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Forensic Science Communications
January 2004 – Volume 6 – Number 1 

Table of Contents
Research and Technology 
Microscopy of Hair Part 1: A Practical Guide and Manual for Human Hairs
   Douglas W. Deedrick and Sandra L. Koch
A Survey of Tissue-Depth Landmarks for Facial Approximation
   Rebecca E. Brown
   Timothy P. Kelliher
   Peter H. Tu
   Wesley D. Turner
   Michael A. Taister
   Kevin W. P. Miller
Wounding Power of .315/8mm Bullets Fired Through Glass Windowpanes
   Narayan P. Waghmare
   Anandamoy Manna
   Mottamari S. Rao
Book Review 
Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigation
   Bill Nelson
   Reviewed by Gary C. Kessler
Short Communications 
The FBI Visiting Scientist Program

The FBI Selects Four Regional mtDNA Laboratories
Meetings and Conferences 
To Meetings and Conferences Page
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