Comment Number: 535926-00008
Received: 6/20/2008 4:44:17 PM
Organization: Consumers Union of U.S., Inc.
Commenter: Gail Hillebrand
State: CA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Pay on the Go: Consumers and Contactless Payment (Town Hall Meeting)
Attachments:535926-00008.pdf Download Adobe Reader


Consumers Union filed comments today along with other consumer groups, in Pay on the Go – Project No. P059106. Attached as an addendum submitted by Consumers Union is an article discussing principles to guide new payments law. It was first published in the Chicago-Kent Law Review Symposium: Rethinking Payments Law. The article is: G. Hillebrand, Before the Grand Rethinking: Five Things to Do Today with Payments Law and Ten Principles to Guide New Payments Products and New Payments Law, 83 Chi.-Kent L. Rev. No. 2, 769 (2008).