National Ombudsman

National Ombudsman - Small Business Success Stories

  • The IRS refunded $1,200 IRS to Mid-America Hearing Center in Mt. Vernon , Missouri after reconsidering their fine because the small business had changed from accrual to cash accounting.
  • The Custom Service reversed their decision and refund all fines and penalties to Terminal Shipping in Baltimore , Maryland .The Department of Agriculture reviewed and overturned a permanent disqualification from the Food Stamp Program for three grocery stores in Seattle , WA –reopening three small businesses and restoring service to an entire community.
  • The IRS reviewed and waived a penalty for Print Wizard in Dearborn Heights , Michigan .
  • After determining, through digital photography, that a business did not import counterfeit handbags, the Department of Homeland Security canceled a $64,000 penalty.
  • Through settlement agreement NOAA/Commerce waived $18,000 penalty and 145 days of permit sanction for a company that failed to renew a $50 dealer’s permit.
  • Customs and Border Protection changed initial assessment and reduced the number of inspections for heavy duty imported tires, thereby facilitating access to the product resulting in cost savings for the business in reduced transportation and storage charges.
  • MSHA/DOL vacated a citation on a business for not submitting a 3rd quarter employment report.
  • GSA re-considered and awarded company a 5-year GSA Schedule 70 contract after initially denying GSA Schedule proposal for IT services.
  • A technology firm had not been paid for claims under a GSA contract. After contacting the Office of the National Ombudsman, the business received all outstanding payments (approx. $39,000) from the Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services determined that a Medicare Regional Carrier incorrectly denied payment claims to a business (about $19,000).