U. S. Office of Personnel Management


December 1993

December 22, 1993: Washington, D.C. -- The President's Pay Agent today notified Congress it is extending the General Schedule locality pay adjustments to selected governmentwide categories of employees who work in one of the designated 28 local pay areas. [News Release]

December 17, 1993: Washington, D.C. -- U.S. Office of Personnel Management today distributed the following guidance designed to assist federal agencies implement President Clinton's Executive Order 12871, Labor-Management Partnerships. This guidance was discussed by the National Partnership Council at its first meeting and incorporates recommendations submitted by Council members. [News Release]

December 7, 1993: Washington, D.C. -- The U.S. Office of Personnel Management introduced its new Interagency Placement Program (IPP) today to help federal employees who are affected by downsizing and restructuring. [News Release]

Page updated 14 Jan 1998