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SAMHSA News - March/April 2008, Volume 16, Number 2

Community Prevention Day

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SAMHSA’s Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) convened the fourth annual Community Prevention Day on February 11.

The theme of this year’s event is leadership and how it affects the vulnerable populations and communities that CSAP serves.

This unique gathering of CSAP grantees, community organizations, prevention leaders, and public health activists from across the country came together to learn more about training and assistance available on topics related to substance abuse prevention.

For more information about Community Prevention Day, visit SAMHSA’s Web site at www.samhsa.gov.End of Article

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Inside This Issue
Screening Works: Update from the Field
SBIRT Funding Opportunity
SBIRT Resources

Screening in Action
Alaska’s SBIRT Program
SBIRT on a College Campus
SBIRT Grantees List

Administrator’s Message

Funding Opportunities

President’s Budget Focuses on Priority Initiatives

Making Workplaces Drug-Free: Toolkit Available

Teens and Drug Use
Stimulant Use and Delinquent Behavior
Inhalants Used Most by Young Teens

State-by-State Report

Treatment Admissions Data Released

Rural Issues: The Substance Use Myth

Katrina, Rita: Hurricane Impact

Guest Speaker: Psychiatric Service Dogs Help

Community Prevention Day


SAMHSA News - March/April 2008, Volume 16, Number 2