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Link to previous page in the rotifer galleryLink to next page in the rotifer galleryClass Monogononta-Order Ploima

Family Synchaetidae

Image Link Scientific Name Lake Superior Lake Michigan

Lake Huron

Lake Erie Lake Ontario Habitat
  Ploesoma spp.   x x x x Spring through fall with peaks in July-August.
  Ploesoma hudsonii x x x   x  
Ploesoma lenticulare Ploesoma lenticulare   x x x    
  Ploesoma tricanthum           Not reported for the Great Lakes but occurs in humic and acid waters of the region.
Ploesoma truncatum Ploesoma truncatum x x x x x  
  Polyarthra spp.   x x x x  
  Polyarthra dissimulans         x Transitional form between P. vulgaris and P. dolichoptera.
Polyarthra dolichoptera Polyarthra dolichoptera x x x x x Found March-June.
P. euryptera Polyarthra euryptera   x x x x Warm waters, summer-fall.
  Polyarthra longiremis       x x Transitional form between P. vulgaris and P. dolichoptera.
Polyarthra major Polyarthra major x x x x x Found summer and fall peaking July-August.
Polyarthra remata Polyarthra remata   x x x x Smallest of the limnetic members of the genus. Found May-December.
Polyarthra vulgaris Polyarthra vulgaris   x x x x One of the major rotifer species of the Great Lakes. Perennial, peaks in June-October.
  Synchaeta spp.   x x x x  
Synchaeta asymmetrica Synchaeta asymmetrica x x x     Cold stenotherm.
Synchaeta grandis Synchaeta grandis x x x     Uncommon spring species. Largest Great Lakes member of the genus.
Synchaeta kitina Synchaeta kitina   x x     Found late summer-fall.
Synchaeta lakowitzianna Synchaeta lakowitzianna x x x   x Found throughout the year, hypolimnetic in summer. Major winter species.
Synchaeta oblonga Synchaeta oblonga   x x     Rare, found in summer.
Synchaeta pectinata Synchaeta pectinata   x x x x Found throughout the year.
Synchaeta stylata Synchaeta stylata x x x x x Found spring-fall peaking late spring-summer.
Synchaeta tremula Synchaeta tremula   x   x    

Based on: A Guide to the Rotifers of the Laurentian Great Lakes. RS Stemberger. 1979. U.S. EPA. EPA-600.
with additions from:
Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.A Lakewide Comparison of Zooplankton Biomass and Its Species Composition in Lake Erie, 1983-87. Makarewicz, Joseph C.J. Great Lakes Res. 19(2):275-290. 1993.
Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.A Decade of Predatory Control of Zooplankton Species Composition of Lake Michigan. Makarewicz, Joseph C., Bertram, Paul, Lewis, Theodore, and Brown, Jr., Edward H. J. Great Lakes Res. 21(4):620-640. 1995.
Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.Feasibility of Shoreside Monitoring of the Great Lakes. Makarewicz, Joseph C. J. Great Lakes Res. 17(3):344-360. 1991.
Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.Lake Huron Rotifer and Crustacean Zooplankton, APRIL-JULY, 1980. Evans, Marlene S. J. Great Lakes Res. 12(4):281-292. 1986.
Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.Seasonal Abundance of Planktonic Rotifers in a Nearshore Area of Central Lake Michigan. Duffy, Walter G., and Liston, Charles R. J. Great Lakes Res. 4(1):46-49. 1978.
Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.Lake Superior: an invasion coldspot? 2003. Igor A. Grigorovich, Alexei V. Korniushin, Derek K. Gray, Ian C. Duggan, Robert I. Colautti& Hugh J. MacIsaac. Hydrobiologia 499: 191–210.

Ploesoma hudsonii


Profile: Omnivorous feeding primarily on rotifers and Chlamydomonas. 300-600um.


Ploesoma lenticulare

Ploesoma lenticulare

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.An Image-Based Key To The Zooplankton Of The Northeast (USA)

Alternative Names: Ploesoma lenticulare = P. lynceus

Profile: Omnivorous feeding primarily on rotifers and Chlamydomonas. 150-300um.


Ploesoma tricanthum


Profile: Omnivorous feeding primarily on rotifers and Chlamydomonas.


Ploesoma truncatum

Ploesoma truncatum

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.An Image-Based Key To The Zooplankton Of The Northeast (USA)

Profile: Omnivorous feeding primarily on rotifers and Chlamydomonas. 150-300um



Polyarthra dissimulans



Profile: Transitional form between P. vulgaris and P. dolichoptera.


Polyarthra dolichoptera

Polyarthra dolichoptera

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.An Image-Based Key To The Zooplankton Of The Northeast (USA)

Profile: Bacterivorous. 80-160um.


Polyarthra euryptera

P. euryptera

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.Information provided with the permission of The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA

Profile: 170-190um.

Additional photos and information:

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.An Image-Based Key To The Zooplankton Of The Northeast (USA)


Polyarthra longiremis



Profile: Transitional form between P. vulgaris and P. dolichoptera.


Polyarthra major

Polyarthra major

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.An Image-Based Key To The Zooplankton Of The Northeast (USA)

Profile: 134-201um.


Polyarthra remata

Polyarthra remata

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.An Image-Based Key To The Zooplankton Of The Northeast (USA)

Profile: Smallest of the limnetic members of the genus. 70-120um.

More photos and information:

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA


Polyarthra vulgaris

Polyarthra vulgaris

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.An Image-Based Key To The Zooplankton Of The Northeast (USA)

Alternative Names: Polyarthra vulgaris = P. trigla, P. platyptera

Profile: Feeds on Cryptomonas, Chrysococcus and Rhodomonas. 90-152um


Synchaeta asymmetrica

Synchaeta asymmetrica

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.An Image-Based Key To The Zooplankton Of The Northeast (USA)

Profile: A grasping rotifer group, known to feed on cryptomonads, chrysomonads and centric diatoms. 275-300um.


Synchaeta grandis

Synchaeta grandis

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.An Image-Based Key To The Zooplankton Of The Northeast (USA)

Profile: A grasping rotifer group, known to feed on cryptomonads, chrysomonads and centric diatoms.
S. grandis - Largest Great Lakes member of the genus. 400-600um.

More photos and information:

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia


Synchaeta kitina

Synchaeta kitina

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.An Image-Based Key To The Zooplankton Of The Northeast (USA)

Profile: A grasping rotifer group, known to feed on cryptomonads, chrysomonads and centric diatoms.90-150um.


Synchaeta lakowitzianna

Synchaeta lakowitzianna

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.An Image-Based Key To The Zooplankton Of The Northeast (USA)

Profile: A grasping rotifer group, known to feed on cryptomonads, chrysomonads and centric diatoms. 225-300um.


Synchaeta oblonga

Synchaeta oblonga

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.An Image-Based Key To The Zooplankton Of The Northeast (USA)

Profile: A grasping rotifer group, known to feed on cryptomonads, chrysomonads and centric diatoms. 215-250um.


Synchaeta pectinata

Synchaeta pectinata

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.An Image-Based Key To The Zooplankton Of The Northeast (USA)

Profile: A grasping rotifer group, known to feed on cryptomonads, chrysomonads and centric diatoms. 340-511um.

More photos and information

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia


Synchaeta stylata

Synchaeta stylata

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.An Image-Based Key To The Zooplankton Of The Northeast (USA)

Profile: A grasping rotifer group, known to feed on cryptomonads, chrysomonads and centric diatoms.

More photos and information:

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia


Synchaeta tremula

Synchaeta tremula

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.An Image-Based Key To The Zooplankton Of The Northeast (USA)

Profile: A grasping rotifer group, known to feed on cryptomonads, chrysomonads and centric diatoms.175-250um.

More photos and information:

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia











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