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News Release

September 10, 2003

Contact: Michael Orenstein

OPM Director James Updates Standards for Federal First Responders to Reflect Current-Day Duties; Federal Firefighters to Benefit

Draft classification standard for firefighters recommends new job criteria

Washington, D.C. - On the eve of the second anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attacks, U.S. Office of Personnel Management Director Kay Coles James has announced a major initiative that acknowledges the critical duties of those federal employees who look after the safety and well-being of all Americans.

Under the direction of James, OPM has released a draft standard that considers the real-life duties and inherent dangers of federal firefighters. Ultimately, the revised Position Classification Standard for Fire Protection and Prevention Series could result in raising the salaries of nearly 9,000 federal firefighters across the country and of new entrants into the firefighting field.

Earlier this year, an OPM review of another cadre of federal first responders -- certain police officers who protect federal employees, facilities and property; military installations and the general public -- resulted in Director James' authorization of special pay rates to help recruit and retain individuals for those vital positions across the nation.

The draft standard is based on fact-finding conducted with the cooperation of agencies and labor organizations. The draft has been distributed to agency human resources directors and their comments are due by November 30.

The last review of the Fire Protection and Prevention Series (GS-0081) classification standard occurred in 1991. OPM's current review includes a more accurate picture of the responsibilities and dangers of the firefighting profession. In addition to firefighting duties, federal firefighters provide emergency medical services and hazardous materials removal on government and military installations, as well as within small communities that cannot afford the costs of such services.

"Two years ago today, America and the entire world witnessed first-hand the courage and dedication of the nation's emergency responders," said James. "Federal firefighters are in that selfless group of men and women who battle infernos, provide emergency medical services and conduct removal and decontamination services for hazardous materials. They provide essential services, and it is so important that they be recognized and compensated for their professionalism."

The review of the firefighters' standards, begun five years ago, was brought to a conclusion, according to James, because job standards were last revised more than a decade earlier and simply do not reflect the real-life duties and risks faced by professional firefighters.

OPM's revised standards, which are more reflective of a firefighter's actual responsibilities and acknowledge other emergency services they provide, could raise the entry level pay level to GS-7 from GS-5. OPM's action also would improve the promotion potential for the more than 9,000 professional firefighters employed by the federal government.

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