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SAMHSA News - November/December 2007, Volume 15, Number 6

Garrett Lee Smith's Story

"Senator Gordon Smith has demonstrated the ability to turn a great personal loss into a selfless act that benefits the Nation," said A. Kathryn Power, M.Ed., Director of SAMHSA's Center for Mental Health Services.

The son of U.S. Senator Gordon Smith, J.D. (D-OR), Garrett Lee Smith loved the outdoors and spending time with family and friends.

Garrett also suffered from depression. He committed suicide the day before his twenty-second birthday.

Since then, Senator Smith has supported bipartisan legislation in Garrett's memory to help other families and communities stop suicide among the young. End of Article

« Preventing Suicide on College Campuses

« See Part 2 - Gatekeeper Training »

« See Part 3 - Stress Reduction

« Resources

« Campus Suicide Prevention Grants

« Grantees List

Suicide Warning Signs »

Administrator's Message: Making a Difference, Saving a Life »

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Inside This Issue
Preventing Suicide on College Campuses
Part 1
Part 2 - Gatekeeper Training
Part 3 - Stress Reduction
Campus Suicide Prevention Grants
Grantees List
Garrett Lee Smith's Story
Suicide Warning Signs
Administrator's Message: Making a Difference, Saving a Life

Access to Recovery: Enhancing Consumer Choice
Part 1
Part 2 - A Closer Look: Louisiana
Grant Updates
Safe Disposal of Prescription Drugs
Mental Health Report to Congress
Adolescents Do What Every Day?
Employers Honored for Behavioral Health Services
Tobacco & Youth: Synar Report
Co-Occurring Disorders: Systems Integration, Epidemiology
Evidence-Based Programs
Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese: Multi-Language Initiative
Expert Consultant Appointed at CMHS
DEA Exhibit Opens in Arlington, VA
Index to 2007 Issues
Index A-D
Index E-M
Index N-R
Index S-Y


SAMHSA News - November/December 2007, Volume 15, Number 6