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SAMHSA News - July/August 2007, Volume 15, Number 4

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About SAMHSA News

SAMHSA News is the national newsletter of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Published six times a year (bimonthly) by SAMHSA's Office of Communications, SAMHSA News keeps you informed about the latest substance abuse and mental health treatment and prevention practices, recent statistics on mental health and addictive disorders, related Federal policies, and available resources.

We appreciate your suggestions, comments, and feedback! Please send your suggestions to:

Editor, SAMHSA News
Deborah Goodman
Phone: 240-276-2130
Fax: 240-276-2135

SAMHSA News Team at IQ Solutions, Inc., Rockville, MD:
Managing Editor, Meredith Hogan Pond
Associate Editor, Leslie Quander Wooldridge
Assistant Editor, Kristin Toburen
Senior Publication Designer, A. Martín Castillo
Publications Manager, Mike Huddleston
Web Designer, Catherine A. Godfrey

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Reprints: All articles are free of copyright and may be reprinted. We ask that you give proper credit to SAMHSA News, including the newsletter's volume and number. Please send a copy of the reprint to: Editor, SAMHSA News, Room 8-1037, 1 Choke Cherry Road, Rockville, MD 20857.


More information about the Agency is available at

Biographies of SAMHSA Administrator Terry L. Cline, Ph.D., and SAMHSA Directors are available at

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Inside This Issue
Rural Substance Abuse:
Overcoming Barriers to Prevention, Treatment
 Part 1
 Part 2
 Rural Resources
 2008 Conference, Web Casts
From the Administrator:
Putting Rural Substance Abuse “On the Map”

Sign Up for SAMHSA's eNetwork!

Grants: Looking Ahead to 2008

Suicide Prevention &

Anti-Stigma Campaign: Friends Make a Difference

Preventing FASD in Native Communities

Underage Drinking
Radio PSAs Help Parents “Start Talking”

Action Guides for Families, Educators

Ready for Recovery Month?

Mental Health Workgroup Meets with Afghanistan Ambassador

Keeping Children Safe, Helping Families Recover

Co-Occurring Disorders: Two New Papers

Drug Tests or Self Reports: Which Works Best?

Treatment Directory Updated

New Navajo & Russian Publications

Problem Gambling: Beating the Odds

Behavioral Health: CA’s Asian Pacific Family Center

Mental Health on Campus: R.I.S.E. Helps Students


About SAMHSA News

Subscribe to SAMHSA News

SAMHSA News - July/August 2007, Volume 15, Number 4