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Data Specifications

Correction 1: Data Submission Specifications Version 1.60

A final version of the Version 1.60 data specifications was released on September 18, 2007. Subsequent to that release, one error was identified which has been fixed in the correction that is now being released. The only change that has been made was as follows in the body record.

  • VERSION_CD1. The prior version of the specifications failed to list a new form version code: B1-0108. This new code has been added to the list of allowable values. Consistency note #1 was also changed to accommodate the new code. Note that prior version codes (B1-1098, B1-0800, B1-1202) will continue to be accepted. If the value "B1-1098" is submitted, a warning will be issued, but the other values will be accepted without warning. Despite the fact that older version codes will be accepted, home health agencies must use the new version of OASIS once it is implemented. The data specs allow the old version codes in order to avoid rejecting a record that is otherwise correct simply because an incorrect form version code is included on the submission record.

This change is identified with the notation [R2] (which stands for "Revision 2", indicating that this is the second revision since the initial release of the data specs) in the "version notes" field of bd160c1.pdf (the body detail specs) and in the "changes" column in bc160c1.pdf (the change document for the body specs). All of the file names associated with the data specs have "c1" in their name to indicate that they belong to "Correction 1" of the final data specs. For example, the body detail specs are contained in the file that is named "bd160c1.pdf".

Data Submission Specifications: Version 1.60

This new version incorporates changes that were mandated by the OASIS final rule that was published in the Federal Register on August 29, 2007 (72 FR 49762). 

The primary purpose of Version 1.60 is to replace and add fields that are needed to support a new version of the HHRG grouper.  It also incorporates additional changes as described in the download below titled Summary of New Data Specifications.

You will also find in the download section below the version 1.60 data specifications for making software changes in 4 different formats: PDF format, Excel format, Access format, and HTML format.

Summary of New Data Specifications (PDF, 53 KB)

Data Specifications in PDF Format (ZIP, 1.3 MB)

Data Specifications in Excel Format (ZIP, 18 KB)

Data Specifications in Access Format (ZIP, 219 KB)

Data Specifications in HTML Format (ZIP, 479 KB)

Home Health Agency Prospective Payment System 2008 Final Rule (PDF, 12.1 MB)
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Page Last Modified: 04/07/2009 9:33:51 AM
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