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Forensic Science Communications
April 2007 – Volume 9 – Number 2 

Research and Technology
  The Use of Bayes Coefficients to Assess the Racial Bias-Hair Analysis Conjecture for Detection of Cocaine in Hair Samples
Tom Mieczkowski
Chris Sullivan
Michael Kruger
  Application of X-Ray Diffraction Techniques in Forensic Science
Johny T. Abraham
S. K. Shukla
A. K. Singh
  Critical Human Resource Issues: Scientists Under Pressure
Wendy S. Becker
W. Mark Dale
Meetings and Conferences
To Meetings and Conferences Page

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Authors may submit manuscripts for possible publication in Forensic Science Communications. See Instructions for Authors. 

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Information about professional forensic science meetings, conferences, and training may be submitted to the Managing Editor at for posting in Forensic Science Communications. Information should be submitted at least six weeks before the publication date of the quarterly issue in which it should appear.