Comment Number: 526363-00044
Received: 11/13/2006 5:58:30 AM
Organization: Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Southern California
Commenter: Paul Scott
State: CA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Alcohol Reports
No Attachments


Alcohol ranks as the Number One Drug Problem in the United States and has so been named by a former Surgeon General. It ranks only behind tobacco in the number of premature deaths it causes annually. In addition to needless death, it is the major cause of infant retardation (FAS), carnage on the roadways, and linked to many crimes including rape and murder. The litany of alcohol-related tragedies is endless. The later a person starts alcohol consumption in life, the greater the likelihood that alcohol will not become a problem in his future. Therefore, every effort should be put forth to stop advertising alcohol to youth. Alcopops need to be removed from stores. Prices need to be increased to make beverage alcohol less available to teenagers. Fines need to be increased for selling to minors. And alcohol sponsorship and advertising need to be removed from every sports event.