JO 7210.3V
Effective Date:
February 14, 2008
Subject:  Facility Operation and Administration

Includes Change 1 Effective July 31, 2008

Section 2. Organizational Responsibilities


System Operations shall:

a. Develop national TM programs.

b. Staff/manage the ATCSCC.

c. Provide guidance and direction to the TM system concerning national TM programs and policies.

d. Coordinate Service Area office requests for special procedures with appropriate headquarters divisions/services.

e. Coordinate directly with designated Service Area office/facility TM representatives on plans, procedures, and operations that affect interfacility traffic flows.

f. Ensure that all appropriate coordination has been accomplished prior to implementation of any new national TM program.

g. Provide briefings to appropriate levels within the FAA and industry on current system status, present/future TM programs, etc.

h. Maintain a close liaison with appropriate Service Area office and other FAA service offices on all TM programs.


Service area offices shall:

a. Designate a service area TM representative(s) who shall act as the focal point for other FAA offices and users on matters that pertain to TM.

b. Provide guidance and direction to field facilities in the development and implementation of Service Area office TM programs.

c. Periodically review and evaluate TM programs to assess their effectiveness and to ensure their compliance with Service Area office/national directives.

d. Mediate Service Area office interfacility TM conflicts.

e. Determine which terminal facilities should be considered for the establishment of TMUs and forward the justification and the staffing requirements to Director of System Operations ATCSCC for final determination.

f. Provide the ATCSCC with advance notification of planned outages and runway closures that will impact the air traffic system (e.g., NAVAID/radar shutdowns, runway closures, equipment/computer malfunctions, and procedural changes). Additionally, provide in writing an impact statement that describes in detail the following items:

1. Description of outage/construction project.

2. Dates/times of project.

3. Impact. Describe projected impact in regard to the operation/facility. Specify the AAR under various conditions/scenarios, e.g., IFR/VFR.

4. Delays. What type of delays can be expected.

5. Traffic management initiatives. What type of initiatives can be expected.

6. Notification to users/facilities. Coordination/notification provided to users/facilities.

7. Any other pertinent information.

17-2-3. ATCSCC

The ATCSCC has been delegated the authority to direct the operation of the TM system. All TMUs shall assist the ATCSCC, as directed, to ensure system efficiency and effectiveness without compromising safety. The ATCSCC shall, in conjunction with local TMUs, users, weather information providers, and airway facilities, as appropriate:

a. Implement national TM programs (i.e., NRP, MAR, etc.).

b. Monitor and analyze system components and weather patterns for potential system impact.

c. Be the focal point for regulating the daily TM functions.

d. Determine when NAS capacity is or will likely be reduced to the extent that the implementation of a TM initiative is required.

e. Implement national TM initiatives, when necessary, to ensure the orderly flow of traffic throughout the NAS.

f. Recommend and approve TM alternatives when national initiatives are not appropriate.

g. Monitor TM initiatives issued throughout the system for effectiveness; take action to cancel or modify where appropriate.

h. Be the final approving authority regarding all interfacility TM initiatives.

Traffic Management Units continue to retain the latitude to tactically adjust the flow of traffic within their own facilities. These local actions include sector to sector mile-in-trail restrictions, local airport fix balancing, and other such adjustments required to balance flows within their area of responsibility.

i. Evaluate proposed TM initiatives to ensure appropriateness.


All actions initiated by the TMU shall be in accordance with standard operating procedures, applicable directives, and approved TM position descriptions. The TMU is delegated the authority to direct traffic flows and implement approved TM initiatives in conjunction with, or as directed by the ATCSCC.

a. Air traffic facilities shall ensure that:

1. A TMU is established at ARTCCs and designated terminal facilities.

2. Delays are reported as specified in FAAO JO 7210.55, Operational Data Reporting Requirements.

3. The ATCSCC is provided with all formal agreements and directives that relate to interfacility TM programs, initiatives, and procedures.

4. National and local TM programs are maintained within the guidelines set forth by this order.

5. Requests for special procedures are coordinated with Service Area offices, assuring 90 days of lead time for evaluation and processing.

6. The ATCSCC is advised of all known component changes that could have a significant system impact (e.g., NAVAID/radar shutdowns, runway closures, TELCO outages, computer malfunctions or outages, and procedural changes affecting key terminals and/or centers).

This information shall be provided to the ATCSCC as soon as the facility becomes aware of any event that may have a possible impact on NAS capacity. Example: LRR outage, runway closure, ILS outage, etc.

7. Actively coordinate and communicate traffic management actions with adjacent TMUs through the ATCSCC to optimize traffic flows throughout the NAS.

8. In conjunction with ATCSs, OSs, weather service providers, and the ATCSCC, develop, implement, monitor, and analyze TM programs, procedures, and initiatives that are specific to the facility's area of responsibility.

9. A full description of all TM actions/initiatives (e.g., ground delay programs, miles-in-trail (MIT)) is entered in the TMU log, including, but not limited to, start and stop times, facilities/operations affected, and justification.

10. As a minimum, the unit is operated during the hours necessary to encompass peak traffic periods and the associated time to complete the logging and the reporting requirements.

b. In ARTCC facilities TMUs shall:

1. In conjunction with terminal TMUs, develop arrival strategies and deliver arrival aircraft to achieve the Airport Arrival Rate (AAR).

2. Actively utilize the Traffic Situation Display (TSD) and the monitor and alert function of the ETMS to adjust traffic flows on a proactive basis.

3. Periodically analyze and review procedures to ensure effectiveness and adherence to programs/initiatives, and, when necessary, make adjustments. Cancel TM initiatives promptly when no longer needed.

4. Designate a TM representative as the primary interface between the Center Weather Service Unit (CWSU) and ATC operational personnel as described in FAAO 7210.38, Center Weather Service Unit (CWSU), as amended.

5. Establish an analysis function referred to in Chapter 17, Section 4, as amended.

6. Address approved local TM messages on ETMS to:

(a) The ATCSCC and the adjacent facilities concerned.

(b) Other ARTCCs whose terminals are expected to generate a significant amount of traffic for the affected area during the effective time of the message.

(c) Appropriate flight service stations/automated flight service stations/automated international flight service stations/international flight service stations (FSS)/(AFSS)/(AIFSS)/(IFSS).

c. In terminal facilities, TMUs shall:

1. Balance the arrival flow and the tower en route flow by coordinating with the appropriate ARTCC TMUs and/or adjoining terminal facility(s) to ensure that demand does not exceed current capabilities.

2. Through coordination with the tower and TRACON, establish AAR and assist the ARTCC and adjacent terminal facility(s) in the development of strategies to achieve the AAR.

3. Oversee departure fix balancing to ensure sector efficiency into the next facility's airspace.

4. Implement gate hold procedures as required to reduce airport surface congestion.

5. Coordinate with airport officials to ensure closures of runways, taxiways, and other airport facilities minimize operational impact.

6. Ensure optimum airspace/runway configurations.

7. Periodically analyze and review TM procedures to ensure effectiveness and adherence to programs/initiatives and, when necessary, make adjustments. Cancel TM initiatives promptly when no longer needed.

8. Notify the appropriate facilities concerning local TM initiatives.

The appropriate ARTCC TMU shall be the focal point for any interface concerning TM related issues, as well as the mediator between terminal facilities. The ARTCC TMU will then coordinate with the ATCSCC on behalf of the TRACON or the tower. Because of the unique situation of the New York TRACON having three centers, the New York TRACON shall coordinate directly with the ATCSCC and have the ATCSCC conference the appropriate ARTCCs. In those instances where the ARTCC TMU is unable to resolve disputes between multiple terminal facilities, the ATCSCC shall have the final decision making authority.


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