Comment Number: 526363-00033
Received: 11/8/2006 10:05:03 PM
Organization: Reach Out West End
Commenter: Diana Fox
State: CA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Alcohol Reports
No Attachments


The alcohol industry has proven that they will continue to use advertisement to promote the underage use of alcohol, especially those targeted to Latino youth. The alcohol industry sees the growth potential of the young Latino market and has purposefully marketed to this demographic, which is, for first generation immigrants, even more dangerous as they seek to fit into the norms of American society. I feel very strongly in the fact that the alcohol industry has a responsibilty to the public in how they promote their prodcuts. In order to keep the threat of underage use of alcohol in perspective, the alcohol industry must step up and take responsibility for their image for the public in which they serve.