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Current Issue

Forensic Science Communications
January 2009—Volume 11—Number 1

  Research and Technology
  Forensic Camera Classification: Verification of Sensor Pattern Noise Approach
Nitin Khanna
Aravind K. Mikkilineni
Edward J. Delp
Standards and Guidelines
  Y-Chromosome Short Tandem Repeat (Y-STR) Interpretation Guidelines
Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM)
  Expert Reporting Guideline
Scientific Working Group on Materials Analysis (SWGMAT)
Short Communications
  Meet Senior Scientist Ben Garrett
  Thirty-Seventh Annual Crime Laboratory Development Symposium
Meetings and Conferences
To Meetings and Conferences Page

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Authors may submit manuscripts for possible publication in Forensic Science Communications. See Instructions for Authors

Authors assume total responsibility for the content and accuracy of their submissions.

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Information about professional forensic science meetings, conferences, and training may be submitted to the Managing Editor at for posting in Forensic Science Communications. Information should be submitted at least eight weeks before the publication date of the quarterly issue in which it should appear.