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SAMHSA News - November/December 2007, Volume 15, Number 6

SAMHSA News In Print 2007, Index-Volume 15

Index S-Y

This index includes entries for six issues of SAMHSA News for 2007. Each issue is numbered: January/February (1), March/April (2), May/June (3), July/August (4), September/October (5), and November/December (6). Specific pages follow. Entries in italics are publications.

covers of 2007 SAMHSA News issues




Safe Schools/Healthy Students (2) 9
 Congressional Justification (2) 9
 Health Information Network (4) 5, 7, 9-13; (5) 10, 11
 staff (3) 19; (5) 15
Scholastic, Inc. (2) 12
school mental health services (3) 7, 9
school violence (2) 9; (3) 3, 8, 9; (4) 8
Science and Service Awards (1) 13; (5) 15
Science to Service Initiative (2) 16
screening (2) 19; (3) 10; (4) 10; (5) 11
Screening and Assessment for Family Engagement, Retention, and
(4) 10
Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral, and Treatment (2) 8, 19; (3)
 3; (4) 11
seclusion and restraint (1) 6; (2) 6; (5) 7
serious mental illness (1) 11, 15; (2) 1-3, 9; (3) 7; (4) 9
services integration (5) 7, 11; (6) 6
Services Integration: Overview Paper 6 (5) 11
Social Security Disability Insurance (2) 1-5
Spanish-language publications (2) 13; (3) 15; (4) 6, 9
Spanish-language Web cast (2) 5
SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery-SOAR (2) 1-5
STAR-SI initiative (5) 1-5
State Estimates of Depression: 2004 and 2005 (3) 16
State Incentive Grants (1) 9; (4) 4
State Outcomes Measurement and Management System (2) 9
Stepping Stones to Recovery (2) 3, 4; (4) 15
stigma (2) 15; (3) 7, 9; (4) 9
Strategic Prevention Framework (1) 8-10; (3) 3; (4) 4
Strengthening Professional Identity: Challenges of the Addictions
 Treatment Workforce
(2) 17
Strengthening Treatment Access and Retention-State
 Implementation-STAR-SI (5) 1-5
Substance Abuse Among Older Adults: A Guide for Social Services
(1) 2
substance abuse prevention (1) 8-10; (2) 17; (3) 3; (4) 1-5
Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (3) 3; (4) 5
substance abuse treatment (See treatment)
Substance Abuse Treatment Advisory (3) 14
Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator (4) 13
Substance Abuse Treatment for Adults in the Criminal Justice System
 (5) 10
Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons with HIV/AIDS (3) 17
suicide prevention (1) 4, 5; (2) 6, 9; (3) 3, 19; (4) 6, 11; (6) 1-3, 10,
Suicide Prevention Resource Center (2) 9
Supplemental Security Income (2) 1-5
supportive housing (5) 7
Surgeon General's
 action guides (4) 8
 Call to Action To Prevent and Reduce Underage Drinking (2) 10-12;
  (4) 8
survivor assistance (3) 8

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TAP (See Technical Assistance Publications)
Targeted Capacity Expansion (2) 6; (3) 2, 4, 5; (4) 3, 11; (5) 6, 7
Technical Assistance Centers (1) 11
Technical Assistance Publications-TAP (1) 12; (3) 17; (4) 2, 5; (5) 10
TIP (See Treatment Improvement Protocols)
Tips for Teens: The Truth About Inhalants (4) 13
tobacco use (1) 10; (4) 8, 13; (5) 8, 9, 13
Too Smart To Start (1) 13
 addiction treatment (5) 6
 addiction treatment counseling (1) 12
 buprenorphine treatment (1) 7
 case workers of homeless (2) 1-5
 motivational enhancement (2) 13
The Training Point: An Uncommon Learning Exchange for Addictions
(3) 10
Transforming Housing for People with Psychiatric Disabilities Report
 (2) 7
trauma center screening (2) 19
trauma interventions (3) 8, 9
traumatic stress (5) 6
Treating Alcohol and Other Drug Abusers in Rural and Frontier Areas (4)
 access and retention (5) 1-5
 admissions (5) 2, 4
 drug courts (2) 8; (4) 11
 evidence-based (1) 13; (3) 10; (5) 2, 6, 7
 for alcohol abuse (1) 3; (5) 6
 integrated services (1) 1-5; (2) 6; (5) 7, 11
Treatment Episode Data Set (4) 3; (6) 12
Treatment Improvement Protocols-TIP (1) 12; (2) 13; (3) 11, 17; (4)
 12, 15; (5) 10
Treatment Planning: Utilizing the Addiction Severity Index (3) 11
Treatnet initiative (3) 10-12
Treatnet Training Volumes (3) 10
tribal organizations (5) 6

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Un amigo marca una gran diferencia (4) 9
underage alcohol use (1) 8, 10; (2) 10-12; (4) 8, 15; (5) 8, 9
Understanding Evidence-Based Practices for Co-Occurring Disorders:
 Overview Paper 5
(4) 11
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (3) 10, 12
U.S. Department of Defense (3) 19
U.S. Department of Education (2) 9
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2) 2, 10; (4) 5; (5)
 15; (6) 2
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (2) 2
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (1) 2, 4, 5; (3) 8, 19

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veterans (1) 2, 4; (3) 8, 19; (5) 10
violence (2) 9; (3) 3, 8, 9
Virginia Tech tragedy (3) 9
Vivitrol (3) 14
vouchers (2) 8; (5) 6

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Web casts (2) 5
What a Difference a Friend Makes (4) 9
What Is Substance Abuse Treatment? A Booklet for Families (4)
 13; (6) 13
White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (5) 6
 pregnant (4) 7, 13
 substance abuse programs for (4) 5, 13
Worker Substance Use and Workplace Policies and Programs (5) 12, 13
workforce development (1) 12; (2) 3, 6, 17; (3) 17; (4) 3
Workgroup on Afghanistan Mental Health (4) 5
workplace drug use and policies (5) 12, 13
World Drug Report 2006 (3) 10
World Health Organization (4) 5

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young adults and drug use (4) 13; (5) 8, 9; (6) 12
 alcohol abuse prevention (1) 8-11; (2) 10-12
 alcohol use (1) 8, 10; (2) 10-12; (3) 16; (4) 8; (5) 8, 9
 cigarette use (5) 9; (6) 13
 cocaine use (1) 10
 depression (3) 16
 first alcohol use (4) 8
 hallucinogen use (5) 8
 illicit drug use (3) 16; (4) 8; (5) 8, 9
 inhalant use (2) 17; (3) 16; (4) 13; (5) 8
 marijuana use (4) 13; (5) 8
 methamphetamine use (1) 10
 prescription drug misuse (5) 8
 substance abuse treatment (4) 13
 suicide prevention (2) 9; (6) 1-3, 10, 11
 violence (2) 9; (3) 3, 8

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covers of 2007 SAMHSA News issues


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Volume 15—Index A–D

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Volume 15—Index E–M

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Volume 15—Index N–R

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Inside This Issue
Preventing Suicide on College Campuses
Part 1
Part 2 - Gatekeeper Training
Part 3 - Stress Reduction
Campus Suicide Prevention Grants
Grantees List
Garrett Lee Smith's Story
Suicide Warning Signs
Administrator's Message: Making a Difference, Saving a Life

Access to Recovery: Enhancing Consumer Choice
Part 1
Part 2 - A Closer Look: Louisiana
Grant Updates
Safe Disposal of Prescription Drugs
Mental Health Report to Congress
Adolescents Do What Every Day?
Employers Honored for Behavioral Health Services
Tobacco & Youth: Synar Report
Co-Occurring Disorders: Systems Integration, Epidemiology
Evidence-Based Programs
Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese: Multi-Language Initiative
Expert Consultant Appointed at CMHS
DEA Exhibit Opens in Arlington, VA
Index to 2007 Issues
Index A-D
Index E-M
Index N-R
Index S-Y


SAMHSA News - November/December 2007, Volume 15, Number 6