

Compromise of Arrears Program (COAP)

In certain child support cases, the law allows for a parent to pay less than his or her total child support debt owed to the government because their child received public assistance during a time that the parent did not pay the court ordered child support. This is called a compromise of arrears.

There are a lot of things that have to be checked before a less than full payment can be accepted. If you, or someone you want to help, are interested in the Compromise of Arrears Program (COAP) please review program eligibility list.

To talk about making an offer in compromise, please contact your local child support agency (LCSA). They will help you decide whether you want to go through the process and submit all of the information required. Once you have turned in everything to the LCSA, the LCSA will be your contact point as your offer is reviewed.

There is a special compromise opportunity for certain military personnel. Current reservists or members of the National Guard that have been activated to military service and deployed out of state may receive a total compromise of any governmental arrears that accrued because their current support order was not changed to reflect the fact their pay in the military is less than their pay in the civil workforce.

For more information on the program policies and procedures of COAP, click on the links below. For a complete copy of the COAP Policies and Procedures Manual send a letter requesting a copy of the manual and a self-addressed standard (size 10) envelope with $2.02 postage to the COAP Section:

Department of Child Support Services
Compromise of Arrears Program Section
P.O. Box 419064, MS 30
Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-9064


Links To More COAP Information