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Astro-H/SXS Mission

Astro-H/SXS Science Objectives

Science Area SXS Questions Sources SXS Observations Powerpoint info
Galaxy Formation and Evolution How do structures such as galaxies and clusters of galaxies form and evolve? How do they create and disperse metals? Galaxies and clusters of Galaxies, Diffuse Galactic Emission, Supernova Remnants and the ISM Measurement of line strengths and velocities to derive chemical abundances, thermal state, turbulence and wind properties Cluster Abundances, Elliptical Galaxies, Starburst Galaxies, ISM, Supernova Remnants, Feedback
Matter in Extreme Environments How do supermassive black holes feed back energy into galaxies and clusters? How do neutron stars and white dwarfs accrete and eject material? Active Galactic Nuclei and other Supermassive Black Holes, X-ray Binaries, Cataclysmic Variables Black hole and accretion disk dynamics using Fe emission and absorption features. Active Galactic Nuclei, X-ray Binaries, Cataclysmic Variables
Cosmology What is the nature of dark matter and dark energy? Clusters of Galaxies, Type Ia precursors and remnants Use line diagnostics and velocity maps to calibrate cluster masses for cosmological models. Find mass of Type Ia progenitors via redshift of Fe K lines. Cluster Survey, Type Ia Progenitors and Remnants



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This file was last modified on Thursday, 18-Dec-2008 14:54:20 EST

Science Mission Directorate Universe Division |
Beyond Einstein | Origins

A service of the Astrophysics Science Division (ASD) at NASA/ GSFC

Astro-H/SXS Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre
Responsible NASA Official: Phil Newman

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