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Great Lakes Water Life Photo Gallery

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Rochelle Sturtevant


Attached (Families Collothecidae, Conochilidae, Flosculariidae)

C. ornata
Stephanoceros fimbriatus used with permission of the PA Academy of Sciences
Conochiliodes dossuarius
Conochilus hippocrepis
F. conifera in plant
Lacinularia flosculosa
Limnias ceratophylli colony
S. socialis colony

Easily recognized by appendages (12, 6, 2, respectively)

Polyarthra major
H. mira - 1 of 4 similar pictures in this collection
F. longiseta

Rigid lorica, often with spines, no toes or not spinelike
(Family Brachionidae)

Kellicottia bostoniensis
Brachionus havanaensis
Keratella cochlearis
Notholca laurentiae
Anuraeopsis navicula

Rigid lorica, foot with long toes
(Family Brachionidae, Lecanidae, Notommatidae)

Dipleuchlanis propatula
Euchlanis triquetra
M. macrocera
T. tetractis
P. quadricornis
Lecane crepida


C. gibba
Squatinella mutica
Monostyla copeis
Trichocerca cylindrica
Cephalodella (some)

Rigid lorica, protruding foot with short toes
(Family Synchaetidae, Brachionidae, Testudinellidae)

Ploesoma truncatum
C. obtusa
L. cristata
L. salpina
Macrochaetus subquadratus
W. spinifera
T. reflexa
(foot with a tuft of cilia rather than toes)

Flexible lorica, foot, usually with toes
(Families Dicranophoridae, Notommatidae, Synchaetidae, Brachionidae, Tylotrochidae, Lindidae, Proalidae)

A. aper
D. grandis
C. gibba
E. saundersiae
Albertia naidis
M. grandis
I. aurita
T. selenura
N. copeus
Synchaeta pectinata
M. chlaena
T. monopus
P. decipiens
L. truncata


No lorica, telescopic
(Order Bdelloida)

P. inopinata
R. macrura
D. aculeata

Sac-like rotifers

Asplanchna brightwelli
A. multiceps
(toes present but difficult to see)
E. clavulata
(toes present but difficult to see)
Ascomorpha ecaudis
Gastropus stylifer
(note foot to left)
Pompholyx sulcata
(lorica difficult to see)
(rudimentary toes)

Based on:

  • A Guide to the Rotifers of the Laurentian Great Lakes. RS Stemberger. 1979. U.S. EPA. EPA-600.
  • Freshwater Invertebrates of the United States. RW Pennak. 1978. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Photos Courtesy of:

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