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Great Lakes Water Life Photo Gallery
Family Asplanchnidae

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Class Monogononta - Order Ploima
Family Asplanchnidae

Image Link Scientific Name Lake Superior Lake Michigan

Lake Huron

Lake Erie Lake Ontario Habitat
Asplanchna sp.            
Asplanchna brightwelli Asplanchna brightwelli     x     Saginaw Bay, 1974.
  Asplanchna girodi           Inland waters of the Great Lakes region.
Asplanchna herricki Asplanchna herricki   x x x   Co-occurs with A. Priodonta in the fall.
A. priodonta - 1 of 3 similar images in the collection Asplanchna priodonta x x x x x Most common of the Asplanchna sp. peak abundance in spring and summer.
  Asplanchna sieboldi           Inland waters of the Great Lakes region.
A. multiceps Asplanchnopus multiceps       x    

Based on: A Guide to the Rotifers of the Laurentian Great Lakes. RS Stemberger. 1979. U.S. EPA. EPA-600.
with additions from:

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Asplanchna brightwelli.

Asplanchna brightwelli

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.An Image-Based Key To The Zooplankton Of The Northeast (USA)

Profile: Large, sac-shaped organisms; transparent. Omnivores. Feeds on green algae, diatoms, and the rotifers Synchaeta, and Brachionus as well as juvenile copepods. 500-1500um.



Asplanchna herricki.

Asplanchna herricki

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.An Image-Based Key To The Zooplankton Of The Northeast (USA)

Profile: Large, sac-shaped organisms; transparent. Omnivores. Diet similar to A. Priodonta but more carnivorous - will prey on small bosminids. 500-1500um.


Asplanchna priodonta

Asplanchna priodonta

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site.An Image-Based Key To The Zooplankton Of The Northeast (USA)

Profile: Large, sac-shaped organisms; transparent. Omnivores. Feeds on centric diatoms and dinoflagellates as well as rotifers (e.g., Keratella and Synchaeta) with single tail spines. Foot, gut and anus are absent. Undigested food is exvomited. Two little, red eyes. 420-1500um.


Asplanchnopus multiceps.

A. multiceps

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA site. Information provided with the permission of The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA

Alternative Names: Asplanchnopus multiceps = A. myrmyleo

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Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2945
Phone: 734-741-2287
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