2001 in Durban, South Africa.

<![CDATA[Persian Parade Celebrates Iranians in America]]> Tue, 07 Apr 2009 09:55:12 -0400 Iranians celebrate the Persian New Year in the traditional manner, with family visits. But Iranian Americans have added a more American way of commemorating the holiday: a parade. On March 29, 1,000 participants went noisily down New York City’s Madison Avenue for the 6th annual Persian Parade.

<![CDATA[Obama Makes Unannounced Visit to Iraq]]> Tue, 07 Apr 2009 16:40:40 -0400 A gradual U.S. military withdrawal in Iraq will help cement security gains as the Iraqi government continues gaining strength, President Obama says during a surprise visit to Baghdad. Obama arrived in Iraq from neighboring Turkey, the final leg of a weeklong European tour.

<![CDATA[Repairing Ties in Turkey, Obama Reaches Out to Muslim World]]> Mon, 06 Apr 2009 17:55:52 -0400 President Obama completes his first overseas tour in Turkey, where he says America’s new efforts to engage with the Muslim world are part of his administration’s commitment to a foreign policy rooted in mutual respect and seeking common solutions to global challenges.

<![CDATA[U.S. Says Progress in Afghanistan Depends on Commitment]]> Wed, 01 Apr 2009 10:55:11 -0400 Future progress in Afghanistan will depend on a substantial and sustained U.S. commitment, Pentagon officials say. The United States must eliminate safe havens in the Pakistani mountain range on the border of Afghanistan used by al-Qaida and Taliban and prevent these groups’ reemergence.

<![CDATA[Welcoming Spring, Persian Style]]> Tue, 31 Mar 2009 13:29:48 -0400 For the fourth consecutive year, the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Persian community of the Philadelphia area host an all-day Nowruz festival, commemorating the Persian New Year. “Celebrate Norooz” educates all Philadelphians about a Persian tradition and provides a taste of the community’s culture.

<![CDATA[Obama Announces New Strategy for Afghanistan, Pakistan]]> Fri, 27 Mar 2009 13:49:26 -0400 Saying it is an international security challenge of the highest order, President Obama sets a new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan that aims to disrupt, dismantle and defeat al-Qaida and the Taliban. One element in the strategy is training and increasing the size of the Afghan security forces.

<![CDATA[United States Committed to Free, Democratic Lebanon]]> Wed, 25 Mar 2009 19:30:49 -0400 Renewed engagement with Syria will not come at the price of America’s unwavering support for a free, democratic Lebanon, says a top U.S. diplomat. Such support is a key component to lasting peace and security in the Middle East, adds acting Assistant Secretary of State Jeffrey Feltman.

<![CDATA[Mountain in Iran Named for American Nurse]]> Mon, 23 Mar 2009 15:59:56 -0400 A mountain and its surrounding forest near the city of Isfahan has been named Mount Helen in honor of a remarkable American woman, Helen Jeffreys Bakhtiar, who worked as a public health nurse in some of Iran’s most isolated villages in the early 1950s as part of the landmark “Point Four” technical assistance program.

<![CDATA[Obama Calls for New Beginning in U.S.-Iranian Relations]]> Fri, 20 Mar 2009 12:15:59 -0400 In a special video message to the people of Iran, President Obama calls for a “new day” in relations between Washington and Tehran and a future rooted in honest engagement and mutual respect. The March 20 message comes at the beginning of Nowruz, the traditional Persian new year holiday.

<![CDATA[Nowruz Event in United States Celebrates Iranian Culture]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2009 09:25:49 -0400 New immigrants from Iran, native-born Americans and area residents gathered on the National Mall in Washington to enjoy a day of musical performances, storytelling, fire-jumping and foods celebrating the Persian New Year, Nowruz, which officially begins on the vernal equinox and lasts 13 days.

<![CDATA[Arabesque Festival Dazzles U.S. Audiences]]> Mon, 09 Mar 2009 12:54:27 -0400 Arabesque: Arts of the Arab World, a four-week cultural festival at Washington’s John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, is attracting capacity crowds with its generous offerings of theater, dance, music and poetry from all over the Middle East and North Africa.

<![CDATA[U.S. Envoys Meet with Syrian Officials]]> Mon, 09 Mar 2009 13:57:53 -0400 Representatives of the United States and Syria held comprehensive and constructive talks in Damascus, Syria, and found considerable common ground on an array of issues, a senior U.S. diplomat says. The key being sought in this opening with Syria is engagement, the official says.

<![CDATA[Lawyer Spearheads Programs to Aid Iraqi Women]]> Fri, 06 Mar 2009 17:59:09 -0400 Thanks to Suaad Allami, Iraqi women have access to a one-stop shop for everything from legislative advocacy to vocational training to domestic violence counseling to medical exams.

<![CDATA[Six Powers Seek Diplomatic Solution to Iran Nuclear Dispute]]> Thu, 05 Mar 2009 17:43:00 -0400 On the sidelines of an International Atomic Energy Agency meeting in Vienna, Austria, representatives from the P5+1 — U.N. Security Council permanent members China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States, together with Germany — voice “serious concern” about Iran’s nuclear progress.

<![CDATA[Time Is of the Essence for Palestinian State, Says Clinton]]> Wed, 04 Mar 2009 18:30:30 -0400 America strongly supports the creation of a future Palestinian state, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says. In remarks in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Clinton pledges to work for peace by engaging a new Israeli government on halting settlement expansion and easing border restrictions.

<![CDATA[Movable Exhibit Displays Images of Iranians in Everyday Life]]> Wed, 04 Mar 2009 16:04:55 -0400 Feeling compelled to improve the image of Iranians in the minds of Americans, U.S. photographer Tom Loughlin has created a massive outdoor exhibit of portraits of Iranians posing or going about everyday life. “Pictures of You” displays the photographs on large hanging panels of translucent silk.

<![CDATA[U.S. Will Work Vigorously for Independent Palestinian State]]> Tue, 03 Mar 2009 17:27:33 -0400 The United States will continue to work with Israelis and Palestinians to create a peace accord that includes the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, Secretary of State Clinton says in Jerusalem. “The road ahead, we acknowledge, is a difficult one, but there is no time to waste.”

<![CDATA[United States May Boycott U.N. Racism Conference]]> Mon, 02 Mar 2009 16:46:13 -0400 The United States will not participate in an upcoming U.N. conference on racism unless there are major revisions to a key draft document for the conference. Critics say the current draft unfairly singles out Israel for criticism and could erode the fundamental right to freedom of speech.

<![CDATA[United States Pledges $900 Million for Palestinians]]> Mon, 02 Mar 2009 14:15:45 -0400 Saying that time is of the essence, the United States pledges $900 million in U.S. humanitarian aid for the Palestinians at an international conference in Egypt. The United States is pursuing both short- and long-term strategies, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said.

<![CDATA[Clinton Leaves for Middle East, Europe for Extended Talks]]> Fri, 27 Feb 2009 18:05:42 -0400 Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is beginning a series of official visits to the Middle East and to Europe aimed at restarting Mideast peace talks and boosting trans-Atlantic relations. Clinton begins the trip March 2 at the Gaza donors conference.

<![CDATA[Obama Says Combat Forces to Be Withdrawn from Iraq in 2010]]> Fri, 27 Feb 2009 14:16:20 -0400 The United States will withdraw most of its military forces from Iraq by mid-2010. “By August 31, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end,” President Obama says. “Because the most important decisions that have to be made about Iraq’s future must now be made by Iraqis.”

<![CDATA[U.S. Scientists, Academics Send Delegations to Iran]]> Tue, 24 Feb 2009 17:12:29 -0400 The United States and Iran maintain no formal diplomatic relations, but that has not stopped American scientists from engaging with their Iranian counterparts. examines how scientists from both countries are working together despite the chilly bilateral relationship between their governments.

<![CDATA[Dennis Ross Named Adviser for Gulf Region, Southwest Asia]]> Tue, 24 Feb 2009 15:07:11 -0400 Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton selects former Middle East peace envoy Dennis Ross to be her top policy adviser on the Gulf Region and Southwest Asia, a portfolio that will include helping shape the Obama administration’s efforts to engage with Iran.

<![CDATA[The Persian Sensation: “The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám” in the West]]> Mon, 23 Feb 2009 11:15:03 -0400 The Harry Ransom Center's exhibition "The Persian Sensation: The 'Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám' in the West" explores how a translation of a Persian poem went from obscurity to celebrity in British and American culture. The exhibition runs from February 3 to August 2, 2009, at the University of Texas in Austin.

<![CDATA[Unable to Compete in Iran, U.S. Badminton Players Disappointed]]> Fri, 20 Feb 2009 16:55:49 -0400 Eight female athletes representing USA Badminton were on their way to compete in a tournament in Iran when they learned their visas would not be ready in time. Although the players were disappointed, they still hope to host the Iranian team at a tournament in California in July.

<![CDATA[Report Says Iran Has Enough Uranium to Make a Nuclear Bomb]]> Fri, 20 Feb 2009 11:46:28 -0400 The United States finds an international nuclear inspection report that shows that Iran has enough weapons-grade uranium on hand to make a nuclear bomb “deeply troubling,” State Department deputy spokesman Gordon Duguid says. The report indicates Iran has approximately 1,010 kilograms of uranium.

<![CDATA[Iranian Filmmakers Grab Attention at American Film Festival]]> Wed, 18 Feb 2009 09:33:28 -0400 Documentaries by two Iranian filmmakers attract favorable attention at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. The films provide a window into a world unfamiliar to most Americans, and now the filmmakers are hoping for a wider audience throughout the United States.

<![CDATA[Obama Says U.S. Talks with Iran Must Be Built on Mutual Respect]]> Tue, 10 Feb 2009 17:10:41 -0400 Future relations between the United States and Iran will depend significantly on the willingness of Iranian officials to set aside years of mistrust for cooperation, President Obama says. “Its actions over many years now have been unhelpful when it comes to promoting peace and prosperity.”

<![CDATA[Biden Says Finding Lasting Mideast Peace Requires Collaboration]]> Mon, 09 Feb 2009 14:39:07 -0400 Vice President Biden tells a security policy conference in Munich that it will take close collaboration among Arab and European partners and the United States to find a resolution to the vexing challenges of creating a lasting Middle East peace.

<![CDATA[Nations Pledge Unity in Containing Iran’s Nuclear Challenge]]> Wed, 04 Feb 2009 12:43:53 -0400 Top diplomats pledge continued unity in efforts to convince Iran to suspend its nuclear program and welcome President Obama’s willingness to engage with Iran. Diplomats from China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany underline their “common commitment to a diplomatic solution” to Iran’s nuclear challenge.

<![CDATA[Iran Does Not Provide Visas for U.S. Badminton Team]]> Wed, 04 Feb 2009 09:47:32 -0400 The Iranian consulate in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, did not issue visas to members of the USA Women’s Badminton team in time for them to compete in an international tournament in Tehran, Iran, State Department deputy spokesman Robert Wood says.

<![CDATA[Iranian Satellite Launch Heightens International Nuclear Concerns]]> Tue, 03 Feb 2009 13:06:28 -0400 An Iranian satellite launch underlines international concerns about its nuclear ambitions as top diplomats prepare to meet in Germany to discuss new ways to convince Tehran to suspend its controversial nuclear program and join the United States at the negotiating table.

<![CDATA[Special Envoy Mitchell to Return to Middle East This Month]]> Tue, 03 Feb 2009 14:36:52 -0400 Middle East special envoy George Mitchell is to begin what will become high-level engagement by the United States in trying to end the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, says Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, after Mitchell briefs her on his just-concluded trip to the region.

<![CDATA[Gaza Truce Remains Fragile, Say U.S. Officials]]> Mon, 02 Feb 2009 16:59:43 -0400 As President Obama’s Middle East envoy completes his first round of regional consultations, continued violence along the Gaza Strip’s border with Israel threatens international peacemaking efforts, says State Department acting spokesman Robert Wood.

<![CDATA[Iraqi Provincial Vote a Significant Step Forward, Obama Says]]> Mon, 02 Feb 2009 16:26:38 -0400 Iraq’s mostly peaceful provincial elections, held January 31, are an important step forward, President Obama says. General David Petraeus, the commander of the U.S. Central Command, praises the Iraqis for what he described as “an extraordinary accomplishment.”

<![CDATA[Obama Provides Emergency Funds for Gaza Relief]]> Fri, 30 Jan 2009 11:22:08 -0400 President Obama authorizes the use of $20.3 million in emergency funding for immediate humanitarian assistance to Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in the Gaza Strip, the U.S. State Department says.

<![CDATA[U.S. Envoy Expresses Concern for Loss of Palestinian Lives]]> Thu, 29 Jan 2009 13:56:06 -0400 The United States is concerned about the loss of Palestinian lives and humanitarian needs in the Gaza Strip in the aftermath of a 22-day conflict between Israeli and Hamas forces, U.S. Middle East special envoy George Mitchell says.

<![CDATA[U.S.-Led Evacuation Removes International Citizens from Gaza]]> Wed, 28 Jan 2009 14:23:44 -0400 U.S. officials from diplomatic posts in Jerusalem; Tel Aviv, Israel; and Amman, Jordan, have led a successful international effort to evacuate several hundred American and international citizens and family members from Gaza to Jordan.

<![CDATA[Analysis: Will Iran Accept America’s “Open Hand”?]]> Wed, 28 Jan 2009 09:30:10 -0400 Can President Obama bring change to nearly 30 years of strained ties between Iran and the United S tates? “If countries like Iran are willing to unclench their fist, they will find an extended hand from us,” Obama tells satellite channel al-Arabiya January 27.

<![CDATA[Middle East Envoy Calls for Strengthened Gaza Cease-Fire]]> Wed, 28 Jan 2009 14:45:02 -0400 A lasting Gaza cease-fire must be based on an end to arms smuggling to Hamas and a reopening of blockaded borders, says George Mitchell, U.S. special envoy for Mideast peace. “It is of critical importance that the cease-fire be extended and consolidated, and we support Egypt's continuing efforts in that regard,” he says.

<![CDATA[Obama Pledges New American Partnership in Middle East]]> Tue, 27 Jan 2009 17:16:20 -0400 President Obama tells al-Arabiya the United States seeks a new relationship with the Middle East and broader Muslim world that is firmly rooted in “mutual respect and mutual interests.” Issues such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or the situation in Iran require cooperation at many levels to resolve, he says.

<![CDATA[President Sends Special Envoy Mitchell to Middle East]]> Mon, 26 Jan 2009 15:49:35 -0400 One of the key missions of Middle East special envoy George Mitchell's trip to the region will be to consolidate the cease-fire after the three-week-old Gaza conflict, a State Department spokesman says, and to ensure progress toward Middle East peace.

<![CDATA[Analysis: Obama Offers New Approach to Counterterrorism]]> Fri, 23 Jan 2009 17:11:03 -0400 President Obama plans to continue building robust global partnerships to confront terrorism, but he has already signaled in his first days in office a new American approach to facing extremist violence. “America's moral example must be the bedrock and the beacon of our global leadership.”

<![CDATA[Obama Names Special Envoys for Middle East, Afghanistan-Pakistan]]> Thu, 22 Jan 2009 19:35:35 -0400 President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton announce former Senator George Mitchell as special envoy for Middle East peace and Ambassador Richard Holbrooke as special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan — moves that underscore the commitment to renewing American leadership through reinvigorated diplomacy.

<![CDATA[Yemeni Politicians Must Compromise for Sake of Elections]]> Thu, 22 Jan 2009 13:02:43 -0400 Yemen’s progress toward democracy lags as its political parties dispute procedures for proposed parliamentary elections. The top U.S. envoy in Sana’a urges all parties to make compromises that will allow the vote to proceed and give Yemen’s people a chance to express their political will.

<![CDATA[Obama Orders Guantánamo Shut Down]]> Thu, 22 Jan 2009 12:51:30 -0400 President Obama issues orders closing the detention center at the Guantánamo Bay U.S. naval base in Cuba within a year and placing new restrictions on interrogation of terrorism suspects. The United States will fight terrorism “in a manner that is consistent with our ideals,” Obama says.

<![CDATA[Obama Pledges “Active Engagement” on Middle East Peace]]> Thu, 22 Jan 2009 12:41:45 -0400 President Obama reaches out to Middle East leaders to emphasize that progress toward peace in the region will be among his administration’s top foreign policy priorities. Obama tells them the United States will work to consolidate the fragile cease-fire between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

<![CDATA[Obama Asks for 120-Day Delay for Guantánamo Trial System]]> Wed, 21 Jan 2009 15:59:06 -0400 At the request of President Obama, trial proceedings of detainees at the detention center at the Guantánamo Bay U.S. naval base in Cuba have been suspended until May 20, a Pentagon official says. The facility currently holds approximately 245 detainees captured in Afghanistan, Iraq and other places.

<![CDATA[United States, Israel Working to End Arms Smuggling into Gaza]]> Fri, 16 Jan 2009 16:06:21 -0400 The United States and Israel have reached agreement on security measures that will eventually help bring a durable cease-fire to the Gaza crisis, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says. The agreement includes provisions for monitors to help stem arms and explosives smuggling into Gaza.

<![CDATA[United States, United Arab Emirates Sign Civil Nuclear Accord]]> Fri, 16 Jan 2009 12:38:23 -0400 The United Arab Emirates chose to import nuclear fuel for its reactors to produce electric energy rather than develop expensive and proliferation-sensitive uranium enrichment and reprocessing, says Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. “This is a powerful and timely model for the world and the region.”

<![CDATA[Counterterrorism Should Top Obama Security Agenda, Bush Says]]> Mon, 12 Jan 2009 18:44:51 -0400 Preventing terrorists from staging another attack on American soil may be the most urgent security challenge facing President-elect Barack Obama, says President Bush. “I wish him all the best. The stakes are high,” Bush says in his farewell press conference as president.

<![CDATA[Presidential Transition Offers Opportunity to Build Bridges]]> Mon, 12 Jan 2009 17:26:16 -0400 Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, relations with Iran and Pakistan and North Korean nuclear disarmament will dominate the new Obama administration’s early foreign-policy focus. But the global issues of proliferation, climate change and food security will compete for the new president’s attention.

<![CDATA[U.S. Supports Egyptian Mediation Efforts between Israel, Hamas]]> Fri, 09 Jan 2009 15:20:26 -0400 The United States supports Egyptian mediation efforts to end the current crisis between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, and also supports a U.N. Security Council resolution calling for a cease-fire in the conflict. The Security Council voted January 8 for the cease-fire resolution.

<![CDATA[United States Welcomes Gaza Cease-Fire Proposal]]> Wed, 07 Jan 2009 18:00:31 -0400 Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice joins Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and members of the Arab League in welcoming a new cease-fire proposal aimed at defusing the conflict between Hamas militants and Israel in the Gaza Strip.

<![CDATA[United States Proposes Three Elements in a Gaza Cease-Fire Plan]]> Mon, 05 Jan 2009 13:19:36 -0400 Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is working on three elements of a plan that could lead to a “sustainable, durable cease-fire” between the Israelis and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, a State Department spokesman says.

<![CDATA[World Must Stay Engaged to Stop Gaza Violence, U.S. Says]]> Wed, 31 Dec 2008 14:12:50 -0400 U.S. leaders are reaching out to their counterparts in the Middle East and elsewhere in the international community in their efforts to achieve a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas. The United States and the international community are not daunted by the task of bringing a halt to the violence.

<![CDATA[Palestinian Refugee Agency to Receive $85 Million in U.S. Aid]]> Tue, 30 Dec 2008 18:03:43 -0400 The United States announces it is contributing $85 million in humanitarian aid to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, as Bush administration officials continue calling on Israel and Hamas to agree to a durable cease-fire.

<![CDATA[U.S. Working for “Sustainable and Durable” Cease-Fire in Gaza]]> Mon, 29 Dec 2008 16:30:43 -0400 Responding to violence in the Middle East, the United States calls on Hamas and Israel to avoid civilian casualties, but says Hamas violated the six-month cease-fire and Israel has a right to protect its citizens. U.S. officials are working actively to create a “sustainable and durable” cease-fire.

<![CDATA[Saudi Arabian Scientist Works to Empower Women]]> Wed, 24 Dec 2008 13:26:35 -0400 Hayat Sindi is a Saudi Arabian scientist who co-founded Diagnostics For All, a nonprofit company developing diagnostic medical kits for the developing world. talks with Sindi about her motivation to help others and how she is empowering women to succeed in science.

<![CDATA[MasterCard Debit Card Services Introduced in Iraq]]> Tue, 23 Dec 2008 18:44:55 -0400 Iraq's economic development has progressed to the point that MasterCard is introducing debit card services into the country's private banking system. The Treasury Department has automated and integrated 150 bank branches throughout Iraq with complete linkage to international financial networks.

<![CDATA[Middle East Peace Process Has Made Progress, Bush Says]]> Fri, 19 Dec 2008 16:32:53 -0400 President Bush, after meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Washington, acknowledges that peace negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians have been “a hard challenge,” but says the talks, though not completed, “have made a good deal of progress.”

<![CDATA[Arab States Share International Concerns About Nuclear Iran]]> Wed, 17 Dec 2008 18:19:43 -0400 Iran’s neighbors share the international community’s growing concerns about the country’s controversial nuclear ambitions, says Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, adding that Tehran’s refusal to join negotiations continues to deepen Iran’s isolation. “The Iranians are paying real costs,” she says.

<![CDATA[Annapolis Process for Mideast Peace Garners Strong Support]]> Tue, 16 Dec 2008 18:15:45 -0400 Palestinian and Israeli negotiators have made considerable progress since restarting peace talks at the Annapolis Conference in 2007, says Secretary of State Rice, who joins partners from the United Nations, the European Union and Russia to urged both sides to redouble their efforts for a two-state solution.

<![CDATA[Bush Makes Surprise Farewell Visits to Iraq, Afghanistan]]> Mon, 15 Dec 2008 17:56:30 -0400 President Bush welcomes progress in Iraq and Afghanistan in a surprise farewell visit to the region and underlines America’s enduring commitment to the success of both emerging democracies under his successor. “I am of a different political party than President-elect Obama. But I want him to succeed,” he says.

<![CDATA[Senate Report Examines Detainee Abuses]]> Fri, 12 Dec 2008 16:20:17 -0400 A U.S. congressional report indicates that abuse of detainees in Iraq, Afghanistan and at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, has compromised the moral authority and credibility of the United States in thwarting global terrorism.

<![CDATA[Blackwater Indictments Show America’s Commitment to Rule of Law]]> Thu, 11 Dec 2008 08:33:22 -0400 The Justice Department brings criminal charges against five American private security contractors following a 2007 incident in Baghdad. “Those who engage in unprovoked and illegal attacks on civilians, whether during times of conflict or times of peace, will be held accountable,” says a Justice Department official.

<![CDATA[Song by Iranian Star Strikes Chord at Obama Victory Celebration]]> Wed, 10 Dec 2008 08:29:40 -0400 A song that Persian pop star Farshid Amin wrote about change caught the eyes and ears of the Democratic Party in Orange County, California. Obama campaign organizers invited the singer to perform “Pray with Me,” written after an unexpected meeting on an airplane, at the party’s election night celebration.

<![CDATA[Manama Security Conference to Focus on Regional Issues]]> Wed, 10 Dec 2008 17:56:24 -0400 The main focus of the annual Manama Dialogue regional security conference in Bahrain will be on the regional balance of power, economic security, the role of the United States in the region and the changing security architecture, conference planners say.

<![CDATA[United States Hails Iraqi Ratification of Security Pact]]> Fri, 05 Dec 2008 09:28:39 -0400 The Iraqi government ratifies a U.S.-Iraqi security agreement calling for a full withdrawal of American forces from the country by the end of 2011, along with a companion agreement shaping the future of relations between Washington and Baghdad. The accord will go into force by January 1, 2009.

<![CDATA[Saudi Arabia, United States Sign Science Technology Pact]]> Fri, 05 Dec 2008 15:33:17 -0400 Building on a history of cooperation, the United States and Saudi Arabia sign an agreement to increase science and technology capacity in the Middle East. Assistant Secretary of State Claudia McMurray outlines the ways in which the agreement will benefit the region.

<![CDATA[Envoy Schulte on Nonproliferation Safeguards Agreements in Syria]]> Thu, 27 Nov 2008 16:08:37 -0400 Ambassador Gregory L. Schulte, permanent U.S. representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), delivers remarks at the IAEA Board of Governors meeting in Vienna on Syria.

<![CDATA[American Family Appeals to Iran for Answers on Missing Man]]> Mon, 24 Nov 2008 17:34:08 -0400 As Americans look forward to celebrating the holidays with their loved ones, a Florida family struggles for answers about the whereabouts of one of their own — Robert Levinson, an American businessman whose March 2007 disappearance in Iran remains shrouded in mystery.

<![CDATA[Ambassador Schulte Remarks on U.N. Agency Probe of Iran, Syria]]> Fri, 21 Nov 2008 16:09:14 -0400 Ambassador Gregory L. Schulte, permanent U.S. representative to the IAEA in Vienna, delivers remarks on Director General Mohamed ElBaradei’s report on the IAEA’s investigation of Iran and Syria.

<![CDATA[U.S. Court Orders Release of Five Guantánamo Bay Detainees]]> Fri, 21 Nov 2008 15:18:45 -0400 A federal judge determines that the United States lacks adequate legal evidence to hold five Algerians as detainees in the detention facility at the U.S. Naval Base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and orders their immediate release. The Bosnian government has agreed to accept the five men.

<![CDATA[Bush Calls Qadhafi to Praise Settlement Agreement]]> Wed, 19 Nov 2008 11:46:52 -0400 A telephone call between President Bush and a world leader is a common enough event to not merit much attention, but when the president called Libyan leader Muammar Qadhafi November 17 it represents a remarkable turnaround in U.S.-Libyan relations.

<![CDATA[New Jordanian Movie Makes History]]> Tue, 18 Nov 2008 10:23:11 -0400 Writer-director Amin Matalqa was in Washington to talk about his first movie, Captain Abu Raed. The movie is also a first for Jordan — its first movie in 50 years and its first submission to the Academy Awards. The film was screened as part of the Arabian Sights Film Festival on November 1 and 2.

<![CDATA[Researchers Discuss Empowering Scientists in the Arab World]]> Mon, 17 Nov 2008 10:43:56 -0400 Forty researchers of Arab descent meet on the sidelines of the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience to discuss ways to empower Arab scientists and promote neuroscience in the Middle East. talks with some of the scientists about their aspirations and concerns.

<![CDATA[Palestinian Youth Center Shows U.S. Commitment to Mideast Peace]]> Mon, 17 Nov 2008 10:20:28 -0400 The U.S.-Palestinian Partnership is helping prepare a new generation of leaders essential to the successful creation of a Palestinian state, an undertaking that the State Department’s James Glassman says shows “the solid and continuing commitment of the United States government to the Palestinian people.”

<![CDATA[Iraqi Cabinet Approves Security Pact with United States]]> Mon, 17 Nov 2008 16:52:52 -0400 The Iraqi Cabinet approves a new U.S.-Iraqi security agreement calling for a full withdrawal of American forces by the end of 2011. In addition to the withdrawal date, the agreement would place new limits on U.S. forces operating in Iraq. The agreement now moves on to Iraq’s parliament for approval.

<![CDATA[Rice Encourages Support for Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process]]> Mon, 10 Nov 2008 14:07:17 -0400 Palestinian and Israeli negotiators have pledged to continue peace talks begun at the November 2007 Annapolis Conference, and the international community fully supports their work. “The American people want to see the Palestinian people living in their own state,” Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says.

<![CDATA[President-elect Obama Planning Response to Economic Crisis]]> Fri, 07 Nov 2008 18:48:56 -0400 President-elect Obama’s first press conference since winning the election focuses on how he is developing policies to respond to the economic crisis. Obama also reminds observers that the United States has only one president at a time. Obama will meet with President Bush on November 10.

<![CDATA[Rice Says Israeli-Palestinian Peace Is in U.S. Interests]]> Fri, 07 Nov 2008 16:27:27 -0400 The Palestinians and Israelis have demonstrated a brave commitment to substantive talks in an effort to reach a comprehensive peace settlement, says Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. “The United States will continue to support and facilitate the efforts of the parties to reach a lasting peace.”

<![CDATA[Some American Forces Leave Iraq Ahead of Schedule]]> Thu, 06 Nov 2008 18:28:17 -0400 Dramatically decreasing violence in Iraq will allow the U.S. military to reduce troop levels faster than expected, says White House spokeswoman Dana Perino. “Iraqi security forces are growing in strength and numbers and competence and confidence every day,” Perino told reporters November 6.

<![CDATA[Rice Encourages Support for Middle East Peace Talks]]> Thu, 06 Nov 2008 14:52:54 -0400 The Israelis and Palestinians must maintain the momentum achieved a year ago in trying to reach a peace accord and the eventual establishment of a Palestinian state, says Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during her eighth trip to the region.


<![CDATA[Afghan Radio Broadcaster Committed to Raising Status of Women]]> Thu, 30 Oct 2008 15:54:10 -0400 An Afghan businesswoman who recently visited the United States will use the knowledge she gained to expand her radio station, which focuses on raising the status of women in Balkh province. During the trip, she received advice and got a firsthand view of the latest broadcasting equipment and technology.

<![CDATA[Egypt Meeting Increases Total Avian Flu Assistance]]> Thu, 30 Oct 2008 19:01:10 -0400 Representatives from more than 120 nations close an international meeting focused on highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza and the need to control and then eradicate the virus in poultry. Attendees also put forth strategies to prepare the planet for a potential pandemic affecting humans.

<![CDATA[Bush Expresses Confidence on U.S.-Iraq Troops Pact]]> Wed, 29 Oct 2008 11:16:38 -0400 President Bush says he remains confident that a Status of Forces Agreement defining the future of U.S. military cooperation with Iraqi security forces will be passed, while policymakers see Baghdad’s proposed changes to the plan as further sign of political progress in Iraq.

<![CDATA[United Nations Urges Transparency from Iran’s Nuclear Program]]> Wed, 29 Oct 2008 12:51:23 -0400 If Iran’s nuclear program is peaceful as claimed, the United Nations’ nuclear guardian asks, why does Tehran refuse to answer questions about undeclared nuclear materials and research into nuclear weapons design? International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Mohamed ElBaradei wants to know.

<![CDATA[Palestinian, U.S. Business Leaders Working on Joint Ventures]]> Tue, 28 Oct 2008 13:31:22 -0400 The United States and the Palestinian Authority are working to create new business partnerships to attract investment and create jobs in the Palestinian Territories. Toward this goal, the U.S.-Palestinian Partnership and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce sponsor a Palestinian business forum in Washington.

<![CDATA[United States Contributes $320 Million to Global Avian Flu Fight]]> Mon, 27 Oct 2008 17:05:36 -0400 The U.S. government, during the International Ministerial Conference on Avian and Pandemic Influenza, announces a pledge of $320 million to help pay for global efforts to fight avian flu and prepare populations to face a future pandemic. The threat of pandemic flu remains as serious now as in 2005.

<![CDATA[Egypt Has Lowest Human Death Rate of Avian Flu-Affected Nations]]> Fri, 24 Oct 2008 15:35:17 -0400 Journalists at a workshop in Cairo, Egypt, hear how the Ministry of Health in Egypt, one of six countries where highly pathogenic H5N1 avian flu is endemic, slashed the time it takes for avian flu victims to be treated and gave Egypt the lowest fatality rate for H5N1 of any affected nation in the world.

<![CDATA[Rice Discusses Changes Across the Middle East]]> Wed, 22 Oct 2008 16:32:06 -0400 The Middle East is a very different place today, but it’s a different place for the better, says Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. In recent wide-ranging news interviews, Rice says democracy now is widely discussed across the Middle East in a way it had not been before.

<![CDATA[Human Rights Education a Priority for Iranian Actress]]> Wed, 22 Oct 2008 16:22:45 -0400 Iranian-born actress Nazanin Boniadi strives to educate the public about their human rights as outlined in the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights. “Knowledge is power,” she says, “and the more people who know their rights, the more people who can defend those rights.”

<![CDATA[Bush Showcases International Development Progress]]> Tue, 21 Oct 2008 18:11:20 -0400 The United States has ushered in a new era of international development, President Bush says at a White House conference on development, by empowering a new generation of leaders to lift their own citizens from poverty, fight disease and promote new educational and economic opportunities.

<![CDATA[U.S. State Department Launches Iraq Cultural Heritage Project]]> Fri, 17 Oct 2008 16:24:37 -0400 First lady Laura Bush announces the Iraq Cultural Heritage Project, an effort by the U.S. Department of State to help Iraqis conserve and protect their country’s priceless historic artifacts. In her remarks, Mrs. Bush emphasizes the antiquity of Iraqi civilization, whose roots can be traced to the Bronze Age.

<![CDATA[Arab Americans Hear They Can Sway Presidential Election]]> Thu, 09 Oct 2008 13:51:53 -0400 Surrogates for Barack Obama and John McCain vied for Arab-American votes at a Virginia candidates forum sponsored by the Arab American Institute. The institute’s president, James Zogby, reminds attendees that they could play a decisive role in the outcome of Virginia elections.

<![CDATA[For Iranian Bloggers, Risks Have Not Deterred Activity]]> Mon, 06 Oct 2008 18:38:03 -0400 Those who challenge the media narrative put forward by the Iranian government do so at great personal risk, but many continue to accept the challenge and are finding ways through new technology to share their ideas with the broader public. Many Iranian bloggers have been arrested for sharing their opinions.

<![CDATA[Palestinian and Israeli Teens Learn About Teamwork, Each Other]]> Mon, 06 Oct 2008 18:08:16 -0400 talks to six Palestinian and Israeli teenagers sailing together off the coast of Massachusetts in a project sponsored by the Northeast Maritime Institute and supported by the State Department. Participants agree that interactions like this one are a positive step toward peace in the Middle East.

<![CDATA[Artist Heba Amin Explores Her Egyptian Heritage in America]]> Fri, 03 Oct 2008 16:03:37 -0400 Contemporary artist Heba Amin, 28, has been drawing for as long as she can remember, but pursuing art full-time did not occur to her until she was a junior in college. At the time, Amin, who now lives in Minneapolis, was a math major and first envisioned herself as an architect.

<![CDATA[Afghan American Gives Back to His Family’s Homeland]]> Thu, 02 Oct 2008 17:01:15 -0400 Joseph Osman has packed a lot of accomplishments into his 25 years. He graduated from college in three years and earned a master’s in business administration, but found the corporate life not to be his calling. Osman soon found himself in Afghanistan helping to alleviate the deep poverty he found there.

<![CDATA[Egyptian American Wins Highest U.S. Science Honor]]> Mon, 29 Sep 2008 17:29:58 -0400 Mostafa El-Sayed receives the National Medal of Science, the nation’s highest science award, for work on small compounds known as nanomaterials. “We're proud to honor a new generation of people who have strived for excellence, people whose discoveries have changed America and the world,” President Bush says.

<![CDATA[U.N. Security Council Calls on Iran to Comply on Nuclear Program]]> Mon, 29 Sep 2008 14:27:48 -0400 It is unacceptable for Iran to defy the United Nations over its controversial nuclear weapons development program, says U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Zalmay Khalilzad. The Security Council action follows a September 15 report from the IAEA that said Iran had not suspended uranium enrichment.

<![CDATA[Mideast Peace Process Continues to Advance, State’s Welch Says]]> Fri, 26 Sep 2008 12:59:04 -0400 Substantial progress has been made and will continue to be made in advancing the Middle East peace process, says Assistant Secretary of State David Welch. The United States has focused on four tracks to advance the Middle East peace process since the November 2007 Annapolis Conference.

<![CDATA[Lebanese American Saves Families from Losing Their Homes]]> Tue, 23 Sep 2008 14:07:53 -0400 Moose Scheib excelled in his studies and landed a job at a top law firm. One day, he was able to walk into the restaurant where his mother worked as a cook and tell her she would never have to work again. Today Scheib heads a company that has saved thousands of families from losing their homes.

<![CDATA[Enhancing Afghan Security Forces Seen as Significant Challenge]]> Tue, 23 Sep 2008 16:31:07 -0400 The most significant challenge facing the United States and its allies in Afghanistan is increasing the competence and reliability of the Afghan security forces, says U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Gates says the United States must encourage Afghanistan and Pakistan to work together to secure their mountainous border.

<![CDATA[United States Expresses Support for Pakistan After Bombing]]> Tue, 23 Sep 2008 15:55:22 -0400 President Bush meets with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari at the United Nations to discuss the September 20 truck bombing of the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad and review relations between the United States and Pakistan. Expressing condolences from the American people, Bush tells Zardari, “We stand with you.”

<![CDATA[Little Difference in Democratic, Republican Mideast Policies]]> Tue, 23 Sep 2008 13:22:55 -0400 On Middle East policy, as presented by the Democratic and Republican party platforms, John McCain and Barack Obama share the same priorities of supporting Israel and dissuading Iran’s development of nuclear weapons through tough economic sanctions.  However, there are also differences, especially on Iraq.

<![CDATA[Muslim Designers Create Clothes That Combine Fashion with Modesty]]> Fri, 19 Sep 2008 14:07:31 -0400 Nyla Hashmi and Fatima Monkush grew up best friends in Hartford, Connecticut. Both have Muslim fathers from South Asia and American mothers who converted to Islam. And now, both are committed to designing chic clothing that offers Muslim women a way to dress both modestly and fashionably.

<![CDATA[Imam Khalid Latif Builds Communities of Faith and Diversity]]> Thu, 18 Sep 2008 14:08:31 -0400 At age 25, Imam Khalid Latif already has achieved important leadership responsibilities as director of the Islamic Center at New York University and as a chaplain for the New York Police Department. Both are “American institutions with growing Muslim populations who are trying to find their way,” he says.

<![CDATA[Songwriter Kareem Salama Combines Muslim Faith and Country Music]]> Thu, 18 Sep 2008 14:07:04 -0400 Kareem Salama grew up in Oklahoma, where country music is a soundtrack to daily life.  But he also grew up in a devout Muslim household. When he started writing and singing his own songs, he combined a sensibility rooted in his Muslim faith with a compelling voice and a distinctive Southern accent.

<![CDATA[TV Journalist Kiran Khalid Covers News from Texas to Pakistan]]> Thu, 18 Sep 2008 14:06:30 -0400 As a kid, Kiran Khalid says, she sat inside a cardboard box facing outward — “so that I was literally in a TV.” Since then, Khalid has pursued a career as a television journalist and producer that has taken her from local news reporting to covering major national and international news events.

<![CDATA[United States Places Sanctions on Iran's Largest Maritime Company]]> Thu, 11 Sep 2008 16:02:23 -0400 The United States levels financial sanctions against Iran's largest shipping line and 18 affiliates for shipping military-related arms and cargo. The company shipped cargo for Iran's Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics, which controls Iran's ballistic missile research, development and production.

<![CDATA[Gates Says More U.S. Troops Are Needed in Afghanistan]]> Wed, 10 Sep 2008 17:09:02 -0400 While the United States is withdrawing combat forces from Iraq as the levels of violence decline and security by Iraqi forces improves, additional forces are being sent to Afghanistan to bolster security as the insurgency strengthens, say senior U.S. defense officials Robert Gates and Mike Mullen.

<![CDATA[United States Withdrawing 8,000 Troops from Iraq by February]]> Tue, 09 Sep 2008 14:26:40 -0400 Improving security across Iraq, coupled with a sustained reduction in levels of violence, is making it possible for the United States to reduce its forces by nearly 8,000 personnel by February 2009. “Iraqi forces are becoming increasingly capable of leading and winning the fight," says President Bush.

<![CDATA[Rice Makes Historic Visit to Libya]]> Fri, 05 Sep 2008 17:57:22 -0400 Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice becomes the highest-ranking American official to visit Libya in more than a half-century, opening the way for renewed diplomatic relations between Libya and the United States. "It is a historic moment,” Rice says. “And it is one that has come after a lot of difficulty.”

<![CDATA[“Heretic” Bloggers Risk Execution Under Iran’s New Restrictions]]> Wed, 03 Sep 2008 12:32:16 -0400 Iranian bloggers are facing increased pressure from their government, including the threat of execution for “heresy.” One expatriate blogger talks to about the government’s series of unsuccessful efforts to control information on the Web and why this latest tactic also is likely to fail.

<![CDATA[Iraqis Reclaim Anbar Province, Says Bush]]> Tue, 02 Sep 2008 16:31:14 -0400 Coalition forces have returned security responsibilities for Iraq’s Anbar province to civilian control, says President Bush, who praised the region’s dramatic turnaround as a testament to the Iraqi people’s commitment to democracy. “Today, Anbar is no longer lost to al Qaida -- it is al Qaida that lost Anbar.”

<![CDATA[Rice's Trip Signals New Beginning in U.S.-Libya Relations]]> Tue, 02 Sep 2008 17:05:42 -0400 Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's upcoming trip to Libya signifies a new beginning in U.S.-Libyan relations. "Normalized relations between the two countries enables the expansion of bilateral cooperation in a number of areas," State Department spokesman Sean McCormack says.

<![CDATA[For Women, Starting a Business Is the Same Worldwide]]> Mon, 25 Aug 2008 10:46:46 -0400 Although Robin Chase and Ilham Zhiri are separated by thousands of kilometers, the challenges and triumphs they have experienced as female entrepreneurs make them more similar than different. The two, during a State Department webchat, tackle questions on female executives and the challenges of running a business.

<![CDATA[U.S.-Iraq Agreement on Military Forces Nearing Completion]]> Thu, 21 Aug 2008 16:28:17 -0400 The United States and Iraq are very close to completing a final strategic agreement that will permit U.S. military forces to remain in Iraq and continue to conduct operations after a United Nations mandate expires December 31.

<![CDATA[Palestinian, Israeli Students Team Up to Become Sailing Crew]]> Tue, 19 Aug 2008 15:42:16 -0400 For six Israeli and Palestinian students, life on a swaying vessel off the Massachusetts coast offers a unique opportunity to learn to live and work together. Eric Dawicki, president of the Northeast Maritime Institute, tells how a ship can promote integrated conflict resolution in the Middle East.

<![CDATA[U.S.-Libya Compensation Pact Opens Path for Expanded Relations]]> Fri, 15 Aug 2008 13:14:40 -0400 The United States and Libya reach an agreement to resolve lawsuits by American and Libyan victims of terrorist attacks and bombings in 1986 and 1988, says Ambassador David Welch. "When fulfilled, the agreement we signed today will permit Libya and the United States to move ahead in developing their relations," he says.

<![CDATA[Sacrifices of Prisoners of Conscience Should Not Be in Vain]]> Fri, 08 Aug 2008 14:29:37 -0400 The world must know of the sacrifices being made by Syria’s prisoners of conscience, says Ausama Monajed, and even a signed oath to the Syrian regime will not prevent him from telling their stories.  The United Nations also "bears a responsibility to these prisoners that they shall not be forgotten," he says.

<![CDATA[Egypt Convicts Democracy Activist Saad Eddin Ibrahim]]> Tue, 05 Aug 2008 16:59:55 -0400 The Bush administration expresses disappointment over Egypt’s conviction of a democracy activist. “Lawsuits should not be used to undermine the principles of freedom of expression,” the State Department says, advocating “the protection of civil and political rights, including freedom of speech and due process.”

<![CDATA[U.S. Government, Private Groups Funnel Donations to Palestinians]]> Mon, 04 Aug 2008 18:50:26 -0400 The U.S. Agency for International Development and the American Charities for Palestine have reached an agreement on channeling private American donations to humanitarian projects for Palestinians.  The donations will go mainly for health and education projects.

<![CDATA[Resignation of Israel’s Olmert Will Not Stop Mideast Peace Effort]]> Thu, 31 Jul 2008 18:51:12 -0400 Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s resignation announcement will not disrupt U.S. efforts to promote Mideast peace, says Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. “It’s an internal Israeli matter. We continue to be committed to the goals of Annapolis,” Rice tells reporters July 30 in Washington.

<![CDATA[New York City Museum Exhibits Drawings by Iranian Satirist]]> Thu, 31 Jul 2008 18:17:07 -0400 An exhibition at the Asia Society Museum in New York City explores the work of Ardeshir Mohassess, an Iranian-born artist whose drawings and collages provide satirical commentary on the regimes that have ruled Iran from 1833 to the present.

<![CDATA[Bush Hails Improving Security Conditions in Iraq]]> Thu, 31 Jul 2008 16:02:26 -0400 President Bush welcomes Iraq’s continued security gains and political progress, which he said could lead to further troop reductions during his final six months in office. While “progress is still reversible,” Ambassador Ryan Crocker and coalition Commander General David Petraeus report “a degree of durability in [security] gains.”

<![CDATA[United States Committed to Lebanon’s Independence]]> Wed, 30 Jul 2008 11:05:37 -0400 The United States is making a “long-term investment” in Lebanon’s democracy aimed at promoting peace and stability across the Middle East. There are “two visions of Lebanon at play,” says former U.S. Ambassador Jeffrey Feltman: “one vision that’s allied with Syria and Iran … [and] another vision of Lebanon that’s looking westward.” 

<![CDATA[Afghan Judge Discusses Legal Reform in Afghanistan]]> Mon, 28 Jul 2008 15:19:25 -0400 Afghanistan faces many challenges in rebuilding its judicial system, but Abdul Saboor Hashimi, chief judge of the Sangcharak district of Sari Pul province, remains optimistic about his country’s progress in meeting those challenges. Hashimi answers questions about the rule of law and judicial reform in Afghanistan.

<![CDATA[Sports Exchanges with Iran Build Bridges]]> Thu, 24 Jul 2008 11:17:28 -0400 In the run-up to the Olympics, the State Department brings to the United States two Iranian national teams, the table tennis and basketball teams, to practice and compete in the United States as part of people-to-people exchanges between the two countries.

<![CDATA[Arms Control Verification Requires Experts with Special Skills]]> Tue, 22 Jul 2008 16:00:30 -0400 Arms control agreements require a special breed of experts to monitor and inspect weapons production facilities and related equipment to ensure that countries abide by their political commitments.  Verifiers must wear many hats as they seek to determine nations’ intent to comply with signed agreements.

<![CDATA[Rice Says Iran Has Not Been Serious in Nuclear Talks]]> Tue, 22 Jul 2008 11:19:30 -0400 The United States and five other world powers have shown they are serious that Iranian leaders must decide whether to halt Iran’s uranium enrichment program, which could be used in manufacturing nuclear weapons, says Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

<![CDATA[U.S. Musicians Put Their Own Twist on Popular Persian Songs]]> Mon, 21 Jul 2008 09:44:31 -0400 The music may be foreign, but the musicians are not. “We try to bring the music to non-Persians. We’re Americans and we put our own spin on it, but we still respect the music,” said Megan Weeder, a member of  NoorSaaz, an American band that plays Persian music.

<![CDATA[Disabled Bahraini, U.S. Students Seeking New Possibilities]]> Fri, 18 Jul 2008 14:08:09 -0400 Two delegations of young people with disabilities -- one Bahraini, the other American -- are taking part in an exchange program that allows them to address key issues that affect them. Organized by Mobility International USA and funded by the U.S. Department of State, the program is in its second year.

<![CDATA[United States Reducing Presence in Iraq, Bush Says]]> Wed, 16 Jul 2008 16:24:20 -0400 The United States and Iraq share the goal of improving security and strengthening the fledgling democracy to the point where U.S.-led coalition forces can leave the country, President Bush says. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Zimbabwe and Sudan’s Darfur region shared the spotlight in a July 15 White House press conference.

<![CDATA[New Research Shows Increased Arab Support for Two-State Solution]]> Mon, 07 Jul 2008 11:17:32 -0400 The Arab world supports a two-state solution to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict, according to recent research presented at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution.

<![CDATA[Arab-American Writers Reveal Life’s Richness and Frustrations]]> Mon, 07 Jul 2008 17:41:25 -0400 More and more works by Arab-American writers are being published, read and reviewed, according to a panel of writers. Arab-American literature, like that of other immigrant and ethnic communities, reveals a struggle to fit in and overcome prejudice and ignorance.

<![CDATA[Economic Integration of North Africa Seen to Have Multiple Benefits]]> Mon, 07 Jul 2008 16:16:58 -0400 Former and current U.S. officials are keeping interest alive for an economic trading bloc comprising North African countries.  A Bush administration official says the integration of North Africa is consistent with the president's goal of creating a Middle East free trade area by 2013.

<![CDATA[World Bank Conference Explores Challenges for Arab Women]]> Thu, 03 Jul 2008 13:59:11 -0400 Women’s access to education in the Middle East and North Africa has increased dramatically in the past 15 years.  But while literacy may be on the rise in the region, high unemployment rates among women still exist.  Education is only part of the solution to the female underrepresention in the work force.

<![CDATA[U.S. Aid Programs Help Displaced Iraqis Find Homes, Work]]> Fri, 27 Jun 2008 10:36:29 -0400 Most of Iraq’s 2.7 million internally displaced persons live in homes rather than refugee camps, says Denise Herbol, the deputy mission director in Iraq for the U.S. Agency for International Development. With improved security, some are starting to return to their original homes, she says.

<![CDATA[Palestinian Justice System Essential to Mideast Peace, Says Rice]]> Tue, 24 Jun 2008 09:18:28 -0400 Security and the rule of law represent the foundations of any successful state, says Secretary of State Rice, citing $242.3 million in new aid targeted for the Palestinian justice system essential to the future of Mideast peace. “Every link in what we call the chain of security must be intact and unbreakable,” Rice says. 

<![CDATA[Gaza Truce Is Helpful, United States Says]]> Thu, 19 Jun 2008 17:27:07 -0400 One of the objectives of the 2007 Annapolis Conference on the Middle East was to enhance security for Israelis and Palestinians, so a truce between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip can be helpful in moving peace negotiations forward, says State Department deputy spokesman Tom Casey.

<![CDATA[Rice Warns Israel on Settlement Expansion]]> Mon, 16 Jun 2008 09:44:35 -0400 An Israeli plan to expand settlement activity in disputed areas of East Jerusalem could slow progress toward a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice warns during her latest peace mission to the region.

<![CDATA[European Leaders Join Bush on More Iranian Sanctions]]> Mon, 16 Jun 2008 16:23:58 -0400 British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel join President Bush in further efforts to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons or the means to develop them.

<![CDATA[Guantanamo Detainees Win Right to Challenge Their Detention]]> Fri, 13 Jun 2008 20:30:29 -0400 Individuals detained as illegal combatants in the U.S. Navy base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have a constitutional right to challenge their detention, the U.S. Supreme Court rules. President Bush says his administration will study the decision to determine whether new legislation is needed.

<![CDATA[Iranian-born Journalist Wins Award for Press Freedom Advocacy]]> Fri, 13 Jun 2008 18:12:03 -0400 Ahmad Rafat, an Iranian-born journalist now based in Italy, wins the prestigious Ilaria Alpi prize for his long-time work promoting press freedom and human rights. He recently drew media attention for another reason, when he was barred from covering a U.N. food summit, apparently at the request of Iranian officials.

<![CDATA[Afghan Development Plan Confronts Drug Traffickers]]> Thu, 12 Jun 2008 15:43:10 -0400 Drug trafficking fuels violence and encourages corruption, making it the single largest threat to Afghanistan’s future, say Afghan leaders in Paris to introduce the Afghanistan National Development Strategy. “Those who are engaged in the narcotics industry … provide funding for terrorist activities and fuel corruption.”  

<![CDATA[United States, Iraq Negotiating Forces Agreement]]> Thu, 12 Jun 2008 14:58:56 -0400 The United States is negotiating a new agreement with the Iraqi government about the future presence and makeup of U.S. forces in Iraq after a U.N. mandate expires at the end of 2008.  "I think we'll end up with a strategic agreement with Iraq," President Bush says.

<![CDATA[Bush, Germany’s Merkel Seek Common Front in Dealing with Iran]]> Wed, 11 Jun 2008 08:54:03 -0400 German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Bush express a strong commitment to presenting a common U.S.-European Union policy on Iran following their talks in Meseberg, Germany, June 11. Merkel says Iran should live up to its promise of nuclear openness or face additional consequences.

<![CDATA[Afghans Appeal for Aid at Paris Conference]]> Wed, 11 Jun 2008 17:42:03 -0400 As representatives arrive in Paris for the International Conference in Support of Afghanistan, assistant secretary Richard Boucher urges them to remember that after decades of conflict, “nation building” remains an all-too-literal description of the challenges still facing Afghanistan’s 32 million citizens.

<![CDATA[Rice to Meet with Israeli, Palestinian Negotiators]]> Mon, 09 Jun 2008 10:31:01 -0400 Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is returning to Jerusalem and Ramallah to meet with the chief Palestinian and Israeli negotiators and assess progress in sensitive Middle East peace talks. In addition to the Middle East trip, Rice will attend the International Conference in Support of Afghanistan, June 12 in Paris.

<![CDATA[Afghan Government Charts Challenges Ahead at Paris Conference]]> Mon, 09 Jun 2008 17:26:36 -0400 Expanding security, confronting the influence of narcotics and corruption and coordinating international aid more effectively are expected to top the agenda as representatives from 80 nations and international organizations meet in Paris for the International Conference in Support of Afghanistan.

<![CDATA[Woman Proves Great Things Can Be Accomplished in Retirement]]> Fri, 06 Jun 2008 13:26:53 -0400 Marietta Dias has found a new calling in her retirement:  helping tens of thousands of migrant workers in Bahrain.

<![CDATA[How One Brave Man Helped End Slavery in His Country]]> Fri, 06 Jun 2008 13:13:31 -0400 Slavery in Mauritania finally was criminalized in 2007 thanks to the efforts of Boubacar Ould Messaoud and members of the nongovernmental organization he helped found.

<![CDATA[United States Does Not Seek Permanent Bases in Iraq]]> Thu, 05 Jun 2008 17:11:31 -0400 The United States is not seeking to build permanent military bases in Iraq under a new agreement currently being negotiated, says Ambassador Ryan Crocker. “There isn’t going to be an agreement that infringes on Iraq’s sovereignty. The Iraqis are not going to accept it. And frankly, we wouldn’t want it.”

<![CDATA[Syria Agrees to U.N. Inspection of Former Nuclear Site]]> Wed, 04 Jun 2008 15:59:40 -0400 The United States welcomed plans by the International Atomic Energy Agency to conduct an inquiry into a defunct Syrian nuclear reactor built with North Korean help, but cautioned Syrian officials to allow inspectors access to all suspected areas where nuclear activity may have been conducted.

<![CDATA[West Bank Radio Station Helps Youth Trade Despair for Dreams]]> Tue, 03 Jun 2008 17:28:57 -0400 With support from Internews Network’s Aswatona project for the West Bank and Gaza, one West Bank radio station is addressing the rampant frustration and despair among local youth through a special radio program produced by and for young people.

<![CDATA[U.N. Wants Answers from Iran on Controversial Nuclear Program]]> Mon, 02 Jun 2008 10:41:59 -0400 If Iran’s controversial nuclear program is as peaceful as Tehran claims, Mohammed ElBaradei, director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, wants to know why it may have included side research into high explosives, warhead designs and other projects with “possible military dimensions.”

<![CDATA[U.S. Intelligence Official Reports Major Gains Against Al-Qaida]]> Fri, 30 May 2008 17:48:54 -0400 Al-Qaida has lost in Iraq and Saudi Arabia and continues losing ground elsewhere thanks to strengthening global counterterrorism partnerships and an increasing number of Islamic scholars and former militants who are questioning the terrorist group’s legitimacy, says CIA Director Michael Hayden.

<![CDATA[Palestinian-American Leader Optimistic After Investment Meeting]]> Fri, 30 May 2008 16:04:05 -0400 Dr. Ziad Asali, the co-chair of the US-Palestinian Partnership, a public-private effort to support Palestinian economic and youth development, attended the recent Palestine Investment Conference in Bethlehem, the West Bank. Asali describes the conference in an interview with

<![CDATA[Rice Urges More Debt Relief, Development Aid for Iraq]]> Thu, 29 May 2008 17:40:32 -0400 Iraq’s improving security conditions are creating an opportunity for nations to help Iraqis make further progress in rebuilding their economy and developing democratic political institutions, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says at an Iraq review conference in Stockholm, Sweden.

<![CDATA[Palestine Investment Forum “Met Its Goal,” U.S. Official Says]]> Wed, 28 May 2008 15:59:12 -0400 An investment conference in the West Bank represents a shift from recent assistance to the Palestinian Territories.  It moves beyond the legacy of emergency humanitarian aid and attracts business people and government officials from around the world who want to boost the Palestinian economy.

]]> <![CDATA[United States Vigorously Backs Palestine Investment Conference]]> Tue, 27 May 2008 15:15:53 -0400 The U.S. government pledged loan guarantees and other aid worth millions of dollars to the West Bank Palestinian economy at the Palestine Investment Conference May 21-23.  Most of the money is in the form of loan guarantees to stimulate home building, information technology and other forms of private enterprise.

<![CDATA[U.N. Agency Report Critical of Iran's Nuclear Cooperation]]> Tue, 27 May 2008 17:20:11 -0400 A report by the International Atomic Energy Agency about Iran's nuclear development program is an indictment of that nation’s defiance of legitimate efforts to obtain clear information about the program, says U.S. Ambassador Gregory Schulte in Vienna, Austria.

<![CDATA[United States Welcomes Lebanon Agreement]]> Wed, 21 May 2008 18:35:42 -0400 The Arab League-led initiative to end violence in Lebanon and help advance a stable government with a new president after an 18-month stalemate is a welcome development, a senior U.S. diplomat says. The United States believes that the government and its security forces should extend authority over all the country.

<![CDATA[Palestine Investment Conference Set for May 21-23 in Bethlehem]]> Tue, 20 May 2008 17:22:47 -0400 A gathering of political and business leaders at the Palestine Investment Conference aims to spur investor interest in the territories by showcasing business opportunities and projects ready to be launched, says Deputy Treasury Secretary Robert Kimmitt. The conference is being held in Bethlehem May 21-23.

<![CDATA[Bush Finds Growing Mideast Agreement on Iran]]> Mon, 19 May 2008 16:41:56 -0400 Progress toward Israeli-Palestinian peace dominated President Bush’s latest visit to the Middle East, but he also returned to Washington reporting growing agreement among regional leaders on Iran’s challenge to peace and security, citing actions by Iranian-backed groups in Lebanon, the Gaza Strip and Iraq.

<![CDATA[Bush Reiterates Support for Palestinian State]]> Mon, 19 May 2008 15:09:29 -0400 The Palestinian people have suffered for decades and have earned the right to their own homeland, President Bush says in Egypt at the World Economic Forum on the Middle East, and the United States strongly supports creation of a Palestinian state based on the rule of law and social justice.

<![CDATA[United States Supports Saudi Arabian Civil Nuclear Program]]> Fri, 16 May 2008 11:00:07 -0400 President Bush meets with Saudi King Abdullah to celebrate 75 years of diplomatic relations and announce support for a civil nuclear energy program that will benefit Saudis, observe international standards and prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. The program will operate according to IAEA guidelines.

<![CDATA[New Public-Private Fund Aims to Serve Muslim Women]]> Fri, 16 May 2008 14:38:48 -0400 The One Woman Initiative -- a new public-private partnership program for aid -- will assist women and small nongovernmental organizations that might not otherwise receive training and financial help. The $100-million, five-year program is aimed, for now, exclusively at Muslim women.

<![CDATA[Democracy Could Transform Middle East, Says Bush]]> Thu, 15 May 2008 17:39:32 -0400 Democracy could bring a new future to the Middle East by undermining extremism and giving voice to millions of people across the region yearning for justice and tolerance, freedom and hope, says President Bush.  “These values are the self-evident right of all people, of all religions, in all of the world,” he says.

<![CDATA[Bush Brings Optimism to Middle East]]> Wed, 14 May 2008 16:25:59 -0400 Sixty years to the day of Israel's founding, President Bush calls on the nation to celebrate building the region's most dynamic democracy by working for peace in the Middle East.  Bush will discuss progress toward peace in meetings in Israel, Saudi Arabia and Egypt during his tour of the region.

<![CDATA[America Stands with Lebanon, Bush Says]]> Tue, 13 May 2008 18:46:01 -0400 The United States stands with the people of Lebanon against Hezbollah, says President Bush, who urges regional leaders to support Prime Minister Fouad Siniora and step up diplomatic pressure on the militants’ sponsors in Syria and Iran.

<![CDATA[Bush to Promote Peace, Regional Dialogue During Visit to Mideast]]> Mon, 12 May 2008 13:54:55 -0400 President Bush will mix symbolism and substance during a five-day, three-nation trip to the Middle East and will place considerable emphasis on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Bush is marking the 60th anniversary of Israel's founding and the 75th anniversary of U.S. ties with Saudi Arabia.

<![CDATA[Rice Condemns Terrorist Group Hezbollah’s Attacks in Lebanon]]> Fri, 09 May 2008 10:59:20 -0400 The United States continues to offer full support to the legitimate Lebanese government and condemns the armed attack by Hezbollah and its allies, says Secretary of State Rice. "We condemn the use of force by illegitimate armed groups and call upon all parties to respect the rule of law," she says.

<![CDATA[U.S. Backs Peaceful Solutions, Democratic Leaders in Middle East]]> Thu, 08 May 2008 09:57:49 -0400 U.S. policy for the Middle East is predicated on support for peaceful solutions and a strengthening of democratic leaders against extremists who use violence, repress fundamental freedoms and seek to undermine U.S. and allied interests, a State Department official tells Congress.

<![CDATA[Bush Prepares for a Six-Day Middle East Visit]]> Wed, 07 May 2008 09:58:34 -0400 President Bush will use his six-day trip to the Middle East to reaffirm the U.S. commitment to a lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians, and to meet separately with leaders of Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq.

<![CDATA[Improvements in Palestinians’ Lives Would Aid Mideast Diplomacy]]> Mon, 05 May 2008 16:50:38 -0400 A Middle East peace settlement by January 2009 remains possible, says Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, if negotiators redouble their efforts to translate diplomatic progress into tangible improvements in the daily lives of Palestinians.  Rice concluded visits to London, Israel and the West Bank to evaluate the progress of the peace talks. 

<![CDATA[Rice Urges Arab States to Do More to Help Palestinians]]> Fri, 02 May 2008 11:27:28 -0400 As Mideast peace talks continue, nations must join the United States in efforts to improve the daily lives of Palestinians and help them to build a future state, says Secretary of State Rice. Countries with resources and an interest in the establishment of a Palestinian state need to provide those resources now, she says.

<![CDATA[Democracy Possible for Iran, Says Dissident Iranian Journalist]]> Wed, 30 Apr 2008 18:13:54 -0400 Democracy can take root in Iran, but it won’t grow American style, says Arash Sigarchi, an Iranian journalist who was imprisoned for his outspokenness.  In a recent interview with, he says democracy can flourish among the Iranian people with the help of increased education and public awareness.

<![CDATA[Palestine Investment Conference Set for May 21-23]]> Tue, 29 Apr 2008 11:28:23 -0400 The Palestinian Authority is convening the Palestine Investment Conference May 21-23, in an effort to improve economic and social conditions in the territories, which is a critical component of the broader Middle East peace process. The conference is intended to help increase investment in the Palestinian economy.

<![CDATA[Rice Plans Full Agenda During Middle East Trip]]> Mon, 28 Apr 2008 11:29:01 -0400 In a five-day trip to Britain and the Middle East, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice aims to shore up Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, and discuss financial aid for the Palestinian Authority with allies.  Rice will travel to Britain, Israel and the West Bank from May 1-5, the State Department says.

<![CDATA[Arab Americans Present “Spirit of Humanity” Awards]]> Fri, 25 Apr 2008 13:05:27 -0400 Hundreds of Americans, many of Arab origin, attend the Kahlil Gibran Spirit of Humanity Awards ceremony. The awards, created to celebrate the life of Arab-American writer Gibran Kahlil Gibran, recognize individuals and groups whose work "promotes inclusion, cultural understanding and cooperation across ethnic, racial and religious lines."

<![CDATA[Syria Did Not Disclose Building Nuclear Reactor]]> Fri, 25 Apr 2008 16:48:33 -0400 Syria did not tell the International Atomic Energy Agency it was building a nuclear reactor in a remote area of eastern Syria with help from North Korean nuclear scientists and engineers, and after the reactor was destroyed in September 2007, made every effort to bury the evidence, White House press secretary Dana Perino says.

<![CDATA[Palestinian State Remains Leading U.S. Priority, Says Bush]]> Thu, 24 Apr 2008 11:29:57 -0400 Tough negotiations remain ahead for Palestinians and Israelis working for peace, but President Bush remains confident they still can set the stage for a two-state solution by January 2009. “The Palestinian state is a high priority for me and my administration,” Bush says in welcoming Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to the White House.

<![CDATA[Public-Private Partnerships Foster Innovative Solutions]]> Thu, 24 Apr 2008 15:41:01 -0400 What would you do if you were offered $1 million to build a robot vehicle that could drive at speed, park, avoid pedestrians and cars driven by professional racers, and obey traffic laws?  A Virginia Tech student jumped at the chance to team with professional engineers outfitting a car with electronics and computers to do just that.

<![CDATA[Poetry of Rumi a Unifying Force of Civilizations]]> Thu, 24 Apr 2008 15:26:50 -0400 The 13-century Persian poet, philosopher and mystic known as Rumi is one of the most widely read poets in the United States. In an interview with SPAN, surgeon and translator Dr. Nevit Ergin says Rumi's popularity may be due to American “spiritual hunger” and the inadequacy of material comforts alone in the pursuit of happiness.

<![CDATA[Sada Cumber Discusses New Role as U.S. Special Envoy to OIC]]> Wed, 23 Apr 2008 16:09:27 -0400 Sada Cumber, U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, authors an op-ed for the pan-Arab newspaper al-Sharq al-Awsat on the United States, Islam and the future of the American and Muslim communities. Cumber, an American Muslim investor and entrepreneur based in Texas, was appointed by President Bush in February.

<![CDATA[U.S. Adopters of Foreign Orphans Undergo Tough Scrutiny]]> Tue, 22 Apr 2008 08:53:56 -0400 The United States adopts more children from abroad than all other countries combined. This is because of a culture of adoption in America, where a child does not have to be genetically linked to its parents to be loved, experts say. Strong institutional safeguards protecting children’s rights and well-being also play a role.

<![CDATA[Meetings Signal Iraq's Regional Reintegration, Rice Says]]> Tue, 22 Apr 2008 17:12:44 -0400 The expanded Iraq neighbors meeting has emerged as a forum for the international community to address political, economic and security challenges facing Iraq and the region.  Secretary Rice says that the United States remains committed to fostering a sovereign, democratic and prosperous Iraq at peace with itself and its neighbors.

<![CDATA[U.S., Allies Want Iran to Abandon Nuclear Weapons Research]]> Mon, 21 Apr 2008 09:59:28 -0400 From its location at the crossroads of the Middle East and South Asia, Iran could threaten three continents and eventually the United States in the next decade if it had nuclear weapons. However, its greatest threat is to moderate states within the region. The U.S. goal is to convince Iran to abandon its nuclear weapons ambitions forever.

<![CDATA[U.S. Marks Anniversary of 1983 Beirut Embassy Bombing]]> Fri, 18 Apr 2008 16:24:06 -0400 President Bush marks the 25th anniversary of the 1983 attack on the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, by calling on nations to condemn terrorism.  "All nations should condemn such brutal attacks and recognize that the purposeful targeting of civilians is immoral and unjustifiable," the president says.

<![CDATA[High Food Prices, Urban Migration Make It Hard to Help the Poor]]> Thu, 17 Apr 2008 10:53:39 -0400 The dynamics of development and humanitarian assistance are changing, according to Henrietta Fore, administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development.  At a major international food aid conference, Fore and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Ed Schafer discuss new challenges posed by high food prices for donors and recipients.

<![CDATA[Bush, Great Britain’s Brown Call for New Iran Sanctions]]> Thu, 17 Apr 2008 11:24:18 -0400 New international sanctions are needed to convince Iran to suspend its controversial nuclear program, join international talks and benefit from a standing offer of support for a civil nuclear program, say President Bush and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown at a joint press conference in Washington.

<![CDATA[Iraq Needs More Support from Neighbors, Rice Says]]> Thu, 17 Apr 2008 16:59:12 -0400 Iraq's fellow Arab states must fulfill their promises to increase their engagement -- diplomatic, economic, social and cultural -- with Iraq's government and people, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says on the eve of her departure for an Iraq neighbors’ conference in Kuwait.

<![CDATA[Food Crisis Has Long-Term Global Challenges, Rice Says]]> Thu, 17 Apr 2008 14:00:03 -0400 President Bush is seeking an additional $350 million from Congress to provide immediate emergency food assistance, but the current food crisis has long-term global challenges, says Secretary Condoleezza Rice.  "We need to encourage farmers and transporters, markets and governments to meet this urgent worldwide challenge," she says.

<![CDATA[Support for Displaced Iraqis Urged by U.S. Official]]> Wed, 16 Apr 2008 18:03:39 -0400 Iraqi families displaced by conflict need more help, says a U.S. diplomat recently returned from the Middle East and Europe, where he urged nations to join the United States in lending continued support. “This is a shared responsibility and the stakes are high,” says James Foley, State Department coordinator for Iraqi refugee issues.

<![CDATA[U.N. Calls for New Food Donations, Predicts Long-term Success]]> Wed, 16 Apr 2008 13:49:55 -0400 U.N. World Food Programme Director Josette Sheeran asks donor countries to increase aid for the world’s hungry. At the same time, she says at the 10th annual International Food Aid Conference in Kansas City, Missouri, that her organization is making progress in building long-term solutions by helping farmers in developing countries.

<![CDATA[Bush Orders $200 Million for Emergency Food Relief]]> Tue, 15 Apr 2008 12:43:45 -0400 Responding aggressively to a worsening global food crisis, President Bush orders some $200 million in emergency U.S. food assistance to address the impact of rising commodity prices on U.S. emergency food aid programs, meet unanticipated food aid needs in Africa and elsewhere, and help relieve political instability in some regions.

<![CDATA[Rising Global Food Prices Likely to Continue, Say Experts]]> Mon, 14 Apr 2008 14:10:15 -0400 Sharply rising costs for food staples and fuel are leading to deadly clashes in impoverished countries and likely will continue for some time, international experts say. Rising prices are attributed to a combination of factors, including reduced production, low food stocks, drought and higher energy and transportation costs.

<![CDATA[Surge Puts Iraq Back on Track, Says Bush]]> Thu, 10 Apr 2008 16:26:35 -0400 Improving security conditions in Iraq reflect a “major strategic shift,” says President Bush, which is setting the stage for Iraqis to continue making political and economic progress and the United States to transition toward a supporting role. “Our job in the period ahead is to stand with the Iraqi government,” Bush says.

<![CDATA[Assessment Needed Before Reducing Iraq Troops, U.S. Officials Say]]> Thu, 10 Apr 2008 15:21:15 -0400 U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker and General David Petraeus, military commander of U.S.-led coalition forces in Iraq, emphasize in a press briefing that there are significant political and security components to be evaluated before deciding how rapidly and how many forces can be withdrawn from Iraq.

<![CDATA[Bush Administration Seeks $37 Billion To Bolster Diplomacy]]> Thu, 10 Apr 2008 12:11:52 -0400 President Bush is seeking more than $37 billion from Congress in fiscal year 2009 spending to strengthen U.S. diplomacy by helping countries build democracy, recover from conflicts and improve lives and livelihoods by confronting disease and poverty.  Speaking before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, Secretary Rice outlines key priorities.

<![CDATA[Recent Developments Signal Progress in Iraq, Envoy Crocker Says]]> Tue, 08 Apr 2008 13:52:34 -0400 There has been progress in Iraq over the past seven months, though immense challenges remain and gains have been uneven and frustratingly slow, says U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker. "Sustaining that progress will require continuing U.S. resolve and commitment.  What has been achieved is substantial, but it is also reversible," he says.

<![CDATA[Iranian-American Researcher Explores Technology Frontiers in U.S.]]> Tue, 08 Apr 2008 10:51:16 -0400 Computer displays that fit into contact lenses, machines that assemble themselves, tools that let a doctor see precisely which of your cells has cancer, and nanodevices that monitor your health and dispense medicines are just some of the projects that Iranian-American scientist Babak Parviz and his research team are pursuing.

<![CDATA[U.N. Peacekeeping Vital to International Security]]> Thu, 03 Apr 2008 17:29:06 -0400 U.N. peacekeeping operations serve as crucial tools in addressing a wide array of threats to international peace and security, especially where direct military involvement by the United States is not necessary or appropriate, a senior U.S. diplomat says at a congressional hearing on U.S. support and funding for such operations.

<![CDATA[Program Improves Living Standards for Disabled Palestinians]]> Tue, 01 Apr 2008 15:55:46 -0400 Disabled children from across the West Bank are benefiting from a USAID-funded outreach program for isolated Palestinians with mobility problems and children with special needs. The program supports clinical services in Jenin and allows therapists to travel to remote villages to treat patients.

<![CDATA[New Agreement May Improve Palestinian Livelihoods, Says Rice]]> Mon, 31 Mar 2008 10:30:57 -0400 A new Israeli-Palestinian agreement easing border restrictions for Palestinians in the West Bank will improve the livelihoods of area residents and may help negotiators make further progress toward Mideast peace, according to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

<![CDATA[University of Georgia Partners with Tunisia on e-Learning Project]]> Wed, 26 Mar 2008 10:42:04 -0400 A Tunisian engineering professor at the University of Georgia establishes an award-winning UGA-Tunisian Educational Partnership to help her native country achieve  national educational goals and to support online course development through the Virtual University of Tunis.

<![CDATA[Bahrain, United States to Cooperate on Nuclear Energy]]> Tue, 25 Mar 2008 18:54:47 -0400 The United States and Bahrain will cooperate in a civil nuclear energy program that will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, meet future energy needs and prevent the spread of nuclear technology that could be used in making weapons. The new pact is discussed by President Bush and Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa at the White House.

<![CDATA[Kennedy Center to Showcase Artistic Traditions of Arab World]]> Mon, 24 Mar 2008 15:32:11 -0400 “The best way to learn about other people,” says Michael Kaiser, president of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, “is through their culture.” Kaiser has spent the past four years shaping a three-week festival on the arts and culture of the Arab world. The festival will take place at Washington’s Kennedy Center early in 2009.

<![CDATA[Egyptian-American Exchange Is Theme of TV Reality Show]]> Thu, 20 Mar 2008 13:47:30 -0400 After an exchange of visits arranged for a pioneering television program, the participants -- two Americans and two Egyptians -- sharply revised their views of each other’s culture. During the reciprocal two-week visits in the United States and Egypt, camera crews followed the four as they immersed themselves in the other country’s culture.

<![CDATA[Bush Calls Success in Iraq a Strategic Victory Against Terror]]> Wed, 19 Mar 2008 08:07:41 -0400 Five years ago the United States led an international coalition into Iraq to topple a brutal dictator and free 27 million people. Many challenges remain in building a new democracy, but the United States will stand with the Iraqi people because Iraq’s success will be a strategic victory against extremists, says President Bush.

<![CDATA[U.S. Will Take Relations with Muslim World to “Next Level”]]> Tue, 18 Mar 2008 18:55:19 -0400 interviews Sada Cumber, newly named U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

<![CDATA[American Doctor Teams with Marines to Save Iraqi Girl]]> Mon, 17 Mar 2008 18:09:24 -0400 U.S. Marines on a routine patrol in Haditha, Iraq, were looking for signs of enemy activity when they found something entirely different: a 2-year-old Iraqi girl with a serious and potentially fatal heart defect. Their compassionate actions helped save her life.

<![CDATA[Provincial Reconstruction Teams Reconnecting Afghanistan]]> Fri, 14 Mar 2008 15:31:17 -0400 Security operations may dominate the news from Afghanistan, but behind the headlines are the diplomats, soldiers and civilian experts of the provincial reconstruction teams (PRTs) who are helping the people of Afghanistan make unmistakable progress rebuilding the country after decades of violence and oppressive rule.

<![CDATA[Kosovo Independence Significant in Muslim World, Envoy Says]]> Fri, 14 Mar 2008 15:28:35 -0400 Kosovo may be Europe’s newest nation, but its significance extends well beyond the region. “To be able to secure a Muslim-majority state inside the European whole is a terrific signal that the Muslim world and the non-Muslim word can live side by side in peace and cooperation, one with the other,” says a U.S. diplomat.

<![CDATA[What Kosovo Means for the Muslim World]]> Fri, 14 Mar 2008 17:21:37 -0400 “To be able to secure a Muslim-majority state inside the European whole is a terrific signal that the Muslim world and the non-Muslim word can live side by side in peace and cooperation,” says U.S. Special Envoy for Kosovo Frank Wisner in an interview.

<![CDATA[Bush Reaffirms U.S. Support for Afghanistan, Iraq]]> Wed, 12 Mar 2008 16:02:54 -0400 The United States remains committed to helping the people of Afghanistan and Iraq confront the forces of extremism and build effective democracies. “The effect of a free Iraq and a free Afghanistan will reach beyond the borders of those two countries,” President Bush says.

<![CDATA[Trailblazer Opens Doors for Palestinian Women]]> Mon, 10 Mar 2008 11:43:47 -0400 Politician, teacher and journalist Nibal Thawabteh shows Palestinian women that life has broad possibilities. The former councilwoman instructs other women in running for elected office and publishes a monthly magazine with a focus on investigative journalism.

<![CDATA[Bush Condemns Terrorist Attack in Jerusalem]]> Fri, 07 Mar 2008 17:58:23 -0400 The United States joins the international community in strongly condemning a terrorist attack on Jerusalem rabbinical students in an apparent bid to derail Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. "This barbaric and vicious attack on innocent civilians deserves the condemnation of every nation," President Bush says.

<![CDATA[Bush Requests Nearly $7 Billion To Strengthen U.S. Diplomacy]]> Thu, 06 Mar 2008 18:14:56 -0400 President Bush is requesting nearly $7 billion in extra funding to pay for diplomatic initiatives aimed at giving U.S. allies in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and the Western Hemisphere tools they need to promote peace and stability, build strong governments, deliver essential services to their citizens and promote long-term prosperity.

<![CDATA[Rice Says Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks To Resume]]> Wed, 05 Mar 2008 19:26:37 -0400 There are always enemies of peace who try to hold the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks hostage, but that simply can not be permitted when peace, security and prosperity for the Palestinian people are at stake, says Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The parties have suspended talks but say they plan to resume.

<![CDATA[Rice Urges Resumption of Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks]]> Tue, 04 Mar 2008 18:59:55 -0400 During a visit to the West Bank city of Ramallah, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urges Palestinian leaders to restart peace talks with Israeli leaders. Suspending negotiations plays into the hands of those who want the peace process derailed and prolongs the day when there can be a two-state solution, she says.

<![CDATA[U.N. Security Council Approves Third Round of Iran Sanctions]]> Mon, 03 Mar 2008 19:29:53 -0400 The vote by the U.N. Security Council to impose new sanctions on Iran illustrates that the council will take action when a nation violates its international obligations, says a senior U.S. official. The council approved sanctions March 3 for Iran's refusal to suspend uranium enrichment or answer questions about its nuclear program.

<![CDATA[Rice Looks at U.S. Diplomacy in the 21st Century]]> Fri, 29 Feb 2008 19:32:35 -0400 The rapid international movement of information, money, technology and people -- commonly referred to as globalization -- is transforming the world and geopolitics, says Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, by empowering those nations that can seize its benefits and revealing the weaknesses of those that cannot.

<![CDATA[Al-Qaida Remains Leading Threat, Say Intelligence Officials]]> Thu, 28 Feb 2008 11:10:08 -0400 Top U.S. intelligence officials warn that al-Qaida and its affiliates remain a leading threat to the United States and its allies around the world, followed closely by the rapid spread of missile technologies and ongoing efforts by terrorists or nation states to acquire weapons of mass destruction.

<![CDATA[First U.S. Envoy to Organization of the Islamic Conference Named]]> Wed, 27 Feb 2008 13:46:05 -0400 President Bush has appointed high-tech executive Sada Cumber as America’s first special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference.  “The core of his mission is to explain to the Islamic world that America is a friend -- a friend of freedom, a friend of peace,” Bush says after a meeting with Cumber.

<![CDATA[Students from Muslim-Majority Countries Discuss Islam in America]]> Tue, 26 Feb 2008 13:54:06 -0400 During an Ask America webchat on Islam in the United States, hosted by, a number of questions come from high school students in the West Bank, Afghanistan and Tajikistan involved in Internet learning programs made possible by the U.S. State Department’s Global Connections and Exchange Program.

<![CDATA[Arabic-Language Project Connects Palestinian, U.S. Teens]]> Fri, 22 Feb 2008 18:18:21 -0400 An online language skills program is bringing together American and Palestinian secondary school students. In the program, Palestinians from the West Bank are creating online videos to help American students in the United States learn Arabic. The videos are part of a program to help young people bridge social and cultural divides.

<![CDATA[Palestinian Leader Fayyad Praises United States for Major Funding]]> Tue, 12 Feb 2008 18:38:32 -0400 Creation of a Palestinian state requires parallel progress on multiple tracks -- governance, security and economics -- and success depends on a serious and sustained commitment by the Palestinians and Israelis, the United States, the Quartet, the Arab countries and the global community, says Palestinian leader Salam Fayyad.

<![CDATA[Videos Show al-Qaida in Iraq Recruiting Children for Terrorism]]> Fri, 08 Feb 2008 08:18:10 -0400 Al-Qaida in Iraq is recruiting and training boys -- some younger than 11 -- to kidnap and kill, senior U.S. and Iraqi military spokesmen tell journalists during a press briefing in Iraq. Iraqi Major General Mohammad al Askari of Iraq’s Defense Ministry says the terrorist organization is using children ages 8 to 14 as suicide bombers.

<![CDATA[United States Committed To Helping Iraqi Refugees]]> Fri, 08 Feb 2008 12:56:58 -0400 The United States, shouldering its "special responsibility" toward Iraqi refugees, is preparing to deliver millions of dollars in aid to refugees marooned in neighboring countries and resettle 12,000 refugees by September 30, according to the State Department's coordinator for Iraqi refugees, James Foley.

<![CDATA[United States To Welcome 12,000 More Iraqi Refugees in 2008]]> Wed, 06 Feb 2008 15:58:41 -0400 It is a long road home for families displaced by war, but U.S. officials hope to offer as many as 12,000 Iraqis the chance to resettle in the United States by the end of 2008. “This is a tall order, but it remains attainable,” James Foley, the State Department’s senior adviser on Iraqi refugee issues, tells reporters.

<![CDATA[Bangladeshi American Is First Muslim Chaplain in Marine Corps]]> Mon, 04 Feb 2008 12:50:52 -0400 A man who once was a student in the United States from Bangladesh is the first Muslim chaplain in the U.S. Marine Corps. Abuhena Saifulislam represents America as Muslim military chaplain abroad and at home, helping U.S. service people understand Islam and counseling individuals, most of whom are not Muslim.

<![CDATA[America Is Spreading the Hope of Freedom, Bush Says]]> Mon, 28 Jan 2008 11:02:34 -0400 “Our foreign policy is based on a clear premise:  We trust that people, when given the chance, will choose a future of freedom and peace,” President Bush says in his final State of the Union address. Bush also is seeking a boost in U.S. foreign aid funding to help developing countries realize democracy’s benefits.

<![CDATA[Iraqi, American Poetry Reading Bridges Cultural Divides]]> Mon, 28 Jan 2008 17:02:02 -0400 “One of the treasures of poetry is that it allows full equality to all artists and freedom of expression in what defines a truly democratic society,” said U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker at the first annual Iraqi/American Poetry Reading, sponsored by the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad in partnership with the Iraqi Tawasin Cultural Society.

<![CDATA[Play About Persian Folk Tale Delights Young American Audiences]]> Mon, 28 Jan 2008 16:18:56 -0400 The Shakespeare Theatre Company of Washington has staged a children's play based on a Persian folk tale. Playwright Norman Allen says that the inspiration for the play, On the Eve of Friday Morning, lay in his frustration with hearing Iran described in broad, sweeping and dismissive language by many U.S. political figures.

<![CDATA[Autocratic Powers Partly To Blame for Decline in Global Freedom]]> Thu, 24 Jan 2008 15:57:41 -0400 For the first time in 15 years, the level of global freedom has decreased for two consecutive years, the Freedom House organization notes in its annual report on the issue. The organization cites the role countries such as Russia, China, Iran and Venezuela are playing in undermining pro-democracy movements in neighboring nations.

<![CDATA[Iraq Water Resources Benefit From U.S. Expertise, Funding]]> Fri, 18 Jan 2008 18:01:19 -0400 U.S. scientists and engineers are working with the Iraq Ministry of Water Resources to install the latest technology and implement modern methods for managing water resources. The effort is important because Iraq’s water resources must be monitored and managed to optimize distribution of water for agriculture and electrical generation.

<![CDATA[Minnesota Voters Focused on Immigration, Iraq]]> Wed, 16 Jan 2008 13:39:39 -0400 The war in Iraq and immigration top the list of issues expected to influence voters of Minnesota's 1st Congressional District in November, according to a former district congressman. Transportation infrastructure planning, the direction of U.S. farm programs and perceptions of public officials' effectiveness are other issues of concern.

<![CDATA[Bush Promotes Mideast Peace Plan, Security in Gulf]]> Tue, 15 Jan 2008 16:29:58 -0400 In meetings with Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah in Riyadh, President Bush underlines the U.S. commitment to helping Palestinian and Israeli leaders realize their goal of a peace settlement and a Palestinian state by the end of 2008 and urges regional leaders to continue their support for the negotiations.

<![CDATA[Iraq Officials Begin New Year with Vow to Battle Corruption]]> Tue, 15 Jan 2008 15:44:05 -0400 Kicking off what Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has called "The Anti-corruption Year," top Iraqi officials recently hosted a high-level discussion focusing on administrative and financial corruption. The Iraqi government's efforts demonstrate "a seriousness of purpose, a determination to move forward," U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker says.

<![CDATA[Ties Between U.S. and Muslim Cities Grow]]> Mon, 14 Jan 2008 13:50:25 -0400 A U.S. citizen diplomacy group, Sister Cities International, fosters understanding between the United States and the Muslim world by increasing contact between ordinary citizens. Currently, there are 94 relationships between U.S. cities and cities in predominantly Muslim nations, and about 20 new relationships are developing.

<![CDATA[Computer Center Builds Skills, Networks for Palestinian Youth]]> Mon, 14 Jan 2008 13:47:58 -0400 Some 60 Palestinian teenagers gather at a computer lab in downtown Hebron nearly every day after school. It is one of six West Bank Internet learning centers run by Relief International Schools Online, with a grant from the U.S. State Department, to promote Internet exchanges between Palestinian and American youth.

<![CDATA[Bush Promotes Freedom, Justice Across the Middle East]]> Mon, 14 Jan 2008 16:06:42 -0400 President Bush is encouraging the advance of freedom and justice throughout the Middle East during his eight-day trip to meet with leaders in the region, but he also is warning of the dangers posed by those who promote extremism, terrorism and insurgency that threaten regional security and undermine societies.

<![CDATA[Bush Pledges Support to Israelis, Palestinians Working for Peace]]> Thu, 10 Jan 2008 12:40:31 -0400 After separate meetings with Palestinian and Israeli leaders January 9 and January 10, President Bush says he is increasingly confident that what might have been unlikely even a year ago is not only possible, but necessary: the creation of a Palestinian state by the end of 2008. “Is it possible for the Israelis and the Palestinians to work out their differences?” Bush asks in the West Bank city of Ramallah. “My answer is, absolutely, it’s possible. Not only is it possible, it's necessary. And I'm looking forward to helping.”

<![CDATA[Mechanics Training for Iraqi Army Fuels Engine for Change]]> Mon, 07 Jan 2008 12:01:38 -0400 One hundred and eighty-nine smiling Iraqi jundi (soldiers) receive certificates for successfully completing a rigorous 10-week mechanics course December 30, 2007, knowing they will now play an integral role as engines for change powering their army. The graduation ceremony, at the Iraqi Army Sixth Division’s base in West Baghdad, is an example of the way the U.S. Army is partnering with the Iraqi military to move it toward self-sufficiency.

<![CDATA[Bush To Push for Mideast Peace in Regional Visit]]> Thu, 03 Jan 2008 12:01:58 -0400 Setting out for the Middle East, President Bush hopes to build on the success of the November 2007 Annapolis Conference to keep up momentum toward a two-state solution for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by the end of 2008. “What you see in the Middle East right now is a struggle between extremists and those who have a more hopeful vision for the future of the Middle East,” National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley says. During his trip, Bush will make his first official visits to Israel and the West Bank, with stops in Kuwait, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

<![CDATA[Bush Administration Promises "Sprint to the Finish" in 2008]]> Mon, 31 Dec 2007 12:35:10 -0400 In a series of recent interviews, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice discusses several U.S. foreign policy priorities for 2008, the Bush administration's final year in office.  These include keeping up momentum in the Mideast peace process, continuing support for democracy in Lebanon, building on the surge in Iraq, halting controversial nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea, promoting stability in Afghanistan and Pakistan, resolving the status of Kosovo and addressing Russia's concerns over a proposed missile defense system based in Europe.

<![CDATA[American Life, Diversity Explained, Point by Data Point]]> Fri, 21 Dec 2007 13:52:07 -0400 America is changing in big ways.  It’s getting older, and it’s getting more racially and ethnically diverse, the U.S. Census Bureau says in its annual Statistical Abstract of the United States.  The publication, a compendium of data on American life, includes everything from how much Americans volunteer (27 percent of the population volunteers an hour per week) to which U.S. cities are most popular with travelers from abroad (New York wins by far).

<![CDATA[American Muslims Travel to Mecca for Annual Pilgrimage]]> Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:08:43 -0400 Young American Muslims, many professionals in their 20s, are traveling to the Middle East to perform the Hajj, according to travel industry experts in the United States. This is a new trend, according to one Seattle tour operator. “The Hajj is an arduous undertaking that requires physical strength, endurance and stamina,” says award-winning documentary filmmaker Anisa Mehdi, who follows three pilgrims in her film Inside Mecca. “Traditionally, older people do it because there is great motivation to complete the transcendental journey, but it is easier for people in good health and strong,” Mehdi says.

<![CDATA[Women for Women International Helps Iraqi Women Rebuild Lives]]> Sat, 01 Dec 2007 11:15:52 -0400 When a young Iraqi-American woman, Zainab Salbi, began an organization in 1992 to help women in conflict zones recover their lives, she had no idea what was ahead. Today that organization, Women for Women International, is providing assistance in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Kosovo, Nigeria, Rwanda and Sudan.

<![CDATA[From an Iranian Childhood of More Work than Play, a Tycoon Rises]]> Wed, 21 Nov 2007 14:36:36 -0400 Were you to talk to Isaac Larian about his childhood in Iran, he would not wax nostalgic over childhood games or playthings.  In fact, he would tell you that, when his friends and cousins played or went on vacation, he did “constant, hard work” helping his father run a retail textile business.  Today, Larian is president and chief executive of the largest privately held toy company in the world, MGA Entertainment, based in Van Nuys, California -- and he has been named “Entrepreneur of the Year” by a leading accounting firm.

<![CDATA[Provincial Reconstruction Teams Reconnecting Government in Iraq]]> Fri, 02 Nov 2007 16:33:45 -0400 Provincial reconstruction teams are helping communities in one of Iraq’s most troubled regions to “reconnect government,” says U.S. diplomat and Anbar province team leader James Soriano. “Anbar province is leaving the long night of battle and entering onto a post-conflict period, with rising expectations among its citizens of better services and accountable government,” Soriano says.

<![CDATA[United States Sets Sanctions Against Iranian Revolutionary Guard]]> Thu, 25 Oct 2007 13:11:18 -0400 Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps is the target of a new set of U.S. sanctions against its support for international terrorism and role in proliferating weapons of mass destruction. “These actions will help to protect the international financial system from the illicit activities of the Iranian government and they will provide a powerful deterrent to every international bank and company that thinks of doing business with the Iranian government,” according to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

<![CDATA[Microsoft, U.S. Agencies Partner To Expand Computer Use Globally]]> Wed, 24 Oct 2007 10:52:24 -0400 The U.S. public and private sectors are partnering to promote the use of computer technology in development around the world, especially in such areas as economic growth, governance, education and youth employment. The five-year, public-private partnership among the U.S. Agency for International Development, the U.S President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, Millennium Challenge Corporation and Microsoft Corporation aims to "catalyze the global community to address the diverse social and business challenges faced by those who currently receive few or no benefits from technology," according to an joint press release.

<![CDATA[U.S., U.K. Efforts To Stabilize Iraq-Turkey Border Intensify]]> Tue, 23 Oct 2007 13:25:36 -0400 Stepped-up diplomatic efforts to reduce tensions along Iraq's northern border with Turkey after cross-border attacks by the terrorist group Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) are the focus of a meeting between Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and British Foreign Secretary David Miliband. President Bush also contacts Turkish President Abdullah Gul and Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to discuss ways that the two countries could work to halt the PKK’s terrorist threat.

<![CDATA[U.S. Aid to the Middle East Becoming More Focused on Women]]> Thu, 18 Oct 2007 10:51:58 -0400 U.S. aid to the Middle East over several decades has helped women, but often indirectly. Since the 1980s, when the focus of U.S. aid to the region shifted to getting girls as well as boys educated, U.S. support increasingly has been directed to organizations that focus on women’s status. Today, more U.S. aid helps women in the Middle East develop professionally, improve the quality of their lives and enhance the roles they play in their communities.

<![CDATA[Middle East Entrepreneurs Push for Change]]> Wed, 11 Jul 2007 16:47:30 -0400 Hamoud al-Motawakkel’s advertising agency in Yemen was not doing as well as he had expected. Being a civil engineer by training, he did not have much background in managing a business. Then, in 2004, he heard about the Middle East Entrepreneur Training in the United States (MEET U.S.) program and decided to apply. MEET U.S., run by the University of California’s Beyster Institute, brings entrepreneurs from the region to its San Diego campus for intense three-week business management classes. “MEET … was like a gift,” al-Motawakkel said in a survey after his classes concluded. “It opened my eyes to several opportunities.”

<![CDATA[Rice Announces Return of Direct Aid to Palestinian Government]]> Mon, 18 Jun 2007 18:43:36 -0400 The United States is lifting financial and diplomatic restrictions on the Palestinian Authority and will donate $40 million to U.N. programs serving the Palestinian Territories, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says. “We intend to lift our financial restrictions on the Palestinian government, which has accepted previous agreements with Israel and rejects the path of violence,” Rice says.

<![CDATA[Apparent Shift in Iran’s Afghanistan Policy “Troubling”]]> Wed, 13 Jun 2007 18:59:46 -0400 The Bush administration expresses concern that Iran’s policy toward Afghanistan has changed in favor of promoting instability in the country, citing the transfer of weapons and explosives of Iranian origin to the Taliban rebels. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack says there is widespread concern in the administration of a “shift” in the policy of the Iranian government “from either benign, neutral, to somewhat helpful in Afghanistan in the immediate aftermath of 2001, 2002, to something quite different that does not promote stability in Afghanistan.”

<![CDATA[Bush Condemns Second Attack on Samarra Mosque]]> Wed, 13 Jun 2007 18:55:26 -0400 The United States deplores the latest attack on the al-Askari Mosque in Samarra, Iraq, and pledges "aggressive outreach" to help the Iraqi government maintain order. President Bush strongly condemns the bombing and joins with Iraqi officials to urging against renewed outbreaks of sectarian violence. “This barbarous act was clearly aimed at inflaming sectarian tensions among the peoples of Iraq and defeating their aspirations for a secure, democratic, and prosperous country,” Bush says.

<![CDATA[Iran Moving Forward To Master Uranium Enrichment Capability]]> Mon, 11 Jun 2007 13:30:03 -0400 A U.S. government official who is highly knowledgeable about Iranian nuclear issues says Iran is moving ahead to try and master the uranium enrichment process, a capability that could enable Iran to have a nuclear weapon sometime between 2010 and 2015. Ambassador Gregory Schulte, who represents the United States in Vienna, Austria, at the International Atomic Energy Agency, says Iran’s efforts to expand its enrichment capability would be useful in building a nuclear bomb, but are not needed for civil nuclear energy purposes.

<![CDATA[Judicial Corruption Continues To Plague the World, Report Says]]> Wed, 06 Jun 2007 10:43:05 -0400 Systemic corruption of judicial systems not only denies citizens their basic human rights, but hinders economic development and sometimes pushes aggrieved populations to violence, according to a recent report.  Global Corruption Report 2007: Corruption in Judicial Systems says that despite international efforts, different forms of judicial corruption continue to afflict many parts of the world. The report was issued in late May by Transparency International, an international anti-corruption nongovernmental organization.

<![CDATA[United States Is Largest Donor of Foreign Aid, Report Says]]> Thu, 24 May 2007 10:47:42 -0400 The United States is the single largest donor of foreign economic aid, but unlike many other developed nations, Americans prefer to donate their money through the private sector, according to a new report published by a Washington research organization. Of the $122.8 billion of foreign aid provided by Americans in 2005 (the most current data available), $95.5 billion, or 79 percent, came from private foundations, corporations, voluntary organizations, universities, religious organizations and individuals, according to the annual Index of Global Philanthropy.

<![CDATA[Old and New Emerging Diseases Threaten Nations Worldwide]]> Thu, 24 May 2007 09:32:10 -0400 In the days before high-speed travel and international commerce, a disease that arose in a country usually stayed in that country. Today, viruses are globetrotters, carrying, for example, sub-Saharan Africa’s Rift Valley fever to the Arabian Peninsula, and West Nile virus to Idaho and Colorado in the United States. Many viruses are transported by mosquitoes that arrive in a country on aircraft or in shipping containers. No one can stop the insect influx completely, but scientists at the Center for Medical, Agricultural and Veterinary Entomology, part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, are working at home and overseas to keep Rift Valley fever and other diseases out of the United States. In the final article in a three-part series on global disease surveillance, USINFO looks at the work of the center and other efforts against insect-borne diseases.

<![CDATA[Defense Department Teams with Partners to Fight Global Disease]]> Wed, 23 May 2007 09:31:47 -0400 The U.S. Department of Defense long has focused its research into infectious diseases, therapeutics and vaccines on men and women in uniform, but a growing disease-surveillance program, a network of overseas laboratories and a range of efforts with international partners have added public health to its mission. USINFO examines this important element of the department’s mission.

<![CDATA[International Laboratory Network Watches for Disease Outbreaks]]> Tue, 22 May 2007 09:31:28 -0400 Disease outbreaks arise from simple movements, such as a sick person taking a plane to a far-off place or a virus jumping from a duck to a person. Until about 10 years ago, it would have been impossible to recognize a resulting epidemic or pandemic early enough to mitigate its effects. Today, an international network of laboratories and scientists is doing just that, with tools on the ground and in space. USINFO looks at their efforts and accomplishments.

<![CDATA[U.S. Promotes International Collaborations at Health Conference]]> Mon, 14 May 2007 09:30:20 -0400 U.S. officials are joining delegations from 192 other nations in Geneva for the 60th World Health Assembly, being held May 14-23, to discuss and act on policies governing key issues, including avian and pandemic influenza and the revised International Health Regulations. In 2007, the assembly will consider resolutions on issues agreed to by the World Health Organization Executive Board in its January session. In addition to avian flu and International Health Regulations, members will discuss smallpox eradication, malaria, tuberculosis control, chronic diseases, better children’s medicines and other topics.

<![CDATA[International Summit Tackles Challenge of Aging Populations]]> Fri, 16 Mar 2007 09:26:34 -0400  U.S. officials and international experts meet at the U.S. State Department to discuss and begin to plan for a situation that until now has not received much attention from governments around the world – the aging of the world's populations. For the first time in history, people 65 years old and older soon will outnumber children under age 5, according to Why Population Aging Matters: A Global Perspective, a report produced jointly by the State Department and the National Institute on Aging, an agency within the National Institutes of Health.

<![CDATA[Saudi Doctor Uses Her Experience with Cancer To Teach Others]]> Thu, 08 Mar 2007 09:25:50 -0400 When Saudi Arabian doctor Samia al-Amoudi discovered a lump in her breast, she was certain it was a tumor. Al-Amoudi, an obstetrician-gynecologist and former vice dean of the College of Medicine and Allied Science at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, diagnosed her own breast cancer in March 2006, on a day she says gave her life and her priorities "a whole new direction." Her work to raise awareness of the disease and improve efforts to combat it was honored by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice with the International Women of Courage Award.

<![CDATA[U.S. Navy Scientists Share Research Benefits with the World]]> Mon, 29 Jan 2007 09:25:08 -0400 It takes time and money to study and fight emerging infectious diseases like avian influenza and less well-known pathogens like rotavirus or enterotoxigenic E. coli – money for laboratory equipment and researchers, and time to teach scientists and laboratory technicians how to diagnose and treat the illnesses.  In Cairo, Egypt, the U.S. Navy has been partnering with its neighbors in North Africa, the Middle East and Southwest Asia since 1946, when it commissioned the Naval Medical and Research Unit No. 3 to study, prevent and control epidemic and endemic diseases in subtropical areas where Navy personnel were stationed.

<![CDATA[Rice Says Aid to Lebanon Will Support Government’s Reforms]]> Thu, 25 Jan 2007 16:38:16 -0400 The Bush administration’s assistance pledge to Lebanon, now totaling more than $1 billion, will be targeted toward security and economic assistance, and will support the Lebanese government’s economic reform program, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says. Speaking in Paris at the Lebanon Donors’ Conference, where the international community pledged a total of $7.6 billion to help rebuild the country, Rice says the major increase in U.S. support “reflects our steadfast commitment to the Lebanese people, but also our faith in the Lebanese people and their ability to overcome their difficulties.”

<![CDATA[U.S. Navy, Egyptian Scientists Fight Global Illness, Infection]]> Thu, 25 Jan 2007 09:24:28 -0400 As pathogens, both ancient and emerging, move from country to country, carried by and shared among insects, animals and people to spread illness and death, a small group of U.S. and Egyptian scientists is building a medical line of defense throughout the Middle East, North Africa and Southwest Asia, against diseases that range from malaria and fevers to HIV/AIDS and avian influenza. USINFO looks at the important work being performed by a team of Navy and Army scientists, U.S. civilian employees, Egyptian scientists and technicians, and contractors that staffs the 60-year-old U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit No. 3.

<![CDATA[Last of the Asiatic Cheetahs Fight Extinction]]> Mon, 22 Jan 2007 13:00:28 -0400 The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is helping Iran conserve the last remaining Asiatic cheetahs in the wild -- a small population of 50 to 60 animals living in Iran's Dasht-e Kavir region -- training local wildlife professionals in effective practices for managing endangered species, their habitats and for surveying cheetahs and their prey.  “Our main focus has been on protected area staff and students, getting them up to speed on the best ways to monitor and otherwise help preserve these great cats,” says Peter Zahler, assistant director of WCS' Asia Program.

<![CDATA[Muslim-American Rappers Promote Tolerance in Middle East]]> Wed, 13 Dec 2006 13:42:38 -0400 When Native Deen took hip-hop music to Jerusalem in fall 2006, the group of Muslim-American rappers was moved deeply by the holiness of the place and the energy of the hundreds of teens who attended their concerts. Yet nothing came close to the connection the performers felt to their faith during their Middle East trip.  “I could feel it in the stone and the rocks,” says Naeem Muhammad of Native Deen, a Muslim-American hip-hop group based near Washington that has a strong following in the United Kingdom and the United States.  “Our music inspires Muslims to be better Muslims, but it also gives other people a better view of our faith,” Joshua Salaam tells USINFO in an interview.

<![CDATA[Press Group Cites 13 Countries for Restricting Online Free Expression]]> Wed, 08 Nov 2006 14:01:04 -0400 The Paris-based global press freedom advocacy group Reporters Without Borders releases a new list of countries that it calls "enemies" of the Internet for "systematically" violating online free expression. China, Cuba, Iran and North Korea are among the 13 countries that have been listed on the press group's 2006 "roll of shame."

<![CDATA[U.S. Philanthropy Boosting Training in Palliative Care]]> Tue, 31 Oct 2006 10:41:08 -0400 U.S. philanthropy is supporting efforts to help health care providers in Jordan, Mongolia, Moldova and Georgia learn how to improve the treatment they give to patients who suffer from a life-ending disease.

<![CDATA[United States Commemorates U.N. Religious Freedom Resolution]]> Mon, 30 Oct 2006 14:04:27 -0400 In recognition of the international importance of religious freedom, the U.S. Department of State commemorates the 25th anniversary of the principal modern document supporting religious freedom -- the U.N. Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief.

<![CDATA[NATO’s Jones Urges Focus on Afghan Reconstruction, Rule of Law]]> Wed, 25 Oct 2006 10:47:50 -0400 Now that NATO forces in Afghanistan have proven their ability to fight and win battles, the alliance’s top commander says it is time to focus on enabling reconstruction, stopping drug cartels, empowering local courts and police and “nurturing the hope” of the Afghan people. U.S. Marine General James Jones, NATO’s supreme allied commander in Europe, also says international forces in Afghanistan would be more effective if nations contributing troops would eliminate some of their restrictions on where and how those troops can be used.

<![CDATA[Bird Flu in Humans Reappears in Egypt]]> Wed, 11 Oct 2006 09:21:31 -0400 Egyptian health authorities detect the first case of bird flu in a human since May, a report that also is confirmed by the World Health Organization. In addition, Indonesian agricultural officials confirm that H5N1 has been detected in pigs and cats, according to news reports. This is a worrisome development because it is well established that pigs could become living test tubes for the emergence of a new viral form easily transmitted among humans.

<![CDATA[U.S. Attorney General Lauds Rebuilding of Iraqi Legal Institutions]]> Tue, 29 Aug 2006 11:22:35 -0400 U.S. Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales travels to Iraq to meet and commend those whose hard work has helped rebuild and maintain Iraq’s justice system. Key U.S. law enforcement agencies are involved in the effort, and their officers make up the Major Crimes Task Force, which investigates assassinations of government officials, prisoner abuse, civil rights violations and violent crimes in Iraq.

<![CDATA[U.S. Official Says Violence, Corruption Hinder Iraq Rebuilding]]> Wed, 02 Aug 2006 10:37:02 -0400 Despite some progress, violence and corruption continue to thwart reconstruction efforts in Iraq, says Stuart Bowen, the U.S. special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction. “Reversing the deteriorating security situation,” is the chief challenge facing efforts to rebuild Iraq, Bowen tells the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

<![CDATA[U.S. Donation, Training Will Help Philippines Catch Cybercriminals]]> Tue, 01 Aug 2006 10:42:40 -0400 A donation of $190,000 in computer equipment by the United States to the Philippine National Police and the Philippines’ National Bureau of Investigation will provide assistance in cybercriminal investigations, according to a press release issued by the U.S. Embassy in Manila.  The donated items include highly advanced hard drives, laptops and software that will give Filipino investigators full computer forensic capabilities.  “This top-of-the-line equipment [consists of] the same models used by law enforcement agencies in the United States,” U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines Kristie Kenney says.

<![CDATA[No U.S. Soldier Immune from Prosecution for Criminal Acts]]> Thu, 06 Jul 2006 10:51:49 -0400 Any member of the U.S. armed forces serving in Iraq “is subject to prosecution” if suspected of a criminal act or unethical behavior, says Army Major General William Caldwell. “There is nobody who is immune from law,” he tells Arab journalists in Baghdad, Iraq. The Army Criminal Investigation Command currently is looking into allegations that several soldiers killed an Iraqi family in Mahmoudiyah in March.
