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This is a list of direct links to Web sites that contain resources on a variety of waste management topics.

National Tribal Environmental Council (NTEC) Exit EPA
NTEC is a group of over 108 tribes and Alaska native villages dedicated to the protection and preservation of the reservation environment. Under its solid waste program, NTEC provides tribes with volunteer mentors who assist them with specific needs (such as setting up solid waste plans). Other NTEC services include environmental technical support, workshops on environmental issues, intergovernmental cooperation, a resource clearinghouse, newsletters, updates, and federal regulatory and legislative summaries. For more information, contact:

National Tribal Environmental Council
2221 Rio Grande, NW.
Albuquerque, NM 87104
Phone: 505 242-2175

Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. (ITCA)
Exit EPA
ITCA promotes Native American self-reliance through public policy development. ITCA is comprised of 19 tribal governments and is a nonprofit, educational, and charitable organization. One branch of ITCA is the Environmental and Natural Resources Program. This program helps tribes with funding and technical assistance for preparation of integrated solid waste management plans and assists them with other waste and environmental protection issues.

Inter-Tribal Environmental Council (ITEC) Exit EPA
ITEC was formed in 1993 to help Oklahoma tribes develop environmental infrastructure to protect their health, natural resources, and environment. Currently, there are 31 ITEC member tribes across Oklahoma. ITEC is administered by the Cherokee Nation's Office of Environmental Services.

Chugachmiut Environmental Protection Consortium
This coalition of nine Alaska native entities plans environmental strategies for the Cook Inlet and Prince William Sound regions. It has implemented environmental work plans, supported recycling programs, developed household hazardous waste storage facilities, distributed "green cleaning kits," and performed community education.

Tribal Solid Waste Advisory Network (TSWAN)
Ten tribes in the Pacific Northwest have formed a consortium to collectively explore innovative waste management techniques and advocate responsible solid waste management for all Native Americans. Recently, TSWAN received a solid waste grant from Region 10 to develop an integrated solid waste management (ISWM) plan for the participating tribes.

Alaska Intertribal Council Exit EPA
AI-TC is a statewide, tribally-governed non-profit organization that advocates on behalf of tribal governments throughout the state.

Alaska Native Health Board Exit EPA
The Alaska Native Health Board (ANHB), established in 1968, is recognized as the statewide voice on Alaska Native health issues. The purpose of the Alaska Native Health Board is to promote the spiritual, physical, mental, social, and cultural well-being and pride of Alaska Native people.

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EPA Tribal Links

The American Indian Environmental Office (AIEO) coordinates an Agency-wide effort to strengthen environmental protection in Indian Country. AIEO oversees development and implementation of the Agency's Indian Policy and ensures that the agency-wide implementation of its Indian Program is consistent with the Administration's policy to work with tribes on a government-to-government basis to protect tribal health and environments.

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EPA Municipal Solid Waste/Solid Waste Links

Otherwise known as trash or garbage - consists of everyday items such as boxes, grass clippings, furniture, clothing, bottles, food scraps, newspapers, and appliances. Many tribes have found creative ways to reduce and better manage municipal solid waste through a mix of practices that includes source reduction, recycling (including composting), and disposal.

Recycling is a series of activities that includes collecting recyclable materials that would otherwise be considered waste, sorting and processing recyclables into raw materials such as fibers, and manufacturing raw materials into new products.

Composting provides basic information, how-to, environmental benefits, and resources.

Pay-As-You-Throw explains community pay-as-you-throw programs, which charge households for waste collection based on the amount of trash they throw away, rather than through property taxes or a fixed fee. This creates a direct economic incentive for individuals to recycle more and to generate less waste. This Web site contains all the information needed to start a pay-as-you-throw program.

Wastewise is a free, voluntary EPA program through which organizations eliminate costly municipal solid waste and select industrial wastes, benefiting their bottom line and the environment. WasteWise is a flexible program that allows partners to design their own waste reduction programs tailored to their needs.

Climate Change and Waste discusses how reducing solid waste can help stop global climate change. Rising levels of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere are causing changes in our climate, and some of these changes can be traced to solid waste. Browse this site to learn more and check out tools to measure climate change effects.

Construction and Demolition Materials has information on reusing C&D materials to conserve landfill space, reduce the environmental impact of producing new materials, and reduce overall building project expenses through avoided purchase/disposal costs.

Energy Star encourages energy efficiency to reduce energy usage and air pollution. The Energy Start programs - Energy Star Office Equipment, Green Lights, Energy Star Buildings, Energy Star Homes, Energy Star Residential HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) Program, and Energy Star Residential Lighting Fixture Program - help you to protect the earth and save money at the same time.

Household Hazardous Waste Americans generate 1.6 million tons of household hazardous waste per year. The average home can accumulate as much as 100 pounds of household hazardous waste in the basement or garage and in storage closets. When improperly disposed of, household hazardous waste can create a potential risk to people and the environment. This page describes steps that people can take to reduce the amount of household hazardous waste they generate and to ensure that those wastes are safely stored, handled and disposed of.

Landfills Although source reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting can divert large portions of municipal solid waste (MSW) from disposal, some waste still must be placed in landfills. Modern landfills are well-engineered facilities that are located, designed, operated, monitored, closed, cared for after closure, cleaned up when necessary, and financed to insure compliance with federal regulations. The federal regulations were established to protect human health and the environment.

Hazardous Waste Data includes information on the generation, management, and minimization of hazardous waste. It contains an inventory of hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities and identifies facilities conducting corrective action.

Hazardous waste is a solid waste, or combination of solid wastes which because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical or infectious characteristics may:

Backyard Burning Burning household waste in your backyard is harmful to your health and the environment. This site explains these problems and provides alternatives.

Illegal Dumping The Illegal Dumping Prevention Guidebook was published by EPA Region 5. It contains general information about illegal dumping and guidance for developing a prevention program. A toolkit of practices that have proven effective in combating illegal dumping is included along with case studies from across the United States detailing successful implementation of those practices. The guidebook is intended for use by state, tribal and local government officials, community groups, industry, and utilities.

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Other Federal Resource Links Exit EPA

Administration for Native Americans (ANA) provides support in developing solid waste management codes and regulations and environmental training.

Codetalk is an information-sharing network for, and about, Native Americans. It is sponsored by all of the federal agencies who operate Native American programs.

Department of Defense Environmental Network & Information Exchange provides access to current Department of Defense (DOD) rules, directives, and orders, environmental legislation, and guidance. It contains a section on DOD and Native American partnerships, outreach programs, and cooperative environmental efforts.

Department of Energy offers guidance and resources on environmental issues including solid waste, radioactive waste management, and environmental restoration. It also has an Indian Nations Program for the Hanford, Washington site.

Department of Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is responsible for enhancing quality of life, promoting economic opportunity, and protecting trust assets of tribes and Alaska native villages.

Housing and Urban Development's (HUD's) environmental page contains information on environmental reviews, regulations, environmental justice, and technical guidance. Its goal is to help achieve a decent home and a suitable living environment for every American family. Environmental rules and policies have a role in all HUD programs.

The Indian Health Service (IHS), an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services, provides federal health services to tribes and Alaska native villages. IHS currently provides health services to approximately 1.4 million members of more than 545 federally recognized tribes in 34 states.

USA.gov contains links to tribal cultural housing, legal, family, educational, and land resources.

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Other Resource Links

The National Tribal Environmental Network (NTEN)Exit EPA serves as a resource for tribal environmental capacity development for water, wastewater and solid waste. NTEN is part of the National Environmental Services Center (NESC), which has a proven track record of successfully helping small communities prevent pollution and provide a cleaner, healthier environment to their citizens.

The Global Recycling Network (GRN) Exit EPA is a comprehensive, Internet-based recycling information and trading resource. It offers a one-stop solution to recycling information needs of business users, researchers, publishers, and purchasing agents, while spurring trade in recyclable goods and services. The site offers a directory of the recycling industry, links to industry publications and associations, current prices of recyclable commodities, a marketplace for buying and selling recyclable goods, event listings, a reference library, news, and discussion forums.

The National Congress of American Indians maintains a directory of tribes and Alaska native villages.Exit EPA

The Recycled Materials Research Center, Exit EPA established by the Federal Highway Administration at the University of New Hampshire, is a new national center created to promote the use of recycled materials (pavements, secondary, waste, by-products materials) in highway construction.

The Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) Exit EPA> is dedicated to advancing the practice of environmentally and economically sound municipal solid waste management.  It brings together people from all aspects of the solid waste industry, and offers publications, symposia, training and certification, and local chapters.

Earth 911 (1 800 CLEANUP) Exit EPA is a public/private partnership with EPA, all 50 states, and several committed organizations and companies. The Hotline and the web site make geographically specific environmental information readily available nationwide. This network and database is continually growing and now covers every state. Users can locate important community-specific environmental information like recycling centers for oil, batteries, and other materials.

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Tribal Environmental Organizations

Council of Energy Resource Tribes (CERT) Environmental Program Exit EPA
CERT is a not-for-profit, multitribal organization composed of 53 American Indian tribes. The tribes that founded CERT in 1975 envisioned a time when tribal culture would be reflected in the technology being applied by tribal technical professionals to ensure the protection of the environment and their distinct, cultural communities. CERT, therefore, has undertaken environmental protection services that include environmental audits and needs assessments, technical assistance in the development of environmental quality control systems, and solid and hazardous waste management systems.

The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) Exit EPA
ITEP is located at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. It provides assistance to Indian tribes and other public and private groups in promoting effective environmental-resource management on Indian lands. This assistance is provided through education, training, information services, intergovernmental relations, and environmental program development. ITEP is supported in part by a grant from EPA.

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